Hillary Clinton Lost Because Of...

Barak Obama!

"Hillary Clinton’s staff is still furious over her loss, and more than anything, they blame former President Barack Obama. The camps are clashing over the heated blame game. Clinton’s side insists Obama was the biggest reason she lost"

Thanks, Obama: Hillary Found A New Reason For Her Loss To Trump

"They think his lack of support was more harmful than her scandals, Russian interference in the election or FBI Director James Comey’s investigation."
-- Lack of support? They kept her from being indicted. Perhaps her ungrateful attitude is why Barry didn't give her a pardon?! :p

"Obama didn’t do enough, wasn’t active enough and should have been much less cautious in imposing sanctions on Russia, Clinton’s camp said."

WHY didn't Obama go after Russia when their interference was 1st discovered? Because negotiations with Russia regarding a Syrian Cease Fire was more important to Barry than Hillary winning the election:

"An Obama aide told Axios the White House didn’t come out harshly against Russia because they didn’t want to be seen as politicizing the hacks and using them to grandstand. If they had done so, the aide said, cooperation with Republicans on the state level would have “collapsed.”

I don't know what Hillary is talking about - just like in 2014 Barry came out and declared the election was all about him and his policies...and just like in 2014 Liberals suffered an 'historic, record-setting loss'. If anything, I would argue that Barry did to much! :p
Blame it on the black guy. :hmpf:
So you're admitting that the Russian hacking beat Hillary Clinton?
Nope - Learn to read / improve your reading comprehension:

"I don't know what Hillary is talking about - just like in 2014 Barry came out and declared the election was all about him and his policies...and just like in 2014 Liberals suffered an 'historic, record-setting loss'. If anything, I would argue that Barry did to much!"

Not to mention she was the worst Presidential candidate to run in US history...

lol, he denies what he just said for the record. Amazing.
It's obvious that a lot of irregular and unethical actions went into defeating Hillary...
The only reason Hillary was the nominee was because the Democratic Party rigged their Primary, gave her debate questions in advance, stacked the deck against Bernie, and engaged in voter fraud during their Primaries.

She should have been forced out of the race before the election as she was under MULTIPLE on-going FBI investigations all the way up to days before the election, something no other US Presidential Candidate had been. Everyone damn-well knows if the shoe would have been on the other foot - if a Republican had been under FBI investigation - Liberals would have made sure the GOP candidate would have been forced from the race!

Hillary was protected from indictment!

Liberals vandalized and fire-bombed GOP HQs, intimidated/beat/bloodied Trump supporters - Hillary's campaign was even proven to have financed some of that.

After declaring challenging the election results would be to undermine our democracy liberals tried to claim a win based on irrelevant popular votes, called for recounts, ATTEMPTED TO FLIP ELECTORAL VOTE REPS - engaging in harassment and threats to do so, and finally made the bogus accusation that the Russians 'hacked the election', causing her to lose the election.

The Russians hacked DNC / Liberal e-mails, exposing the DNC's and other Liberals' 'dirty little secrets', which were damaging to Democrats (like being exposed as racists, sexists, anti-Catholic, homophobic Anti-Semites), but this was all of the Democrats' OWN FAULT!
- No one forced them to make such horrific comments / jokes in their e-mails.
- No one forced them to have such slack-ass computer security, like making their password 'password'.

The Russians did NOT hack the election machines...although we learned that Obama and Homeland Security tired to hack the State of Georgia's election system / machines 10 times...and were thwarted each time.

And you say 'irregular and unethical actions' were responsible for causing her to lose? 'Irregular and Unethical' actions were taken to make her the DNC's nominees and to keep her in the race!

Got it. You still hate Hillary. Unfortunately for you, that election is over. I know it's hard for you to not spend every waking moment campaigning against her, but there really isn't any need. She already lost, and there is nothing she can do to hurt you. Move on, and try to find some meaning for your life now that your entire reason for living doesn't exist any more. I know new things are scary for you, but it will do you good.
lol, he denies what he just said for the record. Amazing.
Keep spinning, snowflake - guess it's easier than improving your reading comprehension level.

"I don't know what Hillary is talking about - just like in 2014 Barry came out and declared the election was all about him and his policies...and just like in 2014 Liberals suffered an 'historic, record-setting loss'. If anything, I would argue that Barry did to much!"
I thought we were all glad that she lost. I certainly didn't want her in that office. Seems some folks can't get over the fact that she did lose.
I think it more of an issue with who is holding the office now. I think it was pretty clear that neither candidate was considered favorable by the majority of Americans. We need to do better

The "choice" the system vomited up was utterly ridiculous, but it is nonetheless what the american public deserves if all we’re going to do is vote and return to the couch to continue to be economically cannibalized as a society. Power always does whatever it is allowed.
I think more of the responsibility falls to an evolving culture of populism that feeds off drama, disrespect, and lies. Virtues like respect, honestly, integrity, and character are being lost to whomever can yell the loudest, demonize the best, and whomever can cause the biggest scene. Our news feeds off it, our politicians campaiagn and feed off it, our public feeds off it. I'm not sure how to reverse course but I'm scared about what the future holds if we stay on track

It's not a healthy situation, but as long as the public participates and cooperates, why would the power structure offer anything else but? The last thing any authoritarian power structure has ever wanted to deal with is a clear coherent human being, much less a collection of them. We've done little to give our overlords any concerns in that regard.
Got it. You still hate Hillary.
DON'T 'got it' - pointing out the facts is not the same thing as 'hating Hillary', snowflake.

