Hillary Clinton..."The People's Champion"!

One of the bigger comedy routines we're going to be treated to is Hillary Clinton campaigning as the champion of the poor when she and her hubby have become millionaires by accepting payola from wealthy donors in return for political favors. The same people who brought us the "Marc Rich" pardon in the waning hours of the Clinton administration now want you to believe that they're going to fight for you against the rich.

Hillary is guaranteed 32% of the vote no matter what. Sexual harassment, probable rape, compulsive lying, doubling the national debt, bankrupting homeowners, accepting bribes foreign and domestic etc. etc. etc doesn't stop that 32% from voting Democratic Party.

Hillary didn't sexually harrass anyone, hasn't raped anyone, didn't double the national debt, didn't bankrupt homeowners, didn't accept bribes.

Hell, if you're going to just randomly make shit up, why not blame her for the Lincoln assassination?

Yet. Give her the keys to the kingdom and see what she does. We have plenty of evidence of what she is willing to do to feather her nest, so anyone who is planning on voting for her is a moron pure and simple. This woman has no ethics. The country can't support another one.

And by 'evidence', do you mean more random accusations you can't possibly back up with evidence? Remember, we're outside the right wing echo chamber. Your accusations aren't actually evidence here.
One of the bigger comedy routines we're going to be treated to is Hillary Clinton campaigning as the champion of the poor when she and her hubby have become millionaires by accepting payola from wealthy donors in return for political favors. The same people who brought us the "Marc Rich" pardon in the waning hours of the Clinton administration now want you to believe that they're going to fight for you against the rich.
It'll be the same song and dance that we've heard for many decades by those running for office, no difference. We'll hear the same worn out campaign rhetoric and "Dr. Feelgood" speeches that we've all heard from candidates many times over. But, the sad part is that stupid voters are going to vote for those candidates knowing that what they say is nothing more than lies, and promises that they know they can't keep.

Well, we'll see if she gets on the ballot. Apparently she needs someone to select her.
She already has a ton of support. My guess is that with her political influence and history, she'll be on the ballot in November 2016. Of course, a lot can happen between now and then, a lot. We'll just wait and she if she gets enough support to outlast everyone else. From what I've read, the general public likes her. And, she certainly has made the right contacts over the years.

Yup. That's my take as well. She's very well positioned to get the Democratic nod. She's clearly the front runner. She has the money, connections and name recognition to get it done.

Will she? Ah, the future. Who can say with any certainty. But current indications suggest its extremely likely.
She's not the front runner. She's effectively the only runner. If the Dems toss her they've got no one. Of course the idea that they would more nobly go down in defeat than support someone with such obvious moral, ethical, adn legal issues is anathema.

She is the front runner. And she won't be the only candidate for the nomination. Nor is her front runner status a dead lock as 2008 demonstrated so elegantly.

As for who those opponents will be, the DNC convention isn't for more than a year.
One of the bigger comedy routines we're going to be treated to is Hillary Clinton campaigning as the champion of the poor when she and her hubby have become millionaires by accepting payola from wealthy donors in return for political favors. The same people who brought us the "Marc Rich" pardon in the waning hours of the Clinton administration now want you to believe that they're going to fight for you against the rich.

Hillary is guaranteed 32% of the vote no matter what. Sexual harassment, probable rape, compulsive lying, doubling the national debt, bankrupting homeowners, accepting bribes foreign and domestic etc. etc. etc doesn't stop that 32% from voting Democratic Party.

Hillary didn't sexually harrass anyone, hasn't raped anyone, didn't double the national debt, didn't bankrupt homeowners, didn't accept bribes.

Hell, if you're going to just randomly make shit up, why not blame her for the Lincoln assassination?

Yet. Give her the keys to the kingdom and see what she does. We have plenty of evidence of what she is willing to do to feather her nest, so anyone who is planning on voting for her is a moron pure and simple. This woman has no ethics. The country can't support another one.

And by 'evidence', do you mean more random accusations you can't possibly back up with evidence? Remember, we're outside the right wing echo chamber. Your accusations aren't actually evidence here.

Democrats fully control the Justice Department, what are the odds that any investigation of the illegal activities of the Clintons or the Obama Administration will be accomplished in your opinion?
One of the bigger comedy routines we're going to be treated to is Hillary Clinton campaigning as the champion of the poor when she and her hubby have become millionaires by accepting payola from wealthy donors in return for political favors. The same people who brought us the "Marc Rich" pardon in the waning hours of the Clinton administration now want you to believe that they're going to fight for you against the rich.

Hillary is guaranteed 32% of the vote no matter what. Sexual harassment, probable rape, compulsive lying, doubling the national debt, bankrupting homeowners, accepting bribes foreign and domestic etc. etc. etc doesn't stop that 32% from voting Democratic Party.

Hillary didn't sexually harrass anyone, hasn't raped anyone, didn't double the national debt, didn't bankrupt homeowners, didn't accept bribes.

