Hillary Clinton..."The People's Champion"!

She is not a populist anymore than Ted Cruz.

They are both huge PAC candidates,nothing more.
Stick with repeating "Hater Dupes! Hater Dupes!" Franco...anytime you try to form rational thoughts you're completely inept.

LOL. That is a result of some serious programming. Seriously, I wish I had a dollar for every time that was posted so I could take a cruise.
Yeah, it's called having a Masters in History and reading actual news, not the BS hate/propaganda/Pubcrappe you're full of, hater dupe. The new bs GOP is a disgrace, and has ruined the country pandering to the greedy idiot megarich. See sig.

You can barely write a coherent sentence. Hard to believe any reputable institution would award you an undergraduate degree. The idea that you could have earned a graduate degree is laughable.

Any actual argument, or just stupid insults and bs Pub talking points, functional moron?

I'm not insulting you, just questioning your purported achievements. Can you tell me what American university would give a graduate degree to someone incapable of writing in English. An American Masters degree typically requires completing a thesis in English.

Where did you go to school?


Hillary might, one day, be elected president.

President of a grandmother's quilting club; maybe an investment club.

But of The United States?

Fuggeddibboutit. Unless she runs as a "moderate" Republican.
Stick with repeating "Hater Dupes! Hater Dupes!" Franco...anytime you try to form rational thoughts you're completely inept.

LOL. That is a result of some serious programming. Seriously, I wish I had a dollar for every time that was posted so I could take a cruise.
Yeah, it's called having a Masters in History and reading actual news, not the BS hate/propaganda/Pubcrappe you're full of, hater dupe. The new bs GOP is a disgrace, and has ruined the country pandering to the greedy idiot megarich. See sig.

You can barely write a coherent sentence. Hard to believe any reputable institution would award you an undergraduate degree. The idea that you could have earned a graduate degree is laughable.

Any actual argument, or just stupid insults and bs Pub talking points, functional moron?

I'm not insulting you, just questioning your purported achievements. Can you tell me what American university would give a graduate degree to someone incapable of writing in English. An American Masters degree typically requires completing a thesis in English.

Where did you go to school?

I'm capable, but I'm slumming here, getting down to the level of brainwashed, ignorant, hater dupe GOPers- it's THE story of the last 30 years, and the worst part of demented Reagan's legacy. Hotchkiss, Hobart, Sorbonne, U of R. Just because I'm educated doesn't mean I have to be pompous and out of touch. I don't have to prove anything.
She is not a populist anymore than Ted Cruz.

They are both huge PAC candidates,nothing more.
She has the same policies and ideology as Obama does. The rest is spin and Pubcrappe. Cruz is a bought off tool of the idiot greedy Pub oligarchy, and one helluve liar and hypocrite. A chip off the old insane block...
She is not a populist anymore than Ted Cruz.

They are both huge PAC candidates,nothing more.
She has the same policies and ideology as Obama does. The rest is spin and Pubcrappe. Cruz is a bought off tool of the idiot greedy Pub oligarchy, and one helluve liar and hypocrite. A chip off the old insane block...
Agree about Cruz, but Hillary is no Bill.
Everyone will have Pacs until they're banned. But the rich people in Hillary's Pacs are for higher taxes on the rich, jobs/infrastructure/training, a living wage, fighting pollution, and diplomacy, not chicken hawk wars. IOW, not moron Pubs.
She is not a populist anymore than Ted Cruz.

They are both huge PAC candidates,nothing more.
She has the same policies and ideology as Obama does. The rest is spin and Pubcrappe. Cruz is a bought off tool of the idiot greedy Pub oligarchy, and one helluve liar and hypocrite. A chip off the old insane block...
Agree about Cruz, but Hillary is no Bill.
What are the policy differences? No gossip please.
Stick with repeating "Hater Dupes! Hater Dupes!" Franco...anytime you try to form rational thoughts you're completely inept.

LOL. That is a result of some serious programming. Seriously, I wish I had a dollar for every time that was posted so I could take a cruise.
Yeah, it's called having a Masters in History and reading actual news, not the BS hate/propaganda/Pubcrappe you're full of, hater dupe. The new bs GOP is a disgrace, and has ruined the country pandering to the greedy idiot megarich. See sig.

You're claiming to have a Masters in anything is amusing...claiming to have one in History borders on farce. What so called "school" would give a degree to someone who can't write a sentence without putting "Pub Dupe" or "Hater Dupe" in it?
LOL. That is a result of some serious programming. Seriously, I wish I had a dollar for every time that was posted so I could take a cruise.
Yeah, it's called having a Masters in History and reading actual news, not the BS hate/propaganda/Pubcrappe you're full of, hater dupe. The new bs GOP is a disgrace, and has ruined the country pandering to the greedy idiot megarich. See sig.

