Hillary Clinton leads Christie and all GOP hopefuls in Iowa

2016 is Hillary's to lose. I don't see any Democrats out there that could challenge her right now. either. Boy, Bill is going to have fun when Mrs. Presidents is out of the country on official business!

"Hillary...I need an intern to help while you are gone..."
well how lovely^^^^^

now they make jokes over the grown man using his power to seduce young woman the same age his daughter was and all with the blessing of YOUR President, shrillary

they kicked Hillary to the curb for the man of no Experience (Obambam) and now they plan on bringing the old loser woman back to ride in and save their asses

this country is hopeless
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well how lovely^^^^^

now they make jokes over the grown man using his power to seduce young woman the same age his daughter was and all with the blessing of YOUR President, shrillary

they kicked Hillary to the curb for the man of no Experience (Obambam) and now they plan on bringing the old loser woman back to ride in and save their asses

this country is hopeless

You made a mistake. Chelsea was 15 years old when Bill was getting special treatment from the 22 year old Monica.
well how lovely^^^^^

now they make jokes over the grown man using his power to seduce young woman the same age his daughter was and all with the blessing of YOUR President, shrillary

they kicked Hillary to the curb for the man of no Experience (Obambam) and now they plan on bringing the old loser woman back to ride in and save their asses

this country is hopeless

You made a mistake. Chelsea was 15 years old when Bill was getting special treatment from the 22 year old Monica.

well my mistake...a 50something year old man who is President using his position of power over an EXPERIENCED woman all of 22....
This is becoming a dangerous world. Why would anybody want an untested woman President? Look what happened when you liberals said its time we had a black president as your only criteria. There were plenty qualified blacks to choose but you chose a community organizer. You're saying same thing about women and we are all going to suffer for it.
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This is becoming a dangerous world. Why would anybody want an untested woman President? Look what happened when you liberals said its time we had a black president as your only criteria. You're saying same thing about women.

none of that matters to them
winning is all they care about
that's how a man like Obama was able to be elected...A bunch of inexperienced KIDS he appealed to put him in as President...that should give us the warm fuzzies knowing who is voting for our lives and country
well how lovely^^^^^

now they make jokes over the grown man using his power to seduce young woman the same age his daughter was and all with the blessing of YOUR President, shrillary

they kicked Hillary to the curb for the man of no Experience (Obambam) and now they plan on bringing the old loser woman back to ride in and save their asses

this country is hopeless

You made a mistake. Chelsea was 15 years old when Bill was getting special treatment from the 22 year old Monica.

well my mistake...a 50something year old man who is President using his position of power over an EXPERIENCED woman all of 22....

Would it have been more appropriate if he had selected a gal in her 40's or 50's?
Oh, Hillary's going to run... make no mistake about that. She can't wait!

She ran in 2008 as well. Did she get the nomination then?

Obama was an exception... still is. The only one who could've stopped Hillary and he did. No, I repeat, no no one in the Democratic Party will beat Hillary this time around... except maybe Jesus himself. But he's not running nor will he accept if nominated or serve if elected.

It's Hillary all the way.

It makes you wonder why they still bother to have elections. I mean just look at Congress. Here we have a legislative body that has an approval rating of only 10%, but they still find a way back into office anyway.

No doubt, whoever wins in 2016 will be there for two terms. That is the pattern now. Politicians are so entrenched and powerful these days that they are untouchable.

I look at it more as an appointment than an election. She is more than qualified to run the empire. It's like the Bush name. We are run by aristocratic families now. Just wait till Obama's daughters are ready to run.
She ran in 2008 as well. Did she get the nomination then?

Obama was an exception... still is. The only one who could've stopped Hillary and he did. No, I repeat, no no one in the Democratic Party will beat Hillary this time around... except maybe Jesus himself. But he's not running nor will he accept if nominated or serve if elected.

It's Hillary all the way.

It makes you wonder why they still bother to have elections. I mean just look at Congress. Here we have a legislative body that has an approval rating of only 10%, but they still find a way back into office anyway.

No doubt, whoever wins in 2016 will be there for two terms. That is the pattern now. Politicians are so entrenched and powerful these days that they are untouchable.

I look at it more as an appointment than an election. She is more than qualified to run the empire.

all true
we the people have relinquished our rights and duty over to a bunch of elitist politicians who live by their own rules and laws...I think we are doomed
I'd like to point out that when we caucus here in Iowa we don't put Hillary up against a Republican. Hillary goes up against other Democrats and whatever republican wants to run is put up against other Republicans.

So it boils down to Hillary Clinton does not lead Christie and other GOP hopefuls in Iowa.
well how lovely^^^^^

now they make jokes over the grown man using his power to seduce young woman the same age his daughter was and all with the blessing of YOUR President, shrillary

they kicked Hillary to the curb for the man of no Experience (Obambam) and now they plan on bringing the old loser woman back to ride in and save their asses

this country is hopeless

No. It's not hopeless. Hope is about to spring forth.

It's the robbers among us who have the problem.
I can't wait for hollary to run. The RNC needs to play this clip 100 times a day---pandering to blacks, putting on a fake black accent.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FlpbRFXC9E]Hillary Clinton speaking in a different dialect - YouTube[/ame]
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I have no idea what makes you people tick. Through the last 100 years the two dictator parties have dragged this nation down and placed the people at the bottom . Still you keep voting them in like something is going to chnage. Get a clue !

Vote Third Party Only !
Hillary may not run. Her carefully planted rumors of delicate health are even now being planted. Now that Rahm Emanuel has indicated a run he would do what ever it takes to destroy her. Rahm is a take no prisoners guy.
well how lovely^^^^^

now they make jokes over the grown man using his power to seduce young woman the same age his daughter was and all with the blessing of YOUR President, shrillary

they kicked Hillary to the curb for the man of no Experience (Obambam) and now they plan on bringing the old loser woman back to ride in and save their asses

this country is hopeless

You made a mistake. Chelsea was 15 years old when Bill was getting special treatment from the 22 year old Monica.

well my mistake...a 50something year old man who is President using his position of power over an EXPERIENCED woman all of 22....
Monica seduced Bill, as she had done with older married men before. She liked giving oral. Remember that she snapped her thong? No innocence there.
You made a mistake. Chelsea was 15 years old when Bill was getting special treatment from the 22 year old Monica.

well my mistake...a 50something year old man who is President using his position of power over an EXPERIENCED woman all of 22....
Monica seduced Bill, as she had done with older married men before. She liked giving oral. Remember that she snapped her thong? No innocence there.

Seriously? Clinton had a 20 year history of preying on subordinates, using Arkansas state troopers to proposition women, esp state workers, and offering them promotions for sleeping with him. He is a sex offender. And certainly should have knowne better. And in any corporate setting Clinton would have been fired for an affair with a subordinate.

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