Hillary Clinton..."The People's Champion"!

The proof of that is simple. Tell me what Marc Rich has done for Israel since he was pardoned. How has his pardon benefited Israel in any way?

Marc rich died in 2013. But let's look at his Wikipeida entry.

Rich was a strong supporter of Israel throughout his life, having donated around $150 million to institutions such as the Israel Museum, Tel Aviv Museum, research centers and theaters over the years.

In May 2007 Rich received an honorary doctorate from Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, in recognition of his contribution to Israel and to the university's research programs.[41][42] He received the same honor from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheba, Israel, on 18 November 2007.[43] The Chaim Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer in suburban Tel-Aviv, Israel, honored Rich with the Sheba Humanitarian Award 2008.

Marc Rich - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

What Rich did was donate hundreds of millions of dollars to Israel which is why various Israeli leaders lobbied for him to be pardoned. He also donated $450,000 to the Clinton Library, a million to the Democratic Party and $100,000 to Hillary Clinton's Senate campaign. Now YOU might be naive enough to believe all that money had nothing to do with the pardon that was given but even Jimmy Carter found the whole deal to stink to high heavens.

Dog Style, you get on here an advocate every fucking day for the rich to have special privilages and to be able to buy our politics and our politicians. Shit, you wanted to throw poor Lois Lerner in prison merely for questioning the attempts of rich people to use dodgy tax accounting.

Now you are an advocate of clean government? REally? Or just clean government that benefits you?

Poor Lois Lerner? Seriously? The IRS is supposed to be non-political but Lois decided that conservative groups warranted "special" treatment. I'd like to throw Lois Lerner in prison because she broke the law! That's what prisons are FOR!
Link to any reputable news org, hater dupe? LOL functional MORON...
Poor Lois Lerner? Seriously? The IRS is supposed to be non-political but Lois decided that conservative groups warranted "special" treatment. I'd like to throw Lois Lerner in prison because she broke the law! That's what prisons are FOR!

You mean Conservative groups were abusing the loophole and she caught them?

So it's bad if Marc Rich buys political influence but it's okay if the Koch brothers do it, eh?

Who did she "catch" doing anything? The reason Lois Lerner got run out of the IRS isn't because she "caught" someone doing something wrong. The reason that Lerner took the 5th and retirement was that SHE got caught doing something wrong! She illegally targeted conservatives and divulged confidential IRS information to political opponents of conservatives. She broke the law and if we'd had an Attorney General worthy of the name, she would have been charged and brought to trial.

As for the difference between Marc Rich and the Koch brothers? Marc Rich made billions selling black market oil from rogue nations like South Africa and Iran. He didn't care that his actions totally negated sanctions that were imposed by organizations like the UN...Marc Rich only cared about profits. He then turned around and used those profits to buy politicians like Bill Clinton.

So tell me what the Koch brothers have EVER done that even remotely resembles what Marc Rich did!
The proof of that is simple. Tell me what Marc Rich has done for Israel since he was pardoned. How has his pardon benefited Israel in any way?

Marc rich died in 2013. But let's look at his Wikipeida entry.

Rich was a strong supporter of Israel throughout his life, having donated around $150 million to institutions such as the Israel Museum, Tel Aviv Museum, research centers and theaters over the years.

In May 2007 Rich received an honorary doctorate from Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, in recognition of his contribution to Israel and to the university's research programs.[41][42] He received the same honor from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheba, Israel, on 18 November 2007.[43] The Chaim Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer in suburban Tel-Aviv, Israel, honored Rich with the Sheba Humanitarian Award 2008.

Marc Rich - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

What Rich did was donate hundreds of millions of dollars to Israel which is why various Israeli leaders lobbied for him to be pardoned. He also donated $450,000 to the Clinton Library, a million to the Democratic Party and $100,000 to Hillary Clinton's Senate campaign. Now YOU might be naive enough to believe all that money had nothing to do with the pardon that was given but even Jimmy Carter found the whole deal to stink to high heavens.

Dog Style, you get on here an advocate every fucking day for the rich to have special privilages and to be able to buy our politics and our politicians. Shit, you wanted to throw poor Lois Lerner in prison merely for questioning the attempts of rich people to use dodgy tax accounting.

Now you are an advocate of clean government? REally? Or just clean government that benefits you?

Poor Lois Lerner? Seriously? The IRS is supposed to be non-political but Lois decided that conservative groups warranted "special" treatment. I'd like to throw Lois Lerner in prison because she broke the law! That's what prisons are FOR!
Link to any reputable news org, hater dupe? LOL functional MORON...

At this point anyone who thinks Lois Lerner DIDN'T break IRS regulations and Federal law is such a liberal "lemming" I'm not even going to waste my time with them. The functional moron on this board is the idiot who thinks "hater dupe" is a response to everything.

Do you really not grasp what a tool you become when you spam that nonsense?
i always get a kick out of obamabots

throwing out words like "brainwashed"




The proof of that is simple. Tell me what Marc Rich has done for Israel since he was pardoned. How has his pardon benefited Israel in any way?

