Hillary Clinton's message to Trump re: coronavirus goes viral

The President is doing a great job which you would know if you were interested in the facts. Fauci has repeatedly said that the President's quick action to ban travel from China, SK and other places with high infection rates has saved many lives, and the reason that the EU countries are having much, much higher infection rates is because while the President acted proactively to ban travel from such countries the EU countries did not. Despite our very low infection rate the President continues to act proactively installing programs to ease the suffering, both medical and economic, of the American people, while the EU countries continue to deal with the virus only reactively.

Apparently you are not familiar with the word, global. That unit was created to deal with the ebola outbreak, which was not a problem here in the US. There is no reason to think it would have done anything that has not already been done. So far the President has made all the right moves and none of the other world leaders have. Try to pay attention.

Banning? Did the number of Americans getting sick and died STOPPED?

Of course I’m familiar with the global created to deal with Ebola.
WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT DUDE? They is exactly what I was talking about NSC created by Obama because of Ebola but this jerk Trump closed it down.

Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response

For the United States, the answers are especially worrying because the government has intentionally rendered itself incapable. In 2018, the Trump administration fired the government’s entire pandemic response chain of command, including the White House management infrastructure.

When Ebola broke out in West Africa in 2014, President Barack Obama recognized that responding to the outbreak overseas, while also protecting Americans at home, involved multiple U.S. government departments and agencies, none of which were speaking to one another.
Silly stuff. Obama was a politician and was always more interested in optics than in outcomes, so namely an agency or commission instead fo taking effective action was what he always did. What do you imagine Obama's bloated NSC could have done that hasn't been done.

Wrong answer. We are talking about NSC close down by an inept president. Try again.
lol You have no idea what you are raving about.

Of course I do. I’m in the medical instruments business. Try me again.
You don’t shit Dude.

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lol Still more evidence you have no idea what you are raving about.
The US doing much better than the EU thanks largely to early action in January to prevent the spread of the virus to the US.
And how exactly was the spread "PREVENTED" when it is SPREADING here right now!!!!!!
You DittoTards are too STUPID to know just how STUPID you are, and it is a blessing!
Apparently there is no subject of which you are not abysmally ignorant. The whole strategy for containing the spread of the virus is to try to keep infected people away from those not infected, and the travel bans from countries with high infection rates keeps infected foreigners out of the US. It is what the CDC is talking about when it talks about mitigating the spread of the virus. If you weren't so consumed by hate you might be able to understand this. The CDC has over and over again praised the President's early action of banning travel from places with high infection rates and stated it is the primary reason the US is not suffering from the much higher rates of infection the EU countries have.
Yeah, the same CDC that fucked up the testing kits and kisses Tramp's fat ass!
Banning? Did the number of Americans getting sick and died STOPPED?
According to pathological liar Tramp it went down to almost zero nearly a month ago!
Remarks by President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Conference | The White House

And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.

Donald Jackass Tramp, James S. Brady Press Briefing Room

February 26, 2020
Who give a shit what Hitlery thinks?? I sure don't.

She's a private citizen and most people can't stand her ugly face let alone pay attention to what she has to say.
The US doing much better than the EU thanks largely to early action in January to prevent the spread of the virus to the US.
And how exactly was the spread "PREVENTED" when it is SPREADING here right now!!!!!!
You DittoTards are too STUPID to know just how STUPID you are, and it is a blessing!
Apparently there is no subject of which you are not abysmally ignorant. The whole strategy for containing the spread of the virus is to try to keep infected people away from those not infected, and the travel bans from countries with high infection rates keeps infected foreigners out of the US. It is what the CDC is talking about when it talks about mitigating the spread of the virus. If you weren't so consumed by hate you might be able to understand this. The CDC has over and over again praised the President's early action of banning travel from places with high infection rates and stated it is the primary reason the US is not suffering from the much higher rates of infection the EU countries have.
Yeah, the same CDC that fucked up the testing kits and kisses Tramp's fat ass!
lol A vast right wing conspiracy? Is that you, Hillary?
Doing better? Numbers of Americans getting the virus keeps going up.

CDC keeps praising Trump? I’m missing something. Can you show me?
What we saw couple of times Fauci interrupted Trump making false claims about the availability of vaccines.

And what difference does it make. No matter what Trump is bullshiting you believe him anyway. He lied ALL the time so what is his credibility?

EARLY WARNINGS? We have a system in placed created by Obama to handle a pandemic like this called National Security Council Global Health Unit. In May 2018 Trump close it down.

NSC Global Health Unit was designed to work like FEMA. Designed to handle pandemic including proactive and advanced thinking and warning. Dr. Fauci just said it could have been nice if that was remained intact.

When it hit US this Dude started from scratch and scrambling as what we are seeing today.
At the same time calling it a hoax and very busy pointing fingers.

So don’t tell me he is doing a good job. If I’m wrong please tell me.

2019 2020 budget Trump tried to cut CDC funding but Pelosi blocked it.

2021 Trump budget to cut CDC funding still there.
The President is doing a great job which you would know if you were interested in the facts. Fauci has repeatedly said that the President's quick action to ban travel from China, SK and other places with high infection rates has saved many lives, and the reason that the EU countries are having much, much higher infection rates is because while the President acted proactively to ban travel from such countries the EU countries did not. Despite our very low infection rate the President continues to act proactively installing programs to ease the suffering, both medical and economic, of the American people, while the EU countries continue to deal with the virus only reactively.

