Hillary immediately plays politics with the Las Vegas disaster/tragedy

That is a shitload of firepower for a single shooter in a tower

Are we sure we want to defend his right to have it?
Is Hillary asking how this monster got an automatic rifle?

The NRA made sure he could

LMFAO, it is so funny how you leftist fks think laws keep criminals from getting guns. Let alone the terrorist.

Are you all seriously that stupid.
Ah, so you are using the same 'defense' former Director of the FBI afforded Hillary Clinton then - ignorance...Here's a few shamelessly doing so:Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy, Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal...
I want to apologize to 'theDoctorisIn'. The 1st line of my post was un-called for. You related to me that you were simply unaware of anyone else 'pushing' the anti-gun agenda. I could have / should have just provided you with the names / links. My apologies.
Following the worst mass shooting in U.S. history that occurred in Las Vegas on Sunday, Hillary Clinton offered her two cents on Twitter saying “we must put politics aside” before immediately calling for gun control.
Hillary on Vegas Massacre: We ‘Must Put Politics Aside’ — Immediately Calls For Gun Control!

And I just said this on ZZ' s post fkn tell us we don't know what is going on and can't see wtf is taking place.

Doesn't that bitch know she lost yet?

Who made you a dictator that nobody can exercise their freedom of speech?

Did that bully thug knows that election was over? He still going after the election results as we speak wasting tax dollars.
Human crisis in Puerto Rico but he is out there golfing.
Now he is dedicating the golf trophy to hurricane victims. What an honor.
Hey Hillary, how about we repeal Obamacare because 'imagine if the shooter was angry about his shitty ObamaCare insurance', right?

You are spreading this kind of fake news like your god from Infowars.
Are you Russian? because Stratford loves you.
Is Hillary asking how this monster got an automatic rifle?

The NRA made sure he could

LMFAO, it is so funny how you leftist fks think laws keep criminals from getting guns. Let alone the terrorist.

Are you all seriously that stupid.

Why do our laws allow someone intent on massacring as many people as possible open access to the weapon of his choice

Why was this monster able to fire at 600 rounds per minute?
Is Hillary asking how this monster got an automatic rifle?

The NRA made sure he could

LMFAO, it is so funny how you leftist fks think laws keep criminals from getting guns. Let alone the terrorist.

Are you all seriously that stupid.

Why do our laws allow someone intent on massacring as many people as possible open access to the weapon of his choice

Why was this monster able to fire at 600 rounds per minute?

1. The guy was normal at the time of purchase ------------------- one day he snaps. There is nothing out there that can tell when someone who rightfully owns a gun can lose it.

2. Terrorist get them on the black market and often from our own Gov. ( shadow Government) no background check needed.

3. Criminals , gangs do not need laws to obtain guns they too purchase them on the black market as well and often the shadow gov. who wants certain events to take place so they can holler gun control again.

Hillary Is Already Going After The NRA -- Here's Her Whole Attack

As I pointed out in a separate thread, Former Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said it best when he declared, "Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste".

Unfortunately, as the OP accurately pointed out, the bodies aren't even cold yet, authorities have not finished tallying the count of how many are dead and wounded (latest 58 dead, 515 wounded), and already Democrats are shamelessly trying to 'ride the emotional hurricane' in the midst of the chaos, tragedy, carnage, and death to push their anti-gun agenda.

None of the facts have been discovered or revealed.

"It’s not yet clear how the shooter, 64-year-old Stephen Paddock, acquired his guns or if gun control measures could have prevented him from obtaining them, but leading Democrats are already demanding stricter gun control legislation."

Democrats Immediately Call For Gun Control After Las Vegas Shooting

It is at times like these when Liberals demonstrate they have no decency and / or shame


Who else are speaking for these victims? Im sure it’s not you or the rest of snowflakes.

Are you here to defend and justify this monster?

Who else should be blamed for this massacre?

You have this shitty president blasting Puerto Rico poor structure then blasting the mayor in the middle of human crisis.