Marc rich died in 2013. But let's look at his Wikipeida entry.

Rich was a strong supporter of Israel throughout his life, having donated around $150 million to institutions such as the Israel Museum, Tel Aviv Museum, research centers and theaters over the years.

In May 2007 Rich received an honorary doctorate from Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, in recognition of his contribution to Israel and to the university's research programs.[41][42] He received the same honor from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheba, Israel, on 18 November 2007.[43] The Chaim Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer in suburban Tel-Aviv, Israel, honored Rich with the Sheba Humanitarian Award 2008.

Marc Rich - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

What Rich did was donate hundreds of millions of dollars to Israel which is why various Israeli leaders lobbied for him to be pardoned. He also donated $450,000 to the Clinton Library, a million to the Democratic Party and $100,000 to Hillary Clinton's Senate campaign. Now YOU might be naive enough to believe all that money had nothing to do with the pardon that was given but even Jimmy Carter found the whole deal to stink to high heavens.

Dog Style, you get on here an advocate every fucking day for the rich to have special privilages and to be able to buy our politics and our politicians. Shit, you wanted to throw poor Lois Lerner in prison merely for questioning the attempts of rich people to use dodgy tax accounting.

Now you are an advocate of clean government? REally? Or just clean government that benefits you?

Poor Lois Lerner? Seriously? The IRS is supposed to be non-political but Lois decided that conservative groups warranted "special" treatment. I'd like to throw Lois Lerner in prison because she broke the law! That's what prisons are FOR!
Link to any reputable news org, hater dupe? LOL functional MORON...

At this point anyone who thinks Lois Lerner DIDN'T break IRS regulations and Federal law is such a liberal "lemming" I'm not even going to waste my time with them. The functional moron on this board is the idiot who thinks "hater dupe" is a response to everything.

Do you really not grasp what a tool you become when you spam that nonsense?
Wrong again butthead. No charges, no sanctions, nothing but mountains of Pubcrappe, for dupes only....always the same story with you ignorant rubes....
Try the real world some time, bozos. No GOP orgs were turned down by the IRS. There were more GOP groups being looked at because it was the beginning of the TP. End of story, hater dupes. NEXT!
Who did she "catch" doing anything? The reason Lois Lerner got run out of the IRS isn't because she "caught" someone doing something wrong. The reason that Lerner took the 5th and retirement was that SHE got caught doing something wrong! She illegally targeted conservatives and divulged confidential IRS information to political opponents of conservatives. She broke the law and if we'd had an Attorney General worthy of the name, she would have been charged and brought to trial.

Right. She's be in a cell right next to Scooter Libby and Ollie North. You know, guys who committed real crimes.

here's the thing. If you can't get a conviction on her without her testimony, you don't have a case.

As for the difference between Marc Rich and the Koch brothers? Marc Rich made billions selling black market oil from rogue nations like South Africa and Iran. He didn't care that his actions totally negated sanctions that were imposed by organizations like the UN...Marc Rich only cared about profits. He then turned around and used those profits to buy politicians like Bill Clinton.

The Koch Brother's Daddy made a fortune helping Stalin exploit the USSR's oil wealth. I think that's a little worse. Today they buy and sell our politicians like trading cards, and you are totally good with that. Marc Rich gets a pardon after our Zionist Masters tell us to give him one, and that's bad. Unlike when our Zionists masters tell us to go to war over weapons that don't exist. You are still defending that.

Bush Lied. People Died.

So tell me what the Koch brothers have EVER done that even remotely resembles what Marc Rich did!

The Koch Brothers are infinitely worse. They are a cancer on our democracy.
At this point anyone who thinks Lois Lerner DIDN'T break IRS regulations and Federal law is such a liberal "lemming" I'm not even going to waste my time with them. The functional moron on this board is the idiot who thinks "hater dupe" is a response to everything.

Do you really not grasp what a tool you become when you spam that nonsense?

You mean we are going to finally get you to stop whining about poor Lois? Because she was totally exonerated! That's so awesome.

Now we just need the IRS to start treating campaign contributions for what they are- BRIBERY.
At this point anyone who thinks Lois Lerner DIDN'T break IRS regulations and Federal law is such a liberal "lemming" I'm not even going to waste my time with them. The functional moron on this board is the idiot who thinks "hater dupe" is a response to everything.

Do you really not grasp what a tool you become when you spam that nonsense?

You mean we are going to finally get you to stop whining about poor Lois? Because she was totally exonerated! That's so awesome.

Now we just need the IRS to start treating campaign contributions for what they are- BRIBERY.
Joe, you're so fucking stupid you continue to bleat the same crap day in day out. Doesnt matter how many times its' been shown to be wrong. Frankly you are the current reigning ass-clown on this site. And you're gone.
Try the real world some time, bozos. No GOP orgs were turned down by the IRS. There were more GOP groups being looked at because it was the beginning of the TP. End of story, hater dupes. NEXT!

