Hillary Clinton leads Christie and all GOP hopefuls in Iowa

If Hillary wins as POTUS in 2016 then conservatives will be in a nightmarish situation for 16 straight years. Imagine that...

Hillary Clinton leads Christie and other GOP hopefuls in Iowa | OnPolitics

The presidential election is two years away, but it looks like Iowa voters are shifting away from Chris Christie and moving to Hillary Rodham Clinton. Clinton now leads Christie 48% to 35% among Iowa voters, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday. The former secretary of State — who hasn’t said whether she’ll seek the Democratic presidential nomination — leads four Republicans in the survey by at least 10 percentage points: Christie, Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul.

A Clinton vs. Paul matchup is the closest race, with Clinton outpacing the Kentucky senator, 49%-39%.

Oh, Hillary's going to run... make no mistake about that. She can't wait!

She ran in 2008 as well. Did she get the nomination then?

Obama was an exception... still is. The only one who could've stopped Hillary and he did. No, I repeat, no no one in the Democratic Party will beat Hillary this time around... except maybe Jesus himself. But he's not running nor will he accept if nominated or serve if elected.

It's Hillary all the way.
Get off your knees,boy. She doesn't like guys anyway.

No, Obama and his pals have not clawed their way to power only to see some old white woman take over. The nomination will go to Deval Patrick. Maybe a Patrick/Cory Booker ticket--the first black/gay candidates for president.
I think Hillary is way too moderate for the Democrats. She lost to Obama in '08 because he was further to the left than she.

Case in point - If you ask Democrats why Obamacare is failing - most will tell you it doesn't go far enough - they want single payer. If you ask them why the stimulus failed - most will tell you it wasn't big enough. We should have spent more!!

No, Hillary is way too moderate for Democrats. They want a far left wingnut. Someone like De Blasio, Liz Warren, Fidel Castro, or Hugo Chavez.....

No, Hillary is way too moderate for Democrats. They want a far left wingnut. Someone like De Blasio, Liz Warren, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez or Jake Starkey

Sent from my Chinese Supercomputer made from XBox parts Bush sent to China

LOL... Fidel Castro or Hugo Chavez would still beat the Republicans.

LMAO... and I love it! :lol:
I think Hillary is way too moderate for the Democrats. She lost to Obama in '08 because he was further to the left than she.

Case in point - If you ask Democrats why Obamacare is failing - most will tell you it doesn't go far enough - they want single payer. If you ask them why the stimulus failed - most will tell you it wasn't big enough. We should have spent more!!

No, Hillary is way too moderate for Democrats. They want a far left wingnut. Someone like De Blasio, Liz Warren, Fidel Castro, or Hugo Chavez.....

No, Hillary is way too moderate for Democrats. They want a far left wingnut. Someone like De Blasio, Liz Warren, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez or Jake Starkey

Sent from my Chinese Supercomputer made from XBox parts Bush sent to China

LOL... Fidel Castro or Hugo Chavez would still beat the Republicans.

LMAO... and I love it! :lol:

How so, Fidel Castro's Cuba is a third world dump, as is Venezuela. All these years and they have not developed their representative countries into the 20th century, let alone the 21st, and you believe the Marxists can beat Freedom?
No, Hillary is way too moderate for Democrats. They want a far left wingnut. Someone like De Blasio, Liz Warren, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez or Jake Starkey

Sent from my Chinese Supercomputer made from XBox parts Bush sent to China

LOL... Fidel Castro or Hugo Chavez would still beat the Republicans.

LMAO... and I love it! :lol:

How so, Fidel Castro's Cuba is a third world dump, as is Venezuela. All these years and they have not developed their representative countries into the 20th century, let alone the 21st, and you believe the Marxists can beat Freedom?

I said the Marxists can beat the Republicans... big difference.
LOL... Fidel Castro or Hugo Chavez would still beat the Republicans.

