Hillary Hates List...

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Hillary .. the last great hope for the Democratic Socialist Party..

1) Republicans

2) Gun owners

3) A balanced federal budget

4) Men, unless they're liberal wimps

5) The truth as it relates to her and husband
Last edited:
1. Woman haters/misogynists

2. Racists

3. Fox News

4. Drunks

5. Angry old men

She does hate conservative women, no doubt.

I'm not sure how she feels about the women her misogynist husband sexually harassed and probably raped or his long list of prostitutes and underage girls. I'm pretty sure she blames them though.
1. Woman haters/misogynists

2. Racists

3. Fox News

4. Drunks

5. Angry old men

She does hate conservative women, no doubt.

I'm not sure how she feels about the women her misogynist husband sexually harassed and probably raped or his long list of prostitutes and underage girls. I'm pretty sure she blames them though.

Hillary admires racists and race hustlers...

11127591_368914833312031_8283442015354893803_n.png ... 11751884_10153513612278588_5354044494006786486_n.png ... 10955381_459105217579778_2921970002738842795_n.jpg
1. Woman haters/misogynists

2. Racists

3. Fox News

4. Drunks

5. Angry old men

She does hate conservative women, no doubt.

I'm not sure how she feels about the women her misogynist husband sexually harassed and probably raped or his long list of prostitutes and underage girls. I'm pretty sure she blames them though.

Hillary admires racists and race hustlers...

View attachment 53056 ... View attachment 53057 ... View attachment 53058
They MAYBE BANNING Meme's here soon. Here is one.
1. Woman haters/misogynists

2. Racists

3. Fox News

4. Drunks

5. Angry old men

She does hate conservative women, no doubt.

I'm not sure how she feels about the women her misogynist husband sexually harassed and probably raped or his long list of prostitutes and underage girls. I'm pretty sure she blames them though.

Hillary admires racists and race hustlers...

View attachment 53056 ... View attachment 53057 ... View attachment 53058
God, thank you for the most retarded little batch of low brow pseudo historical intellectually filthy misinformation I've seen in nearly a week.

Did you know that every Margaret Sanger biographer hates how stupid pro lifers and righties lie about who she was, and what she wated to accomplish?

Next you'll probably show me those edited quotes from her monthly magazine Birth Control Review. The problem is, I've looked up the original quotes in her magazine, and they're unedited.

Here is the deal...I've read the original Sanger articles, and read about Biographers who've studied her life in great detail.

You've been listening to some pro life whackos lie to you.

If you had the slightest willingness to know the truth, which is that Sanger saw lot's of suffering from women forced to bear children till it killed them, and the resulting neglected children, because stuffy conservatives like you needed to meddle and control the rights of others.

At least righties back in 1910 had an excuse, they were a bunch of puritanical prudes. But there is no excuse for it today
1. Woman haters/misogynists

2. Racists

3. Fox News

4. Drunks

5. Angry old men

She does hate conservative women, no doubt.

I'm not sure how she feels about the women her misogynist husband sexually harassed and probably raped or his long list of prostitutes and underage girls. I'm pretty sure she blames them though.

Hillary admires racists and race hustlers...

View attachment 53056 ... View attachment 53057 ... View attachment 53058
God, thank you for the most retarded little batch of low brow pseudo historical intellectually filthy misinformation I've seen in nearly a week.

Did you know that every Margaret Sanger biographer hates how stupid pro lifers and righties lie about who she was, and what she wated to accomplish?

Next you'll probably show me those edited quotes from her monthly magazine Birth Control Review. The problem is, I've looked up the original quotes in her magazine, and they're unedited.

Here is the deal...I've read the original Sanger articles, and read about Biographers who've studied her life in great detail.

You've been listening to some pro life whackos lie to you.

If you had the slightest willingness to know the truth, which is that Sanger saw lot's of suffering from women forced to bear children till it killed them, and the resulting neglected children, because stuffy conservatives like you needed to meddle and control the rights of others.

At least righties back in 1910 had an excuse, they were a bunch of puritanical prudes. But there is no excuse for it today

the HISTORY AND legacy of racism and a desire for EUGENICS among Margaret Sanger and other Progessives of her day is VERY WELL documented.

no amount of crybaby whining from pathetic left-wing nutjobs is going to change the facts
Progressive History 101 (Minus All that Uncomfortable Racism, Sexism, and Support for Eugenics)
Damon Root|Apr. 19, 2010 1:02 pm
Shortly after Barack Obama was elected president, I wrote an article criticizing many of his left-leaning supporters for labeling themselves as progressives, arguingthat “what the current vogue for the term progressivefails to acknowledge is that the original progressives embraced the worst abuses of state power in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.”
In response, I received a number of angry emails stating that today’s progressives had nothing to do with the sins of the first progressives, and that to conflate the two was intellectually dishonest and just plain mean. Perhaps some of my correspondents will now direct their outrage to the left-wing Center for American Progress, which just released a new monograph entitled “The Progressive Intellectual Tradition in America.” This paper argues that today’s progressives are the direct inheritors of an unbroken progressive tradition, one that brought glorious benefits to all Americans by doing away with the evils of limited government. Here’s a sample paragraph:
Progressives sought above all to give real meaning to the promise of the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution—“We the people”working together to build a more perfect union, promote the general welfare, and expand prosperity to all citizens. Drawing on the American nationalist tradition of Alexander Hamilton and Abraham Lincoln, progressives posited that stronger government action was necessary to advance the common good, regulate business interests, promote national economic growth, protect workers and families displaced by modern capitalism, and promote true economic and social opportunity for all people.
As far as history lessons go, this is laughably biased and incomplete. For starters, the original progressives most certainlydid not “promote true economic and social opportunity for all people.” In the Jim Crow South, as historian David Southernhas documented, disfranchisement, segregation, race baiting, and lynching all "went hand-in-hand with the most advanced forms of southern progressivism." Economist John R. Commons, a leading progressive academic and close adviser to high-profile progressive politicians—including “Fighting” Bob Lafollette, Theodore Roosevelt, and Woodrow Wilson—authored a 1907 book entitledRaces and Immigrants in America, where he called African Americans “indolent and fickle” and endorsed protectionist labor laws since "competition has no respect for the superior races."
1. Apple pie

2. Baseball

3. People that say 'Merry Christmas'

4. Mom

5. Labrador Retrievers

6. Blue Dresses

7. Stupid Lists

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