Hillary now says we need "TOUGH vetting" of refugees

No one has suggested that. A suspension from Syria and Libya is not a stop. Sadly, I have to go to a UK paper to get the facts of what he has suggested-

As a safeguard, the Republican nominee announced that his administration would suspend immigration from Syria and Libya. Those seeking to enter the US would be subject to an “extreme vetting” process that Trump emphasized would be “so tough”.

Before being accepted, applicants would submit to an “ideological certification” that would ensure that those who are admitted “share our values and love our people”. Trump said immigrants would face questions about honor killings, their view on “women and gays and minorities” as well as their attitudes on “radical Islam”.

Trump and Syrian refugees in the US: separating the facts from fiction

OK, we are slowly leading this jackass to 'water', and she's finally taken a 'sip'....now let's see if we can get her to 'DRINK'...

It only took another 3 terrorist attacks (2 bombings and 1 stabbing) to get the clueless bi@tch to realize, 'Hey, maybe actually thoroughly VETTING these people coming from war-torn, heavily terrorist American-hating nations is a good idea'!

NOW Let's see if we can get her to see that doing so BEFORE we bring them into the US, as Trump wants to do, is an even BETTER idea!
The MN stabber came here as a child. Shall we stop letting in all Muslim kids, in the event they are radicalized when they grow up?

Since taqiyya (lying to further the spread of islam) is used the only way the above would work is if muslims swore on the koran that they were telling the truth. Even then, I'm doubtful.

A ban on all muslim immigration until the war on terror is over works.

"Good" muslims need to step up, denounce this shit or get tossed out of here, and reform their "religion" from within.
OK, we are slowly leading this jackass to 'water', and she's finally taken a 'sip'....now let's see if we can get her to 'DRINK'...

It only took another 3 terrorist attacks (2 bombings and 1 stabbing) to get the clueless bi@tch to realize, 'Hey, maybe actually thoroughly VETTING these people coming from war-torn, heavily terrorist American-hating nations is a good idea'!

NOW Let's see if we can get her to see that doing so BEFORE we bring them into the US, as Trump wants to do, is an even BETTER idea!
The MN stabber came here as a child. Shall we stop letting in all Muslim kids, in the event they are radicalized when they grow up?
OK, we are slowly leading this jackass to 'water', and she's finally taken a 'sip'....now let's see if we can get her to 'DRINK'...

It only took another 3 terrorist attacks (2 bombings and 1 stabbing) to get the clueless bi@tch to realize, 'Hey, maybe actually thoroughly VETTING these people coming from war-torn, heavily terrorist American-hating nations is a good idea'!

NOW Let's see if we can get her to see that doing so BEFORE we bring them into the US, as Trump wants to do, is an even BETTER idea!
The MN stabber came here as a child. Shall we stop letting in all Muslim kids, in the event they are radicalized when they grow up?

Good idea.
Pretty tough? You mean the vetting that is almost impossible according to James Comey, FBI director...

Senior Obama officials have warned of challenges in screening refugees from Syria
FBI admits there's no way to screen all incoming Syrian refugees

When did Hillary decide to become a racist? That is after all what everyone calls Trump for his "EXTREME vetting" position.
People call trumps proposal to ban Muslims from this country xeonophobic.

I don't recall Clinton or anybody on the left calling for a lax vetting process. National security has always been a focus and we have had a pretty damn tough vetting process in place. Of course Trump acts like we know nothing and do nothing to vet but you don't think that's an honest assertion do you?

Infographic: The Screening Process for Refugee Entry into the United States
Notice how much talk and bitching there is about the vetting yet nobody breaks it down and analyzes the process I've linked to. Nobody is proposing ways to improve it. I bet most people who are upset about it don't even know what it is we are currently doing. They just feed into Trumps bluster that everything is crap and everybody is incompetent... Screw the details
You can't vett someone who has no paper trail & comes from war torn countries with little to no infrastructure.

Keep them all out. Problem solved
People call trumps proposal to ban Muslims from this country xeonophobic.

Continued intentional mis-representation of Trump's plan to make him seem like a racist.

Trump wants to delay...stop for a time...bringing in Muslims from civil-war-torn, terrorist-infested, American-hating nations / regions UNTIL they can me properly, THOROUGHLY vetted, ensuring they are no threat to Americans (unlike several Obama has brought / allowed into the country, resulting in the deaths of Americans).

