Hillary Clinton..."The People's Champion"!

The proof of that is simple. Tell me what Marc Rich has done for Israel since he was pardoned. How has his pardon benefited Israel in any way?

Marc rich died in 2013. But let's look at his Wikipeida entry.

Rich was a strong supporter of Israel throughout his life, having donated around $150 million to institutions such as the Israel Museum, Tel Aviv Museum, research centers and theaters over the years.

In May 2007 Rich received an honorary doctorate from Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, in recognition of his contribution to Israel and to the university's research programs.[41][42] He received the same honor from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheba, Israel, on 18 November 2007.[43] The Chaim Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer in suburban Tel-Aviv, Israel, honored Rich with the Sheba Humanitarian Award 2008.

Marc Rich - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

What Rich did was donate hundreds of millions of dollars to Israel which is why various Israeli leaders lobbied for him to be pardoned. He also donated $450,000 to the Clinton Library, a million to the Democratic Party and $100,000 to Hillary Clinton's Senate campaign. Now YOU might be naive enough to believe all that money had nothing to do with the pardon that was given but even Jimmy Carter found the whole deal to stink to high heavens.

Dog Style, you get on here an advocate every fucking day for the rich to have special privilages and to be able to buy our politics and our politicians. Shit, you wanted to throw poor Lois Lerner in prison merely for questioning the attempts of rich people to use dodgy tax accounting.

Now you are an advocate of clean government? REally? Or just clean government that benefits you?
...and this excuses Hillary from selling Uranium to the Russians ... how?

I was discussing Marc RIch with Dog Style.

As for the Uranium thing, I'm pretty sure that within a week, we are going to find out it has all the crediblity of the Vince Foster Murder and every other scurilous charge you clowns have made against the Clintons over the last 25 years.

Hey, here's a crazy idea. Instead of telling us why the Clintons are bad, maybe you can tell us why anyone without a brain tumor would want to put a third Bush in the White House, given what absolute fucking disasters the first two were.
...and this excuses Hillary from selling Uranium to the Russians ... how?

I was discussing Marc RIch with Dog Style.

As for the Uranium thing, I'm pretty sure that within a week, we are going to find out it has all the crediblity of the Vince Foster Murder and every other scurilous charge you clowns have made against the Clintons over the last 25 years.

Hey, here's a crazy idea. Instead of telling us why the Clintons are bad, maybe you can tell us why anyone without a brain tumor would want to put a third Bush in the White House, given what absolute fucking disasters the first two were.

So, would you agree with me that, if the next President of the United States did not have the last name of Bush or Clinton, it would be a good thing?

Maybe we can find some common ground here.

You know what's REALLY amusing, Joey? That you buy that cock and bull story about Clinton only doing the Rich deal to try and win concessions from the Israelis. How exactly was that supposed to work when the pardon was given literally in the last few hours of the Clinton Presidency? Was a peace deal supposed to be worked out between then and when Slick Willie left office? Think about it just a LITTLE and you realize that premise is so fucking stupid it borders on farce!

He wasn't trying to win concessions from the Zionists. The Zionists were just telling him what to do, just like they tell all our politicians what to do. The Zionists WANTED Jonathan Pollard, but even Clinton wasn't willing to go that far. That guy was an outright spy. Rich was the consolation prize.

Now, I don't give a fuck about Rich one way or the other, but you Wingnuts have been selling our government to the Zionists for years. At least this favor didn't involve anyone coming home in a body bag.

No, this "favor" involved the granting of a pardon to a man who had enabled rogue nations to exist by selling their oil. How many millions suffered in Chile, Cuba, South Africa, Iran, Iraq and elsewhere because Marc Rich didn't care about international sanctions designed to rein in abuse? If you're too naive to grasp that his actions led to the deaths of many then you keep right on believing that bullshit about the Zionists. Marc Rich's greed enabled human rights violations on a wide scale because his greed financed those violations. He was convicted of the largest tax evasion case in the history of the US but Slick Willie gave him a pardon. Why? Because Clinton got PAID!
One of the bigger comedy routines we're going to be treated to is Hillary Clinton campaigning as the champion of the poor when she and her hubby have become millionaires by accepting payola from wealthy donors in return for political favors. The same people who brought us the "Marc Rich" pardon in the waning hours of the Clinton administration now want you to believe that they're going to fight for you against the rich.
We can't put the entire gov in the hands of the GOP. Tried that before.

