Hillary Clinton Won FL, NC, PENN, and WI, according to Exit Polls

We've seen a real lack of investigative reporting among journalists. Hopefully, this stolen election and the work done by reporters like Greg Palast will inspire a new crop of hard core investigative journalists to emerge on the scene who will show these right wing scumbags no mercy. Fuck 'em, take them all down.

I really get sick and tired of how the mainstream media has tried to "normalize" Donald Trump and how they pretend that this mother fucker should be taking seriously. Trump deserves nothing but ridicule and scorn.

Absolutely. I gotta say, media outlets were complicit in his win. Especially CNN, which I will no longer watch after their disgusting non-stop, 24/7 coverage of Trump and every little word he uttered from his orange mouth.

So let me get this straight...CNN runs negative coverage of Trump pretty much non stop from the GOP convention onward...but you somehow think that they are "complicit" in his win? I guess you could make the point that CNN pushed Trump against the other GOP candidates but that was only because he was the candidate liberals thought had the worst chance of beating Hillary and THAT makes them "complicit" but that's only because their attempt at "king making" backfired on them!
Hillary Clinton won Florida, N. Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, according to the exit polls. The story link and polling data are provided below.

I have a very difficult time believing the exit polls were "wrong" by such large amounts in all 4 of these states. Historically, exit polls are extremely reliable, which is why they are used by the United Nations to monitor elections in Third World countries. If the U.S. were a Third World country, the United Nations would be crying foul regarding this election.

I think the more logical explanation for why the exit polls were "wrong" by such a large amount is that Repug election officials stole this election for Trump in these 4 states. It happened to Gore in Florida in 2000 and it also happened to Kerry in Ohio in 2004.

The Repug Party is fascist. The Repug Party is evil. The Repug Party does not believe in democracy. Democracy in this country is in mortal danger.

Hopefully, Jill Stein's recounts discover fraud in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, but it could be extremely difficult to prove.

2016 Exit Polls vs. Actual Results: Here’s What May Have Happened


Exit Polls: Clinton 47.7%, Trump 46.4% (Clinton by 1.3%)
Actual Results: Clinton 47.8%, Trump 49.0% (Trump by 1.2%)

Trump gain: 2.5%

North Carolina:

Exit Polls:
Clinton 48.6%, Trump 46.5% (Clinton by 2.1%)
Actual Results: Clinton 46.1%, Trump 49.9%) (Trump by 3.8%)

Trump gain: 5.9%


Exit Polls:
Clinton 50.5%, Trump 46.1% (Clinton by 4.4%)
Actual Results: Clinton 47.6%, Trump 48.8% (Trump by 1.2%)

Trump gain: 5.6%


Exit Polls:
Clinton 48.2%, Trump 44.3% (Clinton by 3.9%)
Actual Results: Clinton 47.6%, Trump 48.8% (Trump by 1.2%)

Trump gain: 5.1%

I live in Rural Georgia. Rural. This area has elected a Democrat to the House of Representatives, and Republicans to the House of Representatives since I've lived here during the last ten years. John Barrow won the seat, and then lost it two years ago.

Yet, I've never heard of an exit pollster at the polling place. So if you were to go by historical trends, this district could go either way. Democrat, or Republican. That is the literal definition of a swing district. Yet nobody polls it, and nobody monitors it. Wouldn't you be curious what a swing district would do if you were trying to get an idea of what the larger state would be doing?

The same is almost certainly true of your pollsters in the other states. Sometimes they pick the right polling places, and using math extrapolate it to represent the larger state. But they are not at every polling place. There aren't enough pollsters to stand around and ask questions at every polling place, especially in the states that were givens.

So instead of exit polling, lets look at turnout. Hillary Clinton despite being your version of a savior got 300k fewer votes than Obama, while Trump got two million more than Romney. Trump just got the votes in the states he needed to win.

You can't believe the turnout numbers, either. Repugs have turned voter suppression into an art form. Now that they have complete control, they will continue to eviscerate the Voting Rights Act and make it increasingly difficult for millions of minorities to vote. It could take decades for the Democrats to ever control the White House and Congress again, if ever.

OK, just to make sure I understand. Not only have the Republicans screwed with the vote totals, but they also suppressed the vote. Tell me something. How is it that every single Republican is the dumbest one ever, yet so brilliant that they are able to run a conspiracy that involves literally hundreds of people spread across millions of square miles.

