Hillary Clinton just described abortion as an intimate thing

Intimate as in mind your fucking business, for a bunch of people who want the government to "stay out of our lives" You want it to get all up in the wombs of America's women. To a conservative it is clear women are second class citizens. Why any woman votes republican is incomprehensible.
Why a woman needs to kill a baby in the 7,8,9th month is incomprehensible
None of my business and none of your business.

We are murdering the innocent. It is all of our business. Slit a puppy's neck and watch the country seize in horror. But the picture above, nothing. Look at that baby, and a baby that was allowed to be born. Now rip both's legs off. Do you actually believe one will feel the crushing pain and the other feels nothing? It is barbaric.
Maybe if you don't like it you should connect those concerned feelings with the cold hearted fuck-the-moochers opinion you have when you want to cut all the social programs come budget time. Seriously, poor women have abortions because they cannot afford to take care of a child than for any other reason. What would you do to make sure no woman feels forced into an abortion because they cannot work and take care of a kid on their own?
You mean force the baby....
And she believes in abortion weeks before the baby is full term. Anyone who can suggest that it's okay to kill a baby that could easily survive with a little care is an animal. It's complete bullshit to claim late term abortions are to save the mother's life. The quickest way to remove the baby would be C-section if the mother's life was in danger and killing the baby does not increase the health of the mother, in fact would endanger the mother to stop the birth halfway through to kill the baby. Even the left won't admit that the object is to kill the child and control the population. I think they'd allow doctors to kill babies right up till they were born, maybe even immediately after.

Even in early abortions, doctors have noted that the fetus feels pain and fights when the needle goes in. You have to have a strong stomach to perform one and those that don't like killing any form of life should not be forced to do them. It's not really healthcare, it's just killing the majority of the time and the left needs to stop pretending that it isn't. If the mother's life is in danger early on, which is very rare, then it's a matter of saving a woman's life, but we all know that isn't the case in most abortions.

Women should just prevent unwanted pregnancies. Not that difficult. And if they want to terminate the pregnancy, then use the morning after pill or decide on an abortion before the fetus is a cute little baby when it comes out. By the way, that can be as soon as 20 weeks.

Think of the hospital staff, who are sworn to save lives and how they must feel if they deliberately have to kill something they'd rather pick up and hug.
Why a woman needs to kill a baby in the 7,8,9th month is incomprehensible
None of my business and none of your business.
Actually you are quite correct, as no one should have the right to stop any person who is dumb enough to vote for hillypoo from killing their children, as this clearly will make America a better place for all.

So please kill your kids, with my blessing
If conservatives were not continually trying to cut social programs for kids and their single mothers and destroy systems to get birth control and prenatal care to poor unwed mothers I might even believe you give a shit about kids.
Planned parenthood is nothing but a killing field for African American women, who the Democratic party wants to kill their kids.

Try loving life, you might be surprised at the joy you might find.

But no you choose the bleakness of death over life every day.

The more you talk the more you prove you don't really give a shit about the reality of being poor and alone in an unplanned pregnancy. Don't get me wrong here, I do not like abortion, it is terrible choice that is forced upon women every day. After all this time people have forgotten the horrors and tragedies that made legalizing abortion a good idea, not that you care about any of that.

Bullshit. We have a before pill, a morning after pill and a litany of other non pregnancy devices these days. If you are too stupid to not get pregnant, then you are too stupid to choose that child's fate. To be able to birth a child's head and then slit it neck, or crush it's skull is horrific for any living thing. That baby on the table had very well developed nerve endings. The pain was unimaginable. How gruesome will we become in the name of woman's rights? How about we kill them up to one year, if things aren't working out the way the woman expected........
None of my business and none of your business.
Actually you are quite correct, as no one should have the right to stop any person who is dumb enough to vote for hillypoo from killing their children, as this clearly will make America a better place for all.

