Hillary Given ‘Democratic Woman of the Year Award’ on Same Day It’s Revealed She Rigged Primary

It is absolutely hilarious that Hillary gets these type of awards....

for a lifetime of enabling her sex predator "husband" and stuff like this....

Hillary Clinton and the “Whiny Women”

"In 1993, Hillary Clinton derided a group of women who made claims of sexual harassment against Republican senator Bob Packwood, according to Blair. “HC tired of all those whiney women, and she needs him on health care,” wrote Blair of her conversation with Hillary Clinton, who was heading up her husband’s ultimately unsuccessful effort to reshape the U.S. health care system."
"Extraordinary contributions to American politics" -- well, that's one way of putting it.

Did she use this to attend?
Hopefully, next year she won't even be awarded the prison inmate of the year award.
Oh yeah what an inspiration to our young girls. You too can marry a sexual predator with big time political skill and ride his coat tails to the top.
You too can be a psycho and treat people like dogs. You too can run a crime family and bilk donors and the government out of hundreds of millions of dollars.

Woo Hoo!! I am woman hear me roar!!!

Read this bullshit:

The award, given by the Woman’s National Democratic Club, is “in recognition of her extraordinary contributions to American politics and international affairs, as well as the inspiration she has provided to women and girls around the world.”
Oh yeah what an inspiration to our young girls. You too can marry a sexual predator with big time political skill and ride his coat tails to the top.
You too can be a psycho and treat people like dogs. You too can run a crime family and bilk donors and the government out of hundreds of millions of dollars.

Woo Hoo!! I am woman hear me roar!!!

Read this bullshit:

The award, given by the Woman’s National Democratic Club, is “in recognition of her extraordinary contributions to American politics and international affairs, as well as the inspiration she has provided to women and girls around the world.”
Bill would have been there but he was flying the Lolita Express with his pedophile friend again.
When you read all of the stories about the way she treated people in her charge prison would be a good place for her to spend the next 20 years. She will finally find out what it's like to be at the bottom rung.
Huh? Bernie Sanders is not even a democrat - why would the democratic party support him? He is still an independent. He was part of the reasons we now have an idiot for president, and his fans are as blind as a bat. One has to live to live in the real world. Sanders didn't have a snowball's change in hell of winning over Trump. Imagine the mud that would have been thrown at him. Think for a minute. Hillary endured twenty five years of right wing conservative republican hatred, that too helped elect Donnie John. Right wing elite media control the message and stick together, the dumb democrats shoot each other and think that is a winning platform. Dumb dumb dumb.
If the GOP ever came up with the idiotic "super-delegate" idea, thereby negating the popular vote, they would be lynched. To his credit Reince let the chips fall where they may, and was rewarded with the Whitehouse.

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