Hillary Clinton's message to Trump re: coronavirus goes viral

Well, I tried to talk sense to you but that doesn’t seem possible.

Unfortunately you’re suffering from derangement not me.

well,,,I'm rubber and youre a pile of turd sludge from the ass of camel with the squirts,,,

You didn’t even read the article or investigate the numerous sources.

That’s just lazy.

Or maybe you’re scared...

most likely I dont care since no matter what I wont vote for him...and dont have TDS

OH and it wasnt an article it was a wiki link,,,
If you don’t care why the hell did you ask?

Good gravy

I didnt ask I responded to your TDS induced comment...
Let’s check the transcript...

when was trump accused of rape??


Apparently you’re deranged, not me.
The American people, and Trump is one of them, have the sheer guts to wage an uphill and scary battle against a vicious and remorseless foe.
Secretary Clinton puts patriotism over personal ambition. thats why she's obliged to speak out, my friends!
well,,,I'm rubber and youre a pile of turd sludge from the ass of camel with the squirts,,,

You didn’t even read the article or investigate the numerous sources.

That’s just lazy.

Or maybe you’re scared...

most likely I dont care since no matter what I wont vote for him...and dont have TDS

OH and it wasnt an article it was a wiki link,,,
If you don’t care why the hell did you ask?

Good gravy

I didnt ask I responded to your TDS induced comment...
Let’s check the transcript...

when was trump accused of rape??


Apparently you’re deranged, not me.
damn it you got me now,,,,
Hillary would have shown leadership. Trump is just a pathetic pretender.

what would she have done differently?
Read her tweet. As a matter of fact she would have stayed on message, had a coordinated response, not treated the virus as a joke, certainly not used the word "hoax", she would not have disbanded Obama's Pandemic response team and she certainly would not be making a complete ass of herself with idiotic tweets and conflicting statements with her own health officials. For starters.
He never said the virus was a hoax, get your news from better sources lol

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She persisted......

.......in still being a sore loser...
And yes trump isn't???

Being a sore loser?

It would seem he won, so.......
So he had no need to bad mouth people in his cabinet people in the Dem party belittle them ,make up stupid names ? The FED head heads of European countries etc etc anyone who dared question his kingdom?

after all he won
She persisted......

.......in still being a sore loser...
And yes trump isn't???

Being a sore loser?

It would seem he won, so.......
So he had no need to bad mouth people in his cabinet people in the Dem party belittle them ,make up stupid names ? The FED head heads of European countries etc etc anyone who dared question his kingdom?

after all he won

That's being a dick, not a sore loser.

And, are you sure you'd like to draw equivalence between Trump's actions and Hillary's while claiming she'd be the better leader....maybe not.....
Trump holds the lives of 300 million Americans in his hands.

his tiny, tiny lemur-paw hands!
She persisted......

.......in still being a sore loser...
And yes trump isn't???

Being a sore loser?

It would seem he won, so.......
So he had no need to bad mouth people in his cabinet people in the Dem party belittle them ,make up stupid names ? The FED head heads of European countries etc etc anyone who dared question his kingdom?

after all he won

That's being a dick, not a sore loser.

And, are you sure you'd like to draw equivalence between Trump's actions and Hillary's while claiming she'd be the better leader....maybe not.....
I believe while Hill would have been a far better choice there were many others in BOTH parties who were far more qualified
She persisted......

.......in still being a sore loser...
And yes trump isn't???

Being a sore loser?

It would seem he won, so.......
So he had no need to bad mouth people in his cabinet people in the Dem party belittle them ,make up stupid names ? The FED head heads of European countries etc etc anyone who dared question his kingdom?

after all he won

That's being a dick, not a sore loser.

And, are you sure you'd like to draw equivalence between Trump's actions and Hillary's while claiming she'd be the better leader....maybe not.....
I believe while Hill would have been a far better choice there were many others in BOTH parties who were far more qualified

I can't go with you on Hillary. I've got some fairly strong opinions on that one and they are not favorable.