The same Republican Party that detested Trump almost as much as the Democrats hated him.

Although I wonder about something. If Trump got more minority votes than Romney and McCain, and he did according to those exit polls you seem convinced are accurate, then what does that say about the future of the Democratic Party?

Voter suppression ain't a conspiracy, fucktard. It's well-documented and Repugs don't even try to hide it. For example, there were over 800 fewer voting locations in democratic precincts during the 2016 election vs 2012 election. Why? In order to create massive lines so that thousands of Democratic voters would go home without voting:

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act

Repug cheating like this is why Democrats can't win. You evil mother fuckers are fascists and you flat-out stole this election.
Quite obviously, exit polls are not as accurate as you seem to think! The polls in general in this election were wrong both on the Democratic and Republican side all through this election cycle. Why do you think the exit polls should have been any different?

Because exit polls are much more accurate than telephone polls, as I've explained several times.

The fact that you are even asking that question tells me that you know very little about exit polls.

Nothing actually “went wrong” with the exit polls on election day


You are an idiot and you just proved it. Exit polls are at the voting ballot AND over the phone. Many votes are cast weekdays before the election, so the day off the election pollsters call voters.

Lots of articles prove you are wrong, just another lefty nutjob that thinks they know it all.

You don't have shit proving me wrong. Exit polls have a long, outstanding history of being accurate. Which is why they are used by the United Nations and the State Dept to monitor elections in other countries.

Read Was The 2004 Presidential Election Stolen? by MIT professor Steve Freeman. When a real academic statistician like Freeman states that the 2016 exit polls are incorrect, then I will shut up. The media simply doesn't know what they are talking about when it comes to exit polls.

And I'm definitely not going to give any credence to your source -- an assistant math professor who wrote his article 3 days after the election. Obviously, he hasn't analyzed shit and his opinion about exit polls is meaningless.

Bullshit, there is article after article that explains the fallacy of depending on the exit polls over the actual results.

But don't read up on it, I want you to stay as dumb as you are, you are very entertaining.

Journalists are not academics and they certainly aren't exit poll experts. I'm not going to believe what they have to say over an academic like Freeman when it comes to exit polls.

And a lot of journalists have guilt about the 2004 election. With the exception of Rolling Stone, the media refused to report the truth about the 2004 election, especially the cowardly New York Times and Washington Post. They were afraid of losing their precious access in the White House press room, so they abdicated their responsibility. Hence, the numerous bullshit stories about exit polls being "incorrect".

What's really funny is Repug idiots like you believing the "liberal media" bullshit. The mainstream media is anything but liberal. Like the banking industry, it consists of a few corrupt corporate giants.

Like I said, you liberals are better off dumb on this subject, it allows the smart people to elect our leaders and relegate you to what you are. A pawn.
Because exit polls are much more accurate than telephone polls, as I've explained several times.

The fact that you are even asking that question tells me that you know very little about exit polls.

Nothing actually “went wrong” with the exit polls on election day


You are an idiot and you just proved it. Exit polls are at the voting ballot AND over the phone. Many votes are cast weekdays before the election, so the day off the election pollsters call voters.

Lots of articles prove you are wrong, just another lefty nutjob that thinks they know it all.

You don't have shit proving me wrong. Exit polls have a long, outstanding history of being accurate. Which is why they are used by the United Nations and the State Dept to monitor elections in other countries.

Read Was The 2004 Presidential Election Stolen? by MIT professor Steve Freeman. When a real academic statistician like Freeman states that the 2016 exit polls are incorrect, then I will shut up. The media simply doesn't know what they are talking about when it comes to exit polls.

And I'm definitely not going to give any credence to your source -- an assistant math professor who wrote his article 3 days after the election. Obviously, he hasn't analyzed shit and his opinion about exit polls is meaningless.

Bullshit, there is article after article that explains the fallacy of depending on the exit polls over the actual results.

But don't read up on it, I want you to stay as dumb as you are, you are very entertaining.

Journalists are not academics and they certainly aren't exit poll experts. I'm not going to believe what they have to say over an academic like Freeman when it comes to exit polls.

And a lot of journalists have guilt about the 2004 election. With the exception of Rolling Stone, the media refused to report the truth about the 2004 election, especially the cowardly New York Times and Washington Post. They were afraid of losing their precious access in the White House press room, so they abdicated their responsibility. Hence, the numerous bullshit stories about exit polls being "incorrect".

