Hillary Clinton: 'Fully Licensed, Fully Validated Gun Owners Can't Be Trusted'.

So people who follow the law cant be trusted? Wtf kind of liberal logic is that. I guess we need to let people out of prison, because they behave so well there

Not all laws. Just those who follow immigration laws and those who love our constitution and bill of rights are considered whackos by the radical lefties.

We're supposed to follow like blind sheep. If we don't, we will be attacked by the liberals. They want total compliance with all of their crazy agenda and will not tolerate anything less. They are the most intolerant group ever.

The radical agenda calls for disarming the people. They have one hell of a fight on their hands because they haven't managed to indoctrinate enough people to have their way. If they grant amnesty, that will help them, but polls show more and more Americans are getting fed up with their bullshit. Even some Dems have turned. Hillary seems to think that she can be as radical as Obama and get away with it. She's in for a surprise.
Actually, hardly a week goes by that some Democrat doesn't open fire on innocent people. Later we learn he acquired the gun legally.

The Democrats here then attempt to disarm all law abiding citizens as the solution.

Its not just that our laws are too lenient. Our Democrats are just too stupid.

They're downright laughable.

And a huge majority of America agrees.

Took some effort but I got your post fixed.

Too bad you can't fix the wording (lie) on your avatar. Makes you look like a terrorist.
Actually, hardly a week goes by that some Democrat doesn't open fire on innocent people. Later we learn he acquired the gun legally.

The Democrats here then attempt to disarm all law abiding citizens as the solution.

Its not just that our laws are too lenient. Our Democrats are just too stupid.

They're downright laughable.

And a huge majority of America agrees.

Took some effort but I got your post fixed.

Too bad you can't fix the wording (lie) on your avatar. Makes you look like a terrorist.

Holy shit, so now not taking government bailouts makes you a terrorist.
Fully licensed lawyers can't be trusted either, because of conflicts of interest.
But no politician will go after legal and judicial abuse, because of conflicts of interest.

They will just pick partisan issues that are easy to pick on.

Only found ONE serious candidate (Vern Wuensche) who brought up the monopoly of lawyers, judges and their campaign interests on not only our legal and legislative system, but all branches of govt. But no one will touch this issue or promote an independent candidate who threatens the career politicians who monopolize the system as it.

Not even the Conservatives and Republicans will back this guy, because they cannot control him and play any of the usual games. Look up voteforvern.com | take America back and
LegalReform-Now.org Homepage.

We need more candidates and leaders like this from both the left and the right who push solutions that make sense and work across party lines. But neither party wants to give up their monopoly, so both sides lose while political profiteers gain from reinforcing division.

She will never get elected president with thoughts like this. This shows she is too liberal and completely insane.

Hillary Clinton: Gun Laws Are Too Lenient, Must Be 'Reined In'
She hasn't even thrown her broomstick into the Presidential ring yet and she's already on the path of fucking it up.

Every time I see one of these pathetic attack threads -- you the know the one's, where any intelligence person knows the quote has just been ripped out of context to be used to inflame the illiterate angry base -- I now say the same thing: "Finish the sentence." What did she say right before and right after -- give us the context.

This is a form of lying, ripping things out of context.

Just like a lib propagandist who edits clips out of context-- you have become what you distain.

So people who follow the law cant be trusted?

Steve_McGarrett made that up. You should know by now that Steve_McGarrett is the one who cannot be trusted.

Let me get this straight, when Hillary Clinton said "At the rate we’re going, we’re going to have so many people with guns everywhere, fully licensed, fully validated, in settings where [one] could be in a movie theater, and they don’t like someone chewing gum loudly or talking on their cell phone and decide they have the perfect right to defend themselves against the gum chewer or cell phone user by shooting,” McGarrett made it up, even though it was quoted that way at both Politico and ABC.

Hillary Clinton pushes gun control, Obamacare - Katie Glueck - POLITICO.com

Hillary Clinton: Gun Culture 'Way out of Balance' - ABC News

Thanks for proving you are a lying scumbag and a fucking hack.

He put 'Fully Licensed, Fully Validated Gun Owners Can't Be Trusted' in quotes, you gullible retard. He made up a quote. She did not say that.
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Steve_McGarrett made that up. You should know by now that Steve_McGarrett is the one who cannot be trusted.

Let me get this straight, when Hillary Clinton said "At the rate we’re going, we’re going to have so many people with guns everywhere, fully licensed, fully validated, in settings where [one] could be in a movie theater, and they don’t like someone chewing gum loudly or talking on their cell phone and decide they have the perfect right to defend themselves against the gum chewer or cell phone user by shooting,” McGarrett made it up, even though it was quoted that way at both Politico and ABC.

Hillary Clinton pushes gun control, Obamacare - Katie Glueck - POLITICO.com

Hillary Clinton: Gun Culture 'Way out of Balance' - ABC News

Thanks for proving you are a lying scumbag and a fucking hack.

He put 'Fully Licensed, Fully Validated Gun Owners Can't Be Trusted' in quotes, you gullible retard. He made up a quote. She did not say that.

Actually he put in between apostrophes not quotes and the effect of what she said was exactly that. She insinuated that a person licensed to carry a gun would shoot someone over a phone call or chewing gum. I'd say from that statement she doesn't trust them. What would you say, and don't try to hide behind semantics, they're the last bastion of a loser.
Hillary Clinton’s State Dept. Blocked Terrorist Designation for Boko Haram!

*National Review ^

We must stand up to terrorism,” bleated Hillary Clinton a few days ago in a tweet expressing outrage against BokoHaram, the jihadist organization that has abducted hundreds of young girls in Nigeria. Yet, when she was actually in a position to stand up to Boko Haram’s terrorism as secretary of state, Mrs. Clinton instead protected the group.At the Daily Beast, Josh Rogin reports: The State Department under Hillary Clinton fought hard against placing the al Qaeda-linked militant group Boko Haram on its official list of foreign terrorist organizations for two years. And now, lawmakers and former U.S. officials are saying that the decision may have hampered the...
As always Hillary panders to the low information left wing base which includes most of the fawning liberal media.

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