Hillary Clinton MUST Apologize to Trump!

That's a bogus quote. I busted that paid blogger Couch Potato yesterday for the same image.
Go ahead --- try to find a source for it.
I dare you.

fucking stupid do you have to be to imagine you're making a point with a Googly image that anyone can generate?
You go ahead and find a source that proves it's bogus. PROVE she didn't say it. HE said. She said.


"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." This passage has been repeatedly extracted by Sanger's detractors as evidence that she led a calculated effort to reduce the black population against their will. From African-American activist Angela Davis on the left to conservative commentator Dinesh D'Souza on the right, this statement alone has condemned Sanger to a perpetual waltz with Hitler and the KKK.

Davis quoted the incendiary passage in her 1983 Women, Race and Class, claiming that the Negro Project "confirmed the ideological victory of the racism associated with eugenic ideas."

And Hillary Clinton admires her. On the surface, Hillary sucks up to the black community. Underneath, she supports mass extermination of them, by massive birth control within their communities. Just look at her policies on abortion. Gwan look at'm. Gwan.
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This is the United States of America. We are a free people. You are perfectly free to be a complete @$$**** to others and not apologize. Hillary may be a complete witch to trump. She doesn't have to apologize because you want her to. And if trump can't handle that he isn't ready to be President
That's a bogus quote. I busted that paid blogger Couch Potato yesterday for the same image.
Go ahead --- try to find a source for it.
I dare you.

fucking stupid do you have to be to imagine you're making a point with a Googly image that anyone can generate?
You go ahead and find a source that proves it's bogus. PROVE she didn't say it. HE said. She said.

Onus is on the asserter.

That would be you, Anus. And yours appears to have come up empty. Which makes you a liar.

Want the link to where I busted Couch Patoot? Post 52 here. That's prolly where you stole this bogus meme from anyway.

You don't prove negatives -- you prove that something exists. Or you walk.
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This is the United States of America. We are a free people. You are perfectly free to be a complete @$$**** to others and not apologize. Hillary may be a complete witch to trump. She doesn't have to apologize because you want her to. And if trump can't handle that he isn't ready to be President
He can handle it. We can all handle it. We're just saying that she ought to apologize. And that still wouldn't be enough. She need to attone. 20 years in prison would be appropriate for her crimes.
he did not say that either/ He said he saw it from his building. perhaps you should listen to exactly what he said before you post it.
You first!

Donald Trump Blames TV For Lack Of Video Showing NJ Muslims Celebrating World Trade Center Collapse

In the exchange, Trump told Todd: “I have a very good memory, Chuck. I’ll tell you, I have a very good memory. I saw it somewhere on television many years ago, and I never forgot it — and it was on television, too.”
ok, I was in error. I mixed the point of watching people jumping from the twin towers. my bad. I take back my statement.
Just wait until she has to have a faceoff with Mr Trump. Oh boy. I can't wait for that. She'll pretend to have the flu. Then when they reschedule, she'll have complications of the flu. Then it'll be something she ate. She might even send Huma in there to take the battering. :badgrin:
If Trump and Hillary debate will Trump just up and ask Hillary outright about her bathroom habits or have his keepers got him toned down?
Hillary Snaps at Woman Asking About Bill & Rape… Then Dems Horrified to Learn Who She Really Is
Share on Facebook Tweet Emailsexual assault victims, and went so far as to accuse the woman of being “very rude.”

We later learned that the woman Clinton rudely dismissed was none other than GOP State Rep. Katherine Prudhomme O’Brien, who during a post-event interview with CNN revealed exactly why Juanita Broaddrick mattered so much to her.

“Because I’m a rape survivor myself,” she explained.
If Trump and Hillary debate will Trump just up and ask Hillary outright about her bathroom habits or have his keepers got him toned down?
I'm more worried about what Hillary does (and doesn't do) than anything Trump says.

Another day, another bogus quote.

Oh wait --- that's still the same one. The same one you were already busted on two posts earlier. The same one that other poster the paid blogger was busted on the day before.

Exactly how dense do you have to be to trot the same bogus quote out on the field again and again, expecting different results? What, are we waiting for some superhero in a time machine to go back 90 years and make the quote happen?

Dishonest hack.

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