What's really funny is Repug idiots like you believing the "liberal media" bullshit. The mainstream media is anything but liberal. Like the banking industry, it consists of a few corrupt corporate giants.

Like I said, you liberals are better off dumb on this subject, it allows the smart people to elect our leaders and relegate you to what you are. A pawn.

Yep, the smart people chose Clinton....by 2.5 million votes and counting.

More than JFK's victory over Nixon.

More than Carter's victory over Ford.
Because exit polls are much more accurate than telephone polls, as I've explained several times.

The fact that you are even asking that question tells me that you know very little about exit polls.

Nothing actually “went wrong” with the exit polls on election day


You are an idiot and you just proved it. Exit polls are at the voting ballot AND over the phone. Many votes are cast weekdays before the election, so the day off the election pollsters call voters.

Lots of articles prove you are wrong, just another lefty nutjob that thinks they know it all.

You don't have shit proving me wrong. Exit polls have a long, outstanding history of being accurate. Which is why they are used by the United Nations and the State Dept to monitor elections in other countries.

Read Was The 2004 Presidential Election Stolen? by MIT professor Steve Freeman. When a real academic statistician like Freeman states that the 2016 exit polls are incorrect, then I will shut up. The media simply doesn't know what they are talking about when it comes to exit polls.

And I'm definitely not going to give any credence to your source -- an assistant math professor who wrote his article 3 days after the election. Obviously, he hasn't analyzed shit and his opinion about exit polls is meaningless.

Bullshit, there is article after article that explains the fallacy of depending on the exit polls over the actual results.

But don't read up on it, I want you to stay as dumb as you are, you are very entertaining.

Journalists are not academics and they certainly aren't exit poll experts. I'm not going to believe what they have to say over an academic like Freeman when it comes to exit polls.

And a lot of journalists have guilt about the 2004 election. With the exception of Rolling Stone, the media refused to report the truth about the 2004 election, especially the cowardly New York Times and Washington Post. They were afraid of losing their precious access in the White House press room, so they abdicated their responsibility. Hence, the numerous bullshit stories about exit polls being "incorrect".

What's really funny is Repug idiots like you believing the "liberal media" bullshit. The mainstream media is anything but liberal. Like the banking industry, it consists of a few corrupt corporate giants.

So the New York Times isn't liberal?

Salon also debunked his idiocy. We don't want him to click on the links. He is a ignorant ass who deserves his closed minded outlook.
Nothing actually “went wrong” with the exit polls on election day


You are an idiot and you just proved it. Exit polls are at the voting ballot AND over the phone. Many votes are cast weekdays before the election, so the day off the election pollsters call voters.

Lots of articles prove you are wrong, just another lefty nutjob that thinks they know it all.

You don't have shit proving me wrong. Exit polls have a long, outstanding history of being accurate. Which is why they are used by the United Nations and the State Dept to monitor elections in other countries.

Read Was The 2004 Presidential Election Stolen? by MIT professor Steve Freeman. When a real academic statistician like Freeman states that the 2016 exit polls are incorrect, then I will shut up. The media simply doesn't know what they are talking about when it comes to exit polls.

And I'm definitely not going to give any credence to your source -- an assistant math professor who wrote his article 3 days after the election. Obviously, he hasn't analyzed shit and his opinion about exit polls is meaningless.

Bullshit, there is article after article that explains the fallacy of depending on the exit polls over the actual results.

But don't read up on it, I want you to stay as dumb as you are, you are very entertaining.

Journalists are not academics and they certainly aren't exit poll experts. I'm not going to believe what they have to say over an academic like Freeman when it comes to exit polls.

And a lot of journalists have guilt about the 2004 election. With the exception of Rolling Stone, the media refused to report the truth about the 2004 election, especially the cowardly New York Times and Washington Post. They were afraid of losing their precious access in the White House press room, so they abdicated their responsibility. Hence, the numerous bullshit stories about exit polls being "incorrect".

What's really funny is Repug idiots like you believing the "liberal media" bullshit. The mainstream media is anything but liberal. Like the banking industry, it consists of a few corrupt corporate giants.

So the New York Times isn't liberal?

Salon also debunked his idiocy. We don't want him to click on the links. He is a ignorant ass who deserves his closed minded outlook.