Is Hillary asking how this monster got an automatic rifle?

The NRA made sure he could

LMFAO, it is so funny how you leftist fks think laws keep criminals from getting guns. Let alone the terrorist.

Are you all seriously that stupid.

Why do our laws allow someone intent on massacring as many people as possible open access to the weapon of his choice

Why was this monster able to fire at 600 rounds per minute?

1. The guy was normal at the time of purchase ------------------- one day he snaps. There is nothing out there that can tell when someone who rightfully owns a gun can lose it.

2. Terrorist get them on the black market and often from our own Gov. ( shadow Government) no background check needed.

3. Criminals , gangs do not need laws to obtain guns they too purchase them on the black market as well and often the shadow gov. who wants certain events to take place so they can holler gun control again.

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Your opinion 1, 2 and 3 is just pure lunacy from gun nuts like you or 2aguy.

Nothing works—— Massacres no problem—- We cannot do anything——— more massacres ——- Nothing is working. Just flood the streets with more high power guns. No problem.
This is what you are telling us. Am I right or wrong?
NO DECENCY? Who else are speaking for these victims? Im sure it’s not you or the rest of snowflakes.
The scariest thing about your post is I think you actually believe that shit!

Yes, Hillary Clinton declaring more lives would have been lost if the shooter, shooting from across the street from a window on the 32nd floor during the middle of a loud concert had been using a Silencer.

Shamelessly Democrats - and sheep like you who defend them no matter what they do, are opportunistically using this tragedy and the massive amount of emotion during the chaos, shock, and death to push a liberal agenda.

Again, there has been no facts ascertained, no motive, no news on the source or legality of the guns, no news on if they were registered / owned legally, etc - which should damn-well take a back seat to the continuing tally of dead and wounded, sensitivity to victims and family members, etc.

"Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste"
---- Former Chief Of Staff Rahm Emanuel

That's all the pathetic Democrats are doing right now.

Way to go, DNC - keep working on doubling that number of 1,000+ elections losses!
From the OP's article
"In a series of follow-up tweets, Clinton wrote that the country "must put politics aside" and "stand up to the NRA," specifically citing the organization's stance on gun silencers."

Yeah Hillary let's "put politics aside" while you and your buddies POLITICIZE yet another unfortunate tragedy.

Wake me up when Queen Sleaze Bag and her merry band of political mud wallowers get to the part about how this shooting is all Sarah Palin's fault, K?
From the OP's article
"In a series of follow-up tweets, Clinton wrote that the country "must put politics aside" and "stand up to the NRA," specifically citing the organization's stance on gun silencers."

Yeah Hillary let's "put politics aside" while you and your buddies POLITICIZE yet another unfortunate tragedy.

Wake me up when Queen Sleaze Bag and her merry band of political mud wallowers get to the part about how this shooting is all Sarah Palin's fault, K?
Beat me to it.

Put politics aside and goes straight into a political rant.
Clinton is absolutely correct. The NRA, like the treasonous fat senile old orange clown, is putting feeding the insane base ahead of the good of the nation. They have successfully made sure the mentally ill can own war weapons, and now they are campaigning for silencers on rifles so that the crazy at Vegas would have had a extra minute or two before anyone realized what was happening, and maybe a few minutes more shooting time before anyone realized where he was. Hooray, such a wonderful prospect. Aren't you nuts so proud.
Clinton is absolutely correct. The NRA, like the treasonous fat senile old orange clown, is putting feeding the insane base ahead of the good of the nation. They have successfully made sure the mentally ill can own war weapons, and now they are campaigning for silencers on rifles so that the crazy at Vegas would have had a extra minute or two before anyone realized what was happening, and maybe a few minutes more shooting time before anyone realized where he was. Hooray, such a wonderful prospect. Aren't you nuts so proud.

Go ahead, explain how more gun control laws on already law abiding citizens will stop a law breaking mad man from shooting up Las Vegas. There destroyed you in a single sentence.

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