So please kill your kids, with my blessing
If conservatives were not continually trying to cut social programs for kids and their single mothers and destroy systems to get birth control and prenatal care to poor unwed mothers I might even believe you give a shit about kids.
Planned parenthood is nothing but a killing field for African American women, who the Democratic party wants to kill their kids.

Try loving life, you might be surprised at the joy you might find.

But no you choose the bleakness of death over life every day.

The more you talk the more you prove you don't really give a shit about the reality of being poor and alone in an unplanned pregnancy. Don't get me wrong here, I do not like abortion, it is terrible choice that is forced upon women every day. After all this time people have forgotten the horrors and tragedies that made legalizing abortion a good idea, not that you care about any of that.

Bullshit. We have a before pill, a morning after pill and a litany of other non pregnancy devices these days. If you are too stupid to not get pregnant, then you are too stupid to choose that child's fate. To be able to birth a child's head and then slit it neck, or crush it's skull is horrific for any living thing. How gruesome will we become in the name of woman's rights? How about we kill them up to one year, if things aren't working out the way the woman expected........
Yeah, you people want to defund the biggest supplier of free contraception to poor women and make the "abortion pill" illegal.
Think of the hospital staff, who are sworn to save lives and how they must feel if they deliberately have to kill something they'd rather pick up and hug.

Read the Congressional testimonies of the nurses that are having to endure this. They ARE picking the babies up and holding them, sometimes for over an hour until the little baby finally gives up and dies. Hiding with them in closets and sobbing while the babies struggle to breath.
This crazy idea that these are zygotes and so it's ok, is truly insane. If you believe that then go witness an abortion. If abortion nurses can't take it, I bet your conscience would also find it hard to bear. You can watch anything on the internet. Except abortions because they are just that obscene.
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Think of the hospital staff, who are sworn to save lives and how they must feel if they deliberately have to kill something they'd rather pick up and hug.

Read the Congressional testimonies of the nurses that are having to endure this. They ARE picking the babies up and holding them, sometimes for over an hour until the little baby finally gives up and dies. Hiding with them in closets and sobbing while the babies struggle to breath.
This crazy idea that these are zygotes and so it's ok, is truly insane. If you believe that then go witness an abortion. If abortion nurses can't take it, I bet your conscience would kick in also. You can watch anything on the internet. Except abortions because they are just that obscene.
OK enough trying to make the relatively rare late term abortion that is done mainly in the case of severe birth defects the reason to ban them all. Going to be more of those if there is not a coordinated response to the Zika virus by next spring. Congress???? (crickets).
Intimate as in mind your fucking business, for a bunch of people who want the government to "stay out of our lives" You want it to get all up in the wombs of America's women. To a conservative it is clear women are second class citizens. Why any woman votes republican is incomprehensible.
Why a woman needs to kill a baby in the 7,8,9th month is incomprehensible
None of my business and none of your business.
Actually you are quite correct, as no one should have the right to stop any person who is dumb enough to vote for hillypoo from killing their children, as this clearly will make America a better place for all.

So please kill your kids, with my blessing
If conservatives were not continually trying to cut social programs for kids and their single mothers and destroy systems to get birth control and prenatal care to poor unwed mothers I might even believe you give a shit about kids.
GFY, Hillary.
Actually you are quite correct, as no one should have the right to stop any person who is dumb enough to vote for hillypoo from killing their children, as this clearly will make America a better place for all.

So please kill your kids, with my blessing
If conservatives were not continually trying to cut social programs for kids and their single mothers and destroy systems to get birth control and prenatal care to poor unwed mothers I might even believe you give a shit about kids.
Planned parenthood is nothing but a killing field for African American women, who the Democratic party wants to kill their kids.

Try loving life, you might be surprised at the joy you might find.

But no you choose the bleakness of death over life every day.

