Hillary Clinton In Iowa - Candidacy All But Announced

She's a liar. She's been caught lying and covering things up. Why would anyone vote for her? WTH??
They all lie and cover up things. All of them, democrat and republican. All of them and all to pretty much the same extent.

They do because people (apparently) accept it. They continue to vote for them.
People don't like or accept honesty. We get what we deserve. The very best people don't run or can't run for various reasons, including honesty and the ability to raise millions of dollars for an American presidential election campaign. It's a disgrace how much time and money we waste on campaigns.
The dems used her like a whore in 2008. Will they kick her back to the alley in 2016. It'll be hard to put enough lipstick on that pig.

sounds like a lot of wishful thinking.

frankly, the way republicans have savaged each other in the last two cycles was a 100 times worse than anything Obama did to Hillary.

They're supposed to beat each other over the head in the primaries. I'm talking dems voters who kicked the hil to the back alleys and are dragging that bag back out.

Which ones did this?

All of the ones currently cheering for the hil.
She knows her health, or lack thereof, is a potential campaign problem.

Maybe this means she's been given a clean bill of health.


You are exactly the sucker they are looking for. Lol. Unbelievable.

Basically, you are stating that we should aim higher than the current status quo as far as our politicians go? We should just accept that they lie and cover things up, and continue to vote them into office? Ugh! That is AWFUL.

No, I am saying that voting is an exchange. You vote for someone, you get policies you want put into place.

I'm not voting for a moral paragon. I really don't care why they rioted in Benghazi.

If Jeb becomes President, what we will get is the big corporations being allowed to run roughshod over working folks like me...

Things were pretty good for working folks under Bill Clinton. If Hillary can replicate that, she can lie about whatever she wants.

You are exactly the sucker they are looking for. Lol. Unbelievable.

Basically, you are stating that we should aim higher than the current status quo as far as our politicians go? We should just accept that they lie and cover things up, and continue to vote them into office? Ugh! That is AWFUL.

No, I am saying that voting is an exchange. You vote for someone, you get policies you want put into place.

I'm not voting for a moral paragon. I really don't care why they rioted in Benghazi.

If Jeb becomes President, what we will get is the big corporations being allowed to run roughshod over working folks like me...

Things were pretty good for working folks under Bill Clinton. If Hillary can replicate that, she can lie about whatever she wants.

I cannot in good conscience vote for a person who is a proven liar. Of course she can't replicate that. It's completely different times, complications and circumstances.
And the best you can offer is insults, as always.

Hillary will run.
She will win the nomination.
She will win the GE with around, maybe slightly over 57% and will sail over 400 EV.

Have fun with your anger issues, Rabbi.

Hillary will crash and burn and Liz Warren will take it, with Sanders as VP. Count on it.
Be prepared to become the Whig Party of the 21st century.

again, I keep asking you, where are you going to get the votes?

You guys have maxed out at about 59 million votes. You haven't gone above that int he last few elections.

YOu need to get people who voted for Obama the last few times to vote for your guy the next time.

Incorrect. Romney got 60,934,407 (61 million) votes in 2012. Only, Obama got 69.5 million in 2008 and 65.9 million in 2012. The GOP has not even come close to that, nor will they in 2016.
Is this the best we can do for candidates? Same old, same old. How disappointing.

So you guys complain about Obama because "we didn't know who he was" and then you complain about Hillary because she's "Same old, same old."?

Well there must be a happy medium between the old hag and the wet behind the ears senator.


His name is Jesus.

Go see if you can book him for the gig.
She's a liar. She's been caught lying and covering things up. Why would anyone vote for her? WTH??
They all lie and cover up things. All of them, democrat and republican. All of them and all to pretty much the same extent.
So why would you support her?

It isnt true. "They all do it" is the stupid man's argument because he can't distinguish similar but different things. It's one thing to say "I will vote to repeal Obamacare". Everyone knows that while the vote is nice, it wont mean much in this environment. It's another to say "If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan" knowing full well that is not the case.

You are exactly the sucker they are looking for. Lol. Unbelievable.

Basically, you are stating that we should aim higher than the current status quo as far as our politicians go? We should just accept that they lie and cover things up, and continue to vote them into office? Ugh! That is AWFUL.

No, I am saying that voting is an exchange. You vote for someone, you get policies you want put into place.

I'm not voting for a moral paragon. I really don't care why they rioted in Benghazi.

If Jeb becomes President, what we will get is the big corporations being allowed to run roughshod over working folks like me...

Things were pretty good for working folks under Bill Clinton. If Hillary can replicate that, she can lie about whatever she wants.

I cannot in good conscience vote for a person who is a proven liar. Of course she can't replicate that. It's completely different times, complications and circumstances.

Yep she's pathetic, lies at the funeral of our dead tells you all you need to know about this scum

Is this the best we can do for candidates? Same old, same old. How disappointing.

So you guys complain about Obama because "we didn't know who he was" and then you complain about Hillary because she's "Same old, same old."?

Well there must be a happy medium between the old hag and the wet behind the ears senator.


His name is Jesus.

Go see if you can book him for the gig.

Liberalism is your religion ...Follower
Is this the best we can do for candidates? Same old, same old. How disappointing.

So you guys complain about Obama because "we didn't know who he was" and then you complain about Hillary because she's "Same old, same old."?

Well there must be a happy medium between the old hag and the wet behind the ears senator.


His name is Jesus.

Go see if you can book him for the gig.

Liberalism is your religion ...Follower

You poor guy, you.
Is this the best we can do for candidates? Same old, same old. How disappointing.

So you guys complain about Obama because "we didn't know who he was" and then you complain about Hillary because she's "Same old, same old."?

Well there must be a happy medium between the old hag and the wet behind the ears senator.


His name is Jesus.

Go see if you can book him for the gig.

Liberalism is your religion ...Follower

You poor guy, you.
You're the one who should be worried...socialist
Hope she does run. With the baggage she is carrying, don't think she has a chance but with just a certain core within the Democratic party, and independents will think twice before voting for her.
I can't believe she would consider running or that anyone would consider voting for a proven liar.
I can't believe she would consider running or that anyone would consider voting for a proven liar.

You realize that you sound kind of like the liberal in 1972 who didn't understand why Nixon won because nobody she knew voted for him.
Righties just have absolutely no idea in the world what kind of steamroller is about to hit them.

Forget 2014. The real fun will be 2016!!
Righties just have absolutely no idea in the world what kind of steamroller is about to hit them.

Forget 2014. The real fun will be 2016!!
What's that? Establishment Hillary will not get nomination from a now crazed leftist political party.

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