Hillary Heads Back To Her Hidey-Hole

I hope you're right, but frankly I think it's a lost cause. Hellary will win and the weak and timid sell outs who run the GOP will continue on their path of destroying this Republic by not defending it.

Don't quit on us! time to hunker down and bristle up...this last three weeks is about our survival.

Not quitting man, I'll vote and keep calling the bulldyke out for what she is, but reality seems to be setting in.

Here's how I look at it....every story coming out has a life-span of about 2-3 days. All the shitballs being thrown will either hit or miss their mark, but they seem to be hitting Hilly harder than the Donald. He's pretty much immune from the sex talk now...the shock value has worn off. But what's hitting Hillary can cost her her base and keep her voters home on Election Day. The first part of turning somebody around is to take away their support for the enemy...then you can make them your ally.
I hope you're right, but frankly I think it's a lost cause. Hellary will win and the weak and timid sell outs who run the GOP will continue on their path of destroying this Republic by not defending it.

Don't quit on us! time to hunker down and bristle up...this last three weeks is about our survival.

Not quitting man, I'll vote and keep calling the bulldyke out for what she is, but reality seems to be setting in.

Here's how I look at it....every story coming out has a life-span of about 2-3 days. All the shitballs being thrown will either hit or miss their mark, but they seem to be hitting Hilly harder than the Donald. He's pretty much immune from the sex talk now...the shock value has worn off. But what's hitting Hillary can cost her her base and keep her voters home on Election Day. The first part of turning somebody around is to take away their support for the enemy...then you can make them your ally.

First, I disagree, the sexism stuff on Trump is still news and his brand has been damaged. Second, nothing seems to be having a significant effect on her. The wikileak emails are just not as explosive as A recording of The clown talking about groping women. At some point you have to face reality, and reality now is the bulldyke has a strangle hold on the election and Trump can do nothing to change it. It will have to be a dramatic event from Hellary to stem the tide.

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