The more you talk the more you prove you don't really give a shit about the reality of being poor and alone in an unplanned pregnancy. Don't get me wrong here, I do not like abortion, it is terrible choice that is forced upon women every day. After all this time people have forgotten the horrors and tragedies that made legalizing abortion a good idea, not that you care about any of that.

Bullshit. We have a before pill, a morning after pill and a litany of other non pregnancy devices these days. If you are too stupid to not get pregnant, then you are too stupid to choose that child's fate. To be able to birth a child's head and then slit it neck, or crush it's skull is horrific for any living thing. How gruesome will we become in the name of woman's rights? How about we kill them up to one year, if things aren't working out the way the woman expected........
Yeah, you people want to defund the biggest supplier of free contraception to poor women and make the "abortion pill" illegal.

Bullshit. All of that is covered under Obamacare. I don't believe I should be forced to pay for something I so strongly believe is murder.
Think of the hospital staff, who are sworn to save lives and how they must feel if they deliberately have to kill something they'd rather pick up and hug.

Read the Congressional testimonies of the nurses that are having to endure this. They ARE picking the babies up and holding them, sometimes for over an hour until the little baby finally gives up and dies. Hiding with them in closets and sobbing while the babies struggle to breath.
This crazy idea that these are zygotes and so it's ok, is truly insane. If you believe that then go witness an abortion. If abortion nurses can't take it, I bet your conscience would kick in also. You can watch anything on the internet. Except abortions because they are just that obscene.
OK enough trying to make the relatively rare late term abortion that is done mainly in the case of severe birth defects the reason to ban them all. Going to be more of those if there is not a coordinated response to the Zika virus by next spring. Congress???? (crickets).

It is not relatively rare. Stop pretending it is. Selling baby parts is big business. The customer wants developed arms and legs and brain stems. The later, the better for planned parenthood. Now whose rights are at the fore front huh?

Most Down Syndrome children are aborted. How dare this defective little girl be allowed to laugh and enjoy life too:

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Intimate as in mind your fucking business, for a bunch of people who want the government to "stay out of our lives" You want it to get all up in the wombs of America's women. To a conservative it is clear women are second class citizens. Why any woman votes republican is incomprehensible.
Why a woman needs to kill a baby in the 7,8,9th month is incomprehensible
None of my business and none of your business.

We are murdering the innocent. It is all of our business. Slit a puppy's neck and watch the country seize in horror. But the picture above, nothing. Look at that baby, and a baby that was allowed to be born. Now rip both's legs off. Do you actually believe one will feel the crushing pain and the other feels nothing? It is barbaric.
Maybe if you don't like it you should connect those concerned feelings with the cold hearted fuck-the-moochers opinion you have when you want to cut all the social programs come budget time. Seriously, poor women have abortions because they cannot afford to take care of a child than for any other reason. What would you do to make sure no woman feels forced into an abortion because they cannot work and take care of a kid on their own?

Then why did they get pregnant, considering they were old enough not only to have sex, but to bear children, and to understand how they are made, and how to avoid making them? How about we demand a little responsibility on the part of the woman? Or is that just out of the question?
And why should an infant be drawn and quartered because of her lack of personal responsibility?
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There is nothing sinister or insensitive about Hillary's use of the word “intimate” to describe an abortion.

The word is often used in a way that has sexual connotations and it is commonly used to describe a warm and friendly (but non-sexual) relationship such as one that exist between close friends and neighbors. But that does not mean Hillary considers abortions to be either sexy or warm and fuzzy. Webster gives a complete definition of the word which includes: “very personal or private” such as private thoughts or feelings. I think that most people would agree that abortion is indeed a very personal and private matter. This is obviously the definition Clinton intended. If Clinton is guilty of anything it is using a word that others could misconstrue thus subjecting herself to criticism.

I don't like Hillary one damn bit. I think she is dishonest and dangerous; however, fair is fair. Here's the link to Merriam-Webster:

Intimate - Definition for English-Language Learners from Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary
There is nothing sinister or insensitive about Hillary's use of the word “intimate” to describe an abortion.

