Hillary Clinton Called Disabled Children Retards

I dunno that anything could get the dirt out of Hillary ... but someone has to win ... or in this case not lose.

The almost hourly cartoonish allegations only help HRC


The hypocrisy so reeks on you people, yet you smell nothing but daisies ...

Its true, everything is coming up roses for the Clintons about right now. Drumpf is losing ground. It appears that his campaign manager is about to be replaced. A clear sign that the campaign is perceived (from the inside) as being in trouble. If you’re going to be doing this as a calculated move, you announce it weeks in advance. Live and learn I guess.

Here is another sign that you’re in big trouble if you’re running for President. I don’t recall the date but it was announced on POTUS (XM Radio) this morning that Joe Biden would be speaking to a Think Tank today about Drumpf and pointing out how dangerous he would be in the foreign policy arena. This follows the previous week where Liz Warren delivered a devastating assessment of the small fraction of a man. The previous week saw Michelle Obama getting her punches in. Drumpf’s surrogates are nowhere to be found; I wonder if he has any credential or elected officials who will get in front of Drumpf and try to take some of the punches…

We know he’s either not very liquid or out of money all together. Micheal Steele, former RNC chairman, said stated recently that Drumpf is “Allowing himself to be defined” by the Clinton campaign. We recall that Romney was defined early and often by Obama and he went on to win in a landslide.

You're a Democrat partisan loonie. Hillary may win, but your view to tell that she smells like a cesspool and not a bouquet is frankly pretty funny. No one as arrogant, corrupt and dishonest as her is going to have the easy ride you whacked out Democrats all group think she will

never in the history of this country has a candidate with a 70% disapproval rating been elected....not even as bad as partisan RW loons want it to happen

Never in the history of this country has a candidate with a 55% disapproval rating been elected. History will be made ...

It's funny how you partisan Democrat loons keep focusing on the first stat ... and ignoring the second ...
Study the history of Progressives.

They are Elitists and do not respect life. Why do you think most are Pro-Abortion and Pro-Euthanasia?
You’re a Democrat partisan loonie.
Never registered as a Democrat. You’re simply wrong.
Hillary may win,
She will win. It appears more easily than likely even she imagined.

but your view to tell that she smells like a cesspool and not a bouquet is frankly pretty funny.
Not as hilarious as your attempt at prose there. What in the heck are you talking about?

No one as arrogant, corrupt and dishonest as her is going to have the easy ride you whacked out Democrats all group think she will

Drumpf is firing his campaign manager.
Drumpf is too cash poor to run ads at this time (they’re coming).
Drumpf is being defined very craftily by Clinton
Clinton’s surrogates are destroying Drumpf without him being able to lay a glove on her

He’s going to have some good days coming up. No doubt. But he’s a dead candidate walking right now.

Whether you "registered as a Democrat" is irrelevant when you keep shilling for them, sweetie
The almost hourly cartoonish allegations only help HRC


The hypocrisy so reeks on you people, yet you smell nothing but daisies ...

Its true, everything is coming up roses for the Clintons about right now. Drumpf is losing ground. It appears that his campaign manager is about to be replaced. A clear sign that the campaign is perceived (from the inside) as being in trouble. If you’re going to be doing this as a calculated move, you announce it weeks in advance. Live and learn I guess.

Here is another sign that you’re in big trouble if you’re running for President. I don’t recall the date but it was announced on POTUS (XM Radio) this morning that Joe Biden would be speaking to a Think Tank today about Drumpf and pointing out how dangerous he would be in the foreign policy arena. This follows the previous week where Liz Warren delivered a devastating assessment of the small fraction of a man. The previous week saw Michelle Obama getting her punches in. Drumpf’s surrogates are nowhere to be found; I wonder if he has any credential or elected officials who will get in front of Drumpf and try to take some of the punches…

We know he’s either not very liquid or out of money all together. Micheal Steele, former RNC chairman, said stated recently that Drumpf is “Allowing himself to be defined” by the Clinton campaign. We recall that Romney was defined early and often by Obama and he went on to win in a landslide.

You're a Democrat partisan loonie. Hillary may win, but your view to tell that she smells like a cesspool and not a bouquet is frankly pretty funny. No one as arrogant, corrupt and dishonest as her is going to have the easy ride you whacked out Democrats all group think she will

never in the history of this country has a candidate with a 70% disapproval rating been elected....not even as bad as partisan RW loons want it to happen
I agree, however, with a note of caution that first, The Fat Racist's numbers may improve if he stops the openly racist shit, including calling the president a terrorist, and second, Hillary's negatives would seem to disqualify her. I don't think Trump can, or wants to, change to any degree, but firing Corey may be as step towards trying to do that.

Agreed. Hillary's negatives are way more deeply entrenched. A lot of Trumps are from people who are more reacting to sound bites from the liberal media reporting on him. To your point he needs to cut down on the crazy shit, but it's far more changeable for him than for her
Ever notice how often This Weak on ABC "News" chooses to "report" something negative about Trumpy?

