Hillary Is To Blame for Orlando Mass Shooting

Please, by all means, encourage your fellow conservatives to repeat this to everyone they meet.
I would encourage everyone to repeat it to everyone. And thereby abolish gun-free zones, and save lives.

Are you aware that an armed police officer working as security guard is at the door?
Since when a GUN NUTS like you respect a gun free zones. People carry their guns at Walmart and other places that are gun free zones. Give me a break.
So what happened to this armed off duty officer? Was he killed, injured, ran away? I heard they exchanged gunfire. I assume he is dead but anyone know?
Hillary Clinton appears to be much to blame for this worst mass shooting attack in US history. .

Only for right wing nut jobs like you.

Ms. Clinton has nothing to do with gun policies within a private club.

Hell you are as much to blame as Ms. Clinton- for all we know the shooter read your anti-gay rants here at USMB and was inspired to violence.
At least Ms. Clinton is not posting 'hate the gays' posts like you do.
Please, by all means, encourage your fellow conservatives to repeat this to everyone they meet.
I would encourage everyone to repeat it to everyone. And thereby abolish gun-free zones, and save lives.

I would encourage everyone to remember this attack every time someone here at USMB makes their usual verbal attacks on gay Americans- calling them evil sodomites and worse
Latest statement from Hillary Clinton on Orlando shooting:

"For now, we can say for certain that we need to redouble our efforts to defend our country from threats at home and abroad. That means defeating international terror groups, working with allies and partners to go after them wherever they are, countering their attempts to recruit people here and everywhere, and hardening our defenses at home," (Hillary Clinton)

Interesting how she mentions >> "redouble our efforts to defend our country from threats at home" and then goes on to add" >> "hardening our defenses at home"

Well, yeah Hillary. So what exactly do you propose for this "redouble" idea ? And how do you propose to "harden our defenses at home" ? How can you do that when you have left millions of Americans unarmed & defenseless in YOUR millions of Gun-Free Zones, that openly support ?

We await your answer, Hillary ?
You imbecile, there was an armed guard.

You imbecile, AN armed guard doesn't cut it. a terrorist comes in and the first thing he does to bump off that guard. Then if everyone left is unarmed, you have a massacre. There needs to be multiple armed guards, located decentralized, at different sections around the building so that a terrorist (or group of them) cannot render the place unarmed quickly, as was done today.
You imbecile, there was an armed guard.

You imbecile, AN armed guard doesn't cut it. a terrorist comes in and the first thing he does to bump off that guard. Then if everyone left is unarmed, you have a massacre. There needs to be multiple armed guards, located decentralized, at different sections around the building so that a terrorist (or group of them) cannot render the place unarmed quickly, as was done today.
And you claim not to delusional!
Your posts reveal your derangement. Like thinking Obama has something to do with every state law in the U.S. :cuckoo:
Influencewise he has something to do with everything that happens in America. And once again, I remind you that the TOPIC is Hillary, not Obama.
I would encourage everyone to remember this attack every time someone here at USMB makes their usual verbal attacks on gay Americans- calling them evil sodomites and worse
The fact that they are victims of Muslim lunacy doesn't have anything tio do with their sex perversion lunacy. Just a case of lunacy vs lunacy.
"Clearly have issues" ? Not at all clear" to me. I have no idea what you're talking about. "Labeling" ? Who ? How ? What ? ?????
"That figures. Liberals get a lot of news withheld from them."

And why wouldn't you take a firearm into an airport ? ????
I am about to board a plane...

And what makes you say an idea of mine is "crazy" ?
You are advocating for government to prevent business owners from prohibiting guns in their establishment. If you think it is unsafe to frequent places such as Target, Starbucks, Toys 'R' Us, Walgreens, Simon Malls, etc; don't go there. Plain and simple. Crazy is mandating businesses allow you to carry a firearm on the premise because you don't feel safe.
Only for right wing nut jobs like you.

Ms. Clinton has nothing to do with gun policies within a private club.