You can barely write a coherent sentence. Hard to believe any reputable institution would award you an undergraduate degree. The idea that you could have earned a graduate degree is laughable.

Any actual argument, or just stupid insults and bs Pub talking points, functional moron?

I'm not insulting you, just questioning your purported achievements. Can you tell me what American university would give a graduate degree to someone incapable of writing in English. An American Masters degree typically requires completing a thesis in English.

Where did you go to school?

I'm capable, but I'm slumming here, getting down to the level of brainwashed, ignorant, hater dupe GOPers- it's THE story of the last 30 years, and the worst part of demented Reagan's legacy. Hotchkiss, Hobart, Sorbonne, U of R. Just because I'm educated doesn't mean I have to be pompous and out of touch. I don't have to prove anything.
Can you read? Read my sig then and learn SOMETHING. All FACT.
You find the Marc Rich pardon amusing, Bendog? It's probably one of the sleaziest things ever done in the waning hours of an administration.

Well, no. It's really kind of mundane. Marc Rich did business with Iran. So did Ronald Reagan. And all of Reagan's cronies got pardons for their part in the Iran Contra Scandal. Not seeing a problem here.

So explain to me why Marc Rich got a Presidential pardon, Joey? He was a wanted felon. Someone who had left the country to escape prosecution. What was the criteria for giving him a pardon hours before Clinton left office?
Can you read, dingbat dupe?

Yeah, actually I read rather well, Franco. I was a REAL History major not a faux one like some people!

Marc Rich BOUGHT a Presidential Pardon. He was a convicted felon who fled the country to escape his sentence. Bill Clinton took a payoff to let a guilty man off with zero jail time.
You find the Marc Rich pardon amusing, Bendog? It's probably one of the sleaziest things ever done in the waning hours of an administration.

Well, no. It's really kind of mundane. Marc Rich did business with Iran. So did Ronald Reagan. And all of Reagan's cronies got pardons for their part in the Iran Contra Scandal. Not seeing a problem here.

So explain to me why Marc Rich got a Presidential pardon, Joey? He was a wanted felon. Someone who had left the country to escape prosecution. What was the criteria for giving him a pardon hours before Clinton left office?
Can you read, dingbat dupe?

Yeah, actually I read rather well, Franco. I was a REAL History major not a faux one like some people!

Marc Rich BOUGHT a Presidential Pardon. He was a convicted felon who fled the country to escape his sentence. Bill Clinton took a payoff to let a guilty man off with zero jail time.
Any EVIDENCE of that? Not bs PROPAGANDA? Yes, you're a great typist- too bad it's all BS lol...
Lots of people thought Rich should get a pardon. GIULIANI?!? I smell ANOTHER pile of Pub bs...

In 1983 Rich and partner Pincus Green were indicted on 65 criminal counts, including income tax evasion, wire fraud, racketeering, and trading with Iran during the oil embargo (at a time when Iranian revolutionaries were still holding American citizens hostage).[3][9] The charges would have led to a sentence of more than 300 years in prison had Rich been convicted on all counts.[3] The indictment was filed by then-U.S. Federal Prosecutor (and future mayor of New York City) Rudolph Giuliani. At the time it was the biggest tax evasion case in U.S. history.[19]
Hearing of the plans for the indictment, Rich fled[11] to Switzerland and, always insisting that he was not guilty, never returned to the U.S. to answer the charges.[Notes 1] Rich's companies eventually pled guilty to 35 counts of tax evasion and paid $90 million in fines,[9] although Rich himself remained on the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Ten Most-Wanted Fugitives List for many years,[21] narrowly evading capture in Britain, Germany, Finland, and Jamaica.[22] Fearing arrest, he did not even return to the United States to attend his daughter's funeral in 1996.[23]
On January 20, 2001, hours before leaving office, U.S. President Bill Clinton granted Rich a highly controversial presidential pardon. Several of Clinton's strongest supporters distanced themselves from the decision.[24] Former President Jimmy Carter, a fellow Democrat, said, "I don't think there is any doubt that some of the factors in his pardon were attributable to his large gifts. In my opinion, that was disgraceful."[25] Clinton himself later expressed regret for issuing the pardon, saying that "it wasn't worth the damage to my reputation."[11]
Clinton's critics alleged that Rich's pardon had been bought, as Denise Rich had given more than $1 million[26] to Clinton's political party (the Democratic Party), including more than $100,000 to the Senate campaign of the president's wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and $450,000 to the Clinton Library foundation during Clinton's time in office.[22] Clinton explained his decision by noting that similar cases were settled in civil, not criminal court.
Clinton also cited clemency pleas he had received from Israeli government officials, including then-Prime Minister Ehud Barak. Rich had made substantial donations to Israeli charitable foundations over the years, and many senior Israeli officials, such as Shimon Peres and Ehud Olmert, argued on his behalf behind the scenes.[27] Speculation about another rationale for Rich's pardon involved his alleged involvement with the Israeli intelligence community.[28][29] Rich reluctantly acknowledged in interviews with his biographer, Daniel Ammann, that he had assisted the Mossad, Israel’s intelligence service,[6][15] a claim that Ammann said was confirmed by a former Israeli intelligence officer.[14] According to Ammann, Rich had helped finance the Mossad's operations and had supplied Israel with strategic amounts of Iranian oil through a secret oil pipeline.[6] The aide to Rich who had persuaded Denise Rich to personally ask President Clinton to review Rich's pardon request was a former chief of the Mossad, Avner Azulay.[23][30] Another former Mossad chief, Shabtai Shavit, had also urged Clinton to pardon Rich,[2] whom he said had routinely allowed intelligence agents to use his offices around the world.[3]
Clinton said his reasons for granting the pardon included:
• That the oil companies involved in transactions with Iran involving Rich and Green were sued in civil court -- not charged criminally.
• That in a 1985 related case the Department of Energy decided the Rich/Green contracts were proper.
• A review by two tax law experts found the companies properly reported the transactions on U.S. income tax returns.
• The companies had paid about $200 million in fines, penalties and taxes for the transactions.
• The Justice Department in 1989 rejected use of racketeering statutes in similar tax cases.
Clinton said he also required the men to waive the statute of limitations on any civil proceedings. "I believe my pardon decision was in the best interest of justice," Clinton wrote.
Clinton explained that his decision was also influenced by "many present and former high-ranking Israeli officials of both major political parties and leaders of Jewish communities in America and Europe."
Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak called Clinton several times on Rich's behalf.

