Hillary Clinton MUST Apologize to Trump!

Stupid mindless DittoTards, too stupid to recognize a comedy site!!! :rofl::lmao:

From your link:
Welcome to the Mother Ship of amateur comedy writing!(Amateur means we don't pay you to do it.)
Only a retard could read that silly article and not realize it was a fake and comedy. For goodness sake, they said the video interview had the Eiffel Tower in the background.
The idiot posted it on multiple threads!!! :rofl::lmao:

The biggest idiots are those that vote for "Hope and Change" and got worse than Bush!
No, a bigger idiot would be the one who believes Osama Bin Laden gave an interview in 2008 in Paris with the Eiffel Tower in the background as stated in the comedy piece you posted as a serious article.
Stupid mindless DittoTards, too stupid to recognize a comedy site!!! :rofl::lmao:

From your link:
Welcome to the Mother Ship of amateur comedy writing!(Amateur means we don't pay you to do it.)
Only a retard could read that silly article and not realize it was a fake and comedy. For goodness sake, they said the video interview had the Eiffel Tower in the background.
The idiot posted it on multiple threads!!! :rofl::lmao:

The biggest idiots are those that vote for "Hope and Change" and got worse than Bush!
No, a bigger idiot would be the one who believes Osama Bin Laden gave an interview in 2008 in Paris with the Eiffel Tower in the background as stated in the comedy piece you posted as a serious article.

See how the far left will lie to validate that they voted for worse than Bush twice!
Stupid mindless DittoTards, too stupid to recognize a comedy site!!! :rofl::lmao:

From your link:
Welcome to the Mother Ship of amateur comedy writing!(Amateur means we don't pay you to do it.)
Only a retard could read that silly article and not realize it was a fake and comedy. For goodness sake, they said the video interview had the Eiffel Tower in the background.
The idiot posted it on multiple threads!!! :rofl::lmao:

The biggest idiots are those that vote for "Hope and Change" and got worse than Bush!
No, a bigger idiot would be the one who believes Osama Bin Laden gave an interview in 2008 in Paris with the Eiffel Tower in the background as stated in the comedy piece you posted as a serious article.

See how the far left will lie to validate that they voted for worse than Bush twice!
You have been posting an article that is a spoof from a comedy site. Instead of admitting it or just stopping commenting about it, you doubling down and trying to insult those who point out the article is a spoof. Character and honesty are not attributes you can claim.
Only a retard could read that silly article and not realize it was a fake and comedy. For goodness sake, they said the video interview had the Eiffel Tower in the background.
The idiot posted it on multiple threads!!! :rofl::lmao:

The biggest idiots are those that vote for "Hope and Change" and got worse than Bush!
No, a bigger idiot would be the one who believes Osama Bin Laden gave an interview in 2008 in Paris with the Eiffel Tower in the background as stated in the comedy piece you posted as a serious article.

See how the far left will lie to validate that they voted for worse than Bush twice!
You have been posting an article that is a spoof from a comedy site. Instead of admitting it or just stopping commenting about it, you doubling down and trying to insult those who point out the article is a spoof. Character and honesty are not attributes you can claim.

See how the far left will spout any lie to cover the fact they will vote for Hilary!

Another prime example why the far left religion is the most dangerous religion in the world!
Jihadi Don Trump MUST apologize to Hillary!
Is there a doctor in the house ?
REPORTED. That being said, what is your basis for your personal attack ? Upon WHAT do you base the words "YOUR deceitful character!" ?

PS - Why are you posting about a video that was released AFTER the controversy about Hillary's video lie ? Are you trying to get away with being "deceitful" ? Is that YOUR "character" ?
Well, for one is the very obvious DECEIT in your DECEITFUL representation of what Clinton said. She said the videos of Jihadi Don slandering Muslims, which are being played on news stations throughout the ME just like they are here only translated for the Muslim audience, are being used as a recruitment tool. What she didn't say was there was a recruitment video featuring Jihadi Don, although we now know there is at least one and probably a hell of a lot more on the Dark Web.

