Hillary now says we need "TOUGH vetting" of refugees

Comrade Easy

While Christians continue to make up a majority of legal immigrants to the U.S.,

See, you lost me with this IGNORANT statement. The primary group of refugees that continue to be a threat / danger to the United States are the hundreds of thousands of UN-vetted 'refugees' being brought in from war-torn, Islamic Extremist Terrorist Infested, America-hating regions - Muslim / Islamic regions.

Of those hundreds of thousands of Sharia-Law-Abiding/Loving Muslims ONLY between 0.3 - 0.5 percent are Christians.

While there are hundreds of thousands of Muslims being DISPLACED due to the on-going civil war in Syria, THEY are not the ones being targeted, hunted down, and whole-sale slaughtered due to religious persecution. It is the CHRISTIANS who are being specifically persecuted, beheaded, drowned, & burned at the stake. Just like the Somali terrorist in Minnesota, their persecutors are demanding to know their religion, giving them the option to convert to Islam or die, and in the end are slaughtering them no matter what they do.

Being a Christian nation, and supposedly being a Christian himself, it would make MORE sense if the people we / Barry gave refuge to 1st and foremost were the CHRISTIANS who are being slaughtered. Instead, only 0.3 - 0.5 percent of these people being allowed entry into the United States are Christians.


Syrian Refugees Admitted to U.S. More Than Doubled in June; 0.3 Percent Were Christians

Given how many Christians are being murdered worldwide the total of Christian immigrants should be 100%. Muslims fleeing their own civil wars and political dysfunctional psychosises aren't 'refugees', just draft dodgers and fifth columnists.
Hitlery won't allow Christian Muslims as they may not kill enough of us....
.05% of the refugees allowed into the US have been Christians.

Yeah, this is what you do when you want to 'water-down' a Christian nation and change the demographics. Think one of Obama's goals is not the Islamization of the US? Lol...good luck with that.

Comrade Easy

While Christians continue to make up a majority of legal immigrants to the U.S., the estimated share of new legal permanent residents who are Christian declined from 68% in 1992 to 61% in 2012. Over the same period, the estimated share of green card recipients who belong to religious minorities rose from approximately one-in-five (19%) to one-in-four (25%). This includes growing shares of Muslims (5% in 1992, 10% in 2012) and Hindus (3% in 1992, 7% in 2012). The share of Buddhists, however, is slightly smaller (7% in 1992, 6% in 2012), while the portion of legal immigrants who are religiously unaffiliated (atheist, agnostic or nothing in particular) has remained relatively stable, at about 14% per year.

The Religious Affiliation of U.S. Immigrants: Majority Christian, Rising Share of Other Faiths

Your own link says the methodologies used make those stats garbage.

I'm going to trust the PEW Research center over that of a Russian Propagandist any day of the week.
10,126: Administration Hits Syria Refugee Target; 0.5% Are Christians

Record Number of Syrian Refugees Accepted in June, But Almost No Christians - Breitbart

'Under federal law, the executive branch is expressly required to take religion into account in determining who is granted asylum. Under the provision governing asylum (section 1158 of Title 8, U.S. Code), an alien applying for admission must establish that … religion [among other things] … was or will be at least one central reason for persecuting the applicant.'

Is that why Barry is letting so few Christians in?

Refugee ‘Religious Test’ Is ‘Shameful’ and ‘Not American’ … Except that Federal Law Requires It, by Andrew C. McCarthy, National Review
Hitlery won't allow Christian Muslims as they may not kill enough of us....
.05% of the refugees allowed into the US have been Christians.

Yeah, this is what you do when you want to 'water-down' a Christian nation and change the demographics. Think one of Obama's goals is not the Islamization of the US? Lol...good luck with that.

Comrade Easy

While Christians continue to make up a majority of legal immigrants to the U.S., the estimated share of new legal permanent residents who are Christian declined from 68% in 1992 to 61% in 2012. Over the same period, the estimated share of green card recipients who belong to religious minorities rose from approximately one-in-five (19%) to one-in-four (25%). This includes growing shares of Muslims (5% in 1992, 10% in 2012) and Hindus (3% in 1992, 7% in 2012). The share of Buddhists, however, is slightly smaller (7% in 1992, 6% in 2012), while the portion of legal immigrants who are religiously unaffiliated (atheist, agnostic or nothing in particular) has remained relatively stable, at about 14% per year.