Like, they cannot say often enough there (and at the rest of ABC "News") that Trump has a massive unfavorability rating. But they don't seem quite as eager to note (at the same time or much at all) that Shrillary ALSO has a major unfavorability rating
Consider the source. On record as a rumor in a tell all book.

But it doesn't matter. The presumptive GOP nominee was caught on camera publicly mocking an insulting a disabled reporter, and the outrage meter barely made a blip.

It will be brought back up…

No doubt, but how did a f**kstick like that win the votes for nomination?

Simple. He’s a celebrity so he got attention immediately. He was funny; the GOP base finds such antics funny. And there is the much darker side of the GOP…the ever present need to “stick it” to someone. If her were making fun of someone who didn’t write for the Washington Post or someone who had some sympathies in the South he would have not gotten some traction from the disgusting antics. You’ll notice that he backed off of McCain REAL quick once the fallout started. The success comes when you “stick it” to someone who your base has been pre-programmed to hate. The attacks are on Obama, Clinton, the media, the Chinese… When he talks about making other nations pay for our protecting them..what nations are mentioned? Korea (who by the way pays $694 million for our “protection”). He could bring up anglo nations but…no. Those crafty Asians.
Consider the source. On record as a rumor in a tell all book.

But it doesn't matter. The presumptive GOP nominee was caught on camera publicly mocking an insulting a disabled reporter, and the outrage meter barely made a blip.

It will be brought back up…

No doubt, but how did a f**kstick like that win the votes for nomination?

Simple. He’s a celebrity so he got attention immediately. He was funny; the GOP base finds such antics funny. And there is the much darker side of the GOP…the ever present need to “stick it” to someone. If her were making fun of someone who didn’t write for the Washington Post or someone who had some sympathies in the South he would have not gotten some traction from the disgusting antics. You’ll notice that he backed off of McCain REAL quick once the fallout started. The success comes when you “stick it” to someone who your base has been pre-programmed to hate. The attacks are on Obama, Clinton, the media, the Chinese… When he talks about making other nations pay for our protecting them..what nations are mentioned? Korea (who by the way pays $694 million for our “protection”). He could bring up anglo nations but…no. Those crafty Asians.

The "I'm not a Democrat" again swallows and barfs up their talking points ...
It is on record and bill and hillary both used racial epithets.......yet they want to call The Donald a racist? The clintons are dirty ....very dirty....you name it they have done it...read the book on Bill Clinton...you would be shocked!

What Hillary Clinton called disabled children during Easter egg hunt

Poor desperate deranged loon

That she is...she needs to be run out of America...send her to Afreeka or some other hell hole until she repents and apoligizes for all the damage she has done. Obama was bad...hillary would be even worse.

The longer this election season goes ; two things happen over and over….

Clinton keeps on getting cleaner and Drumpf and his disgusting followers keep on getting dirtier.

And that's BEFORE Hillary's post indictment cleanliness bounce!

Wow, still holding out hope for some indictment….you get more pathetic every day.

No no. Very few people expect the partisan AG (the political appointee of the inept President) to EVER bust a move to actually hold Shrillary accountable for her behavior.

CrusaderFrunk seems to be placing Drumf’s hopes on some indictment. Perhaps you should debate him?
The longer this election season goes ; two things happen over and over….

Clinton keeps on getting cleaner and Drumpf and his disgusting followers keep on getting dirtier.

And that's BEFORE Hillary's post indictment cleanliness bounce!

Wow, still holding out hope for some indictment….you get more pathetic every day.

No no. Very few people expect the partisan AG (the political appointee of the inept President) to EVER bust a move to actually hold Shrillary accountable for her behavior.

CrusaderFrunk seems to be placing Drumf’s hopes on some indictment. Perhaps you should debate him?

I am quite sure you are incapable of speaking for CrusaderFrank since he is intelligent and you are not.
Consider the source. On record as a rumor in a tell all book.

But it doesn't matter. The presumptive GOP nominee was caught on camera publicly mocking an insulting a disabled reporter, and the outrage meter barely made a blip.

It will be brought back up…

No doubt, but how did a f**kstick like that win the votes for nomination?

Simple. He’s a celebrity so he got attention immediately. He was funny; the GOP base finds such antics funny. And there is the much darker side of the GOP…the ever present need to “stick it” to someone. If her were making fun of someone who didn’t write for the Washington Post or someone who had some sympathies in the South he would have not gotten some traction from the disgusting antics. You’ll notice that he backed off of McCain REAL quick once the fallout started. The success comes when you “stick it” to someone who your base has been pre-programmed to hate. The attacks are on Obama, Clinton, the media, the Chinese… When he talks about making other nations pay for our protecting them..what nations are mentioned? Korea (who by the way pays $694 million for our “protection”). He could bring up anglo nations but…no. Those crafty Asians.

