Hillary Rules!!

2016 primary is how far away? Are you obsessed with her or like a stalker or something?

Who cares but you liberals?? No conservative wants Christie to run, not one.. He's a sleazebag..
I will care when she officially announces she is running for President and as I recall everyone was declaring her the winner of the 2008 Presidential election back in 2006 as well.
The lady who's not getting the nomination is ahead of the guy who's not getting the nomination
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Who cares but you liberals?? No conservative wants Christie to run, not one.. He's a sleazebag..

Which is exactly the problem the Republican Party has. Christie is your best shot of becoming president. You really think scumbags like Ted Cruz or idiots like Sarah Palin are going to make it all the way? No way. Rubio? Yeah no one likes him either.

Face it republicans. You got nothing going in 2016.
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Hillary rules what? The mental wards?
That crazy bitch will be lucky to rule her own kitchen let alone our country.

Shiiiit,I wouldnt trust her to make me a sammich....

Who cares but you liberals?? No conservative wants Christie to run, not one.. He's a sleazebag..

Which is exactly the problem the Republican Party has. Christie is your best shot of becoming president. You really think scumbags like Ted Cruz or idiots like Sarah Palin are going to make it all the way? No way. Rubio? Yeah no one likes him either.

Face it republicans. You got nothing going in 2016.

The hard rights problem is the reality that the majority of this country wants infrastructure, science institutions, r&d investment and education. They're willing to hold their nose with the racist and sexist crap of the democratic party to get it. That is telling you something about how much the American people hate this cut, slash and burn bull shit.
The hard rights problem is the reality that the majority of this country wants infrastructure, science institutions, r&d investment and education.

Besides being a broken record of magnitudes that put people with mental illness to shame. Have you ever thought these can and will be provided by the private sector. And in fact, do?
The hard rights problem is the reality that the majority of this country wants infrastructure, science institutions, r&d investment and education.

Besides being a broken record of magnitudes that put people with mental illness to shame. Have you ever thought these can and will be provided by the private sector. And in fact, do?

They can't be provided by the private sector, you retarded idiot. The private sector would charge a thousand dollars per hundred miles(or so) to drive on their roads. Think of how fucked it would be if you ever got your way...

A private road corp could charge more to any business they didn't like. This would drive this country into third world shit hole levels. Government stops bs like this. Clown! They could do this for water, power, food, etc. Sooner or later there would be giant monoplies controling each sector. You think the consumer can stop this? Learn history! You will find that it doesn't work.

-Weather warning = you had better pay for it
-Basic education = you had better pay for it. Arm and leg!
-Science = if you want it, let's just let this country burn to the effin ground, but you had better pay for it.

Honestly, you think your idiocy makes you look better than a brainwashed fucking clown? Boy, you must of been dropped on your effin head when you were young. Learn some basic economics and think for a minute before you open your fucking mouth.

Your idea of the world is stupid!
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Hillary Rules!!....

...what? The old folks home? Too bad too. I would've voted for her if the DNC wasn't corrupted in 2008. An elderly female president in these times?

Get ready for phase II of "democratic nomination wishful thinking"...

Who cares but you liberals?? No conservative wants Christie to run, not one.. He's a sleazebag..

Which is exactly the problem the Republican Party has. Christie is your best shot of becoming president. You really think scumbags like Ted Cruz or idiots like Sarah Palin are going to make it all the way? No way. Rubio? Yeah no one likes him either.

Face it republicans. You got nothing going in 2016.

Bush is their best shot unless they can somehow coax Thune into running, but I don't see it happening. With the economy continuing to improve, it will be very difficult for any Republican to win the White House whether it's against Hillary or just about any other Democrat other than Biden or Warren.

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