The Religious Affiliation of U.S. Immigrants: Majority Christian, Rising Share of Other Faiths

Your own link says the methodologies used make those stats garbage.

I'm going to trust the PEW Research center over that of a Russian Propagandist any day of the week.

Like I said, your own link points out those numbers aren't reliable, and it's their study. Go ahead and 'trust' what isn't there, if it makes you feel warm n fuzzy.
No one has suggested that. A suspension from Syria and Libya is not a stop. Sadly, I have to go to a UK paper to get the facts of what he has suggested-

As a safeguard, the Republican nominee announced that his administration would suspend immigration from Syria and Libya. Those seeking to enter the US would be subject to an “extreme vetting” process that Trump emphasized would be “so tough”.

Before being accepted, applicants would submit to an “ideological certification” that would ensure that those who are admitted “share our values and love our people”. Trump said immigrants would face questions about honor killings, their view on “women and gays and minorities” as well as their attitudes on “radical Islam”.

Trump and Syrian refugees in the US: separating the facts from fiction

OK, we are slowly leading this jackass to 'water', and she's finally taken a 'sip'....now let's see if we can get her to 'DRINK'...

It only took another 3 terrorist attacks (2 bombings and 1 stabbing) to get the clueless bi@tch to realize, 'Hey, maybe actually thoroughly VETTING these people coming from war-torn, heavily terrorist American-hating nations is a good idea'!

NOW Let's see if we can get her to see that doing so BEFORE we bring them into the US, as Trump wants to do, is an even BETTER idea!
The MN stabber came here as a child. Shall we stop letting in all Muslim kids, in the event they are radicalized when they grow up?

Since taqiyya (lying to further the spread of islam) is used the only way the above would work is if muslims swore on the koran that they were telling the truth. Even then, I'm doubtful.

A ban on all muslim immigration until the war on terror is over works.

"Good" muslims need to step up, denounce this shit or get tossed out of here, and reform their "religion" from within.

Deport Dr. Oz!!!!!
10,126: Administration Hits Syria Refugee Target; 0.5% Are Christians

Record Number of Syrian Refugees Accepted in June, But Almost No Christians - Breitbart

'Under federal law, the executive branch is expressly required to take religion into account in determining who is granted asylum. Under the provision governing asylum (section 1158 of Title 8, U.S. Code), an alien applying for admission must establish that … religion [among other things] … was or will be at least one central reason for persecuting the applicant.'

Is that why Barry is letting so few Christians in?

Refugee ‘Religious Test’ Is ‘Shameful’ and ‘Not American’ … Except that Federal Law Requires It, by Andrew C. McCarthy, National Review

Obama's hand wave is that the UN claims Christians from Syria or Iraq or anywhere else in the ME and Islamo-Vermin Land don't qualify for 'refugee status', which is ridiculous, and he's abiding by that. Of course given the makeup of the UN, it's no surprise at all they support genociding Christians.
Hitlery won't allow Christian Muslims as they may not kill enough of us....
.05% of the refugees allowed into the US have been Christians.

Yeah, this is what you do when you want to 'water-down' a Christian nation and change the demographics. Think one of Obama's goals is not the Islamization of the US? Lol...good luck with that.

Comrade Easy

While Christians continue to make up a majority of legal immigrants to the U.S., the estimated share of new legal permanent residents who are Christian declined from 68% in 1992 to 61% in 2012. Over the same period, the estimated share of green card recipients who belong to religious minorities rose from approximately one-in-five (19%) to one-in-four (25%). This includes growing shares of Muslims (5% in 1992, 10% in 2012) and Hindus (3% in 1992, 7% in 2012). The share of Buddhists, however, is slightly smaller (7% in 1992, 6% in 2012), while the portion of legal immigrants who are religiously unaffiliated (atheist, agnostic or nothing in particular) has remained relatively stable, at about 14% per year.