Also, what kind of RESPONSIBLE, Thought-Out Plan is bringing hundreds of thousands of ILLEGALS and REFUGEES into the US and DUMPING them into communities without informing state and local governments that they are coming, which Barry has done?! WTF, Over?!
All empty words... How come trump hasn't laid out a plan? This topic has been out there for months, he has had plenty of time... Where's the breakdown of our current vetting process and his proposal on how he is going to make it extremely tough and bulletproof? All we get is hot air and "believe me"

Per your second question about what kind of plan brings them here... Simple answer, the US along with most civilized nations have been helping oppressed and suffering people for decades. This is isn't a new or a Obama thing. Even your golden boy Regan did it... Oh the horror
Trump did lay out a plan. Stop all immigration from the middle east
People call trumps proposal to ban Muslims from this country xeonophobic.

Continued intentional mis-representation of Trump's plan to make him seem like a racist.

Trump wants to delay...stop for a time...bringing in Muslims from civil-war-torn, terrorist-infested, American-hating nations / regions UNTIL they can me properly, THOROUGHLY vetted, ensuring they are no threat to Americans (unlike several Obama has brought / allowed into the country, resulting in the deaths of Americans).

Also, what kind of RESPONSIBLE, Thought-Out Plan is bringing hundreds of thousands of ILLEGALS and REFUGEES into the US and DUMPING them into communities without informing state and local governments that they are coming, which Barry has done?! WTF, Over?!
All empty words... How come trump hasn't laid out a plan? This topic has been out there for months, he has had plenty of time... Where's the breakdown of our current vetting process and his proposal on how he is going to make it extremely tough and bulletproof? All we get is hot air and "believe me"

Per your second question about what kind of plan brings them here... Simple answer, the US along with most civilized nations have been helping oppressed and suffering people for decades. This is isn't a new or a Obama thing. Even your golden boy Regan did it... Oh the horror
Trump did lay out a plan. Stop all immigration from the middle east
That's not a plan it's a headline
People call trumps proposal to ban Muslims from this country xeonophobic.

Continued intentional mis-representation of Trump's plan to make him seem like a racist.

Trump wants to delay...stop for a time...bringing in Muslims from civil-war-torn, terrorist-infested, American-hating nations / regions UNTIL they can me properly, THOROUGHLY vetted, ensuring they are no threat to Americans (unlike several Obama has brought / allowed into the country, resulting in the deaths of Americans).

Also, what kind of RESPONSIBLE, Thought-Out Plan is bringing hundreds of thousands of ILLEGALS and REFUGEES into the US and DUMPING them into communities without informing state and local governments that they are coming, which Barry has done?! WTF, Over?!
All empty words... How come trump hasn't laid out a plan? This topic has been out there for months, he has had plenty of time... Where's the breakdown of our current vetting process and his proposal on how he is going to make it extremely tough and bulletproof? All we get is hot air and "believe me"

Per your second question about what kind of plan brings them here... Simple answer, the US along with most civilized nations have been helping oppressed and suffering people for decades. This is isn't a new or a Obama thing. Even your golden boy Regan did it... Oh the horror
Trump did lay out a plan. Stop all immigration from the middle east
That's not a plan it's a headline
It is a plan. One democrats refuse to implement because they are stuck on stupid aka political correctness.

Fuck those people, they are not our problem. We do not need to be the world's homeless shelter.
Fuck those people, they are not our problem. We do not need to be the world's homeless shelter.

Why are we in Iraq? We are Not the word's policeman / care-takers. It's not our problem.

Obama drags us to war on his own to help Al Qaeida take over Libya and drags us to war to help terrorists take over Syria (and fails). We are bringing hundreds of thousands of 'refugees' into this country despite the threat they pose.

Very wise observation. And the Clinton Bootlickers will be quick to spin it in some bizarre fashion. But personally, i feel Trump is our only hope in securing our border and reforming our Immigration nightmare. Clinton is just lying, as usual. She'll go with the status quo and continue Obama's awful policies. Gotta go with Trump.
People call trumps proposal to ban Muslims from this country xeonophobic.

Continued intentional mis-representation of Trump's plan to make him seem like a racist.

Trump wants to delay...stop for a time...bringing in Muslims from civil-war-torn, terrorist-infested, American-hating nations / regions UNTIL they can me properly, THOROUGHLY vetted, ensuring they are no threat to Americans (unlike several Obama has brought / allowed into the country, resulting in the deaths of Americans).

