Hillary now says we need "TOUGH vetting" of refugees

Pretty tough? You mean the vetting that is almost impossible according to James Comey, FBI director...

Senior Obama officials have warned of challenges in screening refugees from Syria
FBI admits there's no way to screen all incoming Syrian refugees

When did Hillary decide to become a racist? That is after all what everyone calls Trump for his "EXTREME vetting" position.
People call trumps proposal to ban Muslims from this country xeonophobic.

I don't recall Clinton or anybody on the left calling for a lax vetting process. National security has always been a focus and we have had a pretty damn tough vetting process in place. Of course Trump acts like we know nothing and do nothing to vet but you don't think that's an honest assertion do you?

Infographic: The Screening Process for Refugee Entry into the United States
But, according to her, Trump is their best recruiter.

Sometimes I think, are people really so naive they can't see what is right in front of them?!?
When did Hillary decide to become a racist? That is after all what everyone calls Trump for his "EXTREME vetting" position.

The loons are now flummoxed....to vet or not to vet....what a quandary
This is how fucking stupid muslim terrorists are.
They apparently do not comprehend everytime one of them commits a terror attack in the US another million voters will vote for Trump. They don't realise that when Trump becomes President radical muslims will have 'open season' declared on them.
Every imam in every mosque in the country is preaching radical islam and hate against every 'non-believer'.
Hate speech will be outlawed in every mosque.
Those who preach hate will be deported permanently to shitholes in the ME.
Muslims don't care WHO wins the Presidency. As we see now, THEY ARE HERE! Good luck rooting them all out before the sleeper cells can perpetrate more and more attacks randomly.
Muslims don't care? the correct word is terrorists you ignorant fuck
The MN stabber came here as a child. Shall we stop letting in all Muslim kids, in the event they are radicalized when they grow up?
Did he come by himself? No.
He also came from Somalia. If you haven't noticed, Somalis and Syrians don't share out beliefs, our customs, our cultures.

Sharia law, for example, is INCOMPATIBLE with our form of govt and beliefs...so why are we importing millions of people who WILL seek to overthrow this government?
Pretty tough? You mean the vetting that is almost impossible according to James Comey, FBI director...

Then re-settle them elsewhere.

Put them in camps in Europe. Teach the young males to fight and let them stay there and fight for their own country.
Is there actually someone who believes her?

She will import all of the gay/woman hating middle east to USA if it helps her to get re-elected... and then she will lie about it if it helps her get re-elected.
But, according to her, Trump is their best recruiter.

Sometimes I think, are people really so naive they can't see what is right in front of them?!?
When did Hillary decide to become a racist? That is after all what everyone calls Trump for his "EXTREME vetting" position.

The loons are now flummoxed....to vet or not to vet....what a quandary
This is how fucking stupid muslim terrorists are.
They apparently do not comprehend everytime one of them commits a terror attack in the US another million voters will vote for Trump. They don't realise that when Trump becomes President radical muslims will have 'open season' declared on them.
Every imam in every mosque in the country is preaching radical islam and hate against every 'non-believer'.
Hate speech will be outlawed in every mosque.
Those who preach hate will be deported permanently to shitholes in the ME.
Muslims don't care WHO wins the Presidency. As we see now, THEY ARE HERE! Good luck rooting them all out before the sleeper cells can perpetrate more and more attacks randomly.
Muslims don't care? the correct word is terrorists you ignorant fuck
The correct word is radical Islamic terrorists....but I won't call you a stupid fuck since your hitlery is a stupid fuck for not getting it....
Pretty tough? You mean the vetting that is almost impossible according to James Comey, FBI director...

Senior Obama officials have warned of challenges in screening refugees from Syria
FBI admits there's no way to screen all incoming Syrian refugees

When did Hillary decide to become a racist? That is after all what everyone calls Trump for his "EXTREME vetting" position.
People call trumps proposal to ban Muslims from this country xeonophobic.

I don't recall Clinton or anybody on the left calling for a lax vetting process. National security has always been a focus and we have had a pretty damn tough vetting process in place. Of course Trump acts like we know nothing and do nothing to vet but you don't think that's an honest assertion do you?

Infographic: The Screening Process for Refugee Entry into the United States
Notice how much talk and bitching there is about the vetting yet nobody breaks it down and analyzes the process I've linked to. Nobody is proposing ways to improve it. I bet most people who are upset about it don't even know what it is we are currently doing. They just feed into Trumps bluster that everything is crap and everybody is incompetent... Screw the details
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No one has suggested that. A suspension from Syria and Libya is not a stop. Sadly, I have to go to a UK paper to get the facts of what he has suggested-

As a safeguard, the Republican nominee announced that his administration would suspend immigration from Syria and Libya. Those seeking to enter the US would be subject to an “extreme vetting” process that Trump emphasized would be “so tough”.

Before being accepted, applicants would submit to an “ideological certification” that would ensure that those who are admitted “share our values and love our people”. Trump said immigrants would face questions about honor killings, their view on “women and gays and minorities” as well as their attitudes on “radical Islam”.

