Hillary claims the Bible is her "biggest influence"

I was brought up a strict southern baptist and have studied the bible extensively and in all my years I have yet to find the part that says the government should never be allowed to reflect the humanitarian values exemplified by the words of Jesus. When you heal the sick, feed the hungry, forgive your enemies and protect the downtrodden you practice true religion, the rest is just ritualistic mumbo-jumbo.
You studied the words but couldn't grasp the meanings. Jesus didn't preach a theocracy. His message was to change the inner man so your works reflected your spiritual awakening.

He clearly taught the division with the "give to Caesar that which is Caesar's" parable.

History proves what happens when the church unifies with the state. But I have a feeling your theocracy only includes what you deem important, everything else to be discarded.
Who's talking theocracy? The moral and ethical values I mentioned go beyond mere religion, they are the highest values any human can aspire to and make us kind and civilized people rather than savage beasts.
You are! You said to use the Bible to confiscate and redistribute according to your interpretation of Christian compassion. Don't blame me if you can't understand your own words.
I was brought up a strict southern baptist and have studied the bible extensively and in all my years I have yet to find the part that says the government should never be allowed to reflect the humanitarian values exemplified by the words of Jesus. When you heal the sick, feed the hungry, forgive your enemies and protect the downtrodden you practice true religion, the rest is just ritualistic mumbo-jumbo.
You studied the words but couldn't grasp the meanings. Jesus didn't preach a theocracy. His message was to change the inner man so your works reflected your spiritual awakening.

He clearly taught the division with the "give to Caesar that which is Caesar's" parable.

History proves what happens when the church unifies with the state. But I have a feeling your theocracy only includes what you deem important, everything else to be discarded.
Who's talking theocracy? The moral and ethical values I mentioned go beyond mere religion, they are the highest values any human can aspire to and make us kind and civilized people rather than savage beasts.
You are! You said to use the Bible to confiscate and redistribute according to your interpretation of Christian compassion. Don't blame me if you can't understand your own words.

If Hillary lives by the Bible I'm sure she will be donating her money to worthwhile causes. :)
I was brought up a strict southern baptist and have studied the bible extensively and in all my years I have yet to find the part that says the government should never be allowed to reflect the humanitarian values exemplified by the words of Jesus. When you heal the sick, feed the hungry, forgive your enemies and protect the downtrodden you practice true religion, the rest is just ritualistic mumbo-jumbo.
You studied the words but couldn't grasp the meanings. Jesus didn't preach a theocracy. His message was to change the inner man so your works reflected your spiritual awakening.

He clearly taught the division with the "give to Caesar that which is Caesar's" parable.

History proves what happens when the church unifies with the state. But I have a feeling your theocracy only includes what you deem important, everything else to be discarded.
Who's talking theocracy? The moral and ethical values I mentioned go beyond mere religion, they are the highest values any human can aspire to and make us kind and civilized people rather than savage beasts.
You are! You said to use the Bible to confiscate and redistribute according to your interpretation of Christian compassion. Don't blame me if you can't understand your own words.
I realize you think that Jesus allowed for his followers to put their wealth foremost in their lives but it was actually the opposite. If you want to object to the uses our tax money goes to it would be more christian to hate the stuff that hurts and kills other people than the stuff that helps. Taxes suck and the welfare state is a burden but it seems leaving things up to Christian charity and the blessings of God leaves a lot of people hungry and abandoned. Until a better solution to stubborn poverty comes along it's what we have.
LMAO Really?
Want to bet this is nothing but a political move?

Hillary Clinton Claims The Bible Is Her “Biggest Influence”

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced during a New York Times interviewthat the Holy Bible is the book that made her who she is today.

“If you had to name one book that made you who you are today, what would it be?” asked The New York Times, in a book review questionnaire.

“At the risk of appearing predictable, the Bible was and remains the biggest influence on my thinking,” Clinton said. “I was raised reading it, memorizing passages from it and being guided by it.”

“I still find it a source of wisdom, comfort and encouragement,” she added.

Hillary Clinton Claims The Bible Is Her Biggest Influence RedFlagNews.com
One thing we know for sure: The Bible has no effect on your thinking.
I was brought up a strict southern baptist and have studied the bible extensively and in all my years I have yet to find the part that says the government should never be allowed to reflect the humanitarian values exemplified by the words of Jesus. When you heal the sick, feed the hungry, forgive your enemies and protect the downtrodden you practice true religion, the rest is just ritualistic mumbo-jumbo.
You studied the words but couldn't grasp the meanings. Jesus didn't preach a theocracy. His message was to change the inner man so your works reflected your spiritual awakening.

He clearly taught the division with the "give to Caesar that which is Caesar's" parable.