Last time a clinton was in white house things were great. Last two Bush's sucked you want a third?

Woman want to see a woman president. She would have beat McCain and she'll beat whoever you run.

The last time there was a Clinton in the White House, Newt Gingrich and the Republican majority in Congress were controlling the purse strings. That coupled with the Dot Com Boom is what made things "great". So do you see a Dot Com Boom happening sometime in the near future? If you don't then how is four years of Hillary going to differ from eight years of Barack?
Economy adding jobs every month.

Bush lost 700,000 jobs a month.

No tech boom barrack still adding jobs.

Jillary will do great. But you'll never admit it.
So, would you agree with me that, if the next President of the United States did not have the last name of Bush or Clinton, it would be a good thing?

Maybe we can find some common ground here.

Well, no.

We've had two presidents named Bush, they were both total fucking disasters, giving us three wars and three recessions between them.

We've had one president named Clinton, and he gave us peace and prosperity and total employment.
No, this "favor" involved the granting of a pardon to a man who had enabled rogue nations to exist by selling their oil. How many millions suffered in Chile, Cuba, South Africa, Iran, Iraq and elsewhere because Marc Rich didn't care about international sanctions designed to rein in abuse?

Those people would have still suffered and they weren't Americans. Sanctions are bullshit. They make things worse for the people in the countries that live in them.

If you're too naive to grasp that his actions led to the deaths of many then you keep right on believing that bullshit about the Zionists. Marc Rich's greed enabled human rights violations on a wide scale because his greed financed those violations. He was convicted of the largest tax evasion case in the history of the US but Slick Willie gave him a pardon. Why? Because Clinton got PAID!

He got a Pardon because the Head Jew in Tel Aviv told him to, and Clinton said, "What is thy bidding, my Master?"

THe Zionists really wanted Pollard. Rich was a consolation prize.
So, would you agree with me that, if the next President of the United States did not have the last name of Bush or Clinton, it would be a good thing?

Maybe we can find some common ground here.

Well, no.

We've had two presidents named Bush, they were both total fucking disasters, giving us three wars and three recessions between them.

We've had one president named Clinton, and he gave us peace and prosperity and total employment.
They tried to blame bush 2s second recession, the big one at the end, on 9-11 when it was his policies.

Dont argue it. It'll never be their fault. It was carters fault not georgies.
So, would you agree with me that, if the next President of the United States did not have the last name of Bush or Clinton, it would be a good thing?

Maybe we can find some common ground here.

Well, no.

We've had two presidents named Bush, they were both total fucking disasters, giving us three wars and three recessions between them.

We've had one president named Clinton, and he gave us peace and prosperity and total employment.

Yeah, but none of the Bushes ever got a blow job from an intern. So it is evened up. Time for new blood.

So, would you agree with me that, if the next President of the United States did not have the last name of Bush or Clinton, it would be a good thing?

Maybe we can find some common ground here.

Well, no.

We've had two presidents named Bush, they were both total fucking disasters, giving us three wars and three recessions between them.

We've had one president named Clinton, and he gave us peace and prosperity and total employment.

Yeah, but none of the Bushes ever got a blow job from an intern. So it is evened up. Time for new blood.

You guys make so much of such a minor personal scandal but you'd put another bush in so he could lie us into another war for oil.

Listen to Ron Paul if you won't listen to us.
So, would you agree with me that, if the next President of the United States did not have the last name of Bush or Clinton, it would be a good thing?

Maybe we can find some common ground here.

Well, no.

We've had two presidents named Bush, they were both total fucking disasters, giving us three wars and three recessions between them.

We've had one president named Clinton, and he gave us peace and prosperity and total employment.

Yeah, but none of the Bushes ever got a blow job from an intern. So it is evened up. Time for new blood.

