Hillary Clinton Called Disabled Children Retards

Wow, still holding out hope for some indictment….you get more pathetic every day.

No no. Very few people expect the partisan AG (the political appointee of the inept President) to EVER bust a move to actually hold Shrillary accountable for her behavior.

CrusaderFrunk seems to be placing Drumf’s hopes on some indictment. Perhaps you should debate him?

it's more likely that the Donald gets indicted for fraud or for bribing prosecutors.

but the wingers couldn't care less about that....

And of course jilly has some credible basis for the irresponsible allegation that Trumpy bribed or attempted to bribe any prosecutor or that any prosecutor ever took a bribe for anything trumpy related.

Oh wait. Of course she doesn't.

and you used to be semi-informed. I wouldn't be of the opinion I am if there wasn't a basis. unlike you and the other wingers....

read. inform yourself. note, the first article is from salon. the second is from the nypost which is edited by his own son-in-law.

you're welcome.

Trump University scandal looking more like corruption? Trump made political donations to attorneys general who dropped investigations

Trump donated to attorneys general who dropped Trump U. inquiries: report

You are both dishonest and a coward, candycornhole. The way it is supposed to work, candycornhole, is that if you wish to make a claim, the burden is on YOU to support it.

It is NOT supposed to be YOU make a claim and then impose some homework assignment on others to "find" support for YOUR claim.

I know you are a vapid nitwit and fundamentally dishonest, but you really should attempt to be a bit more honest and persuasive some day.

And the shit links YOU just pointed to in your always and typically weak ass effort has ZERO relationship to an attempted bribe. [Why the FUCK would you make a donation to someone who continued some baseless investigation into your activities?]

For it to constitute a 'bribe" or a bribe attempt or effort, it would pretty much be expected to be done ahead of time to influence the outcome.

Even a lummox such as you SHOULD be willing to hold off on making your implicit claim of corruption against the AG's in question until you have some actual evidence to support it. But integrity and decency and honesty and basic fairness are not in your arsenal.
You’re a Democrat partisan loonie.
Never registered as a Democrat. You’re simply wrong.
Hillary may win,
She will win. It appears more easily than likely even she imagined.

but your view to tell that she smells like a cesspool and not a bouquet is frankly pretty funny.
Not as hilarious as your attempt at prose there. What in the heck are you talking about?

No one as arrogant, corrupt and dishonest as her is going to have the easy ride you whacked out Democrats all group think she will

Drumpf is firing his campaign manager.
Drumpf is too cash poor to run ads at this time (they’re coming).
Drumpf is being defined very craftily by Clinton
Clinton’s surrogates are destroying Drumpf without him being able to lay a glove on her

He’s going to have some good days coming up. No doubt. But he’s a dead candidate walking right now.

I listen to joe scarborough in the morning and I actually feel badly for him.
On a positive side, he hasn't ruled out running for Potus ever. He may be the one guy who can kick the Trumpeters in the nuts and run a positive campaign in 2020. I don't see Rubio having the stones to do it, unfortunately.
Whether you "registered as a Democrat" is irrelevant when you keep shilling for them, sweetie

In the same way that the GOP nominee agrees with the KKK on some points but isn’t a member of the KKK??? I guess if you agree with someone once or twice, you’re a member of the group?


You think you agreed with Democrats "once or twice?" Now that's funny ...

No, but Drumpf seems to agree with the KKK. Thus making him a member; using your logic.

Look up Sen. Byrd of WV.

KKK was started by whom? Where? and Why?

Again, who Freed the Slaves?

Who were the Abolitionist?

How many GOP Governors are minorities? And how many minorities ran for POTUS in the GOP? And what was the average age?

And who ran for POTUS in the DNC?

and? that was before the kkk'ers all became republicans.

now shut up and learn some history.
You’re a Democrat partisan loonie.
Never registered as a Democrat. You’re simply wrong.
Hillary may win,
She will win. It appears more easily than likely even she imagined.

but your view to tell that she smells like a cesspool and not a bouquet is frankly pretty funny.
Not as hilarious as your attempt at prose there. What in the heck are you talking about?

