Hillary Clinton’s problem isn’t Bernie Sanders. It’s Hillary Clinton

Offers free healthcare (somebody is going to have to pay for it or put us in more debt.)

Nonsense. You see, the thing is, someone is ALREADY paying for their health care. The real problem is that in your profit-driven system, we spend 17% of our GDP on health care while other industrialized nations with single payer spend 8-11%. Take out the non-value added things like payments to stockholders and 9-figure salaries to insurance company CEO's, and health care becomes amazingly affordable.

Free college (Somebody else is going to have to pay for it or put us in more debt.)

Or we can just crack down on the universities and make it affordable.

Bringing jobs back that don't exist anymore (Sure industry will love coming back to this country when they are taxed so high for all of Bernie's "free" stuff that they'll be banging down the doors of our borders; not to mention a much higher minimum wage)

when they find they can't sell stuff here without paying huge tariffs, huge taxes unless they've also made it here, not a problem.

Guy, I don't know who the winner in this election is going to be, but Free Trade is already the loser.
Nonsense. You see, the thing is, someone is ALREADY paying for their health care. The real problem is that in your profit-driven system, we spend 17% of our GDP on health care while other industrialized nations with single payer spend 8-11%. Take out the non-value added things like payments to stockholders and 9-figure salaries to insurance company CEO's, and health care becomes amazingly affordable.

Really? Then why does the government hire private insurance to do their Medicaid and Medicare billing?

If you want to find out where the costs are for insurance companies, it isn't the CEO's. The government comes out with more and more red tape every year making billing a nightmare. Hell, when I was in the medical business back in the late 70's and 80's, we had to have meetings every other month just to cover the new government regulations and changes our billing staff had to be aware of. I can't imagine how much BS is in billing now a days.

Or we can just crack down on the universities and make it affordable.

You can, then why hasn't DumBama? Had eight years to do it and never even addressed it once.

when they find they can't sell stuff here without paying huge tariffs, huge taxes unless they've also made it here, not a problem.

Guy, I don't know who the winner in this election is going to be, but Free Trade is already the loser.

So I guess you believe (as liberals always do) that when you inflict costs on manufacturers, they just dig deeper in their pockets, huh?

Sorry Joe, it's like we told you guys with more taxes, more costly regulations and forced higher wages: We all pay for it. That's right, you and me, everybody in this forum--everybody in the country. We end up paying for those tariffs and taxes.
hillary's biggest "problem" remains partisan derangement syndrome.

partisans' biggest problem is that elections don't occur in deranged echo chambers.

meanwhile MILLIONS MORE individual Americans voted for hillary than ANY OTHER candidate in the primaries.


would that be anything like Bush Derangement syndrome? or how about the Trump derangement syndrome. ? Palin derangement syndrome? You just refuse to accept Hillary isn't all that liked and a good portion of it comes from her own base of voters. and now add her being investigated for her shady emails, taking 100 million dollars from Foreigners and enriching her pockets the whole time she's supposedly been a : public servant?
hillary's biggest "problem" remains partisan derangement syndrome.

partisans' biggest problem is that elections don't occur in deranged echo chambers.

meanwhile MILLIONS MORE individual Americans voted for hillary than ANY OTHER candidate in the primaries.


Really? Then why does the government hire private insurance to do their Medicaid and Medicare billing?

you mean, why did the Federal Government knuckled under to big insurance to get a big old slice of that pie they weren't entitled to? Same reason we didn't get health care reform 25 years ago when Hillary proposed it.

If you want to find out where the costs are for insurance companies, it isn't the CEO's. The government comes out with more and more red tape every year making billing a nightmare. Hell, when I was in the medical business back in the late 70's and 80's, we had to have meetings every other month just to cover the new government regulations and changes our billing staff had to be aware of. I can't imagine how much BS is in billing now a days.

Right, those poor insurance companies paying their CEO's 9 figure salaries. Like Ed Hanaway, who got a Nine figure severance package from Cigna, but he instituted the policies like the one that denied Nataline Sarkisyan a liver transplant on the grounds it was "experimental".

You can, then why hasn't DumBama? Had eight years to do it and never even addressed it once.

Well, actually, he has many times... but never mind.

So I guess you believe (as liberals always do) that when you inflict costs on manufacturers, they just dig deeper in their pockets, huh?

