Hillary Clinton..."The People's Champion"!

Exonerated? When did that ever happen? Lerner took the 5th. The Eric Holder Justice Department did damage control instead of an investigation. Lois Lerner deprived thousands of Americans their rights under the law and our so called "Attorney General" looked the other way. That's "awesome" all right!

It's totally awesome. The system worked the way it was supposed to.

And, sorry, I dont see a right to commit tax fraud in the Constitution.

Name the conservative groups that were charged with committing tax fraud, Joey.
Let me get this straight...the best thing you can come up with to accuse the Koch brothers of is wrong doing by their FATHER? Seriously? You're rapidly becoming a joke on this board.

The Koch's got rich on blood money.

The Koch's got rich because they're astute businessmen. You don't have a single thing you can accuse THEM of so you came up with the pathetic theory that they're guilty because their father MAY have done something? You're amusing, Joey.
Exonerated? When did that ever happen? Lerner took the 5th. The Eric Holder Justice Department did damage control instead of an investigation. Lois Lerner deprived thousands of Americans their rights under the law and our so called "Attorney General" looked the other way. That's "awesome" all right!

It's totally awesome. The system worked the way it was supposed to.

And, sorry, I dont see a right to commit tax fraud in the Constitution.

The "system" didn't work at all because we had an Attorney General who could care less about the rule of law and an Administration that promised to be the most transparent of all time and then became the second coming of the Nixon White House.

Too fucking funny, you cry like a little bitch about our "failed" media then you USE that same media to "prove" your point.

Whatta a maroon you are idiot.
The non Pub Propaganda Machine DOES do SOME journalism and fact checking SOME of the time. Too bad the corrections are on page 9. Fox etc NEVER does any of that, of course.
Exonerated? When did that ever happen? Lerner took the 5th. The Eric Holder Justice Department did damage control instead of an investigation. Lois Lerner deprived thousands of Americans their rights under the law and our so called "Attorney General" looked the other way. That's "awesome" all right!

It's totally awesome. The system worked the way it was supposed to.

And, sorry, I dont see a right to commit tax fraud in the Constitution.

Name the conservative groups that were charged with committing tax fraud, Joey.
It doesnt matter. Joe has been repeating that crap at least once a week since the story broke. Of course the groups were never denied. They werent given any answer at all. That was the point.
Joe doesnt care about truth. He lives in a reality all his own.

Too fucking funny, you cry like a little bitch about our "failed" media then you USE that same media to "prove" your point.

Whatta a maroon you are idiot.
The non Pub Propaganda Machine DOES do SOME journalism and fact checking SOME of the time. Too bad the corrections are on page 9. Fox etc NEVER does any of that, of course.

Why didn't you just say that the ONLY reports that matter or can be true are those YOU approve of or those that support whatever moronic point you are currently trying to make?

Too fucking funny, you cry like a little bitch about our "failed" media then you USE that same media to "prove" your point.

Whatta a maroon you are idiot.
The non Pub Propaganda Machine DOES do SOME journalism and fact checking SOME of the time. Too bad the corrections are on page 9. Fox etc NEVER does any of that, of course.

Why didn't you just say that the ONLY reports that matter or can be true are those YOU approve of or those that support whatever moronic point you are currently trying to make?
The reports that link to the truth, rather than making accusations that turn out to be patently false? Jeez I don't know, hater dupe lol...READ THE LINK, functional shyttehead.

Too fucking funny, you cry like a little bitch about our "failed" media then you USE that same media to "prove" your point.

Whatta a maroon you are idiot.
The non Pub Propaganda Machine DOES do SOME journalism and fact checking SOME of the time. Too bad the corrections are on page 9. Fox etc NEVER does any of that, of course.

Why didn't you just say that the ONLY reports that matter or can be true are those YOU approve of or those that support whatever moronic point you are currently trying to make?
The reports that link to the truth, rather than making accusations that turn out to be patently false? Jeez I don't know, hater dupe lol...READ THE LINK, functional shyttehead.

It is your stated"opinion" that EVERYONE, including the NYT is part of this "vast rightwing conspiracy".

Too fucking funny, you cry like a little bitch about our "failed" media then you USE that same media to "prove" your point.

Whatta a maroon you are idiot.
The non Pub Propaganda Machine DOES do SOME journalism and fact checking SOME of the time. Too bad the corrections are on page 9. Fox etc NEVER does any of that, of course.

Why didn't you just say that the ONLY reports that matter or can be true are those YOU approve of or those that support whatever moronic point you are currently trying to make?
The reports that link to the truth, rather than making accusations that turn out to be patently false? Jeez I don't know, hater dupe lol...READ THE LINK, functional shyttehead.

Of course if I went to Fox and cited a report that showed you where your article was wrong you'd of course embrace those facts, right?
Exonerated? When did that ever happen? Lerner took the 5th. The Eric Holder Justice Department did damage control instead of an investigation. Lois Lerner deprived thousands of Americans their rights under the law and our so called "Attorney General" looked the other way. That's "awesome" all right!

It's totally awesome. The system worked the way it was supposed to.

And, sorry, I dont see a right to commit tax fraud in the Constitution.

Name the conservative groups that were charged with committing tax fraud, Joey.
It doesnt matter. Joe has been repeating that crap at least once a week since the story broke. Of course the groups were never denied. They werent given any answer at all. That was the point.
Joe doesnt care about truth. He lives in a reality all his own.
Maybe Pubs should fully FUND the IRS- and SAVE the country money. BTW, the Dem groups also had to wait, and one was denied. No evidence that the delays stopped the groups from moving duh. JUST TOTAL BS...
Hillary is a money grubbing 1%'er, but she is YOUR money grubbing 1%'er.

We get it.

Too fucking funny, you cry like a little bitch about our "failed" media then you USE that same media to "prove" your point.

Whatta a maroon you are idiot.
The non Pub Propaganda Machine DOES do SOME journalism and fact checking SOME of the time. Too bad the corrections are on page 9. Fox etc NEVER does any of that, of course.

Why didn't you just say that the ONLY reports that matter or can be true are those YOU approve of or those that support whatever moronic point you are currently trying to make?
The reports that link to the truth, rather than making accusations that turn out to be patently false? Jeez I don't know, hater dupe lol...READ THE LINK, functional shyttehead.

Of course if I went to Fox and cited a report that showed you where your article was wrong you'd of course embrace those facts, right?
Sure. That would be different...

Too fucking funny, you cry like a little bitch about our "failed" media then you USE that same media to "prove" your point.

Whatta a maroon you are idiot.
The non Pub Propaganda Machine DOES do SOME journalism and fact checking SOME of the time. Too bad the corrections are on page 9. Fox etc NEVER does any of that, of course.

Why didn't you just say that the ONLY reports that matter or can be true are those YOU approve of or those that support whatever moronic point you are currently trying to make?
The reports that link to the truth, rather than making accusations that turn out to be patently false? Jeez I don't know, hater dupe lol...READ THE LINK, functional shyttehead.

It is your stated"opinion" that EVERYONE, including the NYT is part of this "vast rightwing conspiracy".
No but they are selling out to controversy, money, and hype more and more. And like the rest of the "librul" media, cowards in the face of big money Pubs and loudmouth dupes like you.

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