No one as arrogant, corrupt and dishonest as her is going to have the easy ride you whacked out Democrats all group think she will

Drumpf is firing his campaign manager.
Drumpf is too cash poor to run ads at this time (they’re coming).
Drumpf is being defined very craftily by Clinton
Clinton’s surrogates are destroying Drumpf without him being able to lay a glove on her

He’s going to have some good days coming up. No doubt. But he’s a dead candidate walking right now.

I listen to joe scarborough in the morning and I actually feel badly for him.
On a positive side, he hasn't ruled out running for Potus ever. He may be the one guy who can kick the Trumpeters in the nuts and run a positive campaign in 2020. I don't see Rubio having the stones to do it, unfortunately.

I like joe. I just disagree with 99% of what he says. but I've always thought he was pretty decent.
It is on record and bill and hillary both used racial epithets.......yet they want to call The Donald a racist? The clintons are dirty ....very dirty....you name it they have done it...read the book on Bill Clinton...you would be shocked!

What Hillary Clinton called disabled children during Easter egg hunt
She is a slimy bitch of the first order. And the ass hat Republicans are forcing me to consider voting for her. I'd prefer a write-in, but if it's close, I've got to vote for this nasty piece of work. Thanks a bunch, folks.
Whether you "registered as a Democrat" is irrelevant when you keep shilling for them, sweetie

In the same way that the GOP nominee agrees with the KKK on some points but isn’t a member of the KKK??? I guess if you agree with someone once or twice, you’re a member of the group?


You think you agreed with Democrats "once or twice?" Now that's funny ...

No, but Drumpf seems to agree with the KKK. Thus making him a member; using your logic.

KKK was started by whom? Where? and Why?
Conservatives. The South. Because they're racist.
Last edited:
About the batjob the OP linked....

One of the women who claims Clinton intimidated her into not publishing a "tell-all" book about her relationship with Bill was Dolly Kyle Browning. (they'd never had an affair, she too, was looking to make bank...)

She admitted the book was a lie, and Browning "said "repeatedly" that "her story was not true but ... she was angry and needed money."

She had her day in Court. : https://www.cadc.uscourts.gov/inter...2191D1169185256F82005D3421/$file/01-5050a.txt

The case was thrown out.

It was appealed, and tossed out on it's head. "Complete rejection"

Clinton Sex Allegation Lawsuit Dropped

"Bryant’s opinion, dated Feb. 8 and filed Feb. 12, amounts to a complete rejection of the legal underpinnings of Browning’s case. The judge ruled the case was so flawed there was no need to proceed with depositions or a trial."
It is on record and bill and hillary both used racial epithets.......yet they want to call The Donald a racist? The clintons are dirty ....very dirty....you name it they have done it...read the book on Bill Clinton...you would be shocked!

What Hillary Clinton called disabled children during Easter egg hunt

Poor desperate deranged loon

That she is...she needs to be run out of America...send her to Afreeka or some other hell hole until she repents and apoligizes for all the damage she has done. Obama was bad...hillary would be even worse.
Her puke personality has little to do with how she would run the country. So, she's a sociopathic bitch. Doesn't mean she can't lead.
After all the above bull crap, read this:

Learning the Truth About the Clintons?

Yet another book telling us what she and her husband are really like. Her supporters will naturally attack the author, calling her a spurned lover (ignoring that cements the storiess out him cheating on her). And others will claim the source is nothing but a “right wing rag” with no credibility.

EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton once called disabled children at an Easter egg hunt 'f***ing ree-tards' and referred to Jews as 'stupid k***s' while Bill called Jesse Jackson a 'damned n****r,' claims Bill's former lover

Bill Clinton's former lover Dolly Kyle claims the Clinton couple regularly used racial epithets in her new book, Hillary: The Other Woman

She writes that Hillary was caught on record blurting out the terms 'stupid k**e' and 'f***ing Jew b*****d'

She says Bill called the Reverend Jesse Jackson a 'Goddamned n****r'

But rumors of Bill's trysts with black women were rampant in Little Rock

One prominent black female newscaster bragged openly about her relationship with the governor, although 'only' indulged in oral sex

Bill Clinton's 'three strikes' rule incarcerated 2.5 million people, including poor people of color who couldn't afford lawyers during their trials

When Hillary moved to Arkansas, she looked down her nose at what she viewed as 'ignorant hillbillies'

Read more: What Hillary Clinton called disabled children during Easter egg hunt
After all the above bull crap, read this:

Learning the Truth About the Clintons?

Yet another book telling us what she and her husband are really like. Her supporters will naturally attack the author, calling her a spurned lover (ignoring that cements the storiess out him cheating on her). And others will claim the source is nothing but a “right wing rag” with no credibility.

EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton once called disabled children at an Easter egg hunt 'f***ing ree-tards' and referred to Jews as 'stupid k***s' while Bill called Jesse Jackson a 'damned n****r,' claims Bill's former lover

Bill Clinton's former lover Dolly Kyle claims the Clinton couple regularly used racial epithets in her new book, Hillary: The Other Woman

She writes that Hillary was caught on record blurting out the terms 'stupid k**e' and 'f***ing Jew b*****d'

She says Bill called the Reverend Jesse Jackson a 'Goddamned n****r'

But rumors of Bill's trysts with black women were rampant in Little Rock

One prominent black female newscaster bragged openly about her relationship with the governor, although 'only' indulged in oral sex

Bill Clinton's 'three strikes' rule incarcerated 2.5 million people, including poor people of color who couldn't afford lawyers during their trials

When Hillary moved to Arkansas, she looked down her nose at what she viewed as 'ignorant hillbillies'

Read more: What Hillary Clinton called disabled children during Easter egg hunt
What?? Bill Clinton cheated on his wife?? Are you sure?
After all the above bull crap, read this:

Learning the Truth About the Clintons?

Yet another book telling us what she and her husband are really like. Her supporters will naturally attack the author, calling her a spurned lover (ignoring that cements the storiess out him cheating on her). And others will claim the source is nothing but a “right wing rag” with no credibility.

EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton once called disabled children at an Easter egg hunt 'f***ing ree-tards' and referred to Jews as 'stupid k***s' while Bill called Jesse Jackson a 'damned n****r,' claims Bill's former lover

Bill Clinton's former lover Dolly Kyle claims the Clinton couple regularly used racial epithets in her new book, Hillary: The Other Woman

She writes that Hillary was caught on record blurting out the terms 'stupid k**e' and 'f***ing Jew b*****d'

She says Bill called the Reverend Jesse Jackson a 'Goddamned n****r'

But rumors of Bill's trysts with black women were rampant in Little Rock

One prominent black female newscaster bragged openly about her relationship with the governor, although 'only' indulged in oral sex

Bill Clinton's 'three strikes' rule incarcerated 2.5 million people, including poor people of color who couldn't afford lawyers during their trials

When Hillary moved to Arkansas, she looked down her nose at what she viewed as 'ignorant hillbillies'

Read more: What Hillary Clinton called disabled children during Easter egg hunt
What?? Bill Clinton cheated on his wife?? Are you sure?

dullknife is a tad slow be kind ,,
Whether you "registered as a Democrat" is irrelevant when you keep shilling for them, sweetie

In the same way that the GOP nominee agrees with the KKK on some points but isn’t a member of the KKK??? I guess if you agree with someone once or twice, you’re a member of the group?


You think you agreed with Democrats "once or twice?" Now that's funny ...

No, but Drumpf seems to agree with the KKK. Thus making him a member; using your logic.

Again regurgitating Democrat talking points. How does Trump "agree" with the KKK? That's ridiculous

Did he disavow Duke instantly? Oh yeah, it was a bad earpiece…. LOL. The point isn’t wether or not he’s a member of the KKK. It’s the idiocy of your position and the insistence that if you agree with someone, that makes you a “member” of their group.

