Hillary Is To Blame for Orlando Mass Shooting

So now Hillary is in the hot seat. She is sweating under the hot light. Her reckless, irresponsible yammerings in support of GUN-FREE ZONES have now gotten 50 people killed in Orlando, 14 killed in San Bernardino, and probably more to come in the future, if she doesn't renounce her bad speech, and apologize to the families of those whose family members she killed.
Faun thinks this is "Funny" Sure, liberals out there are Islamists, just like Obama. Friends of Muslim jihad who probably are clapping over attacks like this. They're laughing and they think it's "funny"

Hillary probably is smiling too, along with her Muslim Brotherood close aide, Huma Abedin, the mole.

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Figures.... you're lying again. I didn't laugh at today's horrific events. Indeed, my prayers and thoughts are for those who endured the masacre. To be clear -- I'm laughing at you and your moronic idiocies.
They won't. Donnie will politicize it like never before, cause he is a slug.
It IS political. It is Islamists like Obama and Hillary sucking up to the radical Islamist JIhadists, employing them in the Obama admin., giving them favors, tying the hands of police investigating mosques, refusing to even say "Radical Islamic Terrroism (instead they call it "Extremism"), rewrting the FBI counterterrorism manual, taking words like "jihad" out of it, etc etc/

Obama and Hillary are in cahoots with these raghead creeps. and their actions have been showing it, both Obama as president, and Hillary as Sect. of State. And their anti gun policies have left everyone defenseless. They should have known that a gay bar would be attacked (and they probably did)

Next it'll be a VA hospital, another Obama-established GUN-FREE ZONE, just like he did to Fort Hood and the recruiting stations in Arkansas and Chattanooga.
Figures.... you're lying again. I didn't laugh at today's horrific events. Indeed, my prayers and thoughts are for those who endured the masacre. To be clear -- I'm laughing at you and your moronic idiocies.
There's no lies and YOU KNOW IT. And don't post now. I've been off the computer for a few hours. I need time to catch up on the postings, that came in while I was away. Stay off the computer for at least one hour now.
Hillary Clinton appears to be much to blame for this worst mass shooting attack in US history. She has America's attention more than anyone, other than Donald Trump. Just like in Paris and San Bernardino, mass numbers of people are slaughtered in an apparent GUN-FREE ZONE, as Hillary publicly supports, and influences people nationwide, to follow that policy.

If the club were not a gun-free zone, then 1) the killer probably would have been deterred from going there and attacking, and 2) if the killer did attack there, he could/would have been stopped instantly, saving dozens of lives. 3) Right now, gun-grab, crazy liberals are saying less guns are needed to stop shooting like this, when clearly, it is MORE guns (in the hands of law-abiding licensed gun owners) that is needed, and needed everywhere, to stop these massacres.

This is the policy that Donald Trump correctly advocates > ie. to abolish gun-free zones. It is because this club was gun-free, that this massacre occured.

More deaths on Hillary's bloody slate.

You are a fucking disgusting creep.
You're too deranged. First you bitch and moan about no one but the gunman being armed .... but then when you learn there was an armed guard, you double down on stupid and bitch and moan there weren't enough guns ... where people often get drunk.

Of course there wasn't enough guns - in the hands of the good guys > security guards, cops, or law-abiding CCW people who might also be designated drivers who aren't drinking alcohol ( and could thereby be designated CCW protection patrons)
Can't you get any of this right ?
Figures.... you're lying again. I didn't laugh at today's horrific events. Indeed, my prayers and thoughts are for those who endured the masacre. To be clear -- I'm laughing at you and your moronic idiocies.
There's no lies and YOU KNOW IT. And don't post now. I've been off the computer for a few hours. I need time to catch up on the postings, that came in while I was away. Stay off the computer for at least one hour now.
Fuck you. I don't take orders from anyone, no less a loser like you. And yes, you lied. You claimed I was laughing at the shooting when you know I was laughing at you. Now you're lying about not lying.
You're too deranged. First you bitch and moan about no one but the gunman being armed .... but then when you learn there was an armed guard, you double down on stupid and bitch and moan there weren't enough guns ... where people often get drunk.

Of course there wasn't enough guns - in the hands of the good guys > security guards, cops, or law-abiding CCW people who might also be designated drivers who aren't drinking alcohol ( and could thereby be designated CCW protection patrons)
Can't you get any of this right ?
Gurgles the idiot who thought no one there was armed but the gunman.
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Fuck you. I don't take orders from anyone, no less a loser like you. And yes, you lied. You claimed I was laughing at the shooting when you know I was laughing at you. Now you're lying about not lying.
:anj_stfu: you raghead ass-kisser.

