Hillary knocked it out of the park.

It's unfortunate there was no debate. Especially lacking was Hillary being challenged on her lies.

Of course there was a debate. Your confusion is because you are used to watching republican debates which are more like wrestling in a mud pit. An adult debate about the issues is much different than what you are used to.
There was not debate except for a few seconds about Bernie's record on guns. A real debate would demand that Hillary be challenged on her flip flopping on key issues, her legions of lies, her disappearing emails and her sleaze in general.

Does anyone think she'll get by that easy in a debate where the other participants aren't milquetoast?
sounds like more of an attack plan than a debate format
hillary has poor reedin and ritin skilz lefturd; she kant reed her own department's assesments on the deteriorating security situation in benghazi

says high technology gets her flustered

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Did you watch the debate?
Yeah and I think I deserve a medal for managing to stay awake through the whole thing......

She spoke pretty knowledgably about some pretty complex issues and had some pretty sound ideas about how to deal with them.
She spoke as if she was giving pre-canned responses to scripted questions (aka same old Hillary Clinton bullshit), nothing new here, except she still needs to work on her "debate" skills.

She wasn't the only one either, all the candidates seemed well grounded in reality. I personally may not agreed with some of the views, but they weren't coming from folks that were creating dragons to slay.
Of course they did to you, you're a completely biased partisan that lacks any shred of objectivity, to me they just sounded like 5 reasons to vote 3rd party.

Say what?

The Republican debates consisted on the "evil Muslim" encroachment of the American Culture, bashing Immigrants, cutting taxes on the rich, "rebuilding" the American Military and sending troops to the Middle East, Science bashing, Theocracy, vaccines causing Autism and a million other stellar moments that should be relegated to any fine mental institute in this country.

And that was in between personal snipes between the candidates about hair and other bullshit.

These guys aren't candidates. They are reality stars on the "Trump Show".

The GOP should be sued for malpractice.

what would you losers do if you had to debate without using these moronic straw man argument?

WTF you talking about Willis?

Education, the Economy, Global Warming, Middle Eastern instability, Gun Control and the other serious topics featured in the Democratic Debates aren't "Straw Man" arguments.

By the way, they were talking ideas.

Republicans were focusing on Fiorina's face and Trump's hair.
Did you watch the debate?
Yeah and I think I deserve a medal for managing to stay awake through the whole thing......

She spoke pretty knowledgably about some pretty complex issues and had some pretty sound ideas about how to deal with them.
She spoke as if she was giving pre-canned responses to scripted questions (aka same old Hillary Clinton bullshit), nothing new here, except she still needs to work on her "debate" skills.

She wasn't the only one either, all the candidates seemed well grounded in reality. I personally may not agreed with some of the views, but they weren't coming from folks that were creating dragons to slay.
Of course they did to you, you're a completely biased partisan that lacks any shred of objectivity, to me they just sounded like 5 reasons to vote 3rd party.

Say what?

The Republican debates consisted on the "evil Muslim" encroachment of the American Culture, bashing Immigrants, cutting taxes on the rich, "rebuilding" the American Military and sending troops to the Middle East, Science bashing, Theocracy, vaccines causing Autism and a million other stellar moments that should be relegated to any fine mental institute in this country.

And that was in between personal snipes between the candidates about hair and other bullshit.

These guys aren't candidates. They are reality stars on the "Trump Show".

The GOP should be sued for malpractice.

what would you losers do if you had to debate without using these moronic straw man argument?

WTF you talking about Willis?

Education, the Economy, Global Warming, Middle Eastern instability, Gun Control and the other serious topics featured in the Democratic Debates aren't "Straw Man" arguments.

By the way, they were talking ideas.

Republicans were focusing on Fiorina's face and Trump's hair.

yes they are loon; they are all talking points and all approached from the same pandering prospective

try again..................
OMFG! A 3rd video?

USMB has been getting flooded with newbies with poor reedin and ritin skills. Thank gawd President Hilary with be funding adult edumacation courses for imbeciles and morons

poor sad idiot; nobody is afraid of hillary except the wimps from her own Party on the stage last night
That isn't what we've been hearing about the bullshit BENGHAZI heraings

spell much leftard???
It's unfortunate there was no debate. Especially lacking was Hillary being challenged on her lies.

Of course there was a debate. Your confusion is because you are used to watching republican debates which are more like wrestling in a mud pit. An adult debate about the issues is much different than what you are used to.
There was not debate except for a few seconds about Bernie's record on guns. A real debate would demand that Hillary be challenged on her flip flopping on key issues, her legions of lies, her disappearing emails and her sleaze in general.

Does anyone think she'll get by that easy in a debate where the other participants aren't milquetoast?

Do you think that the entire clown car group working as a team would stand a chance against her?
All the republican candidates beat her in the new poll. Keep up on supporting her!
Her shrill voice is something I'm not looking forward to listening to for four years. The more wound up she gets, the more I want to put earplugs in.

You know what "shrill" means?

Hillary Clinton's voice is anything but shrill.

Here's what I mean:

Okay..that sort of comes close.

But she didn't sound at all like that in this debate.

When she starts to wind up, her voice heads towards the glass breaking range.
And her cackling, eeks.
The destruction of traditional America is the goal. Flood the nation with illegal immigrants and muslim "refugees" and give them government handouts for votes. Corrupt filthy leftist propaganda parrots.
This beast lied for her sexual predator husband. Unbelievable corruption.

let us take this one apart. the accusation itself is a woman lied about her husband having an extramarital affair, ok.
now what kind of a sick mind cares so much about it and how in the whacky whack-a-doodle would Sally lives in does that equal -- gulp -- corruption?

question: Does Sally like cigars?
Hillary Clinton has long positioned herself as a champion of equal pay for women. Ironically, new reports show that the former Secretary of State is, herself, part of the problem.
During her time in the U.S. Senate, Clinton paid women in her office...
Wow! The Secretary of State is in charge of pay? Gawd, with all her other duties I didn't know she had to do payroll too.

thanx for this insightful info
If she cared, she could change what her female workers make.
This beast lied for her sexual predator husband. Unbelievable corruption.

let us take this one apart. the accusation itself is a woman lied about her husband having an extramarital affair, ok.
now what kind of a sick mind cares so much about it and how in the whacky whack-a-doodle would Sally lives in does that equal -- gulp -- corruption?

question: Does Sally like cigars?
Why care about a wife who will lie for her sexual predator husband and wants to be the President of the United States? Unbelievable corruption and ignorance in your post.

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