How many GOP groups had their applications DELAYED for extended periods of time, Franco? That's what Lerner and her little clique did. They didn't turn down the applications for tax status...oh no...what they DID was deliberately keep conservative groups in "red tape limbo" neither approving them or denying them. They did not treat liberal groups in the same manner and it's for THAT reason that they should have been prosecuted. The IRS shouldn't be something that is used by the party in power to hamstring their opponents. That's what was done by the Obama Administration. You also shouldn't have to worry that confidential tax payer information is going to be leaked to your political enemies by the IRS. That's also what Lerner did at the IRS.
At this point anyone who thinks Lois Lerner DIDN'T break IRS regulations and Federal law is such a liberal "lemming" I'm not even going to waste my time with them. The functional moron on this board is the idiot who thinks "hater dupe" is a response to everything.

Do you really not grasp what a tool you become when you spam that nonsense?

You mean we are going to finally get you to stop whining about poor Lois? Because she was totally exonerated! That's so awesome.

Now we just need the IRS to start treating campaign contributions for what they are- BRIBERY.

Exonerated? When did that ever happen? Lerner took the 5th. The Eric Holder Justice Department did damage control instead of an investigation. Lois Lerner deprived thousands of Americans their rights under the law and our so called "Attorney General" looked the other way. That's "awesome" all right!
Who did she "catch" doing anything? The reason Lois Lerner got run out of the IRS isn't because she "caught" someone doing something wrong. The reason that Lerner took the 5th and retirement was that SHE got caught doing something wrong! She illegally targeted conservatives and divulged confidential IRS information to political opponents of conservatives. She broke the law and if we'd had an Attorney General worthy of the name, she would have been charged and brought to trial.

Right. She's be in a cell right next to Scooter Libby and Ollie North. You know, guys who committed real crimes.

here's the thing. If you can't get a conviction on her without her testimony, you don't have a case.

As for the difference between Marc Rich and the Koch brothers? Marc Rich made billions selling black market oil from rogue nations like South Africa and Iran. He didn't care that his actions totally negated sanctions that were imposed by organizations like the UN...Marc Rich only cared about profits. He then turned around and used those profits to buy politicians like Bill Clinton.

The Koch Brother's Daddy made a fortune helping Stalin exploit the USSR's oil wealth. I think that's a little worse. Today they buy and sell our politicians like trading cards, and you are totally good with that. Marc Rich gets a pardon after our Zionist Masters tell us to give him one, and that's bad. Unlike when our Zionists masters tell us to go to war over weapons that don't exist. You are still defending that.

Bush Lied. People Died.

So tell me what the Koch brothers have EVER done that even remotely resembles what Marc Rich did!

The Koch Brothers are infinitely worse. They are a cancer on our democracy.

Let me get this straight...the best thing you can come up with to accuse the Koch brothers of is wrong doing by their FATHER? Seriously? You're rapidly becoming a joke on this board.
Exonerated? When did that ever happen? Lerner took the 5th. The Eric Holder Justice Department did damage control instead of an investigation. Lois Lerner deprived thousands of Americans their rights under the law and our so called "Attorney General" looked the other way. That's "awesome" all right!

It's totally awesome. The system worked the way it was supposed to.

And, sorry, I dont see a right to commit tax fraud in the Constitution.
Who did she "catch" doing anything? The reason Lois Lerner got run out of the IRS isn't because she "caught" someone doing something wrong. The reason that Lerner took the 5th and retirement was that SHE got caught doing something wrong! She illegally targeted conservatives and divulged confidential IRS information to political opponents of conservatives. She broke the law and if we'd had an Attorney General worthy of the name, she would have been charged and brought to trial.

Right. She's be in a cell right next to Scooter Libby and Ollie North. You know, guys who committed real crimes.

here's the thing. If you can't get a conviction on her without her testimony, you don't have a case.

As for the difference between Marc Rich and the Koch brothers? Marc Rich made billions selling black market oil from rogue nations like South Africa and Iran. He didn't care that his actions totally negated sanctions that were imposed by organizations like the UN...Marc Rich only cared about profits. He then turned around and used those profits to buy politicians like Bill Clinton.

The Koch Brother's Daddy made a fortune helping Stalin exploit the USSR's oil wealth. I think that's a little worse. Today they buy and sell our politicians like trading cards, and you are totally good with that. Marc Rich gets a pardon after our Zionist Masters tell us to give him one, and that's bad. Unlike when our Zionists masters tell us to go to war over weapons that don't exist. You are still defending that.

Bush Lied. People Died.

So tell me what the Koch brothers have EVER done that even remotely resembles what Marc Rich did!

The Koch Brothers are infinitely worse. They are a cancer on our democracy.

Let me get this straight...the best thing you can come up with to accuse the Koch brothers of is wrong doing by their FATHER? Seriously? You're rapidly becoming a joke on this board.
I finally ignored his stupd whiny ass. COnstant complaining about other people's wealth, constant harping on Bush Bush Bush. Same damn shit every day.

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