LMAO... and I love it! :lol:

How so, Fidel Castro's Cuba is a third world dump, as is Venezuela. All these years and they have not developed their representative countries into the 20th century, let alone the 21st, and you believe the Marxists can beat Freedom?

I said the Marxists can beat the Republicans... big difference.
No shit...They have the Senate presently, and there's a WHALE of a Marxist presently occupying the WhiteHouse.
If Hillary wins as POTUS in 2016 then conservatives will be in a nightmarish situation for 16 straight years. Imagine that...

Hillary Clinton leads Christie and other GOP hopefuls in Iowa | OnPolitics

The presidential election is two years away, but it looks like Iowa voters are shifting away from Chris Christie and moving to Hillary Rodham Clinton. Clinton now leads Christie 48% to 35% among Iowa voters, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday. The former secretary of State — who hasn’t said whether she’ll seek the Democratic presidential nomination — leads four Republicans in the survey by at least 10 percentage points: Christie, Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul.

A Clinton vs. Paul matchup is the closest race, with Clinton outpacing the Kentucky senator, 49%-39%.


Hillary Clinton fired from Watergate committee for fraud, ethics violations

Once a Criminal...ALWAYS a criminal...and she married one...
If Hillary wins as POTUS in 2016 then conservatives will be in a nightmarish situation for 16 straight years. Imagine that...

Hillary Clinton leads Christie and other GOP hopefuls in Iowa | OnPolitics

The presidential election is two years away, but it looks like Iowa voters are shifting away from Chris Christie and moving to Hillary Rodham Clinton. Clinton now leads Christie 48% to 35% among Iowa voters, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday. The former secretary of State — who hasn’t said whether she’ll seek the Democratic presidential nomination — leads four Republicans in the survey by at least 10 percentage points: Christie, Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul.

A Clinton vs. Paul matchup is the closest race, with Clinton outpacing the Kentucky senator, 49%-39%.

Well fuck! Let's just call the election tonight! No way anything could happen between now and 2016! Hell, Obama might even resign so Hillary can take her seat in the Big Chair by Monday!
Boggles the mind, doesn't it?
If Hillary wins as POTUS in 2016 then conservatives will be in a nightmarish situation for 16 straight years. Imagine that...

Hillary Clinton leads Christie and other GOP hopefuls in Iowa | OnPolitics

The presidential election is two years away, but it looks like Iowa voters are shifting away from Chris Christie and moving to Hillary Rodham Clinton. Clinton now leads Christie 48% to 35% among Iowa voters, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday. The former secretary of State — who hasn’t said whether she’ll seek the Democratic presidential nomination — leads four Republicans in the survey by at least 10 percentage points: Christie, Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul.

A Clinton vs. Paul matchup is the closest race, with Clinton outpacing the Kentucky senator, 49%-39%.

Could not agree more.....Republicans are milquetoast. They spend more time trying to be like Democrats rather than just becoming Democrats. RINOs are the worst thing to happen to this Country.
My problem with Hilary is the same one I have for Jeb Bush. Dynasty. Bi partisan slag here.

On the R side they just keep giving the nominations to those that the upper echelons believe "deserve" the nomination for all their years of devotion to the party.

And if I hear one more "but honestly __________________ (fill in the blank) is the only one that can beat _____________(fill in the blank)" I'll start spitting bullets.

Comes down to who promotes the best interest of America. Hillary's ego and hatred of certain groups make her a bad choice. We need a president like Kennedy or Newt with vision for our nation.

Someone that can bring us all together and set us forward with a goal.

I fully agree if a candidate comes on with nothing more than "deserve" that is a real turn off. Also there is the issue of 'all their years of devotion to the party' (very well put). Just because the have been a very high profile (R) or (D) does not do it for devotion for me. I'll agree with the bullets thing too. Hillary does have an ego but that could work for her if she can channel it, show vision. Right now this is how I look at it. There are elections in 2014. If the Clintons show some love to the party for November I would consider Hillary. Warren is in the trenches each and every day and because of that she's my girl. Warren might not run. She is doing an awesome job in the Senate. She might want to work on that for an extra four years. If Clinton shows no love and Warren runs then I will do what I can for my girl.
And how did that Clinton Guiliani Race in 2008 turn out. That's what the polls were predicting then.

