Hillary Clinton..."The People's Champion"!

The fact of the matter is that the Marc Rich pardon was Bill and Hillary Clinton pissing on the office of the President of the United States. They took cash in exchange for a pardon. It's the very definition of sleazy.

But that's who Bill and Hillary Clinton are...

Actually, the real reason Marc Rich was pardoned was because the Israeli Government WANTED him pardoned.

Now given you wingnuts spend every day telling us we need to do whatever stupid thing the Zionists tell us to do, I find your objections to this particular thing kind of confusing.

The real reason Bill Clinton pardoned Marc Rich - Salon.com

Still, it would have been a refreshing change from the usual confirmation minuet if instead of humbly apologizing, Holder had tartly instructed the buffoonish Specter, his fellow senators, the press, and the public about the actual circumstances of the Rich affair. He might have started with the fact that continuous lobbying on Rich’s behalf from the highest Israeli leaders and their American friends — among whom Specter no doubt counts himself — became even more intense in the days before Clinton left office. He could have noted that such pressures coincided with Clinton’s efforts to conclude a peace agreement between the Israelis and Palestinians. And he could have explained to Specter that Rich’s deals in Iran and Iraq were often related to his other role — as an asset of the Mossad who gathered intelligence and helped to rescue endangered Jews from those regimes.

Echoing Barak’s pleas on behalf of Rich were Clinton’s old friend Shimon Peres, former Mossad director general Shabtai Shavit, and a host of other important figures in Israel and the American Jewish community. Winning the pardon was a top priority for Israeli officials because Rich had long been a financial and intelligence asset of the Jewish state, carrying out missions in many hostile countries where he did business. Although commentators in the mainstream and right-wing media have discounted this aspect of the controversy, they often seem as unfamiliar with critical facts as the average senator.

You know what's REALLY amusing, Joey? That you buy that cock and bull story about Clinton only doing the Rich deal to try and win concessions from the Israelis. How exactly was that supposed to work when the pardon was given literally in the last few hours of the Clinton Presidency? Was a peace deal supposed to be worked out between then and when Slick Willie left office? Think about it just a LITTLE and you realize that premise is so fucking stupid it borders on farce!
The truth is that Clinton took a payoff from Denise Rich in return for the pardon. It's that simple. It wasn't the Israelis and it certainly wasn't because Rich was some secret Mossad asset. It was Bill Clinton cashing in for big bucks as he headed for the exits.
The proof of that is simple. Tell me what Marc Rich has done for Israel since he was pardoned. How has his pardon benefited Israel in any way?

What Rich did was donate hundreds of millions of dollars to Israel which is why various Israeli leaders lobbied for him to be pardoned. He also donated $450,000 to the Clinton Library, a million to the Democratic Party and $100,000 to Hillary Clinton's Senate campaign. Now YOU might be naive enough to believe all that money had nothing to do with the pardon that was given but even Jimmy Carter found the whole deal to stink to high heavens.
One of the bigger comedy routines we're going to be treated to is Hillary Clinton campaigning as the champion of the poor when she and her hubby have become millionaires by accepting payola from wealthy donors in return for political favors. The same people who brought us the "Marc Rich" pardon in the waning hours of the Clinton administration now want you to believe that they're going to fight for you against the rich.
We can't put the entire gov in the hands of the GOP. Tried that before.

Last time a clinton was in white house things were great. Last two Bush's sucked you want a third?

Woman want to see a woman president. She would have beat McCain and she'll beat whoever you run.
At this point, what difference does a little crony capitalism make?
One of the bigger comedy routines we're going to be treated to is Hillary Clinton campaigning as the champion of the poor when she and her hubby have become millionaires by accepting payola from wealthy donors in return for political favors. The same people who brought us the "Marc Rich" pardon in the waning hours of the Clinton administration now want you to believe that they're going to fight for you against the rich.
WTF does a person's worth have to do with the policies they're for? RW idiocy. And that was 15 years ago and had nothing to do with Hillary.
Who cares bs maliscious gossip, hater dupes. Hillary's POLICIES still prove she's the peoples' champion. Stuff the horse patoot from 15 years ago...

How does cashing in on your office for millions of dollars make you the "people's champion"? I hate to break this to you, Franco but the Clinton's are FILTHY rich and they got that way because their "charity" benefits them more than it benefits anyone else.
One of the bigger comedy routines we're going to be treated to is Hillary Clinton campaigning as the champion of the poor when she and her hubby have become millionaires by accepting payola from wealthy donors in return for political favors. The same people who brought us the "Marc Rich" pardon in the waning hours of the Clinton administration now want you to believe that they're going to fight for you against the rich.
We can't put the entire gov in the hands of the GOP. Tried that before.

Last time a clinton was in white house things were great. Last two Bush's sucked you want a third?

Woman want to see a woman president. She would have beat McCain and she'll beat whoever you run.

The last time there was a Clinton in the White House, Newt Gingrich and the Republican majority in Congress were controlling the purse strings. That coupled with the Dot Com Boom is what made things "great". So do you see a Dot Com Boom happening sometime in the near future? If you don't then how is four years of Hillary going to differ from eight years of Barack?
When you've got Franco and Billy as your last line of defense it's safe to say that Hillary is in a world of hurt.

Gotta love them slamming the New York Times for being biased...
You know what's REALLY amusing, Joey? That you buy that cock and bull story about Clinton only doing the Rich deal to try and win concessions from the Israelis. How exactly was that supposed to work when the pardon was given literally in the last few hours of the Clinton Presidency? Was a peace deal supposed to be worked out between then and when Slick Willie left office? Think about it just a LITTLE and you realize that premise is so fucking stupid it borders on farce!

He wasn't trying to win concessions from the Zionists. The Zionists were just telling him what to do, just like they tell all our politicians what to do. The Zionists WANTED Jonathan Pollard, but even Clinton wasn't willing to go that far. That guy was an outright spy. Rich was the consolation prize.

Now, I don't give a fuck about Rich one way or the other, but you Wingnuts have been selling our government to the Zionists for years. At least this favor didn't involve anyone coming home in a body bag.
You know what's REALLY amusing, Joey? That you buy that cock and bull story about Clinton only doing the Rich deal to try and win concessions from the Israelis. How exactly was that supposed to work when the pardon was given literally in the last few hours of the Clinton Presidency? Was a peace deal supposed to be worked out between then and when Slick Willie left office? Think about it just a LITTLE and you realize that premise is so fucking stupid it borders on farce!

He wasn't trying to win concessions from the Zionists. The Zionists were just telling him what to do, just like they tell all our politicians what to do. The Zionists WANTED Jonathan Pollard, but even Clinton wasn't willing to go that far. That guy was an outright spy. Rich was the consolation prize.

Now, I don't give a fuck about Rich one way or the other, but you Wingnuts have been selling our government to the Zionists for years. At least this favor didn't involve anyone coming home in a body bag.

...and this excuses Hillary from selling Uranium to the Russians ... how?


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