Continuous whining about the losing candidate in a long gone election is pretty childish. What are you afraid she is going to do to you at this point? You won. Now you have to find some other purpose for your life, or you can be like Al Bundy, and spend all your time re-living your big touchdown against Polk High for the rest of your life. Your call.
Continuous whining about the losing candidate...

'Whining'? Aww Hell No, brah - I am laughing, finding it amusing that the worst candidate in US history who never would have won her party's nomination without help (rigged election, etc) and who should have been forced from the election because of being under 2 (TWO) FBI criminal investigations days before the election can't see the real reason she lost was herself but instead is not criticizing the Black Man - Obama - for her loss.

Before she lost the nomination in 2008 her campaign started floating the 'Birther' issue in an attempt to throw Barry under the bus and steal the nomination. Now, in 2061, Hillary is again trying to throw Barry under the bus, whining this latest loss is all his fault.

:lmao: Now that's some funny shit right there, bro!
Hillary had many faults, but would have been a better president than Obama had she won in 2008
Continuous whining about the losing candidate...

'Whining'? Aww Hell No, brah - I am laughing, finding it amusing that the worst candidate in US history who never would have won her party's nomination without help (rigged election, etc) and who should have been forced from the election because of being under 2 (TWO) FBI criminal investigations days before the election can't see the real reason she lost was her but instead is not criticizing the Black Man - Obama - for her loss.

Before she lost the nomination in 2008 her campaign started floating the 'Birther' issue in an attempt to throw Barry under the bus and steal the nomination. Now, in 2061, Hillary is again trying to throw Barry under the bus, whining it is all his fault she lost.

:lmao: Now that's some funny shit right there, bro!

That's nice. You got any current events you want to discuss, or are you just going to basque in the glow of last year's news?
Jeez, 1,000 reasons why someone, or something, else is to blame.

Someone send the woman a mirror already.....
Barak Obama!

"Hillary Clinton’s staff is still furious over her loss, and more than anything, they blame former President Barack Obama. The camps are clashing over the heated blame game. Clinton’s side insists Obama was the biggest reason she lost"

Thanks, Obama: Hillary Found A New Reason For Her Loss To Trump

"They think his lack of support was more harmful than her scandals, Russian interference in the election or FBI Director James Comey’s investigation."
-- Lack of support? They kept her from being indicted. Perhaps her ungrateful attitude is why Barry didn't give her a pardon?! :p

"Obama didn’t do enough, wasn’t active enough and should have been much less cautious in imposing sanctions on Russia, Clinton’s camp said."

WHY didn't Obama go after Russia when their interference was 1st discovered? Because negotiations with Russia regarding a Syrian Cease Fire was more important to Barry than Hillary winning the election:

"An Obama aide told Axios the White House didn’t come out harshly against Russia because they didn’t want to be seen as politicizing the hacks and using them to grandstand. If they had done so, the aide said, cooperation with Republicans on the state level would have “collapsed.”

I don't know what Hillary is talking about - just like in 2014 Barry came out and declared the election was all about him and his policies...and just like in 2014 Liberals suffered an 'historic, record-setting loss'. If anything, I would argue that Barry did to much! :p
That woman has atrocious bad breath , l shook her hand and thanked me but it smelled like shit after opening her mouth.
I almost threw.up.it was disgusting. Fooochi!
I think it more of an issue with who is holding the office now. I think it was pretty clear that neither candidate was considered favorable by the majority of Americans. We need to do better

For the first time in my life, there is a president in office who is doing EVERYTHING he said he would do.

We did do better, a LOT better.

I wish I had voted for Trump, I will next time.
I don't know. I think John Kerry ran pretty darn close.
So you're admitting that the Russian hacking beat Hillary Clinton?
Nope - Learn to read / improve your reading comprehension:

"I don't know what Hillary is talking about - just like in 2014 Barry came out and declared the election was all about him and his policies...and just like in 2014 Liberals suffered an 'historic, record-setting loss'. If anything, I would argue that Barry did to much!"

Not to mention she was the worst Presidential candidate to run in US history...
So you're admitting that the Russian hacking beat Hillary Clinton?

lol, fascinating.

What did "Russia hack," Soros boi?

How many votes were changed? In what states?

That's nice. You got any current events you want to discuss, or are you just going to basque in the glow of last year's news?
This IS a current event, dawg - this is a story TODAY about how Hillary and her supporters are now blaming Barry for the loss. She still hasn't gotten over it, and she is trying to find someone to blame. :p
That's nice. You got any current events you want to discuss, or are you just going to basque in the glow of last year's news?
This IS a current event, dawg - this is a story TODAY about how Hillary and her supporters are now blaming Barry for the loss. She still hasn't gotten over it, and she is trying to find someone to blame. :p

Sounds like you haven't gotten over it. That's fine. It's your call on that Al.

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