That's the stupid thing about polling about future races so far out when we dont even know who the candidates will be.

BTW it will be 16 nightmarish years for the entire country.

We know, we know! Hillary was born to run. Nothing short of death will stop her.

Given what I have put in bold in your reply, death is a possibility given Hillary's extremely old age. We could wake up tomorrow and see on the news Hillary has passed away due to natural causes from old age.

Seriously, look at Hillary Clinton, just look at my avatar, I've seen younger looking 80 year olds than Hillary. Now, look at how the office of the president has aged Bill Clinton who was 46 when he entered office, George W. Bush who was 56 when he took office, and Barack Obama who was 47 when he took office.

If enough dumb people vote for Hillary, she will only be months away from being 70 when she takes office. That is just too old. If you look at how the office has aged the past presidents I mentioned all of whom are much younger than Hillary when they took office, it is very likely Hillary will kick the bucket in her first term due to being too old to handle the stress that comes with the office. Look at how old age has prevented her from handling Benghazi properly. If she can't handle that, she is clearly unqualified to become president. Look at Hillary's health, didn't she fall down due to her old age and suffer from a concussion? Yes she did. Who knows what other health concerns someone her age has?

Do the Democrats have anyone running for president that doesn't need dentures, Depends and hearing aids? The only well known Democrat candidates are washed up old radical left-wing 1960's extremists who are going on 50+ years in being behind on times, running on the proven failed policies.

If the Democrats want to run someone who has a serious chance of winning, they should get behind someone like Senator Joe Manchin, because I would vote for Joe Manchin over Chris Christie, Jeb Bush or Paul Ryan, but I will never vote for radical Saul Alinsky type like Hillary or a radical like Joe Biden who will be 74 years old in 2016, and is dumber than a rock.

No, the Democrats have no youth on their side, just old washed up radicals who are a step away from pushing daisies. All the youth is on the Republicans side.
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LOL... Fidel Castro or Hugo Chavez would still beat the Republicans.

LMAO... and I love it! :lol:

How so, Fidel Castro's Cuba is a third world dump, as is Venezuela. All these years and they have not developed their representative countries into the 20th century, let alone the 21st, and you believe the Marxists can beat Freedom?

I said the Marxists can beat the Republicans... big difference.

no, Freedom is the Republicans, just because the Liberal/Democrat puts on a Republican hat does not make him a Republican.
They like a good corn fed looking woman out in Iowa. A husky woman.

Some folks in Iowa will vote for Hillary because she eats a lot of corn, like them.
Does anyone know who won the 2008 Hillary Clinton Rudy Giuliani Presidential race? I remember a lot of polls and people saying they would be the parties nominees but I can't recall which of them won that race.
I expect Michelle Obama to win the Democrat Nomination. Hillary will get to be on the bottom of the ticket if she is lucky.

Pecan we handle 16 years of the Obamas running the White House?
I think Hillary is way too moderate for the Democrats. She lost to Obama in '08 because he was further to the left than she.

Case in point - If you ask Democrats why Obamacare is failing - most will tell you it doesn't go far enough - they want single payer. If you ask them why the stimulus failed - most will tell you it wasn't big enough. We should have spent more!!

No, Hillary is way too moderate for Democrats. They want a far left wingnut. Someone like De Blasio, Liz Warren, Fidel Castro, or Hugo Chavez.....
Shit man? If they could resurrect Wilson or FDR they would.


This thread is stupid.

Hillary in a poll today can beat any candidate 70 to 30 but the actual numbers will be closer to 50/50 once votes are counted. Just look at history and you will see.

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