Yep, some journalist hack at Salon knows more about exit polls than an MIT professor like Steve Freeman. You're the ignorant ass, dipshit.

And it's funny how you Repugs constantly whine about how the mainstream media sucks, yet here you are trying to use them to prove that Trump didn't steal the election. Pretty fucking hilarious.
This isn't a CDZ and its not badlands, so what are the rules here?
Better yet...how much can my mouth get away with?
You don't have shit proving me wrong. Exit polls have a long, outstanding history of being accurate. Which is why they are used by the United Nations and the State Dept to monitor elections in other countries.

Read Was The 2004 Presidential Election Stolen? by MIT professor Steve Freeman. When a real academic statistician like Freeman states that the 2016 exit polls are incorrect, then I will shut up. The media simply doesn't know what they are talking about when it comes to exit polls.

And I'm definitely not going to give any credence to your source -- an assistant math professor who wrote his article 3 days after the election. Obviously, he hasn't analyzed shit and his opinion about exit polls is meaningless.

Bullshit, there is article after article that explains the fallacy of depending on the exit polls over the actual results.

But don't read up on it, I want you to stay as dumb as you are, you are very entertaining.

Journalists are not academics and they certainly aren't exit poll experts. I'm not going to believe what they have to say over an academic like Freeman when it comes to exit polls.

And a lot of journalists have guilt about the 2004 election. With the exception of Rolling Stone, the media refused to report the truth about the 2004 election, especially the cowardly New York Times and Washington Post. They were afraid of losing their precious access in the White House press room, so they abdicated their responsibility. Hence, the numerous bullshit stories about exit polls being "incorrect".

What's really funny is Repug idiots like you believing the "liberal media" bullshit. The mainstream media is anything but liberal. Like the banking industry, it consists of a few corrupt corporate giants.

So the New York Times isn't liberal?

Salon also debunked his idiocy. We don't want him to click on the links. He is a ignorant ass who deserves his closed minded outlook.

Yep, some journalist hack at Salon knows more about exit polls than an MIT professor like Steve Freeman. You're the ignorant ass, dipshit.

And it's funny how you Repugs constantly whine about how the mainstream media sucks, yet here you are trying to use them to prove that Trump didn't steal the election. Pretty fucking hilarious.

Wait, Trump stole the election now?
Yep, the smart people chose Clinton....by 2.5 million votes and counting.
Says the monumental idiot who named their account "Dubya Da Last Repug Prez". The American people overwhelmingly rejected the corrupt, pathological liar Hitlery Clinton and your bat-shit crazy ideology...


Nothing actually “went wrong” with the exit polls on election day


You are an idiot and you just proved it. Exit polls are at the voting ballot AND over the phone. Many votes are cast weekdays before the election, so the day off the election pollsters call voters.

Lots of articles prove you are wrong, just another lefty nutjob that thinks they know it all.

You don't have shit proving me wrong. Exit polls have a long, outstanding history of being accurate. Which is why they are used by the United Nations and the State Dept to monitor elections in other countries.

Read Was The 2004 Presidential Election Stolen? by MIT professor Steve Freeman. When a real academic statistician like Freeman states that the 2016 exit polls are incorrect, then I will shut up. The media simply doesn't know what they are talking about when it comes to exit polls.

And I'm definitely not going to give any credence to your source -- an assistant math professor who wrote his article 3 days after the election. Obviously, he hasn't analyzed shit and his opinion about exit polls is meaningless.

Bullshit, there is article after article that explains the fallacy of depending on the exit polls over the actual results.

But don't read up on it, I want you to stay as dumb as you are, you are very entertaining.

Journalists are not academics and they certainly aren't exit poll experts. I'm not going to believe what they have to say over an academic like Freeman when it comes to exit polls.

And a lot of journalists have guilt about the 2004 election. With the exception of Rolling Stone, the media refused to report the truth about the 2004 election, especially the cowardly New York Times and Washington Post. They were afraid of losing their precious access in the White House press room, so they abdicated their responsibility. Hence, the numerous bullshit stories about exit polls being "incorrect".

What's really funny is Repug idiots like you believing the "liberal media" bullshit. The mainstream media is anything but liberal. Like the banking industry, it consists of a few corrupt corporate giants.

Like I said, you liberals are better off dumb on this subject, it allows the smart people to elect our leaders and relegate you to what you are. A pawn.