I think when they find they can't get their products back into the US without a huge tariff on them, (which is what your boy, Donald Trump proposes, not Hillary) they will make stuff in America again.

Sorry Joe, it's like we told you guys with more taxes, more costly regulations and forced higher wages: We all pay for it. That's right, you and me, everybody in this forum--everybody in the country. We end up paying for those tariffs and taxes.

So what? SO I'll just choose not to buy the foreign made product or the product from the company that cheats its employees.

I don't think taxes are the only answer, but they help.
you mean, why did the Federal Government knuckled under to big insurance to get a big old slice of that pie they weren't entitled to? Same reason we didn't get health care reform 25 years ago when Hillary proposed it.

They didn't get Hillary Care because Americans objected to it. In fact, it was one of the main reasons that Americans chose to give leadership to Republicans in over 40 years.

Right, those poor insurance companies paying their CEO's 9 figure salaries. Like Ed Hanaway, who got a Nine figure severance package from Cigna, but he instituted the policies like the one that denied Nataline Sarkisyan a liver transplant on the grounds it was "experimental".

Insurance companies pay their CEO's those figures because they do such an outstanding job that nobody else can. If a CEO is getting 10 million dollars a year, you can bet anything he's bringing in way more than that for the company.

Like most companies in our country, insurance companies are in competition. If an insurance company does not want to pay a CEO known for his or her wealth making decisions and strategies, their competition will.

Well, actually, he has many times... but never mind.

He has? When?

He may have brought it up, but only in the context of somebody else paying for it--not to lower the costs.

I think when they find they can't get their products back into the US without a huge tariff on them, (which is what your boy, Donald Trump proposes, not Hillary) they will make stuff in America again.

Great. So they will come to the highest corporate taxed country in the world to make products here again. Okay, so now they do as you say, but in order to compete, what do you think they will pay their workers? What do you think they will invest in automation? How does that really help anybody?

So the new tariffs get passed on to the American consumer. Now instead of buying ten items from Walmart with $100.00, they can now only buy six. That means Walmart needs less shelf stockers, less cashiers, less truck drivers because they are not selling as many products, less warehouse help for the same reason.

So what? SO I'll just choose not to buy the foreign made product or the product from the company that cheats its employees.

I don't think taxes are the only answer, but they help.

Yes they will help--help the government and nobody else.
They didn't get Hillary Care because Americans objected to it. In fact, it was one of the main reasons that Americans chose to give leadership to Republicans in over 40 years.

No, Americans were told a bunch of lies by Big Insurance.

Insurance companies pay their CEO's those figures because they do such an outstanding job that nobody else can. If a CEO is getting 10 million dollars a year, you can bet anything he's bringing in way more than that for the company.

Oh, I agree, if you are a STOCKHOLDER, they are doing a wonderful job making sure that the people who paid premiums have to fight tooth and nail to get coverage. You truly haven't lived until you've had to fight an insurance company. ONe of the main reasons why I'm liberal today after voting REpublican for decades.

Great. So they will come to the highest corporate taxed country in the world to make products here again. Okay, so now they do as you say, but in order to compete, what do you think they will pay their workers? What do you think they will invest in automation? How does that really help anybody?

So the new tariffs get passed on to the American consumer. Now instead of buying ten items from Walmart with $100.00, they can now only buy six. That means Walmart needs less shelf stockers, less cashiers, less truck drivers because they are not selling as many products, less warehouse help for the same reason.

Here's the thing guy, if Americans make decent wages, they'll have enough money to buy things. sorry you don't seem to get this.
Here's the thing guy, if Americans make decent wages, they'll have enough money to buy things. sorry you don't seem to get this.

The only people that will make decent wages in this country again are those that try. Good paying monkey jobs are over in this country Joe. You on the left don't seem to understand that. With automation killing jobs by the millions and foreign trade finishing them off, monkey jobs will never pay what they used to.

Oh, I agree, if you are a STOCKHOLDER, they are doing a wonderful job making sure that the people who paid premiums have to fight tooth and nail to get coverage. You truly haven't lived until you've had to fight an insurance company. ONe of the main reasons why I'm liberal today after voting REpublican for decades.

