Hillary Clinton..."The People's Champion"!

Ah, Hillary voted for that war, Sparky. I know you don't want to admit that...but she did.

Completely irrelevent to... anything. Bush is the one who made the decision to go to war instead of letting diplomacy and inspections do their work.

It's kind of like, "Johnny, I'm giving you the keys to the house. Please make sure you act repsonsibly."

And I come home and the house is burned down and there are unconscious underage hookers all over the back lawn.

Bush Lied. People Died.
I don't think that Hillary can survive the primary, Joe. She's going to get roasted by whatever Democrat emerges as her competition. "What difference does it make!" isn't something that stands up to a political opponent who is determined to hold you accountable for your actions. This donor scandal simply underscores what the Clinton's have always been about...cashing in.

The only people upset about these fake scandals are the ones who won't vote in Democratic primaries.

Do you even talk to people in real life. I've not talked to ONE PERSON outside USMB who cares about whether some obscure company bought up some other obscure company.
You find the Marc Rich pardon amusing, Bendog? It's probably one of the sleaziest things ever done in the waning hours of an administration.

Well, no. It's really kind of mundane. Marc Rich did business with Iran. So did Ronald Reagan. And all of Reagan's cronies got pardons for their part in the Iran Contra Scandal. Not seeing a problem here.
Ah, Hillary voted for that war, Sparky. I know you don't want to admit that...but she did.

Completely irrelevent to... anything. Bush is the one who made the decision to go to war instead of letting diplomacy and inspections do their work.

It's kind of like, "Johnny, I'm giving you the keys to the house. Please make sure you act repsonsibly."

And I come home and the house is burned down and there are unconscious underage hookers all over the back lawn.

Bush Lied. People Died.
That's right up there with "Romney didnt pay taxes for 10 years." Joe is the real "hater-dupe" of this forum.
One of the bigger comedy routines we're going to be treated to is Hillary Clinton campaigning as the champion of the poor when she and her hubby have become millionaires by accepting payola from wealthy donors in return for political favors. The same people who brought us the "Marc Rich" pardon in the waning hours of the Clinton administration now want you to believe that they're going to fight for you against the rich.
It'll be the same song and dance that we've heard for many decades by those running for office, no difference. We'll hear the same worn out campaign rhetoric and "Dr. Feelgood" speeches that we've all heard from candidates many times over. But, the sad part is that stupid voters are going to vote for those candidates knowing that what they say is nothing more than lies, and promises that they know they can't keep.

C'mon, Sonny.......do you think polititians put on cowboy hats and gobble hotdogs at road side diners because they've always wanted to? Its because many folks don't give a shit about issues. But how they feel about the person. When you're dealing with feeling based voters, you speak to them in their idiom. Which might involve a little line dancing or a pseudo-southern accent.
Hillary's problem there is that she just isn't likable and can't connect with average voters. Bubba was a master at both. She, not so much.

Which is exactly my point. "Likeability' and 'connection' are feeling based. Not issue based. Some people vote for the how they feel about the person, not the issues they advocate. And for those a trip to the local diner and an attempt to line dance go way, way farther than an eloquent, logical statement of values or policy.

The 'American Voter' isn't a homogeneous absolute. But lots and lots of different kinds of people that respond to different messages and vote for different reasons. And a winner has to convince as broad a section as possible. Is affecting a southern accent disingenuous? Sure.But some folks respond to that. Most don't. And for those that don't, an effective politician will speak to them in their idiom.
In today's world, with instant worldwide communication, it is extremely difficult, and in Hillary's case, impossible, to pull that off without sounding like a total idiot. It wasn't too long ago that a candidate could do that, knowing that most people would read what he said and not actually hear it. Today, audio and video clips are on YouTube within minutes.
One of the bigger comedy routines we're going to be treated to is Hillary Clinton campaigning as the champion of the poor when she and her hubby have become millionaires by accepting payola from wealthy donors in return for political favors. The same people who brought us the "Marc Rich" pardon in the waning hours of the Clinton administration now want you to believe that they're going to fight for you against the rich.

Hillary is guaranteed 32% of the vote no matter what. Sexual harassment, probable rape, compulsive lying, doubling the national debt, bankrupting homeowners, accepting bribes foreign and domestic etc. etc. etc doesn't stop that 32% from voting Democratic Party.

Hillary didn't sexually harrass anyone, hasn't raped anyone, didn't double the national debt, didn't bankrupt homeowners, didn't accept bribes.

Hell, if you're going to just randomly make shit up, why not blame her for the Lincoln assassination?