The Religious Affiliation of U.S. Immigrants: Majority Christian, Rising Share of Other Faiths

Your own link says the methodologies used make those stats garbage.

I'm going to trust the PEW Research center over that of a Russian Propagandist any day of the week.

Like I said, your own link points out those numbers aren't reliable, and it's their study. Go ahead and 'trust' what isn't there, if it makes you feel warm n fuzzy.

They explain how they reach their estimates. Not that they are unreliable.

If you want to believe in Russian Propaganda, be my guest.

I noticed TzarEZ has now qualified his statement to include only Syrians, of which very few Christians have come here I agree, but not because of some nefarious plan of our President.
You really believe they give a damn what anyone thinks?So, you are a coddler, then, I would guess.
It is truly naive to think love and understanding is what the terrorists are looking for and will change them.
By not naming it for what it is, you play right into their hands. The easier to creep upon us all, as we deny it is what it is.
But, according to her, Trump is their best recruiter.

Sometimes I think, are people really so naive they can't see what is right in front of them?!?
When did Hillary decide to become a racist? That is after all what everyone calls Trump for his "EXTREME vetting" position.

He is. The more extreme anti-Muslim rhetoric from elected officials, the more disenfranchised people will get and the easier it is for groups like ISIS to gain converts.
OK, we are slowly leading this jackass to 'water', and she's finally taken a 'sip'....now let's see if we can get her to 'DRINK'...

It only took another 3 terrorist attacks (2 bombings and 1 stabbing) to get the clueless bi@tch to realize, 'Hey, maybe actually thoroughly VETTING these people coming from war-torn, heavily terrorist American-hating nations is a good idea'!

NOW Let's see if we can get her to see that doing so BEFORE we bring them into the US, as Trump wants to do, is an even BETTER idea!
The MN stabber came here as a child. Shall we stop letting in all Muslim kids, in the event they are radicalized when they grow up?
There is obviously something genetically fucked up with these muslims.
They must have some sort of gene that makes them insane.
Lets do "Uber Vetting"! My opponent is only for Extreme Vetting which isnt enough
That is exactly what Hillary tried lol. Glad to see you find it equally amusing

This is exactly what Trump is doing. And the amusement escapes you. Extreme vetting
Trump's position proceeds the bombings & stabbings. Hillarys does not. The only thing escaping me is the same thing thats escaping you, an understanding of your absurd logic
Obama admitted his vetting process is flawed - doesn't work. Hillary declared using the same process she intends to bring in MORE Syrians.

I REALLY hope she continues to campaign on that. Every time one of these terrorists explodes a bomb or goes on a stabbing rampage the American people will hear her say 'MORE IS COMING' every time she says "I want to bring More of them here (without vetting them any better)!"
There is obviously something genetically fucked up with these muslims.
They must have some sort of gene that makes them insane.

It's unmatched religious fanaticism. They 'BELIEVE'.

Many Christians SAY they believe and are willing to give their lives for what they believe in, but if push comes to shove they back down. These people don't. Many Americans can't comprehend believing in something THAT strongly, so much they will gladly give their life for it. (I believe in part because Libs don't believe in ANYTHING that strongly).

You can't threaten to kill them and effect them - they are already ready to die for Islam.
Lets do "Uber Vetting"! My opponent is only for Extreme Vetting which isnt enough
That is exactly what Hillary tried lol. Glad to see you find it equally amusing

This is exactly what Trump is doing. And the amusement escapes you. Extreme vetting
Trump's position proceeds the bombings & stabbings. Hillarys does not. The only thing escaping me is the same thing thats escaping you, an understanding of your absurd logic

Its still just a silly word that you claim is funny on one end and serious on the other. All he did was add the word extreme to something he claims we cant do. Its like Extreme Horse racing if only I said horses cant be raced at all lol
Obama admitted his vetting process is flawed - doesn't work. Hillary declared using the same process she intends to bring in MORE Syrians.

False, everyone says that the vetting process is flawed because you cant predict everything forever. Now if you think Trump has the plans to a super secret process that sees into the future I have some magic beans I'll sell you for cheap

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