The "I'm not a Democrat" again swallows and barfs up their talking points ...

Don’t know what to tell you. I’m not a Democrat. If I am using some of Clinton’s talking points its because they are correct and I agree with her on those points. I don’t see where she has mentioned the right wing need to “stick it” to someone in every deal and how that appeals to the “www is real” drumpf supporters.

But I’ll let you figure out if those were her points or not.
no, nutbar.... you're a rightwingnut freak.

Hillary is 12 points ahead of your bigoted fascist.

poor baby.[/QUOTE]

It's funny how it's our Bigoted Fascist.

Chick-fil-A donated food in Orlando for people donating blood and for first responders.

Churches offered "Free" use of sanctuaries for Funerals and Viewings

Hearse, Limos and Burial Plots were donated by Christian Groups
The longer this election season goes ; two things happen over and over….

Clinton keeps on getting cleaner and Drumpf and his disgusting followers keep on getting dirtier.

And that's BEFORE Hillary's post indictment cleanliness bounce!

Wow, still holding out hope for some indictment….you get more pathetic every day.

No no. Very few people expect the partisan AG (the political appointee of the inept President) to EVER bust a move to actually hold Shrillary accountable for her behavior.

CrusaderFrunk seems to be placing Drumf’s hopes on some indictment. Perhaps you should debate him?

it's more likely that the Donald gets indicted for fraud or for bribing prosecutors.

but the wingers couldn't care less about that....
Whether you "registered as a Democrat" is irrelevant when you keep shilling for them, sweetie

In the same way that the GOP nominee agrees with the KKK on some points but isn’t a member of the KKK??? I guess if you agree with someone once or twice, you’re a member of the group?
The longer this election season goes ; two things happen over and over….

Clinton keeps on getting cleaner and Drumpf and his disgusting followers keep on getting dirtier.

And that's BEFORE Hillary's post indictment cleanliness bounce!

Wow, still holding out hope for some indictment….you get more pathetic every day.

No no. Very few people expect the partisan AG (the political appointee of the inept President) to EVER bust a move to actually hold Shrillary accountable for her behavior.

CrusaderFrunk seems to be placing Drumf’s hopes on some indictment. Perhaps you should debate him?

it's more likely that the Donald gets indicted for fraud or for bribing prosecutors.

but the wingers couldn't care less about that....

And of course jilly has some credible basis for the irresponsible allegation that Trumpy bribed or attempted to bribe any prosecutor or that any prosecutor ever took a bribe for anything trumpy related.

Oh wait. Of course she doesn't.
The longer this election season goes ; two things happen over and over….

Clinton keeps on getting cleaner and Drumpf and his disgusting followers keep on getting dirtier.

And that's BEFORE Hillary's post indictment cleanliness bounce!

Wow, still holding out hope for some indictment….you get more pathetic every day.

No no. Very few people expect the partisan AG (the political appointee of the inept President) to EVER bust a move to actually hold Shrillary accountable for her behavior.

CrusaderFrunk seems to be placing Drumf’s hopes on some indictment. Perhaps you should debate him?

I am quite sure you are incapable of speaking for CrusaderFrank since he is intelligent and you are not.

Thanks for another reason to laugh at you. Not that I needed the other reason.
The longer this election season goes ; two things happen over and over….

Clinton keeps on getting cleaner and Drumpf and his disgusting followers keep on getting dirtier.

And that's BEFORE Hillary's post indictment cleanliness bounce!

Wow, still holding out hope for some indictment….you get more pathetic every day.

No no. Very few people expect the partisan AG (the political appointee of the inept President) to EVER bust a move to actually hold Shrillary accountable for her behavior.

CrusaderFrunk seems to be placing Drumf’s hopes on some indictment. Perhaps you should debate him?
What the Trumpeters consider something positive about Trump is something that horrifies or angers the maj of people. So, reporting what he actually says becomes "partisan."

I don't like Hillary, but there's a double standard. When she said "we're gonna put a lot of coal miners out of work" she was actually saying there's no way American policy won't do that because of market factors, but she wanted policy that would help them find new jobs. And that's not blatant pandering because former miners are asking for faster internet and tools that will fit their skill set.

The media is not taking Trump out of context at all. He's a gaffemeter.
no, nutbar.... you're a rightwingnut freak.

Hillary is 12 points ahead of your bigoted fascist.

poor baby.

It's funny how it's our Bigoted Fascist.

Chick-fil-A donated food in Orlando for people donating blood and for first responders.

Churches offered "Free" use of sanctuaries for Funerals and Viewings

Hearse, Limos and Burial Plots were donated by Christian Groups[/QUOTE]

that's nice..... chick fil-a still took disgusting theocratic positions.

now they want to give blood? again, that's nice of them. nicer still not to be discriminatory theocratic loons.who think they have the right to pretend that corporations have religion.

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