Yet. Give her the keys to the kingdom and see what she does. We have plenty of evidence of what she is willing to do to feather her nest, so anyone who is planning on voting for her is a moron pure and simple. This woman has no ethics. The country can't support another one.
We have to elect Hillary to see what's in Hillary.
That's just wrong on every level.
One of the bigger comedy routines we're going to be treated to is Hillary Clinton campaigning as the champion of the poor when she and her hubby have become millionaires by accepting payola from wealthy donors in return for political favors. The same people who brought us the "Marc Rich" pardon in the waning hours of the Clinton administration now want you to believe that they're going to fight for you against the rich.

But don't you know they were broke when they left the WH? Luckily, Bill made millions each year giving speeches. And the Clintons appear to have profited off their foundation, which needs to be investigated. Gee, you think the new DOJ or IRS will look into it?

The "Clinton Foundation" serves the same purpose for the Clinton's as Citizen's Energy served for the Kennedy's. It's a "charity" but the people it benefits the most aren't the poor.
You find the Marc Rich pardon amusing, Bendog? It's probably one of the sleaziest things ever done in the waning hours of an administration.

Well, no. It's really kind of mundane. Marc Rich did business with Iran. So did Ronald Reagan. And all of Reagan's cronies got pardons for their part in the Iran Contra Scandal. Not seeing a problem here.

So explain to me why Marc Rich got a Presidential pardon, Joey? He was a wanted felon. Someone who had left the country to escape prosecution. What was the criteria for giving him a pardon hours before Clinton left office?
The fact of the matter is that the Marc Rich pardon was Bill and Hillary Clinton pissing on the office of the President of the United States. They took cash in exchange for a pardon. It's the very definition of sleazy.

But that's who Bill and Hillary Clinton are...
Stick with repeating "Hater Dupes! Hater Dupes!" Franco...anytime you try to form rational thoughts you're completely inept.

LOL. That is a result of some serious programming. Seriously, I wish I had a dollar for every time that was posted so I could take a cruise.
Yeah, it's called having a Masters in History and reading actual news, not the BS hate/propaganda/Pubcrappe you're full of, hater dupe. The new bs GOP is a disgrace, and has ruined the country pandering to the greedy idiot megarich. See sig.
You find the Marc Rich pardon amusing, Bendog? It's probably one of the sleaziest things ever done in the waning hours of an administration.

Well, no. It's really kind of mundane. Marc Rich did business with Iran. So did Ronald Reagan. And all of Reagan's cronies got pardons for their part in the Iran Contra Scandal. Not seeing a problem here.

So explain to me why Marc Rich got a Presidential pardon, Joey? He was a wanted felon. Someone who had left the country to escape prosecution. What was the criteria for giving him a pardon hours before Clinton left office?
Can you read, dingbat dupe?
Ah, Hillary voted for that war, Sparky. I know you don't want to admit that...but she did.

Completely irrelevent to... anything. Bush is the one who made the decision to go to war instead of letting diplomacy and inspections do their work.

It's kind of like, "Johnny, I'm giving you the keys to the house. Please make sure you act repsonsibly."

And I come home and the house is burned down and there are unconscious underage hookers all over the back lawn.

Bush Lied. People Died.
That's right up there with "Romney didnt pay taxes for 10 years." Joe is the real "hater-dupe" of this forum.
So he paid 8-9%. It's pretty much the truth, chump of the greedy idiot leisure rich.
Stick with repeating "Hater Dupes! Hater Dupes!" Franco...anytime you try to form rational thoughts you're completely inept.

LOL. That is a result of some serious programming. Seriously, I wish I had a dollar for every time that was posted so I could take a cruise.
Yeah, it's called having a Masters in History and reading actual news, not the BS hate/propaganda/Pubcrappe you're full of, hater dupe. The new bs GOP is a disgrace, and has ruined the country pandering to the greedy idiot megarich. See sig.

You can barely write a coherent sentence. Hard to believe any reputable institution would award you an undergraduate degree. The idea that you could have earned a graduate degree is laughable.

Stick with repeating "Hater Dupes! Hater Dupes!" Franco...anytime you try to form rational thoughts you're completely inept.

LOL. That is a result of some serious programming. Seriously, I wish I had a dollar for every time that was posted so I could take a cruise.
Yeah, it's called having a Masters in History and reading actual news, not the BS hate/propaganda/Pubcrappe you're full of, hater dupe. The new bs GOP is a disgrace, and has ruined the country pandering to the greedy idiot megarich. See sig.

You can barely write a coherent sentence. Hard to believe any reputable institution would award you an undergraduate degree. The idea that you could have earned a graduate degree is laughable.

Any actual argument, or just stupid insults and bs Pub talking points, functional moron?

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