Hillary is Running

I don’t know what’s funnier. But I’m going with how the Left is distancing itself from her like she’s got Bubonic Plague as the funniest.

She needs to keep coming out and making comments about Trump.

I loved her last comments regarding her defending her husbands decision not to resign after perjuring himself after lying about having sex with his intern.

Great stuff.
Watch Democrats you thought we’re going to run suddenly slink off into obscurity as the Dreadnaught Machine begins to rumble down the road.

The G(r)ift That Keeps on Giving

Ah, another "but... but.... but.... Hillary" thread. Fucking hell.
Delicious isn't it?

One of the most entertaining things about this site.

We should have a sub-forum devoted to making fun of lizard-robot Hillary.

Hillary Clinton: “I’m Really Not Even a Human Being”
“A man whose name shall remain nameless created me in his garage.”
Hillary Clinton: “I’m Really Not Even a Human Being”
In generations past, we had the primary season which was basically an extended beauty contest leading up to the convention. Then there were the infamous "smoke-filled rooms" at the convention, where the party leaders would basically decide who the nominee would be, and the delegates would get in line behind the annointed one and get the nomination done with.

But that was un-democratic, so rules were changed in both parties, and the results have been, basically, pretty bad for the past few cycles. In 2008, most Democrats wanted HRC to be the candidate, but the Obama team shrewdly out-maneuvered her team during the primaries and caucuses, and "stole" the nomination. In 2016, ironically, most Democrats wanted Bernie Sanders, but HRC's team shrewdly stole the nomination from him.

On the Republican side in 2016, 75% of Republicans wanted ANYBODY but Trump, while the actual voters were split among a large posse of pretty good nominees. Trump took a solid core of 25% ardent supporters and one-by-one dispatched his opponents. John Kasich refused to bow out gracefully in the end, thus preventing the last chance Real Republicans had to vanquish Trump: a one-on-one debate with Ted Cruz, where Trump would have been obliterated. (In the end, Cruz would have been crushed by HRC, so, in retrospect, no regrets).

So as a perverse result of the move toward "more democratic" primaries, neither party has been able to nominate the candidate that the largest number of partisans wanted.

Seriously, it's time to go back to the smoke-filled rooms. It was much wiser for the party elders to pick the candidate most likely to win. As a way of making important decisions, "democracy" sucks. It is self-evident.
The Hilderbeast has been greatly weakened. I don't think she will win the nomination if she runs again.

I agree. She's made herself pretty toxic and I doubt the DNC will be backing her stupid ass again.
A one man, right wing blogger opines Hillary is going to run. BFD
yea, not seeing many other sites say it's going to happen. most in fact say "not a chance". not to pick on her but she seemed to "barely" make it through the last run from a physical standpoint. i just don't think she could hold up to another election run.
Watch Democrats you thought we’re going to run suddenly slink off into obscurity as the Dreadnaught Machine begins to rumble down the road.

The G(r)ift That Keeps on Giving

Why not? Chelsea Clinton isn't going to be ready until 2024 to pick up the mantle of the Clintonistas.

The 22nd Amendment prohibits the Patriarch of the Clinton Klan from running again, I don't think the broad has a choice, unless Bill can get his son Danney Williams-Clinton of Little Rock to run in 2020. The gentleman was born in 1985, so he certainly qualifies.
Well Warren isn't running after not being an indian and saying that she is. Farticus cant be taken seriously, Bidens face is about to fall off. So yes Hilly can run Donald's campaign again
Watch Democrats you thought we’re going to run suddenly slink off into obscurity as the Dreadnaught Machine begins to rumble down the road.

The G(r)ift That Keeps on Giving

I will vote for whoever runs against Trump on the Dem side of course, anyone. I voted for Hillary in 2016 and I'd vote for her in a heartbeat.

I will vote for whoever runs against Trump on the Dem side of course, anyone.

yea, not seeing many other sites say it's going to happen. most in fact say "not a chance". not to pick on her but she seemed to "barely" make it through the last run from a physical standpoint. i just don't think she could hold up to another election run.
I didn't vote for Hillary (or trump for that matter) and as bad as trump is, I don't regret it. There is no way the democrats will allow that self-serving fool to run again.
yea, not seeing many other sites say it's going to happen. most in fact say "not a chance". not to pick on her but she seemed to "barely" make it through the last run from a physical standpoint. i just don't think she could hold up to another election run.
I didn't vote for Hillary (or trump for that matter) and as bad as trump is, I don't regret it. There is no way the democrats will allow that self-serving fool to run again.

I don't think the Democrats have anyone that is any better than Mrs. Clinton

Barack Obama himself has stated she is the most qualified individual EVER to run, and the Democrats have insisted she was cheated in 2016,

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