How does Trump "agree" with the KKK again?
Last edited:
It is on record and bill and hillary both used racial epithets.......yet they want to call The Donald a racist? The clintons are dirty ....very dirty....you name it they have done it...read the book on Bill Clinton...you would be shocked!

What Hillary Clinton called disabled children during Easter egg hunt

Poor desperate deranged loon

That she is...she needs to be run out of America...send her to Afreeka or some other hell hole until she repents and apoligizes for all the damage she has done. Obama was bad...hillary would be even worse.
Her puke personality has little to do with how she would run the country. So, she's a sociopathic bitch. Doesn't mean she can't lead.

You seem to be confusing her with trump
Whether you "registered as a Democrat" is irrelevant when you keep shilling for them, sweetie

In the same way that the GOP nominee agrees with the KKK on some points but isn’t a member of the KKK??? I guess if you agree with someone once or twice, you’re a member of the group?


You think you agreed with Democrats "once or twice?" Now that's funny ...

No, but Drumpf seems to agree with the KKK. Thus making him a member; using your logic.

Look up Sen. Byrd of WV.

KKK was started by whom? Where? and Why?

Again, who Freed the Slaves?

Who were the Abolitionist?

How many GOP Governors are minorities? And how many minorities ran for POTUS in the GOP? And what was the average age?

And who ran for POTUS in the DNC?

Originally the KKK was the Southern Insurgency against the Northern occupation. There were other times in history that it raised it's ugly head. Liberals of the day freed the slaves.
In the same way that the GOP nominee agrees with the KKK on some points but isn’t a member of the KKK??? I guess if you agree with someone once or twice, you’re a member of the group?


You think you agreed with Democrats "once or twice?" Now that's funny ...

No, but Drumpf seems to agree with the KKK. Thus making him a member; using your logic.

Again regurgitating Democrat talking points. How does Trump "agree" with the KKK? That's ridiculous

Did he disavow Duke instantly? Oh yeah, it was a bad earpiece…. LOL. The point isn’t wether or not he’s a member of the KKK. It’s the idiocy of your position and the insistence that if you agree with someone, that makes you a “member” of their group.

OK, so by your definition, Hillary is an American Communist since they are endorsing her instead of running their own candidate.

I'm going to put that in my sig:

CandyCorn: Hillary is a "member" of the American Communist Party. Note I quoted your quote to make it accurate
Are you getting desparate? Throwing out the commy card is like when we compare republic fascists to Hitler's demagogery
It is on record and bill and hillary both used racial epithets.......yet they want to call The Donald a racist? The clintons are dirty ....very dirty....you name it they have done it...read the book on Bill Clinton...you would be shocked!

What Hillary Clinton called disabled children during Easter egg hunt

Poor desperate deranged loon

That she is...she needs to be run out of America...send her to Afreeka or some other hell hole until she repents and apoligizes for all the damage she has done. Obama was bad...hillary would be even worse.
Her puke personality has little to do with how she would run the country. So, she's a sociopathic bitch. Doesn't mean she can't lead.

Benghazi showed you she can't lead.

Let's try something other than the establishment.
Whether you "registered as a Democrat" is irrelevant when you keep shilling for them, sweetie

In the same way that the GOP nominee agrees with the KKK on some points but isn’t a member of the KKK??? I guess if you agree with someone once or twice, you’re a member of the group?


You think you agreed with Democrats "once or twice?" Now that's funny ...

No, but Drumpf seems to agree with the KKK. Thus making him a member; using your logic.

Again regurgitating Democrat talking points. How does Trump "agree" with the KKK? That's ridiculous

Did he disavow Duke instantly? Oh yeah, it was a bad earpiece…. LOL. The point isn’t wether or not he’s a member of the KKK. It’s the idiocy of your position and the insistence that if you agree with someone, that makes you a “member” of their group.

Agreeing with someone once and agreeing with them all the time like you do with Democrats are entirely different things

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