Apparently you are not familiar with the word, global. That unit was created to deal with the ebola outbreak, which was not a problem here in the US. There is no reason to think it would have done anything that has not already been done. So far the President has made all the right moves and none of the other world leaders have. Try to pay attention.

Banning? Did the number of Americans getting sick and died STOPPED?

Of course I’m familiar with the global created to deal with Ebola.
WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT DUDE? They is exactly what I was talking about NSC created by Obama because of Ebola but this jerk Trump closed it down.

Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response

For the United States, the answers are especially worrying because the government has intentionally rendered itself incapable. In 2018, the Trump administration fired the government’s entire pandemic response chain of command, including the White House management infrastructure.

When Ebola broke out in West Africa in 2014, President Barack Obama recognized that responding to the outbreak overseas, while also protecting Americans at home, involved multiple U.S. government departments and agencies, none of which were speaking to one another.
Silly stuff. Obama was a politician and was always more interested in optics than in outcomes, so namely an agency or commission instead fo taking effective action was what he always did. What do you imagine Obama's bloated NSC could have done that hasn't been done.

Wrong answer. We are talking about NSC close down by an inept president. Try again.
lol You have no idea what you are raving about.


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Doing better? Numbers of Americans getting the virus keeps going up.

CDC keeps praising Trump? I’m missing something. Can you show me?
What we saw couple of times Fauci interrupted Trump making false claims about the availability of vaccines.

And what difference does it make. No matter what Trump is bullshiting you believe him anyway. He lied ALL the time so what is his credibility?

EARLY WARNINGS? We have a system in placed created by Obama to handle a pandemic like this called National Security Council Global Health Unit. In May 2018 Trump close it down.

NSC Global Health Unit was designed to work like FEMA. Designed to handle pandemic including proactive and advanced thinking and warning. Dr. Fauci just said it could have been nice if that was remained intact.

When it hit US this Dude started from scratch and scrambling as what we are seeing today.
At the same time calling it a hoax and very busy pointing fingers.

So don’t tell me he is doing a good job. If I’m wrong please tell me.

2019 2020 budget Trump tried to cut CDC funding but Pelosi blocked it.

2021 Trump budget to cut CDC funding still there.
The President is doing a great job which you would know if you were interested in the facts. Fauci has repeatedly said that the President's quick action to ban travel from China, SK and other places with high infection rates has saved many lives, and the reason that the EU countries are having much, much higher infection rates is because while the President acted proactively to ban travel from such countries the EU countries did not. Despite our very low infection rate the President continues to act proactively installing programs to ease the suffering, both medical and economic, of the American people, while the EU countries continue to deal with the virus only reactively.

Apparently you are not familiar with the word, global. That unit was created to deal with the ebola outbreak, which was not a problem here in the US. There is no reason to think it would have done anything that has not already been done. So far the President has made all the right moves and none of the other world leaders have. Try to pay attention.

Banning? Did the number of Americans getting sick and died STOPPED?

Of course I’m familiar with the global created to deal with Ebola.
WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT DUDE? They is exactly what I was talking about NSC created by Obama because of Ebola but this jerk Trump closed it down.

Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response

For the United States, the answers are especially worrying because the government has intentionally rendered itself incapable. In 2018, the Trump administration fired the government’s entire pandemic response chain of command, including the White House management infrastructure.

When Ebola broke out in West Africa in 2014, President Barack Obama recognized that responding to the outbreak overseas, while also protecting Americans at home, involved multiple U.S. government departments and agencies, none of which were speaking to one another.
Silly stuff. Obama was a politician and was always more interested in optics than in outcomes, so namely an agency or commission instead fo taking effective action was what he always did. What do you imagine Obama's bloated NSC could have done that hasn't been done.

You have NOT even heard or aware of term NSC and you supposed to know what the protocol is?
That’s bullshit. don’t you think?
You keep avoiding the question, what do you imagine the NSC could have done that hasn't already been done?

Wrong again Dude. You don’t even know what NSC and what it does and you are questioning me the protocols?

Why should I avoid any questions? I do like people asking me question.

What NSC could have done that hasn’t already been done? Pay attention. Read my post do not stare at it.

1. It was designed when an out break like in China US team pandemic could have been there with the Chinese scientists studying the virus before it hit the US.

Not of that happened under this dumb ignorant inept administration. As add on Trump created enemies not friends.

2. It was designed make sure the government do not repeat the same mistakes during Ebola outbreak.

See the chaos and discombobulations how Trump is handling this CV? Very poor and trying to figure out what they need to coordinate.

3. Look around the country. Every state is trying to figure it out themselves not the president. Looking for guidance from this dumb Trump.

But busy lying and tweeting nonsense about Lynn , Hillary etc etc blaming people.

4. Coordinations of what you see now only started when Trump started to get serious. The NSC could have done all of that automatically.

Sure he banned China but that didn’t stop the CV coming to US. If Trump has the advance warning from NSC he could have done that a lot sooner. Don’t you think?

5. Dr. Fauci even said. That could have been nice if the pandemic team was intact. Not start from scratch.
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Banning? Did the number of Americans getting sick and died STOPPED?
According to pathological liar Tramp it went down to almost zero nearly a month ago!
Remarks by President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Conference | The White House

And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.

Donald Jackass Tramp, James S. Brady Press Briefing Room

February 26, 2020

A link from the president down playing the severity of the pandemic. Absolutely.

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