I'll agree that there were better choices than either of those two though....
So what you are saying.

Don’t worry about it?
I'm saying Obama was a failure.

What is Obama has anything to do with Trump lousy handling of the Coronavirus?
You say Trump handed this badly, but compared to Obama's failure of handling the swine flu. Trump is the man 49 compared to 4000.

No. You are trying to say that 49 was okay because the number is low. So you don’t care the 49 because it’s low.

Obama handling of swine? We don’t have Americans panicking, stocks remain intact, Americans are calm.


Trump Coronavirus ? You are right 49 death is okay with you. Look at what is happening in this country? Crisis just got started. At the same time Trump is so fuckn busy pointing fingers. Giving false information. He just said lately NOT my fault.

Speech to the whole nation Wednesday night. Did you listen? The following morning blaming Obama/Biden.

That is not a good leader handling a crisis. Trump as a pathological hypocrite liar. Don’t have a credibility. Zero.
I'm not saying 49 is okay, but it's better than waiting for a thousand to die before doing anyting about it. Like Obama did. I mean when Trump banned flights to and from China. You loons called him a racist. Proving whatever Trump does. You will complain about it.

The problem with that is because Trump administration is based on full of lies. You treated those lies as jokes as nothing but for us it’s how we judge this guy.
The credibilities is about close to nothing.

Look at what he’s been spouting since the crisis started? I’m sure you don’t care.
Banning European countries except UK and Ireland because he has a business there. This afternoon now he banned those 2. Always involved in this kind behavior.

Racist? Trump is well known here and overseas as racist. Period. So do NOT pretender he is not.
Absolute truth? Let me start from the bottom of your wonderful meme.

1. Traitor? Donnie boy still in love with Putin. 3 years after the election Donnie still DICKING with the election trying to shift the blame that Ukrainian rape our democracy in 2016 election just to save his lover Putin.

Leader? We deserve a better leader than this 10 yo kid. He proved himself unfit and inept POTUS.

2. Trump and Iran. How is that enrichments of highly grade uranium going on? By end of this year or middle of next year Iran will have a nuclear bomb. Thanks to Donnie’s impressive foreign policies. What an idiot.

3. Nah! That’s a political lie.
All lies. At least you worthless leftist traitors are good at something.

I know truth hurts.

Do you realized how funny and dumb you are?

You posted a meme. So I just used it to as an example.

I just gave you a real life example about Trump ineptness. A real life truth and facts.

Now you are telling me I’m lying? I want you to prove to me where and what I lied. I don’t FUCKING lie. All my post are real facts. PROVE IT.

Traitor? I love my country. Just because I’m blasting the most inept, amateur and corrupted, disgusting and dishonest president ever. I’m a traitor?
Yes. And not a very bright one, either.

Wrong answer. Try again.

So next time DO NOT post these kind of nonsense if you cannot back it up.
It's quite obvious. Just exercising my first amendment rights. Don't like it? Kick rocks.

I know you are. And so am I.

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Hillary would have shown leadership. Trump is just a pathetic pretender.

what would she have done differently?
Read her tweet. As a matter of fact she would have stayed on message, had a coordinated response, not treated the virus as a joke, certainly not used the word "hoax", she would not have disbanded Obama's Pandemic response team and she certainly would not be making a complete ass of herself with idiotic tweets and conflicting statements with her own health officials. For starters.
He never said the virus was a hoax, get your news from better sources lol

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Here is Trump exact transcript of that rally speech in SC February 20. When he said it’s a HOAX may want to update yourself.

Donald Trump Charleston, South Carolina Rally Transcript - February 28, 2020 - Rev

Donald Trump held a rally in South Carolina on February 28, 2020, where he called the coronavirus or COVID-19 outbreak the Democrats’ “new hoax.” It’s unclear if he was referring to the virus itself, the politicization of the virus, or the media’s response to the virus. Read the full transcript of his rally right here.

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