Fuck you. I don't take orders from anyone, no less a loser like you. And yes, you lied. You claimed I was laughing at the shooting when you know I was laughing at you. Now you're lying about not lying.
:anj_stfu: you raghead ass-kisser.

More moronic inanities for a rightarded moron.

And again, for clarities sake, I'm laughing at nothing but you and your stupidity.
Hillary Clinton appears to be much to blame for this worst mass shooting attack in US history. She has America's attention more than anyone, other than Donald Trump. Just like in Paris and San Bernardino, mass numbers of people are slaughtered in an apparent GUN-FREE ZONE, as Hillary publicly supports, and influences people nationwide, to follow that policy.

If the club were not a gun-free zone, then 1) the killer probably would have been deterred from going there and attacking, and 2) if the killer did attack there, he could/would have been stopped instantly, saving dozens of lives. 3) Right now, gun crazy liberals are saying less guns are needed to stop shooting like this, when clearly, it is MORE guns (in the hands of law-abiding licensed gun owners) that is needed, and needed everywhere, to stop these massacres.

This is the policy that Donald Trump correctly advocates > ie. to abolish gun-free zones. It is because this club was gun-free that this massacre occured.

More deaths on Hillary's bloody slate.
Just a few hours old, this is already the second worst terrorist attack inside the U.S. in our history.

Following the worst attack on September the 11th, the whole country, including the vast majority of Democrats, rallied behind the president.

Let's see if the right can muster as much class following this attack...

In 2001 our president....and his political opponents....weren't openly enabling terrorists. That's why we united.

2016....it's different. The left embraces and enables the attackers. You all should be treated as traitors and handled the way pirates were in Charleston during the 1700s.

Another disgusting fuck.
Yeah right dumbfuck, Bush didn't let Saudis leave en masse after 9/11 and then proceed to sweep their support under the rug.

Your politicalization of this in this way at this time is low even for this board. It's times like this where people's true colors show and most decidedly yours is yellow.
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Hillary Clinton appears to be much to blame for this worst mass shooting attack in US history. She has America's attention more than anyone, other than Donald Trump. Just like in Paris and San Bernardino, mass numbers of people are slaughtered in an apparent GUN-FREE ZONE, as Hillary publicly supports, and influences people nationwide, to follow that policy.

If the club were not a gun-free zone, then 1) the killer probably would have been deterred from going there and attacking, and 2) if the killer did attack there, he could/would have been stopped instantly, saving dozens of lives. 3) Right now, gun crazy liberals are saying less guns are needed to stop shooting like this, when clearly, it is MORE guns (in the hands of law-abiding licensed gun owners) that is needed, and needed everywhere, to stop these massacres.

This is the policy that Donald Trump correctly advocates > ie. to abolish gun-free zones. It is because this club was gun-free that this massacre occured.

More deaths on Hillary's bloody slate.
Just a few hours old, this is already the second worst terrorist attack inside the U.S. in our history.

Following the worst attack on September the 11th, the whole country, including the vast majority of Democrats, rallied behind the president.

Let's see if the right can muster as much class following this attack...

In 2001 our president....and his political opponents....weren't openly enabling terrorists. That's why we united.

2016....it's different. The left embraces and enables the attackers. You all should be treated as traitors and handled the way pirates were in Charleston during the 1700s.

Another disgusting fuck.
Yeah right dumbfuck, Bush didn't let Saudis leave en masse after 9/12 and then proceed to sweep their support under the rug.

Your politicalization of this in this way at this time is low even for this board. It's times like this where people's true colors show and most decidedly yours is yellow.
Sadly, too many here can't find it in themselves to put the country first, ahead of their partisanship. And I've seen fucks from both sides partake in this disgusting un-American bullshit.
1. Why post it if you are not trying to imply the person you are "speaking" to fits the label? Some conservatives think "god hates fags." See how that works? I was just stating facts. No. I don't think you hate homosexuals. I don't know you and rarely read these posts, therefore, I can't make that call.

2.Those guns can't stop crime in checked baggage. Is hanging out at airports when you aren't flying somewhere or picking something up a thing now? Austin-Bergstrom does have a Salt Lick but it is a huge pain in the ass to eat there because of the security. While you have a right to carry at some airports, I can't think of a "good..reason" to do so.

3. Wow! When did dislike of government regulating my business become a "nutty, liberal, un-American, and mental abberation." I don't think many conservatives would agree with that. Certainly not Mr. Trump.
1. I never imply, insinuate, or infer ANYTHING, EVER.