Also, what kind of RESPONSIBLE, Thought-Out Plan is bringing hundreds of thousands of ILLEGALS and REFUGEES into the US and DUMPING them into communities without informing state and local governments that they are coming, which Barry has done?! WTF, Over?!
All empty words... How come trump hasn't laid out a plan? This topic has been out there for months, he has had plenty of time... Where's the breakdown of our current vetting process and his proposal on how he is going to make it extremely tough and bulletproof? All we get is hot air and "believe me"

Per your second question about what kind of plan brings them here... Simple answer, the US along with most civilized nations have been helping oppressed and suffering people for decades. This is isn't a new or a Obama thing. Even your golden boy Regan did it... Oh the horror
Trump did lay out a plan. Stop all immigration from the middle east
That's not a plan it's a headline
It is a plan. One democrats refuse to implement because they are stuck on stupid aka political correctness.

Fuck those people, they are not our problem. We do not need to be the world's homeless shelter.
That's your opinion... Many disagree.
Continued intentional mis-representation of Trump's plan to make him seem like a racist.

Trump wants to delay...stop for a time...bringing in Muslims from civil-war-torn, terrorist-infested, American-hating nations / regions UNTIL they can me properly, THOROUGHLY vetted, ensuring they are no threat to Americans (unlike several Obama has brought / allowed into the country, resulting in the deaths of Americans).

Also, what kind of RESPONSIBLE, Thought-Out Plan is bringing hundreds of thousands of ILLEGALS and REFUGEES into the US and DUMPING them into communities without informing state and local governments that they are coming, which Barry has done?! WTF, Over?!
All empty words... How come trump hasn't laid out a plan? This topic has been out there for months, he has had plenty of time... Where's the breakdown of our current vetting process and his proposal on how he is going to make it extremely tough and bulletproof? All we get is hot air and "believe me"

Per your second question about what kind of plan brings them here... Simple answer, the US along with most civilized nations have been helping oppressed and suffering people for decades. This is isn't a new or a Obama thing. Even your golden boy Regan did it... Oh the horror
Trump did lay out a plan. Stop all immigration from the middle east
That's not a plan it's a headline
It is a plan. One democrats refuse to implement because they are stuck on stupid aka political correctness.

Fuck those people, they are not our problem. We do not need to be the world's homeless shelter.
That's your opinion... Many disagree.
And my opinion carries just as much weight as those who disagree.
All empty words... How come trump hasn't laid out a plan? This topic has been out there for months, he has had plenty of time... Where's the breakdown of our current vetting process and his proposal on how he is going to make it extremely tough and bulletproof? All we get is hot air and "believe me"

Per your second question about what kind of plan brings them here... Simple answer, the US along with most civilized nations have been helping oppressed and suffering people for decades. This is isn't a new or a Obama thing. Even your golden boy Regan did it... Oh the horror
Trump did lay out a plan. Stop all immigration from the middle east
That's not a plan it's a headline
It is a plan. One democrats refuse to implement because they are stuck on stupid aka political correctness.

Fuck those people, they are not our problem. We do not need to be the world's homeless shelter.
That's your opinion... Many disagree.
And my opinion carries just as much weight as those who disagree.
It sure does. I respect your right to your opinion, I don't respect what your opinion is on this subject, I'm sure the same is true vice versa
“I must tell you that just before I got off the plane, a bomb went off in New York and nobody knows exactly what’s going on. But boy, we are living in a time—we better get very tough, folks. We better get very, very tough. Just happened. So we’ll find out. It’s a terrible thing that’s going on in our world, and in our country, and we are going to get tough and smart and vigilant. And we’re gonna end it. We’re gonna end it. So, we’ll see what it is.
--- Hillary


'A bomb went off, and I don't know what's going on.'
....same thing she said the night the compound in Benghazi was attacked. :p

'We're living in 'a time'...
...um, ok.

'WE better get tough, folks. We better get very, very tough.'
...'WE' don't have Secret Service protection....and maybe 'WE' wouldn't have to get so tough if 'WE' would stop bringing in hundreds of thousands of un-vetted 'refugees' from war-torn Islamic Extremist Terrorist-Infested America-hating nations and dumping them all over the United States.

'Just happened. So we’ll find out.'
...I have this sudden feeling that she will come out and blame a video... :p

'It’s a terrible thing that’s going on in our world, and in our country, and we are going to get tough and smart and vigilant.'
...says the woman who allowed 4 Americans to needlessly die during an expected terrorist attack, who has helped bring the perpetrators of these recent attacks to the US without ensuring they were properly vetted and NOT a threat to the American people, and who just recently declared she wanted to bring even MORE of them in during her 1st year in office....

'And we’re gonna end it. We’re gonna end it. So, we’ll see what it is.'
...we're going to stop this, we're going to end it, we're going to win', we're going to beat this...although I have no clue what 'it' is yet! (Even though my / Obama's policies are partly to blame.)