Basically, a bunch of bs gossip from Pubs, for dupes ONLY. Now, what about POLICY, and why IS Hillary the champion of regular people, while Pubs are the champion of the 1% and total bs/hate?
CNN.com - Clinton No quid pro quo for Rich pardon - February 18 2001
IS this another RW hard on thread bullshit or is anything to it....

I read the OP and it is the usual unsubstantiated lies by frothing at the mouth right...
One of the bigger comedy routines we're going to be treated to is Hillary Clinton campaigning as the champion of the poor when she and her hubby have become millionaires by accepting payola from wealthy donors in return for political favors. The same people who brought us the "Marc Rich" pardon in the waning hours of the Clinton administration now want you to believe that they're going to fight for you against the rich.
As usual, the hater dupes are distracted from what issues and policies are good for them and the country by stupid hateful gossip. Dems are too big to go on about the hundreds of Reaganists sent to prison. the Booosh lies and corruption, and they don't have a propaganda machine. Too bad about the ignorant functional moron Pub dupes and their idiotiuc voting...
So explain to me why Marc Rich got a Presidential pardon, Joey? He was a wanted felon. Someone who had left the country to escape prosecution. What was the criteria for giving him a pardon hours before Clinton left office?

What he did wasn't a big deal.

Now, when Poppy Bush pardoned all the people who sold weapons to iran and then diverted the money to drug-dealing terrorists .. er "Freedom fighters" in Central America, that was actually a bad thing.
The fact of the matter is that the Marc Rich pardon was Bill and Hillary Clinton pissing on the office of the President of the United States. They took cash in exchange for a pardon. It's the very definition of sleazy.

But that's who Bill and Hillary Clinton are...

Actually, the real reason Marc Rich was pardoned was because the Israeli Government WANTED him pardoned.

Now given you wingnuts spend every day telling us we need to do whatever stupid thing the Zionists tell us to do, I find your objections to this particular thing kind of confusing.

The real reason Bill Clinton pardoned Marc Rich - Salon.com

Still, it would have been a refreshing change from the usual confirmation minuet if instead of humbly apologizing, Holder had tartly instructed the buffoonish Specter, his fellow senators, the press, and the public about the actual circumstances of the Rich affair. He might have started with the fact that continuous lobbying on Rich’s behalf from the highest Israeli leaders and their American friends — among whom Specter no doubt counts himself — became even more intense in the days before Clinton left office. He could have noted that such pressures coincided with Clinton’s efforts to conclude a peace agreement between the Israelis and Palestinians. And he could have explained to Specter that Rich’s deals in Iran and Iraq were often related to his other role — as an asset of the Mossad who gathered intelligence and helped to rescue endangered Jews from those regimes.

Echoing Barak’s pleas on behalf of Rich were Clinton’s old friend Shimon Peres, former Mossad director general Shabtai Shavit, and a host of other important figures in Israel and the American Jewish community. Winning the pardon was a top priority for Israeli officials because Rich had long been a financial and intelligence asset of the Jewish state, carrying out missions in many hostile countries where he did business. Although commentators in the mainstream and right-wing media have discounted this aspect of the controversy, they often seem as unfamiliar with critical facts as the average senator.


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