2. The LAX jihadist shooting and other like is a good reason you dumb ass. You didn't even know about it.

3. Oh, here we go. govt regualting business. Don't touch my precious business!!! Waaaaah. . Let me do ANYTHING I WANT. Even if it gets dozens of people killed. Is there a doctor in the house ???
You are a fucking disgusting creep.
Don't post now moron. I need to catch up. SHUT UP!

And you are probably a jihadist Muslim, which is why you don't like what I'm saying. FBI talk to you lately ?

You can only speculate about me while you have proven quite clearly where your priorities are when the going gets tough.

You are by far the leading lowlife on the board.
Hillary Clinton appears to be much to blame for this worst mass shooting attack in US history. She has America's attention more than anyone, other than Donald Trump. Just like in Paris and San Bernardino, mass numbers of people are slaughtered in an apparent GUN-FREE ZONE, as Hillary publicly supports, and influences people nationwide, to follow that policy.

If the club were not a gun-free zone, then 1) the killer probably would have been deterred from going there and attacking, and 2) if the killer did attack there, he could/would have been stopped instantly, saving dozens of lives. 3) Right now, gun crazy liberals are saying less guns are needed to stop shooting like this, when clearly, it is MORE guns (in the hands of law-abiding licensed gun owners) that is needed, and needed everywhere, to stop these massacres.

This is the policy that Donald Trump correctly advocates > ie. to abolish gun-free zones. It is because this club was gun-free that this massacre occured.

More deaths on Hillary's bloody slate.
Just a few hours old, this is already the second worst terrorist attack inside the U.S. in our history.

Following the worst attack on September the 11th, the whole country, including the vast majority of Democrats, rallied behind the president.

Let's see if the right can muster as much class following this attack...

In 2001 our president....and his political opponents....weren't openly enabling terrorists. That's why we united.

2016....it's different. The left embraces and enables the attackers. You all should be treated as traitors and handled the way pirates were in Charleston during the 1700s.

Another disgusting fuck.
Yeah right dumbfuck, Bush didn't let Saudis leave en masse after 9/12 and then proceed to sweep their support under the rug.

Your politicalization of this in this way at this time is low even for this board. It's times like this where people's true colors show and most decidedly yours is yellow.
Sadly, too many here can't find it in themselves to put the country first, ahead of their partisanship. And I've seen fucks from both sides partake in this disgusting un-American bullshit.

People say and do all kinds of crazy shit, but this guy is a fucking lowlife.
Hillary Clinton appears to be much to blame for this worst mass shooting attack in US history. She has America's attention more than anyone, other than Donald Trump. Just like in Paris and San Bernardino, mass numbers of people are slaughtered in an apparent GUN-FREE ZONE, as Hillary publicly supports, and influences people nationwide, to follow that policy.

If the club were not a gun-free zone, then 1) the killer probably would have been deterred from going there and attacking, and 2) if the killer did attack there, he could/would have been stopped instantly, saving dozens of lives. 3) Right now, gun crazy liberals are saying less guns are needed to stop shooting like this, when clearly, it is MORE guns (in the hands of law-abiding licensed gun owners) that is needed, and needed everywhere, to stop these massacres.

This is the policy that Donald Trump correctly advocates > ie. to abolish gun-free zones. It is because this club was gun-free that this massacre occured.

More deaths on Hillary's bloody slate.
Just a few hours old, this is already the second worst terrorist attack inside the U.S. in our history.

Following the worst attack on September the 11th, the whole country, including the vast majority of Democrats, rallied behind the president.

Let's see if the right can muster as much class following this attack...

In 2001 our president....and his political opponents....weren't openly enabling terrorists. That's why we united.

2016....it's different. The left embraces and enables the attackers. You all should be treated as traitors and handled the way pirates were in Charleston during the 1700s.

Another disgusting fuck.
Yeah right dumbfuck, Bush didn't let Saudis leave en masse after 9/12 and then proceed to sweep their support under the rug.

Your politicalization of this in this way at this time is low even for this board. It's times like this where people's true colors show and most decidedly yours is yellow.
Sadly, too many here can't find it in themselves to put the country first, ahead of their partisanship. And I've seen fucks from both sides partake in this disgusting un-American bullshit.

People say and do all kinds of crazy shit, but this guy is a fucking lowlife.
He's the kind of schmuck who would go down with the ship, arguing with others for why it was sinking, rather than work with them to try and save it.

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