Here are her actual quotes on the matter:

CLINTON: "You know, I was a senator from New York after 9/11, and we spent countless hours trying to figure out how to protect the city and the state from perhaps additional attacks. One of the best things that was done, and George W. Bush did this and I give him credit, was to reach out to Muslim Americans and say, we're in this together. You are not our adversary, you are our partner.

And we also need to make sure that the really discriminatory messages that Trump is sending around the world don't fall on receptive ears. He is becoming ISIS's best recruiter. They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists."

CLINTON: "You know, people around the world pay close attention to our elections. And if you go on Arabic television, as we have, and you look at what is being blasted out with video of Mr. Trump being translated into Arabic, 'No Muslims coming into the United States,' other kinds of derogatory, defamatory statements, it is playing into the hands of the violent jihadists,"
Well, for one is the very obvious DECEIT in your DECEITFUL representation of what Clinton said. She said the videos of Jihadi Don slandering Muslims, which are being played on news stations throughout the ME just like they are here only translated for the Muslim audience, are being used as a recruitment tool. What she didn't say was there was a recruitment video featuring Jihadi Don, although we now know there is at least one and probably a hell of a lot more on the Dark Web.

Here are her actual quotes on the matter:

CLINTON: "You know, I was a senator from New York after 9/11, and we spent countless hours trying to figure out how to protect the city and the state from perhaps additional attacks. One of the best things that was done, and George W. Bush did this and I give him credit, was to reach out to Muslim Americans and say, we're in this together. You are not our adversary, you are our partner.

And we also need to make sure that the really discriminatory messages that Trump is sending around the world don't fall on receptive ears. He is becoming ISIS's best recruiter. They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists."

CLINTON: "You know, people around the world pay close attention to our elections. And if you go on Arabic television, as we have, and you look at what is being blasted out with video of Mr. Trump being translated into Arabic, 'No Muslims coming into the United States,' other kinds of derogatory, defamatory statements, it is playing into the hands of the violent jihadists,"

Yeah! That's right. Those are the words. And I have a video of her saying them. She said >> "They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists." And guess who the "they" is. It is ISIS.

And the claim was false, and a baldfaced lie. And YES, she DID say there were recruitment videos. Those are the kind of videos she was talking about (recruitment ones and being used for that purpose), and there it is right there in her quote, Thank you for posting it

So why are you now saying that she DIDN'T say there were recruitment videos, in the same post where you quote her saying exactly that ?
Now you have posted deceit TWICE.

So I ask again (regarding your first deceit)>> Why are you posting about a video that was released AFTER the controversy about Hillary's video lie ? Are you trying to get away with being "deceitful" ? Is that YOUR "character" ?
Last edited:
It is not good enough for the Hillary tramp-criminal to just apologize to Donald Trump. she must ATTONE for her misdeeds. She must give compensation. I'd say 50% of her current campaign $$ would be sufficient. Better though would be for her to provide a full confession of her crimes, her compromising US national security, and endangerment of the American people, and arrange to be transported to the appropriate federal prison.

Well, for one is the very obvious DECEIT in your DECEITFUL representation of what Clinton said. She said the videos of Jihadi Don slandering Muslims, which are being played on news stations throughout the ME just like they are here only translated for the Muslim audience, are being used as a recruitment tool. What she didn't say was there was a recruitment video featuring Jihadi Don, although we now know there is at least one and probably a hell of a lot more on the Dark Web.

Here are her actual quotes on the matter:

CLINTON: "You know, I was a senator from New York after 9/11, and we spent countless hours trying to figure out how to protect the city and the state from perhaps additional attacks. One of the best things that was done, and George W. Bush did this and I give him credit, was to reach out to Muslim Americans and say, we're in this together. You are not our adversary, you are our partner.

And we also need to make sure that the really discriminatory messages that Trump is sending around the world don't fall on receptive ears. He is becoming ISIS's best recruiter. They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists."