Woohooo! :banana: :happy-1: :thewave: :up:

Hitlery won't allow Christian Muslims as they may not kill enough of us....
.05% of the refugees allowed into the US have been Christians.

Yeah, this is what you do when you want to 'water-down' a Christian nation and change the demographics. Think one of Obama's goals is not the Islamization of the US? Lol...good luck with that.

Comrade Easy

While Christians continue to make up a majority of legal immigrants to the U.S., the estimated share of new legal permanent residents who are Christian declined from 68% in 1992 to 61% in 2012. Over the same period, the estimated share of green card recipients who belong to religious minorities rose from approximately one-in-five (19%) to one-in-four (25%). This includes growing shares of Muslims (5% in 1992, 10% in 2012) and Hindus (3% in 1992, 7% in 2012). The share of Buddhists, however, is slightly smaller (7% in 1992, 6% in 2012), while the portion of legal immigrants who are religiously unaffiliated (atheist, agnostic or nothing in particular) has remained relatively stable, at about 14% per year.

The Religious Affiliation of U.S. Immigrants: Majority Christian, Rising Share of Other Faiths
When did Hillary decide to become a racist? That is after all what everyone calls Trump for his "EXTREME vetting" position.

This one didn't follow the program and set his off around NYC, playground of the elites, so now they're worried. These vermin know not to set off anything near places like the Hamptons, Greenwich, Conn., near Goldman Sachs offices, that sort of thing, but this one got a little too close to somebody rich or their kids, so now we will see a sudden 'concern about terrorism'.

The same thing happened in Washington D.C. under Nixon, when the violent race riots egged on by rich white Democratic Party 'Liberals' all over the country suddenly popped in D.C., whereupon Kathrine Graham, Carifano, and a dozen other big 'Civil Rights Activists' wet themselves and ran to Nixon begging him to impose martial law and bring in Army troops.
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But, according to her, Trump is their best recruiter.

Sometimes I think, are people really so naive they can't see what is right in front of them?!?
When did Hillary decide to become a racist? That is after all what everyone calls Trump for his "EXTREME vetting" position.

He is. The more extreme anti-Muslim rhetoric from elected officials, the more disenfranchised people will get and the easier it is for groups like ISIS to gain converts.
Comrade Easy

While Christians continue to make up a majority of legal immigrants to the U.S.,

See, you lost me with this IGNORANT statement. The primary group of refugees that continue to be a threat / danger to the United States are the hundreds of thousands of UN-vetted 'refugees' being brought in from war-torn, Islamic Extremist Terrorist Infested, America-hating regions - Muslim / Islamic regions.

Of those hundreds of thousands of Sharia-Law-Abiding/Loving Muslims ONLY between 0.3 - 0.5 percent are Christians.

While there are hundreds of thousands of Muslims being DISPLACED due to the on-going civil war in Syria, THEY are not the ones being targeted, hunted down, and whole-sale slaughtered due to religious persecution. It is the CHRISTIANS who are being specifically persecuted, beheaded, drowned, & burned at the stake. Just like the Somali terrorist in Minnesota, their persecutors are demanding to know their religion, giving them the option to convert to Islam or die, and in the end are slaughtering them no matter what they do.

Being a Christian nation, and supposedly being a Christian himself, it would make MORE sense if the people we / Barry gave refuge to 1st and foremost were the CHRISTIANS who are being slaughtered. Instead, only 0.3 - 0.5 percent of these people being allowed entry into the United States are Christians.


Syrian Refugees Admitted to U.S. More Than Doubled in June; 0.3 Percent Were Christians
Hitlery won't allow Christian Muslims as they may not kill enough of us....
.05% of the refugees allowed into the US have been Christians.

Yeah, this is what you do when you want to 'water-down' a Christian nation and change the demographics. Think one of Obama's goals is not the Islamization of the US? Lol...good luck with that.

Comrade Easy

While Christians continue to make up a majority of legal immigrants to the U.S., the estimated share of new legal permanent residents who are Christian declined from 68% in 1992 to 61% in 2012. Over the same period, the estimated share of green card recipients who belong to religious minorities rose from approximately one-in-five (19%) to one-in-four (25%). This includes growing shares of Muslims (5% in 1992, 10% in 2012) and Hindus (3% in 1992, 7% in 2012). The share of Buddhists, however, is slightly smaller (7% in 1992, 6% in 2012), while the portion of legal immigrants who are religiously unaffiliated (atheist, agnostic or nothing in particular) has remained relatively stable, at about 14% per year.

The Religious Affiliation of U.S. Immigrants: Majority Christian, Rising Share of Other Faiths

Your own link says the methodologies used make those stats garbage.

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