Yep, the smart people chose Clinton....by 2.5 million votes and counting.

More than JFK's victory over Nixon.

More than Carter's victory over Ford.

Good, I hope she wins by 60 million! You go girl!
For example, there were over 800 fewer voting locations in democratic precincts during the 2016 election vs 2012 election. Why? In order to create massive lines so that thousands of Democratic voters would go home without voting:

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act
Why? Because idiotic progressive socialist economic policy ends in extreme poverty, joblessness, and homelessness. All of which ends with less tax dollars. Which ends with less public services (such as voting locations).

Detroit was under complete and total progressive control for 60 years (Dumbocrat mayor every year, Dumbocrat city council ever year, largest, most powerful unions in the world every year). It ended with an entire city declaring bankruptcy.
Bullshit, there is article after article that explains the fallacy of depending on the exit polls over the actual results.

But don't read up on it, I want you to stay as dumb as you are, you are very entertaining.

Journalists are not academics and they certainly aren't exit poll experts. I'm not going to believe what they have to say over an academic like Freeman when it comes to exit polls.

And a lot of journalists have guilt about the 2004 election. With the exception of Rolling Stone, the media refused to report the truth about the 2004 election, especially the cowardly New York Times and Washington Post. They were afraid of losing their precious access in the White House press room, so they abdicated their responsibility. Hence, the numerous bullshit stories about exit polls being "incorrect".

What's really funny is Repug idiots like you believing the "liberal media" bullshit. The mainstream media is anything but liberal. Like the banking industry, it consists of a few corrupt corporate giants.

So the New York Times isn't liberal?

Salon also debunked his idiocy. We don't want him to click on the links. He is a ignorant ass who deserves his closed minded outlook.

Yep, some journalist hack at Salon knows more about exit polls than an MIT professor like Steve Freeman. You're the ignorant ass, dipshit.

And it's funny how you Repugs constantly whine about how the mainstream media sucks, yet here you are trying to use them to prove that Trump didn't steal the election. Pretty fucking hilarious.

Wait, Trump stole the election now?

Of course he did, ask any left wing whackadoodle and they will say the same thing. They are great entertainment. I get a good laugh at them on this board. Then when the idiots cuss us out? Then I know how pathetic and desperate they are.
You don't have shit proving me wrong. Exit polls have a long, outstanding history of being accurate. Which is why they are used by the United Nations and the State Dept to monitor elections in other countries.

Read Was The 2004 Presidential Election Stolen? by MIT professor Steve Freeman. When a real academic statistician like Freeman states that the 2016 exit polls are incorrect, then I will shut up. The media simply doesn't know what they are talking about when it comes to exit polls.

And I'm definitely not going to give any credence to your source -- an assistant math professor who wrote his article 3 days after the election. Obviously, he hasn't analyzed shit and his opinion about exit polls is meaningless.

Bullshit, there is article after article that explains the fallacy of depending on the exit polls over the actual results.

But don't read up on it, I want you to stay as dumb as you are, you are very entertaining.

Journalists are not academics and they certainly aren't exit poll experts. I'm not going to believe what they have to say over an academic like Freeman when it comes to exit polls.

And a lot of journalists have guilt about the 2004 election. With the exception of Rolling Stone, the media refused to report the truth about the 2004 election, especially the cowardly New York Times and Washington Post. They were afraid of losing their precious access in the White House press room, so they abdicated their responsibility. Hence, the numerous bullshit stories about exit polls being "incorrect".

What's really funny is Repug idiots like you believing the "liberal media" bullshit. The mainstream media is anything but liberal. Like the banking industry, it consists of a few corrupt corporate giants.

Like I said, you liberals are better off dumb on this subject, it allows the smart people to elect our leaders and relegate you to what you are. A pawn.

Yep, the smart people chose Clinton....by 2.5 million votes and counting.

More than JFK's victory over Nixon.

More than Carter's victory over Ford.

Good, I hope she wins by 60 million! You go girl!

Me too, it will just make Trump and the Repug Party look like a bigger joke than they already are. The majority of Americans simply don't want you crazy fascist mother fuckers in charge.

Clinton won by a decisive margin and this election has been stolen from her.
For example, there were over 800 fewer voting locations in democratic precincts during the 2016 election vs 2012 election. Why? In order to create massive lines so that thousands of Democratic voters would go home without voting:

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act
Why? Because idiotic progressive socialist economic policy ends in extreme poverty, joblessness, and homelessness. All of which ends with less tax dollars. Which ends with less public services (such as voting locations).