Hell you are as much to blame as Ms. Clinton- for all we know the shooter read your anti-gay rants here at USMB and was inspired to violence.
At least Ms. Clinton is not posting 'hate the gays' posts like you do.
I don't post hate anybody. I simply mention the perversion that they have. And I don't call for violence agianst anyone accept enemies attacking us.

Hilary however must take blame for having millions of places inspired to be GUN-FREE ZONES, with millions of Americans left unarmed and defenseless. She can't avois the charges, andnow must answer how does she explain "hardening our defenses at home" as she claims, which must be by abolishing her GUN-FREE ZONES.

Well, Hillary! what do you have to say NOW, about your dangerous GFZs, hmmmm ?
And you claim not to delusional!
And you claim to have a brain. But as evidenced by your resistance to this obvious truth in Post # 126, you don't have one,
The only truth that's obvious is that you are delusional and no one is resiting that fact.
Like every Crapspiracy nut sack you make the bogus claim knowing The "truth" .
I would encourage everyone to remember this attack every time someone here at USMB makes their usual verbal attacks on gay Americans- calling them evil sodomites and worse
The fact that they are victims of Muslim lunacy doesn't have anything tio do with their sex perversion lunacy. Just a case of lunacy vs lunacy.
Bitch please!
You are advocating for government to prevent business owners from prohibiting guns in their establishment. If you think it is unsafe to frequent places such as Target, Starbucks, Toys 'R' Us, Walgreens, Simon Malls, etc; don't go there. Plain and simple. Crazy is mandating businesses allow you to carry a firearm on the premise because you don't feel safe.
Liberals get a lot of news withheld from them."
1. I repeat. "Liberals get a lot of news withheld from them." from their OMISSION media (FACT not opinion)

2. If you are boarding a plane THEN yes, you cannot have a gun with you. It can, however, be in your baggage, unloaded with the bullets in a secured container. But saying one wouldn't take a firearm into an airport, includes more than just when boarding plane. If you are not boarding a plane, you would have every good right and reason to carry a gun for self-defense, in an airport.

3. Crazy is saying THIS >> "Crazy is mandating businesses allow you to carry a firearm on the premise because you don't feel safe." This is a perfect example of the nutty mindset that liberals have been programmed into. Clearly, unAmerican mental abberation. Mandating that businesses (or any property) allow you to carry a firearm, is the abolition of gun-free zones, as Donald Trump proposes, which obviously is needed, to prevent more massacres like this one in Orlando, the San Bernardino, the Paris, etc.(as proven by the examples I posted > LAX, Moore, OK, Garland, TX)
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Again really?
Please post your misrepresentation.

Talk to your therapist, asshole. I'm not dictating back to you - or any other idiot on an internet forum - my dissertation on their fucking personality.

So as always you are taking out your ass.

No. Isn't "I'm not dictating back to you - or any other idiot on an internet forum - my dissertation on their fucking personality" clear to you, idiot? Here it is in Arabic -
Ana la yamli yaeud lakum - 'aw 'ay aihmiq 'ukhraa ealaa 'iinsha' muntadaa ealaa al'intrnt - risalati ealaa shakhsiatihim sakhif
You are advocating for government to prevent business owners from prohibiting guns in their establishment. If you think it is unsafe to frequent places such as Target, Starbucks, Toys 'R' Us, Walgreens, Simon Malls, etc; don't go there. Plain and simple. Crazy is mandating businesses allow you to carry a firearm on the premise because you don't feel safe.
Liberals get a lot of news withheld from them."
1. I repeat. "Liberals get a lot of news withheld from them." from thei OMISSION media (FACT not opinion)

2. If you are boarding a plane THEN yes, you cannot have a gun with you. It can however be in your baggage, unloaded with the bullets in a secured container. But saying one wouldn't take a firearm into an airport includes more than just when boarding plane. If you are not boarding a plane, you would hae every good right and reason to carry a gun for self-defense.

3. Crazy is saying THIS >> "Crazy is mandating businesses allow you to carry a firearm on the premise because you don't feel safe." This is a perfect example of the nutty mindset that liberals have been programmed into. Clearly, unAmerican mental abberation.
Hilarious you saying other people are programmed everything you've ever posted reeks of indoctrination and paranoia.

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