History proves what happens when the church unifies with the state. But I have a feeling your theocracy only includes what you deem important, everything else to be discarded.
Who's talking theocracy? The moral and ethical values I mentioned go beyond mere religion, they are the highest values any human can aspire to and make us kind and civilized people rather than savage beasts.
You are! You said to use the Bible to confiscate and redistribute according to your interpretation of Christian compassion. Don't blame me if you can't understand your own words.

If Hillary lives by the Bible I'm sure she will be donating her money to worthwhile causes. :)
Yeah! The Clinton institute, or whatever it's called!
LMAO Really?
Want to bet this is nothing but a political move?

Hillary Clinton Claims The Bible Is Her “Biggest Influence”

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced during a New York Times interviewthat the Holy Bible is the book that made her who she is today.

“If you had to name one book that made you who you are today, what would it be?” asked The New York Times, in a book review questionnaire.

“At the risk of appearing predictable, the Bible was and remains the biggest influence on my thinking,” Clinton said. “I was raised reading it, memorizing passages from it and being guided by it.”

“I still find it a source of wisdom, comfort and encouragement,” she added.

Hillary Clinton Claims The Bible Is Her Biggest Influence RedFlagNews.com


Do you think that's why she joined GW Bush's crusade into Iraq?
She did support the war, didn't she? She has your full support, doesn't she? She says her biggest influence is the bible, doesn't she? Your gonna vote for her, aren't ya? Lol
Reminds me of the scene in "The Sum of All Fears" where the President's giving a speech and after various controversial lines names a state and how many electoral votes it's worth.

"The Bible is my biggest influence."

"80% of Americans are religious, half of those are Democrat, so that's gotta be at least 130 electoral votes." :)
Right. And that explains all the angry threads and posts directed at Pope Francis when he uses the Bible and it's passages as he addresses the poor, inequality, racism and pollution. Screams of "communist/socialist" directed at the Pope are quite common from the far right.
That's defending the Bible?
What makes the Pope immune from criticism? Liberals do it all the time, unless the Pope embraces Gays.

Wanna read a REAL criticism of the Pope by a TRUE Catholic? Read this, I dare ya'!
Prepost for a Repost Because the first time I posted it it was lacking in forthrightness Barnhardt
Pope Francis Bergoglio is dumb. He is an unintelligent man. He washed out of a doctorate program in Germany in the ’70s because he couldn’t hack it, which is saying something indeed, because the ’70s weren’t exactly intellectually rigorous. His extemporaneous speech is incoherent, wandering, rambling, nonsensical fog banks of thought. I have been told from EYEWITNESSES to his “sermonettes” every morning in Rome that he will literally lose his train of thought in mid-sentence (not that he actually speaks in COMPLETE sentences mind you), stand staring into space for 20 seconds, and then pick up on a completely different train of thought. His statements are staggeringly idiotic pastiches of meaningless buzz words, catchphrases and tropes. In other words, he speaks like the typical dimwitted 1970s Jesuit, post-modernist that he is. Just two examples from the past couple of weeks are these gems: “Corruption is worse than sin” and “Judas Iscariot wasn’t the worst sinner among the Apostles”. These are terrifying in their stupidity. Corruption IS a sin, so how can sin be worse than sin? And Judas Iscariot betrayed our Lord and then COMMITTED SUICIDE. I wonder, which of the other Apostles could beat suicide and Deicide?

I took your "dare", it was a yawning essay by some fella that certainly believes that all great men didn't or shouldn't have any flaws in their thought process.
Mitt Romney made a huge mistake regarding 'the 47%".
"W" had his WMD's and his ownership society.
Obama had his "57 states" and "you can keep your doctor".
Who's your ultimate hero? Has that person gone through life being perfect?

Now, the far right's pissing and moaning aren't about his flaws. They get pissed when he uses/paraphrases verses from the Bible because they don't like what the Bible says. They simply attack the messenger
(the Pope) but not the source of his message.

You know, neither the GOP or Democrats are 100% with the Bible. The Dems have their abortion support the GOP has issues with helping the poor/weak and taking care of God's Earth. They both go against the Bible in a consistent manner. In other words, the GOP and the Dems have absolutely no right to claim to be the party of God, that would be hypocrisy.
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I realize you think that Jesus allowed for his followers to put their wealth foremost in their lives but it was actually the opposite. If you want to object to the uses our tax money goes to it would be more christian to hate the stuff that hurts and kills other people than the stuff that helps. Taxes suck and the welfare state is a burden but it seems leaving things up to Christian charity and the blessings of God leaves a lot of people hungry and abandoned. Until a better solution to stubborn poverty comes along it's what we have.
I didn't say anything about Jesus and wealthy followers, you pulled that out of your ass. So no, you don't realize much of anything.

In the Bible, it teaches that someone begrudgingly giving in order to please God, is in no way pleasing God. Works without faith is dead. Therefore, it makes no sense to say Jesus would have wanted government to compel us to give. It's just the opposite of the teaching.