Hell, if you're going to just randomly make shit up, why not blame her for the Lincoln assassination?
Bribes? You MAY be speaking a wee soon on that one!
One of the bigger comedy routines we're going to be treated to is Hillary Clinton campaigning as the champion of the poor when she and her hubby have become millionaires by accepting payola from wealthy donors in return for political favors. The same people who brought us the "Marc Rich" pardon in the waning hours of the Clinton administration now want you to believe that they're going to fight for you against the rich.

Hillary is guaranteed 32% of the vote no matter what. Sexual harassment, probable rape, compulsive lying, doubling the national debt, bankrupting homeowners, accepting bribes foreign and domestic etc. etc. etc doesn't stop that 32% from voting Democratic Party.

Hillary didn't sexually harrass anyone, hasn't raped anyone, didn't double the national debt, didn't bankrupt homeowners, didn't accept bribes.

Hell, if you're going to just randomly make shit up, why not blame her for the Lincoln assassination?

Yet. Give her the keys to the kingdom and see what she does. We have plenty of evidence of what she is willing to do to feather her nest, so anyone who is planning on voting for her is a moron pure and simple. This woman has no ethics. The country can't support another one.

And by 'evidence', do you mean more random accusations you can't possibly back up with evidence? Remember, we're outside the right wing echo chamber. Your accusations aren't actually evidence here.

Well, the Daily Kos is where I got it from. I'm sure they'll be very surprised to hear themselves being referred to as a right wing organization...

Hillary fired from Watergate Committee for lying

Hillary fired from Watergate Committee for lying
One of the bigger comedy routines we're going to be treated to is Hillary Clinton campaigning as the champion of the poor when she and her hubby have become millionaires by accepting payola from wealthy donors in return for political favors. The same people who brought us the "Marc Rich" pardon in the waning hours of the Clinton administration now want you to believe that they're going to fight for you against the rich.

Hillary is guaranteed 32% of the vote no matter what. Sexual harassment, probable rape, compulsive lying, doubling the national debt, bankrupting homeowners, accepting bribes foreign and domestic etc. etc. etc doesn't stop that 32% from voting Democratic Party.

Hillary didn't sexually harrass anyone, hasn't raped anyone, didn't double the national debt, didn't bankrupt homeowners, didn't accept bribes.

Hell, if you're going to just randomly make shit up, why not blame her for the Lincoln assassination?

Yet. Give her the keys to the kingdom and see what she does. We have plenty of evidence of what she is willing to do to feather her nest, so anyone who is planning on voting for her is a moron pure and simple. This woman has no ethics. The country can't support another one.

And by 'evidence', do you mean more random accusations you can't possibly back up with evidence? Remember, we're outside the right wing echo chamber. Your accusations aren't actually evidence here.

Democrats fully control the Justice Department, what are the odds that any investigation of the illegal activities of the Clintons or the Obama Administration will be accomplished in your opinion?
I think if Hillary gets in the White House Obama knows his ass is grass......

She'll leak every damned thing he's ever done or even thought of doing. He'll have to move to Saudi Arabia to keep from being arrested.
One of the bigger comedy routines we're going to be treated to is Hillary Clinton campaigning as the champion of the poor when she and her hubby have become millionaires by accepting payola from wealthy donors in return for political favors. The same people who brought us the "Marc Rich" pardon in the waning hours of the Clinton administration now want you to believe that they're going to fight for you against the rich.

Hillary is guaranteed 32% of the vote no matter what. Sexual harassment, probable rape, compulsive lying, doubling the national debt, bankrupting homeowners, accepting bribes foreign and domestic etc. etc. etc doesn't stop that 32% from voting Democratic Party.

Hillary didn't sexually harrass anyone, hasn't raped anyone, didn't double the national debt, didn't bankrupt homeowners, didn't accept bribes.

Hell, if you're going to just randomly make shit up, why not blame her for the Lincoln assassination?

Yet. Give her the keys to the kingdom and see what she does. We have plenty of evidence of what she is willing to do to feather her nest, so anyone who is planning on voting for her is a moron pure and simple. This woman has no ethics. The country can't support another one.

And by 'evidence', do you mean more random accusations you can't possibly back up with evidence? Remember, we're outside the right wing echo chamber. Your accusations aren't actually evidence here.

Well, the Daily Kos is where I got it from. I'm sure they'll be very surprised to hear themselves being referred to as a right wing organization...

Hillary fired from Watergate Committee for lying

Hillary fired from Watergate Committee for lying
Will hater dupes EVER get that a blogger for Kos etc is NOT the Kos etc? This ISN'T one of your lockstep Pub propaganda outlets DUH...
Hillary is guaranteed 32% of the vote no matter what. Sexual harassment, probable rape, compulsive lying, doubling the national debt, bankrupting homeowners, accepting bribes foreign and domestic etc. etc. etc doesn't stop that 32% from voting Democratic Party.

Hillary didn't sexually harrass anyone, hasn't raped anyone, didn't double the national debt, didn't bankrupt homeowners, didn't accept bribes.