I've fought with plenty of insurance companies. The thing about insurance companies is that they are not all owned by one person or group of people. Insurance companies compete for your business and do what they can to keep it unless you are taking advantage of their services. If I got bad services, broken promises or too high of rates from one company, I simply switched to another. Actually, because of Commie Care, I'm doing that exact thing right now.
The only people that will make decent wages in this country again are those that try. Good paying monkey jobs are over in this country Joe. You on the left don't seem to understand that. With automation killing jobs by the millions and foreign trade finishing them off, monkey jobs will never pay what they used to.

Guy, we have Airline pilots selling blood plasma and adjunct professors on food stamps. Forget about the "monkey jobs", when we put investors ahead of workers, that's where it became a race to the bottom.

I've fought with plenty of insurance companies. The thing about insurance companies is that they are not all owned by one person or group of people. Insurance companies compete for your business and do what they can to keep it unless you are taking advantage of their services. If I got bad services, broken promises or too high of rates from one company, I simply switched to another. Actually, because of Commie Care, I'm doing that exact thing right now.

That's nice and all guy, but most of us aren't buying our own health insurance. We are group plans from our employers and they aren't competing for OUR business, they are competing for the companies business.

And honestly, if you were such a bottom feeder that ObamaCare effected your policy, your policy was probably rubbish from the get go.
The only people that will make decent wages in this country again are those that try. Good paying monkey jobs are over in this country Joe. You on the left don't seem to understand that. With automation killing jobs by the millions and foreign trade finishing them off, monkey jobs will never pay what they used to.

Guy, we have Airline pilots selling blood plasma and adjunct professors on food stamps. Forget about the "monkey jobs", when we put investors ahead of workers, that's where it became a race to the bottom.

I've fought with plenty of insurance companies. The thing about insurance companies is that they are not all owned by one person or group of people. Insurance companies compete for your business and do what they can to keep it unless you are taking advantage of their services. If I got bad services, broken promises or too high of rates from one company, I simply switched to another. Actually, because of Commie Care, I'm doing that exact thing right now.

That's nice and all guy, but most of us aren't buying our own health insurance. We are group plans from our employers and they aren't competing for OUR business, they are competing for the companies business.

And honestly, if you were such a bottom feeder that ObamaCare effected your policy, your policy was probably rubbish from the get go.
Guy, we have Airline pilots selling blood plasma and adjunct professors on food stamps. Forget about the "monkey jobs", when we put investors ahead of workers, that's where it became a race to the bottom.

We do? And you have reliable sources for that?

To my knowledge, airline pilots are six figure people and so are many professors or close to it. If they are selling blood, then it's obviously a problem with their personal spending that needs to be addressed.

That's nice and all guy, but most of us aren't buying our own health insurance. We are group plans from our employers and they aren't competing for OUR business, they are competing for the companies business.

And honestly, if you were such a bottom feeder that ObamaCare effected your policy, your policy was probably rubbish from the get go.

It wasn't great, but it was coverage nevertheless.

But we didn't lose our coverage because of the kind of policy we had. We lost our coverage because it gave my employer a way out of providing it.

You see, before Communism hit our country, health insurance was a benefit that made it competitive for employers to get good employees. Now that companies are dropping coverage thanks to Commie Care (and more every day) they no longer offer (or cut) that benefit because there are options unlike before.

Without Commie Care, if my employer dared drop his coverage, he would lose a good crew that would have to get other employment that had coverage. But because employers can now drop that benefit at anytime, it's a risk to change jobs based on health insurance because your new employer can do the same as the last.
We do? And you have reliable sources for that?

To my knowledge, airline pilots are six figure people and so are many professors or close to it. If they are selling blood, then it's obviously a problem with their personal spending that needs to be addressed.

Well, your knowledge is based on a lot of willful ignorance.

Here's what Chelsey Sullenberg, the hero pilot of Flight 1549 had to say...

“Flying has been my lifelong passion, but while I love my profession, I do not like what has happened to it. My decision to remain in the profession I love has come at tremendous cost to me and my family. My pay was cut by 40 percent and my contractual entitlement to a retirement pension was stripped away ... Airline pilots do not live in a vacuum, and we understand fully and are sympathetic to the fact that many Americans have recently experienced economic difficulties. But, airline employees have been hit by an economic tsunami ... I attempt to speak accurately and plainly, so please do not think I exaggerate when I say that I do not know a single professional airline pilot who wants his or her children to follow in their footsteps.”


As for Professors on Food stamps...