Trump and Syrian refugees in the US: separating the facts from fiction

OK, we are slowly leading this jackass to 'water', and she's finally taken a 'sip'....now let's see if we can get her to 'DRINK'...

It only took another 3 terrorist attacks (2 bombings and 1 stabbing) to get the clueless bi@tch to realize, 'Hey, maybe actually thoroughly VETTING these people coming from war-torn, heavily terrorist American-hating nations is a good idea'!

NOW Let's see if we can get her to see that doing so BEFORE we bring them into the US, as Trump wants to do, is an even BETTER idea!
The MN stabber came here as a child. Shall we stop letting in all Muslim kids, in the event they are radicalized when they grow up?
Muslims don't care? the correct word is terrorists you ignorant fuck

Not JUST 'terrorists', YOU ignorant f*! There are actually peaceful Muslims coming here to the US who believe in and want to spread Islam AND Sharia Law. They use our own laws and freedom to accomplish this. They have done so in Europe, who is in a mess, now. To think the US can only be defeated through violence is true ignorance.

Marx, I believe, predicted the US would be destroyed from within without a shot being fired....as we are importing millions of Illegals and 'Refugees' who do not believe in the US as it exists and who seek to change it, Marx may be very well right.
But, according to her, Trump is their best recruiter.

Sometimes I think, are people really so naive they can't see what is right in front of them?!?
When did Hillary decide to become a racist? That is after all what everyone calls Trump for his "EXTREME vetting" position.

The loons are now flummoxed....to vet or not to vet....what a quandary
This is how fucking stupid muslim terrorists are.
They apparently do not comprehend everytime one of them commits a terror attack in the US another million voters will vote for Trump. They don't realise that when Trump becomes President radical muslims will have 'open season' declared on them.
Every imam in every mosque in the country is preaching radical islam and hate against every 'non-believer'.
Hate speech will be outlawed in every mosque.
Those who preach hate will be deported permanently to shitholes in the ME.
Muslims don't care WHO wins the Presidency. As we see now, THEY ARE HERE! Good luck rooting them all out before the sleeper cells can perpetrate more and more attacks randomly.

The American muslims who are not jihadists may not care.

The middle eastern muslims who want all Americans dead and western achievements reversed have a great interest in Hillary presidency. No wonder the nations are donating to her campaign with open arms.
So you know better than the fbi, cia?

How do you vet from a country that is in shambles? Who can give us info on these people? Surely, Assad, this admin enemy, isn't going to be offering any help. Where do you get info on people that come from a country whose govt buildings have been destroyed? Stop people on the street and hope they tell you the truth?
Pretty tough? You mean the vetting that is almost impossible according to James Comey, FBI director...

Senior Obama officials have warned of challenges in screening refugees from Syria
FBI admits there's no way to screen all incoming Syrian refugees

When did Hillary decide to become a racist? That is after all what everyone calls Trump for his "EXTREME vetting" position.
People call trumps proposal to ban Muslims from this country xeonophobic.

I don't recall Clinton or anybody on the left calling for a lax vetting process. National security has always been a focus and we have had a pretty damn tough vetting process in place. Of course Trump acts like we know nothing and do nothing to vet but you don't think that's an honest assertion do you?

Infographic: The Screening Process for Refugee Entry into the United States
Notice how much talk and bitching there is about the vetting yet nobody breaks it down and analyzes the process I've linked to. Nobody is proposing ways to improve it. I bet most people who are upset about it don't even know what it is we are currently doing. They just feed into Trumps blister that everything is crap and everybody is incompetent... Screw the details
People call trumps proposal to ban Muslims from this country xeonophobic.

Continued intentional mis-representation of Trump's plan to make him seem like a racist.

Trump wants to delay...stop for a time...bringing in Muslims from civil-war-torn, terrorist-infested, American-hating nations / regions UNTIL they can me properly, THOROUGHLY vetted, ensuring they are no threat to Americans (unlike several Obama has brought / allowed into the country, resulting in the deaths of Americans).

Also, what kind of RESPONSIBLE, Thought-Out Plan is bringing hundreds of thousands of ILLEGALS and REFUGEES into the US and DUMPING them into communities without informing state and local governments that they are coming, which Barry has done?! WTF, Over?!
All empty words... How come trump hasn't laid out a plan? This topic has been out there for months, he has had plenty of time... Where's the breakdown of our current vetting process and his proposal on how he is going to make it extremely tough and bulletproof? All we get is hot air and "believe me"

Per your second question about what kind of plan brings them here... Simple answer, the US along with most civilized nations have been helping oppressed and suffering people for decades. This is isn't a new or a Obama thing. Even your golden boy Regan did it... Oh the horror
It is a NEW thing with ISIS out there.
It is SAD we must now have to be so careful, because, yes, that has been our past, but things are DIFFERENT now. Until we can figure out how to destroy the enemy, we don't know who the enemy is sending in.
People call trumps proposal to ban Muslims from this country xeonophobic.

