Hillary Clinton MUST Apologize to Trump!

I hope this isn't about Trump wanting to know about Hillary's bathroom habits. Trump was on that kick after one of the debates and no one, it seems, could help him. Maybe he got a book at the library or something. With Trump, the debate committees should declare some items off limits, maybe making fun of disabled people should be added to the bathroom habits thing. In any case my children are no longer allowed to watch or listen to Trump.
Liberals will forever try to use the silly "recruitment" idea to try to block/stop/smash anything that is proposed for battling Isamization and jihad. Like we're all supposed to just sit back and say & do nothing, right ? This one of the most idiotic trains of thought there ever has been in politics.

Imagine Eisenhower (a German-American himself) telling Americans > "don't say anything against Hitler or Germany. We don't want to help the Nazis recruit more Nazis" HA HA HA HA!! It's so ridiculous I can't help laughing at it.

My parents told me they had recruitment screamers before and during World War II also. Here was Eisenhower and Roosevelt's answer to them >>

Oboy! The old "everybody knows I cherrypick" fallacy. Haven't seen that one in at least an hour.

The fact is, if DAESH is using video of Rump's Islamobigotry to recruit --- that's video, like it or lump it. In the same way, the mystical mythical TV report Rump claims to have seen from Jersey City would have, by virtue of its being television, broadcast its images in video. Because that is in fact how television works.

And there ain't a damn thing you can do about that.
Sure there is >>

Too bad you struggle with English. She didn't say there were "recruitment videos," she said videos of Trump were being used to recruit.
That's the same as recruitment videos. If they're videos used for recruitment, they're recruitment videos. Got it now ? :biggrin:
So you now admit that Hillary told the truth, although you are too stupid to know it. :rofl::lmao:
So you now admit that Hillary told the truth, although you are too stupid to know it. :rofl::lmao:
You just blew it there, Sherlock. If I hadn't known it, then I couldn't have admitted it. Back to 7th grade English class for you.
Too bad you struggle with English. She didn't say there were "recruitment videos," she said videos of Trump were being used to recruit.
That's the same as recruitment videos. If they're videos used for recruitment, they're recruitment videos. Got it now ? :biggrin: If videos are used to teach guitar playing, they're guitar teaching videos. If videos are used for demonstrating exercises, they're exercise videos. But you knew that. You're just walking the path of the deceitful left, of course .:tank: :Boom2::alirulz:
You're too fucking retarded. That's like saying video I recorded at a concert on my phone is the same as an MTV Music Video.
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Let's see you try to dance around THIS ONE

That's a bogus quote. I busted that paid blogger Couch Potato yesterday for the same image.

Go ahead --- try to find a source for it.

I dare you.

How fucking stupid do you have to be to imagine you're making a point with a Googly image that anyone can generate?

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