Detroit was under complete and total progressive control for 60 years (Dumbocrat mayor every year, Dumbocrat city council ever year, largest, most powerful unions in the world every year). It ended with an entire city declaring bankruptcy.

What you meant to say is "Repugs gutted the Voting Rights Act, and now they can cheat more easily".

Maybe your unsophisticated Repug goober ass can better understand the story in its proper context now.

You fascist mother fuckers cheat. And that's the only way you fascist mother fuckers "win".
I think explanation could be in the fact that few presidential contenders were as embarrassing to vote for as Trump.

Over 5% of Americans are not going to lie to the exit pollsters, which is the only way that could be true. Simply ain't happening.

And you base that on what exactly? Your own desire for it to be true?

This was such a contentious race that I know of people on both sides that thought better of putting bumper stickers on their cars because they feared having it vandalized. This election will be studied for years by political scientists trying to figure out why the pollsters got it as wrong as they did. My take on it was that there were a lot of people standing in voting booths choosing someone they didn't want because their choices sucked...choices foisted on them by a main stream media who attempted to play "king makers" with the election process and pollsters who had agendas.

No, the simple fact is you can't prove that mass amounts of Trump supporters lied at the exit polls, goober.

You simply got nothing. You Repug fuck holes love to make shit up, but the exit polls do not lie.

Quite obviously, exit polls are not as accurate as you seem to think! The polls in general in this election were wrong both on the Democratic and Republican side all through this election cycle. Why do you think the exit polls should have been any different?

Because exit polls are much more accurate than telephone polls, as I've explained several times.

The fact that you are even asking that question tells me that you know very little about exit polls.

"Cuz iz sayz so"

Just don't cut it
Voter suppression ain't a conspiracy, fucktard.

Repug cheating like this is why Democrats can't win. You evil mother fuckers are fascists and you flat-out stole this election.
^^^^ This is what happens when one grows up in a progressive home being told that they are more special than everyone else and always handed a participation trophy no matter how much they suck.

They don't know how to lose and they have complete meltdowns when they don't get their way. The American people have spoken DDLRP. They unilaterally reject your perverse, disturbed, and disgusting bat-shit crazy ideology. And I've got bad news for you my fragile little snowflake: it happening all over the world. England elected a conservative Prime Minister and left the EU and France (who last elected a president from their socialist party) is on the verge of electing a conservative. You people promised utopia and delivered hell. It's what progressivism always does. Destroys world economies and makes everyone "equal" in poverty and misery. The people are tired of that and they are reversing course buttercup. Hop on board - you won't be able to mooch off the rest of us as you desire to, but after you hold a job for a while you'll see that working won't kill you and that you'll actually develop some healthy self-respect.

France’s Presidential election could be a faceoff between Right and the Far-Right
Bullshit, there is article after article that explains the fallacy of depending on the exit polls over the actual results.

But don't read up on it, I want you to stay as dumb as you are, you are very entertaining.

Journalists are not academics and they certainly aren't exit poll experts. I'm not going to believe what they have to say over an academic like Freeman when it comes to exit polls.

And a lot of journalists have guilt about the 2004 election. With the exception of Rolling Stone, the media refused to report the truth about the 2004 election, especially the cowardly New York Times and Washington Post. They were afraid of losing their precious access in the White House press room, so they abdicated their responsibility. Hence, the numerous bullshit stories about exit polls being "incorrect".

What's really funny is Repug idiots like you believing the "liberal media" bullshit. The mainstream media is anything but liberal. Like the banking industry, it consists of a few corrupt corporate giants.

Like I said, you liberals are better off dumb on this subject, it allows the smart people to elect our leaders and relegate you to what you are. A pawn.

Yep, the smart people chose Clinton....by 2.5 million votes and counting.

More than JFK's victory over Nixon.

More than Carter's victory over Ford.

Good, I hope she wins by 60 million! You go girl!

Me too, it will just make Trump and the Repug Party look like a bigger joke than they already are. The majority of Americans simply don't want you crazy fascist mother fuckers in charge.

Clinton won by a decisive margin and this election has been stolen from her.

Not according to the rules that were in play and agreed to by Clinton, but hey, I like your hate and faux outrage, I find it very entertaining and funny.

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