Hillary now says we need "TOUGH vetting" of refugees

[QUOTE="ClosedCaption, post: 15328056, member: 25032
False, everyone says that the vetting process is flawed because you cant predict everything forever. Now if you think Trump has the plans to a super secret process that sees into the future I have some magic beans I'll sell you for cheap[/QUOTE]


1. Obama admitted the vetting system is flawed.

2. The vetting system if BROKEN in regards to Syrian and Somali refugees because it is a war-torn terrorist-infested shit-hole where any personal records are hard to come by. So it is almost impossible to screen and vette these hundreds of thousands of 'refugees' from the war-torn, Islamic Extremist terrorist-infested America-hating region.

Instead of airing on the side of caution to protect the American people Obama and Hillary are willing to say 'F* it - come on in, we'll take your word for it' WHILE ISIS is threatening to infiltrate the refugee hoard WHILE they have already done so in Europe WHILE our Terrorist Experts are telling them ISIS has ALREADY done it here.

It has nothing to do with crystal balls or magic beans - it has to do with proper, thorough background checks and doing everything you can to protect the American people....which includes telling someone 'I can't verify who you are so you aren't coming in'. THAT ISN'T A BAD THING! A BAD thing (except to Barry / Hillary / a Liberal) is allowing them in anyway and Americans DYING!
Comrade Easy

While Christians continue to make up a majority of legal immigrants to the U.S.,

See, you lost me with this IGNORANT statement. The primary group of refugees that continue to be a threat / danger to the United States are the hundreds of thousands of UN-vetted 'refugees' being brought in from war-torn, Islamic Extremist Terrorist Infested, America-hating regions - Muslim / Islamic regions.

Of those hundreds of thousands of Sharia-Law-Abiding/Loving Muslims ONLY between 0.3 - 0.5 percent are Christians.

While there are hundreds of thousands of Muslims being DISPLACED due to the on-going civil war in Syria, THEY are not the ones being targeted, hunted down, and whole-sale slaughtered due to religious persecution. It is the CHRISTIANS who are being specifically persecuted, beheaded, drowned, & burned at the stake. Just like the Somali terrorist in Minnesota, their persecutors are demanding to know their religion, giving them the option to convert to Islam or die, and in the end are slaughtering them no matter what they do.

Being a Christian nation, and supposedly being a Christian himself, it would make MORE sense if the people we / Barry gave refuge to 1st and foremost were the CHRISTIANS who are being slaughtered. Instead, only 0.3 - 0.5 percent of these people being allowed entry into the United States are Christians.


Syrian Refugees Admitted to U.S. More Than Doubled in June; 0.3 Percent Were Christians

They like to misrepresent the actual percentages of Christians when it suits them as well; they aren't anywhere near '80% of the population', for instance, more like 30%, which puts a very different light on the even the questionable data from that Pew survey that even Pew admits is not to be taken as accurate.

1. Obama admitted the vetting system is flawed.

2. The vetting system if BROKEN in regards to Syrian and Somali refugees because it is a war-torn terrorist-infested shit-hole where any personal records are hard to come by. So it is almost impossible to screen and vette these hundreds of thousands of 'refugees' from the war-torn, Islamic Extremist terrorist-infested America-hating region.

Instead of airing on the side of caution to protect the American people Obama and Hillary are willing to say 'F* it - come on in, we'll take your word for it' WHILE ISIS is threatening to infiltrate the refugee hoard WHILE they have already done so in Europe WHILE our Terrorist Experts are telling them ISIS has ALREADY done it here.

It has nothing to do with crystal balls or magic beans - it has to do with proper, thorough background checks and doing everything you can to protect the American people....which includes telling someone 'I can't verify who you are so you aren't coming in'. THAT ISN'T A BAD THING! A BAD thing (except to Barry / Hillary / a Liberal) is allowing them in anyway and Americans DYING!

The ability to vet them is actually non-existent; there are zero reliable records from their 'home' countries, much less a reliable ID system in those places to go by. It's pure fantasy, and just another lie thrown out to appease skeptics, or so they think.
Vetting is flawed because it cant be flawless. If Trump is promising nothing will ever happen and there is some way to do it that the top security people dont know about all you have to ask is How can anyone promise perfection?
Vetting is flawed because it cant be flawless. If Trump is promising nothing will ever happen and there is some way to do it that the top security people dont know about all you have to ask is How can anyone promise perfection?
The solution is SIMPLE.

Vetting is flawed because it cant be flawless. If Trump is promising nothing will ever happen and there is some way to do it that the top security people dont know about all you have to ask is How can anyone promise perfection?
The solution is SIMPLE.


Thats not what Trump says. Want to try the mind reading act again since he has no policy to cite?
When did Hillary decide to become a racist? That is after all what everyone calls Trump for his "EXTREME vetting" position.
Where's the link?

Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes Spiked After Trump Called for Ban on Muslims

Several weeks ago, in Washington, D.C., a Muslim woman was called “a worthless piece of Muslim trash” and a “terrorist” by a fellow Starbucks customer and, presumably, American citizen. After pouring something on the Muslim woman, the assaulter told her victim that she was planning on voting for Donald Trump, who would send Muslims “back to where you come from.” As horrific as this incident was, it was not unique. According to a new study from the Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown University, anti-Muslim hate crimes increased in 2015, coinciding with attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, California, and the rise of Donald Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee for president who has called for a ban on Muslims entering the United States
When did Hillary decide to become a racist? That is after all what everyone calls Trump for his "EXTREME vetting" position.
Where's the link?

Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes Spiked After Trump Called for Ban on Muslims

Several weeks ago, in Washington, D.C., a Muslim woman was called “a worthless piece of Muslim trash” and a “terrorist” by a fellow Starbucks customer and, presumably, American citizen. After pouring something on the Muslim woman, the assaulter told her victim that she was planning on voting for Donald Trump, who would send Muslims “back to where you come from.” As horrific as this incident was, it was not unique. According to a new study from the Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown University, anti-Muslim hate crimes increased in 2015, coinciding with attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, California, and the rise of Donald Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee for president who has called for a ban on Muslims entering the United States
Don't care.
Now kindly fuck off pansie
When did Hillary decide to become a racist? That is after all what everyone calls Trump for his "EXTREME vetting" position.

She did when she heard Trump say it and she realized it was a good idea.

Like many things Trump has said that Hillary takes as her own.

She doesn't have an original idea that is why she wants to continue the "success" of Obama. LOL.
Obama admitted his vetting process is flawed - doesn't work. Hillary declared using the same process she intends to bring in MORE Syrians.

I REALLY hope she continues to campaign on that. Every time one of these terrorists explodes a bomb or goes on a stabbing rampage the American people will hear her say 'MORE IS COMING' every time she says "I want to bring More of them here (without vetting them any better)!"
Do you see ANY possible positive effects of refuge's coming here? Just take a second and really think about it... These are people have feared for their own lives and the lives of their families for years. Living in crime, anarchy, and facing life/death situations on a daily basis. Many starving, getting separated from family, loss of hope etc. Then our country brings them over and sets them up with a place to live and opportunity for a future. Any chance you think that they might be grateful? Feel indebted? Spread love and a positive testimonial to other Muslim Americans about the USA? Stand with us against extremists and terrorists?

Why do you jump to the reaction that they are a bunch of American hating jihadists that are trying to sneak over here to blow us up? We need strong, American supporting muslims to step up and silence the extremists if we are going to win this fight... Don't you think this might just help with that??

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