But it's interesting that you would cite the Bible on one hand, then declare it's useless on the other to make your argument for government wealth confiscation. You are very confused.
I realize you think that Jesus allowed for his followers to put their wealth foremost in their lives but it was actually the opposite. If you want to object to the uses our tax money goes to it would be more christian to hate the stuff that hurts and kills other people than the stuff that helps. Taxes suck and the welfare state is a burden but it seems leaving things up to Christian charity and the blessings of God leaves a lot of people hungry and abandoned. Until a better solution to stubborn poverty comes along it's what we have.
I didn't say anything about Jesus and wealthy followers, you pulled that out of your ass. So no, you don't realize much of anything.

In the Bible, it teaches that someone begrudgingly giving in order to please God, is in no way pleasing God. Works without faith is dead. Therefore, it makes no sense to say Jesus would have wanted government to compel us to give. It's just the opposite of the teaching.

But it's interesting that you would cite the Bible on one hand, then declare it's useless on the other to make your argument for government wealth confiscation. You are very confused.

They do this constantly and you don't know whether to laugh, cry or just roll your eyes
LMAO Really?
Want to bet this is nothing but a political move?

Hillary Clinton Claims The Bible Is Her “Biggest Influence”

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced during a New York Times interviewthat the Holy Bible is the book that made her who she is today.

“If you had to name one book that made you who you are today, what would it be?” asked The New York Times, in a book review questionnaire.

“At the risk of appearing predictable, the Bible was and remains the biggest influence on my thinking,” Clinton said. “I was raised reading it, memorizing passages from it and being guided by it.”

“I still find it a source of wisdom, comfort and encouragement,” she added.

Hillary Clinton Claims The Bible Is Her Biggest Influence RedFlagNews.com

Again, read the fine print. Here is obviously the Bible she was talking about:

The Communist Bible is a collection of ancient writings found in a cave near the Dead Sea in the summer of 43' by an illiterate sheep herder who was shooing a crow off his property in the nearby canyons. Originally, there was rumors that such a compilation of Soviet truths had been hidden somewhere in one of the Soviet satellite nations. Apparently, they were all very very very very very wrong.

Communist Bible - Uncyclopedia the content-free encyclopedia
"Her own made Liberal up version of reality you mean."

Liberals will defend The Vagina to the bitter end won't they?
I wouldn't vote for her, but you are in position to judge her religion anymore than she does yours...
There is also no religious test for the office, which makes this a moot subject anyhow...

By their fruits they shall be known.
She's full of shit. Again.

Her biggest influence was Saul Alinsky's "Rule for Radicals.

The Hillary Letters Washington Free Beacon

Does she not realize what her party thinks of people influenced by the Bible? Calls them "clingers".
That's your version of the Bible, the one that hates faggots, not her version, which follows the teachings of that rarely mentioned fellow named Jesus.

And that is why God burnt cities down for men screwing each other. ;)
Republicans think they own exclusive rights to the bible.
No, but we are the ones that defend it.

Right. And that explains all the angry threads and posts directed at Pope Francis when he uses the Bible and it's passages as he addresses the poor, inequality, racism and pollution. Screams of "communist/socialist" directed at the Pope are quite common from the far right.
That's defending the Bible?

I certainly love the Holy Father and pray for him, but when he attacks capitalism, the very engine that brings wealth into the coffers of Catholic charities, he's going to get criticized as well he should. Old he might be, but he still hasn't learned to tame his tongue as necessary for a man in his esteemed position, to weigh the consequences of his words, and when in doubt, to keep his opinions to himself.
...politicians claim to be Christian more as a marketing tool than as a fact.

right on, just look into the demorat party, they hate Christians, even the common "pixie in the sky" demorat crowd you will find right here on USMB !

right now, if most of the fucking wimpy liberscum did not have me on ignore, i can predict what kind of "hate mail" i would get, and it all would reflect on their raging hypocrisy, claiming their love of Jesus Christ , "GOD fearing" Sunday school teachers, Deacons etc.

dontcha just love a hypocrite ? :lmao:
...politicians claim to be Christian more as a marketing tool than as a fact.

right on, just look into the demorat party, they hate Christians, even the common "pixie in the sky" demorat crowd you will find right here on USMB !

right now, if most of the fucking wimpy liberscum did not have me on ignore, i can predict what kind of "hate mail" i would get, and it all would reflect on their raging hypocrisy, claiming their love of Jesus Christ , "GOD fearing" Sunday school teachers, Deacons etc.

dontcha just love a hypocrite ? :lmao:

Compared to what science, r&d investment and education has done for humanity. What exactly has god done for humanity lately?
church-going Christians?... Cafeteria Christians?

can you define what a Christian is ?

in fact.., can anyone reading this define, explain or elucidate upon what a Christian is and what does it take to be a Christian ?

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