Hell, if you're going to just randomly make shit up, why not blame her for the Lincoln assassination?

Yet. Give her the keys to the kingdom and see what she does. We have plenty of evidence of what she is willing to do to feather her nest, so anyone who is planning on voting for her is a moron pure and simple. This woman has no ethics. The country can't support another one.

And by 'evidence', do you mean more random accusations you can't possibly back up with evidence? Remember, we're outside the right wing echo chamber. Your accusations aren't actually evidence here.

Democrats fully control the Justice Department, what are the odds that any investigation of the illegal activities of the Clintons or the Obama Administration will be accomplished in your opinion?
I think if Hillary gets in the White House Obama knows his ass is grass......

She'll leak every damned thing he's ever done or even thought of doing. He'll have to move to Saudi Arabia to keep from being arrested.
There IS NOTHING to leak, hater dupe. Same with Hillary, just RW conspiracy theories. Hater dupes!
Hillary didn't sexually harrass anyone, hasn't raped anyone, didn't double the national debt, didn't bankrupt homeowners, didn't accept bribes.

Hell, if you're going to just randomly make shit up, why not blame her for the Lincoln assassination?

Yet. Give her the keys to the kingdom and see what she does. We have plenty of evidence of what she is willing to do to feather her nest, so anyone who is planning on voting for her is a moron pure and simple. This woman has no ethics. The country can't support another one.

And by 'evidence', do you mean more random accusations you can't possibly back up with evidence? Remember, we're outside the right wing echo chamber. Your accusations aren't actually evidence here.

Democrats fully control the Justice Department, what are the odds that any investigation of the illegal activities of the Clintons or the Obama Administration will be accomplished in your opinion?
I think if Hillary gets in the White House Obama knows his ass is grass......

She'll leak every damned thing he's ever done or even thought of doing. He'll have to move to Saudi Arabia to keep from being arrested.
There IS NOTHING to leak, hater dupe. Same with Hillary, just RW conspiracy theories. Hater dupes!
You're protected from the truth by Obama's/Democratic Party corrupted Justice Department so just settle down and enjoy the ride.
:laugh: We all know it's the truth, otherwise the Clintons and the Obama Administration would have been investigated for a multitude of corruptions. You're a slave to lies, Buckwheat.
Hillary is guaranteed 32% of the vote no matter what. Sexual harassment, probable rape, compulsive lying, doubling the national debt, bankrupting homeowners, accepting bribes foreign and domestic etc. etc. etc doesn't stop that 32% from voting Democratic Party.

Hillary didn't sexually harrass anyone, hasn't raped anyone, didn't double the national debt, didn't bankrupt homeowners, didn't accept bribes.

Hell, if you're going to just randomly make shit up, why not blame her for the Lincoln assassination?

Yet. Give her the keys to the kingdom and see what she does. We have plenty of evidence of what she is willing to do to feather her nest, so anyone who is planning on voting for her is a moron pure and simple. This woman has no ethics. The country can't support another one.

And by 'evidence', do you mean more random accusations you can't possibly back up with evidence? Remember, we're outside the right wing echo chamber. Your accusations aren't actually evidence here.

Well, the Daily Kos is where I got it from. I'm sure they'll be very surprised to hear themselves being referred to as a right wing organization...

Hillary fired from Watergate Committee for lying

Hillary fired from Watergate Committee for lying
Will hater dupes EVER get that a blogger for Kos etc is NOT the Kos etc? This ISN'T one of your lockstep Pub propaganda outlets DUH...

Care to bet?
Stick with repeating "Hater Dupes! Hater Dupes!" Franco...anytime you try to form rational thoughts you're completely inept.
Hillary is guaranteed 32% of the vote no matter what. Sexual harassment, probable rape, compulsive lying, doubling the national debt, bankrupting homeowners, accepting bribes foreign and domestic etc. etc. etc doesn't stop that 32% from voting Democratic Party.

True. There is only one thing some care about is what other freebies are heading their way.
Stick with repeating "Hater Dupes! Hater Dupes!" Franco...anytime you try to form rational thoughts you're completely inept.

LOL. That is a result of some serious programming. Seriously, I wish I had a dollar for every time that was posted so I could take a cruise.
One of the bigger comedy routines we're going to be treated to is Hillary Clinton campaigning as the champion of the poor when she and her hubby have become millionaires by accepting payola from wealthy donors in return for political favors. The same people who brought us the "Marc Rich" pardon in the waning hours of the Clinton administration now want you to believe that they're going to fight for you against the rich.

But don't you know they were broke when they left the WH? Luckily, Bill made millions each year giving speeches. And the Clintons appear to have profited off their foundation, which needs to be investigated. Gee, you think the new DOJ or IRS will look into it?
One of the bigger comedy routines we're going to be treated to is Hillary Clinton campaigning as the champion of the poor when she and her hubby have become millionaires by accepting payola from wealthy donors in return for political favors. The same people who brought us the "Marc Rich" pardon in the waning hours of the Clinton administration now want you to believe that they're going to fight for you against the rich.
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