The word is often used in a way that has sexual connotations and it is commonly used to describe a warm and friendly (but non-sexual) relationship such as one that exist between close friends and neighbors. But that does not mean Hillary considers abortions to be either sexy or warm and fuzzy. Webster gives a complete definition of the word which includes: “very personal or private” such as private thoughts or feelings. I think that most people would agree that abortion is indeed a very personal and private matter. This is obviously the definition Clinton intended. If Clinton is guilty of anything it is using a word that others could misconstrue thus subjecting herself to criticism.

I don't like Hillary one damn bit. I think she is dishonest and dangerous; however, fair is fair. Here's the link to Merriam-Webster:

Intimate - Definition for English-Language Learners from Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary
You are correct, when Hilly helps rip the spine out of the back of a Democratic voter's Mother, it's a very intimate thing.

So please keep up the good work and kill as many small children as you can.

There is nothing sinister or insensitive about Hillary's use of the word “intimate” to describe an abortion.

The word is often used in a way that has sexual connotations and it is commonly used to describe a warm and friendly (but non-sexual) relationship such as one that exist between close friends and neighbors. But that does not mean Hillary considers abortions to be either sexy or warm and fuzzy. Webster gives a complete definition of the word which includes: “very personal or private” such as private thoughts or feelings. I think that most people would agree that abortion is indeed a very personal and private matter. This is obviously the definition Clinton intended. If Clinton is guilty of anything it is using a word that others could misconstrue thus subjecting herself to criticism.

I don't like Hillary one damn bit. I think she is dishonest and dangerous; however, fair is fair. Here's the link to Merriam-Webster:

Intimate - Definition for English-Language Learners from Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary
Depends on your perspective I guess.....to a democrat, baby murder is an intimate thing....to the baby, it's pure fucking fascist terrorism.....

See how perspective works? Here professor, let me define that for you....

Definition of PERSPECTIVE
Intimate as in mind your fucking business, for a bunch of people who want the government to "stay out of our lives" You want it to get all up in the wombs of America's women. To a conservative it is clear women are second class citizens. Why any woman votes republican is incomprehensible.

THIS is my business and any person's who has a soul
Intimate as in mind your fucking business, for a bunch of people who want the government to "stay out of our lives" You want it to get all up in the wombs of America's women. To a conservative it is clear women are second class citizens. Why any woman votes republican is incomprehensible.

THIS is my business and any person's who has a soul
The number of abortions in second or third trimester are not for reasons Hillary described. It is for selfish reasons of the mother.
Intimate as in mind your fucking business, for a bunch of people who want the government to "stay out of our lives" You want it to get all up in the wombs of America's women. To a conservative it is clear women are second class citizens. Why any woman votes republican is incomprehensible.
Why a woman needs to kill a baby in the 7,8,9th month is incomprehensible
None of my business and none of your business.

We are murdering the innocent. It is all of our business. Slit a puppy's neck and watch the country seize in horror. But the picture above, nothing. Look at that baby, and a baby that was allowed to be born. Now rip both's legs off. Do you actually believe one will feel the crushing pain and the other feels nothing? It is barbaric.
Maybe if you don't like it you should connect those concerned feelings with the cold hearted fuck-the-moochers opinion you have when you want to cut all the social programs come budget time. Seriously, poor women have abortions because they cannot afford to take care of a child than for any other reason. What would you do to make sure no woman feels forced into an abortion because they cannot work and take care of a kid on their own?

>> "Seriously, poor women have abortions because they cannot afford to take care of a child than for any other reason. What would you do to make sure no woman feels forced into an abortion because they cannot work and take care of a kid on their own?"

Every Child A Wanted Child
There are no national statistics on how many people are waiting to adopt, but experts estimate it is somewhere between one and two million couples Every year there are about 1.3 million abortions. Only 4% of women with unwanted pregnancies give their children up for adoption.

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