Hillary Clinton Aide Tells Reporter To “Fuck Off”


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
This shows just how badly the DoS FUCKED UP!!

...and they want to blame it on a fucking video!!

Hillary Clinton Aide Tells Reporter To “Fuck Off” And “Have A Good Life”

On Sunday morning, BuzzFeed correspondent Michael Hastings emailed Philippe Reines, Hillary Clinton's longtime aide and personal spokesman at the State Department, asking a series of pointed questions about State's handling of the Benghazi fiasco, and Reines' over-the-top attack on CNN. The emails quickly got personal, with Reines calling Hastings an "unmitigated asshole" before an exchange of harsh words on both sides.

The email chain concluded with Reines writing that Hastings should "Fuck Off" and "Have a nice life."

The full exchange (with one typo fixed) is below.
the reporter is an asshole.

cnn behaved reprehensibly

the op agrees with the reporter

do the math :thup:
the reporter is an asshole.

cnn behaved reprehensibly

the op agrees with the reporter

do the math :thup:

I have to agree that CNN acted reprehensibly, but Hastings has a point, Why were CNN reporters able to find the diary? One would think if it was safe enough for CNN, it was safe enough for State or CIA to remove all sensitive material well before CNN made entry.

Seems like this Reines character is a good fit for the S of S. A raving bitch and can't answer a direct question.
the reporter is an asshole.

cnn behaved reprehensibly

the op agrees with the reporter

do the math :thup:

CNN behaved reprehensibly? Where have you been for the last two weeks?

I've been doing the math, and what we have here is an administration that tried to sell the idea that the assault on the Libyan consulate was a spontaneous protest, over a previously obscure video, that got out of hand, despite the fact that all of the evidence, readily available on the Internet, much of it official, clearly showed that it was a planned terrorist attack in retaliation for things that had nothing to do with the video.

Moreover, there was no protest going on at the consulate whatsoever before the attack!

Nevertheless, the Administration peddled the video-protest narrative for more than a week, all the while telling us that the matter was being investigated.


Then what's this nonsense about a protest getting out of hand before the investigation is complete?

For the most part the various network television news rooms colluded with the White House. Fox News and then CNN got tough with the administration over this bullshit. MSNBC is still mostly running interference for the White House.

Nevertheless, more and more Internet sites were blasting the White House and much of the MSM over this. The White House and a number of key news organizations within the MSM looked stupid as hell.

More Internet reports, more newspaper reports about the actual nature of the assault. . . .

Finally, Clinton held a press conference last week admitting what everybody else with an IQ above that of a gnat had know since the day after the attack: yes, the assault on the Libyan consulate was a planned terrorist attack perpetrated by a militia group that has ties with al-Quada flatly contradicting what the White House Press Secretary and Ambassador Rice had been claiming for days.

It wasn't a planned attack, but we really don't know the whole story yet. There's an ongoing investigation.​

LMAO! They used those very words: "not a planned attack"!

I'm convinced, the administration initially believed it could get away with the big lie because of the way much of the MSM initially shut Romney down for his comments about the Cairo Embassy's statement of appeasement, claiming almost immediately that Romney had blundered. According whom? The American people? Really? This was the narrative being spouted by the talking heads on NBC, ABC and CBS for the next few days especially. A narrative parading as journalism, a narrative parading as real opinion outside the beltway and the news rooms of network television. Made to order opinion.

Well, now, it's backfiring. Crumbling. Both the White House and much of the MSM look like damn fools.

That is what this reporter is really taking them to task for in this e-mail exchange, including the suggestion that once again the White House had no advanced warning of the attack, which we now know it did, but did not take seriously, an attack that was planned to take place on 9/11 of all days, an attack that the consulate was clearly and woefully unprepared to stop. Security, anyone?

As to what Romney now needs to do in the first debate regarding the White House's initial dissembling and the MSM's collusion: http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/249450-23-blame-embassy-attacks-on-video.html#post6050180

No. This reporter was doing his job as well as defending a war correspondent that was doing her job: both had had enough of the White House's bullshit. Sarcasm was past due. Contempt is called for.

Thanks for reading my post. Regards. Have a nice day.

M.D. Rawlings.
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Oh my, someone is lacking self-control...and was foolish enough to put it in writing.:lol:
This guy is still my favorite Republican. I even sent him $10 for his campaign. WTF, he's from Staten Island, which isn't going to vote for a local Democrat anyway.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPSJIjzpAlU]OBAMA question makes NY Politican drop "F-Bomb"! - YouTube[/ame]

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