Your College Professor Could Be On Public Assistance

Paid as little as a couple of thousand dollars for each semester-long course, hundreds of thousands of people with doctorates or multiple master's degrees are earning near-poverty wages working as adjunct professors. And as a result, one in four families of part-time college faculty are enrolled in at least one public assistance program, like food stamps, Medicaid or the Earned Income Tax Credit, according to calculations of Census data by researchers at University of California, Berkeley's Labor Center.

And these are MOSTLY white people who applied themselves, got the qualifications, and are STILL getting screwed by the 1%.

Now, I realize you've been brainwashed into thinking that those "poor" people are just lazy, but the reality is, they will screw over all of us, given the opportunity.

But we didn't lose our coverage because of the kind of policy we had. We lost our coverage because it gave my employer a way out of providing it.

So let me get this straight, your 1%er boss screwed you even worse than he was screwing you before, and you blame Obama and "Communism".
We do? And you have reliable sources for that?

To my knowledge, airline pilots are six figure people and so are many professors or close to it. If they are selling blood, then it's obviously a problem with their personal spending that needs to be addressed.

Well, your knowledge is based on a lot of willful ignorance.

Here's what Chelsey Sullenberg, the hero pilot of Flight 1549 had to say...

“Flying has been my lifelong passion, but while I love my profession, I do not like what has happened to it. My decision to remain in the profession I love has come at tremendous cost to me and my family. My pay was cut by 40 percent and my contractual entitlement to a retirement pension was stripped away ... Airline pilots do not live in a vacuum, and we understand fully and are sympathetic to the fact that many Americans have recently experienced economic difficulties. But, airline employees have been hit by an economic tsunami ... I attempt to speak accurately and plainly, so please do not think I exaggerate when I say that I do not know a single professional airline pilot who wants his or her children to follow in their footsteps.”


As for Professors on Food stamps...

Your College Professor Could Be On Public Assistance

Paid as little as a couple of thousand dollars for each semester-long course, hundreds of thousands of people with doctorates or multiple master's degrees are earning near-poverty wages working as adjunct professors. And as a result, one in four families of part-time college faculty are enrolled in at least one public assistance program, like food stamps, Medicaid or the Earned Income Tax Credit, according to calculations of Census data by researchers at University of California, Berkeley's Labor Center.

And these are MOSTLY white people who applied themselves, got the qualifications, and are STILL getting screwed by the 1%.

Now, I realize you've been brainwashed into thinking that those "poor" people are just lazy, but the reality is, they will screw over all of us, given the opportunity.

But we didn't lose our coverage because of the kind of policy we had. We lost our coverage because it gave my employer a way out of providing it.

So let me get this straight, your 1%er boss screwed you even worse than he was screwing you before, and you blame Obama and "Communism".

College Professor's Annual Base Salary
Job Title Salary Location Date Updated
Professor - History $90,896 US April 26, 2016
Professor - Law $156,454 US April 26, 2016
Professor - Music $83,365 US April 26, 2016
Professor - Communication $87,538 US April 26, 2016
Professor - Dentistry $122,298 US April 26, 2016
Professor - Drama $84,316 US April 26, 2016
Professor - Education $88,767 US April 26, 2016
Professor - Nursing $87,294 US April 26, 2016
Professor - Physics $98,110 US April 26, 2016
Professor - Rehabilitation $99,950 US April 26, 2016

College Professor Salaries - Compare and see how key factors impact College Professor Salaries - Salary.com

Airline Pilot
American Airlines (15 American Airlines Salaries)

Airline Pilot
Delta Air Lines (10 Delta Air Lines Salaries)

Airline Pilot
United Airlines (7 United Airlines Salaries)

Airline Pilot
ExpressJet Airlines (4 ExpressJet Airlines Salaries)

Airline Pilot
Southwest Airlines (3 Southwest Airlines Salaries)

College Professor's Annual Base Salary
Job Title Salary Location Date Updated

These are Tenured Professors, who are less than 25% of all college faculty.

why do you avoid the point, Ray?

Your point was that if someone gets fucked by the 1%, it's their own damned fault for not getting skills.

But the 1% will fuck you if you have skills or not.

Or did this not occur to you when your employer dropped your health care?

No, wait, you were too busy blaming the Black Guy.
It's Hillary Clinton's ego that has her in the race in the first place, and that is threatening what this year should be a very easy win for the Democrats.
College Professor's Annual Base Salary
Job Title Salary Location Date Updated

These are Tenured Professors, who are less than 25% of all college faculty.

why do you avoid the point, Ray?