You guys make so much of such a minor personal scandal but you'd put another bush in so he could lie us into another war for oil.

Listen to Ron Paul if you won't listen to us.

Can 'Us' read a message board thread?

I feel much better now that NBC has taken that first step and called out the New York Times on their obviously bias promotions of conservative presidential candidates.

The whores....
The NYT based it on a RW source. Always bs...carry on, brainwashed chump 20%...

I feel much better now that NBC has taken that first step and called out the New York Times on their obviously bias promotions of conservative presidential candidates.

The whores....
The NYT based it on a RW source. Always bs...carry on, brainwashed chump 205...

There is no way I am brain washed chump 205. I have always been in the top 1%.

That puts me at #2 ... at least.

I feel much better now that NBC has taken that first step and called out the New York Times on their obviously bias promotions of conservative presidential candidates.

The whores....
The NYT based it on a RW source. Always bs...carry on, brainwashed chump 20%...

Now you went and changed the 5 to a % sign. This is how liberals get into budget quandaries
and, ....like,... conservatives are supposed to not notice?

Last edited:
The proof of that is simple. Tell me what Marc Rich has done for Israel since he was pardoned. How has his pardon benefited Israel in any way?

Marc rich died in 2013. But let's look at his Wikipeida entry.

Rich was a strong supporter of Israel throughout his life, having donated around $150 million to institutions such as the Israel Museum, Tel Aviv Museum, research centers and theaters over the years.

In May 2007 Rich received an honorary doctorate from Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, in recognition of his contribution to Israel and to the university's research programs.[41][42] He received the same honor from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheba, Israel, on 18 November 2007.[43] The Chaim Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer in suburban Tel-Aviv, Israel, honored Rich with the Sheba Humanitarian Award 2008.

Marc Rich - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

What Rich did was donate hundreds of millions of dollars to Israel which is why various Israeli leaders lobbied for him to be pardoned. He also donated $450,000 to the Clinton Library, a million to the Democratic Party and $100,000 to Hillary Clinton's Senate campaign. Now YOU might be naive enough to believe all that money had nothing to do with the pardon that was given but even Jimmy Carter found the whole deal to stink to high heavens.

Dog Style, you get on here an advocate every fucking day for the rich to have special privilages and to be able to buy our politics and our politicians. Shit, you wanted to throw poor Lois Lerner in prison merely for questioning the attempts of rich people to use dodgy tax accounting.

Now you are an advocate of clean government? REally? Or just clean government that benefits you?

Poor Lois Lerner? Seriously? The IRS is supposed to be non-political but Lois decided that conservative groups warranted "special" treatment. I'd like to throw Lois Lerner in prison because she broke the law! That's what prisons are FOR!
No, this "favor" involved the granting of a pardon to a man who had enabled rogue nations to exist by selling their oil. How many millions suffered in Chile, Cuba, South Africa, Iran, Iraq and elsewhere because Marc Rich didn't care about international sanctions designed to rein in abuse?

Those people would have still suffered and they weren't Americans. Sanctions are bullshit. They make things worse for the people in the countries that live in them.

If you're too naive to grasp that his actions led to the deaths of many then you keep right on believing that bullshit about the Zionists. Marc Rich's greed enabled human rights violations on a wide scale because his greed financed those violations. He was convicted of the largest tax evasion case in the history of the US but Slick Willie gave him a pardon. Why? Because Clinton got PAID!

He got a Pardon because the Head Jew in Tel Aviv told him to, and Clinton said, "What is thy bidding, my Master?"

THe Zionists really wanted Pollard. Rich was a consolation prize.

The "Head Jew"? Careful, Billy...your bigot is showing!


She's inevitable. A lock. Can't be beat!
Just like in 2008!
Poor Lois Lerner? Seriously? The IRS is supposed to be non-political but Lois decided that conservative groups warranted "special" treatment. I'd like to throw Lois Lerner in prison because she broke the law! That's what prisons are FOR!

You mean Conservative groups were abusing the loophole and she caught them?

So it's bad if Marc Rich buys political influence but it's okay if the Koch brothers do it, eh?

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