CLINTON: "You know, people around the world pay close attention to our elections. And if you go on Arabic television, as we have, and you look at what is being blasted out with video of Mr. Trump being translated into Arabic, 'No Muslims coming into the United States,' other kinds of derogatory, defamatory statements, it is playing into the hands of the violent jihadists,"

Yeah! That's right. Those are the words. And I have a video of her saying them. She said >> "They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists." And guess who the "they" is. It is ISIS.

And the claim was false, and a baldfaced lie. And YES, she DID say there were recruitment videos. Those are the kind of videos she was talking about (recruitment ones and being used for that purpose), and there it is right there in her quote, Thank you for posting it

So why are you now saying that she DIDN'T say there were recruitment videos, in the same post where you quote her saying exactly that ?
Now you have posted deceit TWICE.

So I ask again (regarding your first deceit)>> Why are you posting about a video that was released AFTER the controversy about Hillary's video lie ? Are you trying to get away with being "deceitful" ? Is that YOUR "character" ?
Too bad you struggle with English. She didn't say there were "recruitment videos," she said videos of Trump were being used to recruit.
Well, for one is the very obvious DECEIT in your DECEITFUL representation of what Clinton said. She said the videos of Jihadi Don slandering Muslims, which are being played on news stations throughout the ME just like they are here only translated for the Muslim audience, are being used as a recruitment tool. What she didn't say was there was a recruitment video featuring Jihadi Don, although we now know there is at least one and probably a hell of a lot more on the Dark Web.

Here are her actual quotes on the matter:

CLINTON: "You know, I was a senator from New York after 9/11, and we spent countless hours trying to figure out how to protect the city and the state from perhaps additional attacks. One of the best things that was done, and George W. Bush did this and I give him credit, was to reach out to Muslim Americans and say, we're in this together. You are not our adversary, you are our partner.

And we also need to make sure that the really discriminatory messages that Trump is sending around the world don't fall on receptive ears. He is becoming ISIS's best recruiter. They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists."

CLINTON: "You know, people around the world pay close attention to our elections. And if you go on Arabic television, as we have, and you look at what is being blasted out with video of Mr. Trump being translated into Arabic, 'No Muslims coming into the United States,' other kinds of derogatory, defamatory statements, it is playing into the hands of the violent jihadists,"

Yeah! That's right. Those are the words. And I have a video of her saying them. She said >> "They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists." And guess who the "they" is. It is ISIS.

And the claim was false, and a baldfaced lie. And YES, she DID say there were recruitment videos. Those are the kind of videos she was talking about (recruitment ones and being used for that purpose), and there it is right there in her quote, Thank you for posting it

So why are you now saying that she DIDN'T say there were recruitment videos, in the same post where you quote her saying exactly that ?
And your claim that Clinton said "RECRUITMENT VIDEOS" is the ONLY "baldface lie!!!
She said Jihadi Don is ISIS' best recruiter, and ISIS uses videos of him, but nowhere does she say ISIS has "recruitment videos" with Jihadi Don. In fact she CLEARLY says ISIS is using the Arabic NEWS videos of Jihadi Don.

But facts never stop the Right from lying!!!
They simply make up their own quote with the words they want and then these pathological lying scum insist that Clinton is a liar for the fake quote the lying scum Right just invented. That's Right! The worthless lying scum on the Right, fabricate a "quote" and then call their victim a liar foe the quote they just made up EVEN in the face of the exact quotes!!!! That is a very special breed of worthless lying scum deceit!!!!!!
Area experts were making the claim of Trump's remarks feeding anti-U.S. sentiment, in Secular Kamikaze recruiting efforts, in early December, way before Secretary Clinton on Dec 19. The Trump-Republicans-Hate-USA-Campaign-Proposal was apparently spotted in social media videos of Al Qaeda and ISIS types of groups. Now both the Saudis and Iran are likely using them for their purposes, also.
Donald Trump's call for closing America's door to Muslims is opening a window of opportunity for groups like ISIS, counter-terrorism experts and human rights advocates say.