Your point was that if someone gets fucked by the 1%, it's their own damned fault for not getting skills.

But the 1% will fuck you if you have skills or not.

Or did this not occur to you when your employer dropped your health care?

No, wait, you were too busy blaming the Black Guy.

I work for a small company and my employer is far from 1%. In fact he comes to work the same time I do every morning and in many cases, leaves after I'm gone for the day.

Sure I blame DumBama. I've been insured through my employers all of my life, and now that's changed.......not only with my employer, but many around the country.

I would really like to know how anybody gets fucked by the 1%. It's never happened to me, so am I lucky or something? In fact, I directly or indirectly get my work from those 1% people.

As noted, the only time I get fucked is when Democrats are in charge, and this administration is responsible for the biggest fucken I've ever had. Life is always easier with less government and less Democrats. If not for them, I would still have my employers insurance today.
I work for a small company and my employer is far from 1%. In fact he comes to work the same time I do every morning and in many cases, leaves after I'm gone for the day.

Sure I blame DumBama. I've been insured through my employers all of my life, and now that's changed.......not only with my employer, but many around the country.

okay, guy, whatever. Reality- more people are covered now than ever have been... but you keep pretending the black guy screwed you.

I would really like to know how anybody gets fucked by the 1%. It's never happened to me, so am I lucky or something? In fact, I directly or indirectly get my work from those 1% people.

No, you get your work from their customers. The 1% are parasites who've convinced stupid people like you they are a vital organ.
I work for a small company and my employer is far from 1%. In fact he comes to work the same time I do every morning and in many cases, leaves after I'm gone for the day.

Sure I blame DumBama. I've been insured through my employers all of my life, and now that's changed.......not only with my employer, but many around the country.

okay, guy, whatever. Reality- more people are covered now than ever have been... but you keep pretending the black guy screwed you.

I would really like to know how anybody gets fucked by the 1%. It's never happened to me, so am I lucky or something? In fact, I directly or indirectly get my work from those 1% people.

No, you get your work from their customers. The 1% are parasites who've convinced stupid people like you they are a vital organ.
okay, guy, whatever. Reality- more people are covered now than ever have been... but you keep pretending the black guy screwed you.

No, the black guy has no power without the support of his fellow Socialists. They all did it together. That's why it's so important to make sure we never have Democrat leadership again in this country.

No, you get your work from their customers. The 1% are parasites who've convinced stupid people like you they are a vital organ.

Sorry to disappoint you, but they are a vital organ in our country.

If we took all of those poor Democrats, put them on an island somewhere, nobody would miss them. In fact, things would get so much better: less crime, less police needed, less taxation taken for people to support them, increased property values and so on.

If we took all the rich people and put them on an island somewhere, our country collapses.

Given the FACT that the top 1% pay 44% of all collected income taxes, and the bottom 47% pay none, where do you think you would get the money to run your Cradle-to-Grave government you value so dearly?

Oh, and BTW, the woman you plan on voting for President is in that top 1%.
No, the black guy has no power without the support of his fellow Socialists. They all did it together. That's why it's so important to make sure we never have Democrat leadership again in this country.

Uh, guy all the bad shit happened when REpubilcans were at the wheel. I know you like to keep forgetting that.

If we took all of those poor Democrats, put them on an island somewhere, nobody would miss them. In fact, things would get so much better: less crime, less police needed, less taxation taken for people to support them, increased property values and so on.

I'm sure that's your fantasy, Raycist from Cleveland, except I wish you'd have the honesty to say the N-word instead of "poor Democrats".
Given the FACT that the top 1% pay 44% of all collected income taxes, and the bottom 47% pay none, where do you think you would get the money to run your Cradle-to-Grave government you value so dearly?

You see, this is where you are confused, guy.

Let me break it down for you. Taxes are simply the cost of maintaining a country. Money is simply the measure of the output of the labor in terms of goods and services created.

Now, the 1% who have 43% of the wealth did not create 43% of the wealth. That means- wait for it - they cheated the people who did.

Conversely, the bottom 47% that Romney whined about not understanding why he needs a Dancing Horse are creating more than 0% of the wealth, either through their labor or through consumer demand. And the 1% keep coming up with new ways to cheat them.

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