Continued intentional mis-representation of Trump's plan to make him seem like a racist.

Trump wants to delay...stop for a time...bringing in Muslims from civil-war-torn, terrorist-infested, American-hating nations / regions UNTIL they can me properly, THOROUGHLY vetted, ensuring they are no threat to Americans (unlike several Obama has brought / allowed into the country, resulting in the deaths of Americans).

Also, what kind of RESPONSIBLE, Thought-Out Plan is bringing hundreds of thousands of ILLEGALS and REFUGEES into the US and DUMPING them into communities without informing state and local governments that they are coming, which Barry has done?! WTF, Over?!
All empty words... How come trump hasn't laid out a plan? This topic has been out there for months, he has had plenty of time... Where's the breakdown of our current vetting process and his proposal on how he is going to make it extremely tough and bulletproof? All we get is hot air and "believe me"

Per your second question about what kind of plan brings them here... Simple answer, the US along with most civilized nations have been helping oppressed and suffering people for decades. This is isn't a new or a Obama thing. Even your golden boy Regan did it... Oh the horror
But, according to her, Trump is their best recruiter.

Sometimes I think, are people really so naive they can't see what is right in front of them?!?

The loons are now flummoxed....to vet or not to vet....what a quandary
This is how fucking stupid muslim terrorists are.
They apparently do not comprehend everytime one of them commits a terror attack in the US another million voters will vote for Trump. They don't realise that when Trump becomes President radical muslims will have 'open season' declared on them.
Every imam in every mosque in the country is preaching radical islam and hate against every 'non-believer'.
Hate speech will be outlawed in every mosque.
Those who preach hate will be deported permanently to shitholes in the ME.
Muslims don't care WHO wins the Presidency. As we see now, THEY ARE HERE! Good luck rooting them all out before the sleeper cells can perpetrate more and more attacks randomly.
Muslims don't care? the correct word is terrorists you ignorant fuck
The correct word is radical Islamic terrorists....but I won't call you a stupid fuck since your hitlery is a stupid fuck for not getting it....
That's fine you can use that term as well if you want, although it's been completely exploited. I'd say that anybody that makes claims like easy65 and those other yahoos, is a stupid fuck
Obama was right when he said hiLIARy will say whatever it takes to win
When did Hillary decide to become a racist? That is after all what everyone calls Trump for his "EXTREME vetting" position.

Trump says we arent vetting them. Thats a lie
Trump says its no way to vet them. Thats a lie
Trump says he'll do extreme vetting. Add the word extreme in front of what we're already doing.

Whats the plan? None of his supporters know.
Muslims don't care? the correct word is terrorists you ignorant fuck

Not JUST 'terrorists', YOU ignorant f*! There are actually peaceful Muslims coming here to the US who believe in and want to spread Islam AND Sharia Law. They use our own laws and freedom to accomplish this. They have done so in Europe, who is in a mess, now. To think the US can only be defeated through violence is true ignorance.

Marx, I believe, predicted the US would be destroyed from within without a shot being fired....as we are importing millions of Illegals and 'Refugees' who do not believe in the US as it exists and who seek to change it, Marx may be very well right.
I'm curious... Do you support cutting off missionary trips that US Christians make to forgien and third world countries?
Internal DHS report out today: At least 858 people set to be deported were MISTAKENLY given citizenship from special interest countries! They could even be in law enforcement, etc. With security clearances.

The report was just released.

Isn't that news all warm and fuzzy?
So you know better than the fbi, cia?

How do you vet from a country that is in shambles? Who can give us info on these people? Surely, Assad, this admin enemy, isn't going to be offering any help. Where do you get info on people that come from a country whose govt buildings have been destroyed? Stop people on the street and hope they tell you the truth?
Pretty tough? You mean the vetting that is almost impossible according to James Comey, FBI director...

Senior Obama officials have warned of challenges in screening refugees from Syria
FBI admits there's no way to screen all incoming Syrian refugees

When did Hillary decide to become a racist? That is after all what everyone calls Trump for his "EXTREME vetting" position.
People call trumps proposal to ban Muslims from this country xeonophobic.

I don't recall Clinton or anybody on the left calling for a lax vetting process. National security has always been a focus and we have had a pretty damn tough vetting process in place. Of course Trump acts like we know nothing and do nothing to vet but you don't think that's an honest assertion do you?

Infographic: The Screening Process for Refugee Entry into the United States
Notice how much talk and bitching there is about the vetting yet nobody breaks it down and analyzes the process I've linked to. Nobody is proposing ways to improve it. I bet most people who are upset about it don't even know what it is we are currently doing. They just feed into Trumps blister that everything is crap and everybody is incompetent... Screw the details
I'm not an expert on this nor have I been exposed to the process first hand so I'm not going to pretend to know it all. My opinion is that if there is doubt, lack of info, or any psychological red flags then the individual doesn't get in. For the women, children, elderly, and verifiable males that need help and can pass the vetting process, they should get in. And I'm all for making improvements to our process. Don't think we need a ban to figure it out.

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