The Republican presidential candidate's controversial proposal for barring all Muslims from entering the United States is being used by the head-chopping fanatics and other terrorist groups like al Qaeda to attract recruits by painting the land of the free as opposed to Islam, experts told NBC News on Tuesday.

"They love him from the sense that he is supporting their rhetoric," said Rita Katz with the SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors the social media activities of Islamic terrorist groups. [NBCNews.com, 12/8/15]

Nobel winner, Malala, had been making the claim before Secretary Clinton made the claim.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Republican Brand now exposed! Senator Rubio, famous for not showing up for work, now the "Republican Establishment Candidate!" Alternative Trump apparently does not work at all, except what undermining economy and national security of USA!)
Too bad you struggle with English. She didn't say there were "recruitment videos," she said videos of Trump were being used to recruit.
That's the same as recruitment videos. If they're videos used for recruitment, they're recruitment videos. Got it now ? :biggrin: If videos are used to teach guitar playing, they're guitar teaching videos. If videos are used for demonstrating exercises, they're exercise videos. But you knew that. You're just walking the path of the deceitful left, of course .:tank: :Boom2::alirulz:
Too bad you struggle with English. She didn't say there were "recruitment videos," she said videos of Trump were being used to recruit.
That's the same as recruitment videos. If they're videos used for recruitment, they're recruitment videos. Got it now ? :biggrin: If videos are used to teach guitar playing, they're guitar teaching videos. If videos are used for demonstrating exercises, they're exercise videos. But you knew that. You're just walking the path of the deceitful left, of course .:tank: :Boom2::alirulz:

And what comes out of television is the same as "video" as well. Matter of fact it literally is video.

Can't have it both ways. You lose.
And your claim that Clinton said "RECRUITMENT VIDEOS" is the ONLY "baldface lie!!!
She said Jihadi Don is ISIS' best recruiter, and ISIS uses videos of him, but nowhere does she say ISIS has "recruitment videos" with Jihadi Don. In fact she CLEARLY says ISIS is using the Arabic NEWS videos of Jihadi Don.

But facts never stop the Right from lying!!!
They simply make up their own quote with the words they want and then these pathological lying scum insist that Clinton is a liar for the fake quote the lying scum Right just invented. That's Right! The worthless lying scum on the Right, fabricate a "quote" and then call their victim a liar foe the quote they just made up EVEN in the face of the exact quotes!!!! That is a very special breed of worthless lying scum deceit!!!!!!
Trounced to splinters, bits, crumbs, and mincemeat, in Post # 396. Without even breaking a sweat. :laugh::mm::fu:
And what comes out of television is the same as "video" as well. Matter of fact it literally is video.

Can't have it both ways. You lose.
FALSE! What we generally consider the word video to mean is, a video presentation which is RECORDED and PLAYED BACK. If you asked someone if they've seen any good videos lately, they will immediately assume you mean VHS tapes, DVDs, YOUTubes, not a simple TV BROADCAST. But have no fear. There's no law against posting stupid stuff.
And what comes out of television is the same as "video" as well. Matter of fact it literally is video.

Can't have it both ways. You lose.
FALSE! What we generally consider the word video to mean is, a video presentation which is RECORDED and PLAYED BACK. If you asked someone if they've seen any good videos lately, they will immediately assume you mean VHS tapes, DVDs, YOUTubes, not a simple TV BROADCAST. But have no fear. There's no law against posting stupid stuff.

Oboy! The old "everybody knows I cherrypick" fallacy. Haven't seen that one in at least an hour.

The fact is, if DAESH is using video of Rump's Islamobigotry to recruit --- that's video, like it or lump it. In the same way, the mystical mythical TV report Rump claims to have seen from Jersey City would have, by virtue of its being television, broadcast its images in video. Because that is in fact how television works.

And there ain't a damn thing you can do about that.

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