Hillary says.........WTF?

I guess this means that Comey is in Putin's pocket too, eh? Follow the money and all that jazz. Lol.

Where there is smoke there is also usually a Democrat blowing hot air out of his ass.
Comey felt compelled to announce the existence of unrelated emails which put Hillary under the cloud of "under FBI investigation"

Meanwhile, it was Trump who was actually under investigation for a far worse crime than having a private server.....colluding with the Russians
Russian businesses and bankers or the Kremlin?
No answer huh?
Still haven't got an answer huh?
The only "answer" he will give is just more lies and half truths.

That is what the media is doing.

I will readily admit, that work that Rachel Maddow did is irrefutable. But it only insinuates a link between banking interests and the administration, it doesn't imply there is anything going on at all. Nothing that rises to the level of foreign government sponsored implication or collusion. It would worry me more if he were part of the Anglo-American NWO/ police state that manufactures terrorism to cow their respective populations.

Hopefully Trump sees what the international banking cabal is doing, and how it is bad for middle America.

Likewise, it is hurting the Russian Oligarchs. He has used the same banking mechanisms for his own business interests, as he has been locked out of the traditional banking paradigm.

I missed it too. He has had long associations with organized crime, gangsters and corrupt banking.

That is not the point though. The thing is, every educated American knows that the banking cabal has gotten away with what amounts to murder, and has only gotten a slap on the wrist, from both the Bush/Clinton gang, and the Obama regimes.

So who cares that he is in deep with Russian oligarchs and under the influence of Russian bankers? I'm not convinced that bringing balance to the system is such a bad thing. Why are western banking interests so much more important than other banking interests? We see what happens when the FED and the IBS/World Bank/ECB get their way. . . .

More propaganda.

More agitprop.

More war.

I for one am sick of it.

This is why they will never prove he is working directly with the Kremlin. . . because in fact, he isn't, and has no interest in doing so. It isn't good for business. OTH they are natural allies only because they have the same enemies.

At heart, Trump is just a gangster.

10 Reasons Why the Mafia is Better than the State - The Art of Not Being Governed

Sometimes, it takes criminals to take down even bigger criminals.
Comey said Trump deliberately deceived and that an investigation of the Russians and Trump associates continues.

Bad day for Trump yesterday.

It is going to get far worse for him.
Bad day for fake news.

Is it simply "fake news" when the directors of the FBI and the NSA testify to Trump's lies and possible collusion?

You need a new line. That one became obsolete yesterday.

How do you get possible collusion from testimony that no evidence of collusion exists?

Comey said very clearly that the focus of the investigation included the relationship of the Trump campaign members to Russian efforts to influence our electoral process.
It's pretty clear what that means.
Sorry, but that excuse was dreamed up after the election. This is what is really happening:

It Took a Freshman GOP Congresswoman To Pull The Mask From FBI Director Comey…

Hillary Clinton political operatives manufactured the illusion of a computer connection between Russian entities (financial banks) and the Trump campaign/organization. Those manufactured points of evidence were then passed along to White House entities who used the political intel community (Clapper to Comey) to open an investigation of nothingness – to nowhere. The mere existence of that investigation was then used as the originating point for a series of media intel leaks (the narrative) intended to cloud and damage the Trump campaign/organization. FBI Director James Comey, as head of one of the investigative agencies, became part of that political apparatus. Now, usefulness exhausted and with the media engaged, it’s CYA time all around for the originating entities.
And people wonder why the government can't get anything meaningful done. Everyone associated with it is under "investigation".
We need to put those doing the investigating under investigation.

But hell, some folks have been saying that since the Warren commission, but some of you would never listen.
Comey felt compelled to announce the existence of unrelated emails which put Hillary under the cloud of "under FBI investigation"

Meanwhile, it was Trump who was actually under investigation for a far worse crime than having a private server.....colluding with the Russians
Russian businesses and bankers or the Kremlin?
No answer huh?
Still haven't got an answer huh?
The only "answer" he will give is just more lies and half truths.

That is what the media is doing.

I will readily admit, that work that Rachel Maddow did is irrefutable. But it only insinuates a link between banking interests and the administration, it doesn't imply there is anything going on at all. Nothing that rises to the level of foreign government sponsored implication or collusion. It would worry me more if he were part of the Anglo-American NWO/ police state that manufactures terrorism to cow their respective populations.

Hopefully Trump sees what the international banking cabal is doing, and how it is bad for middle America.

Likewise, it is hurting the Russian Oligarchs. He has used the same banking mechanisms for his own business interests, as he has been locked out of the traditional banking paradigm.

I missed it too. He has had long associations with organized crime, gangsters and corrupt banking.

That is not the point though. The thing is, every educated American knows that the banking cabal has gotten away with what amounts to murder, and has only gotten a slap on the wrist, from both the Bush/Clinton gang, and the Obama regimes.

So who cares that he is in deep with Russian oligarchs and under the influence of Russian bankers? I'm not convinced that bringing balance to the system is such a bad thing. Why are western banking interests so much more important than other banking interests? We see what happens when the FED and the IBS/World Bank/ECB get their way. . . .

More propaganda.

More agitprop.

More war.

I for one am sick of it.

This is why they will never prove he is working directly with the Kremlin. . . because in fact, he isn't, and has no interest in doing so. It isn't good for business. OTH they are natural allies only because they have the same enemies.

At heart, Trump is just a gangster.

10 Reasons Why the Mafia is Better than the State - The Art of Not Being Governed

Sometimes, it takes criminals to take down even bigger criminals.
Great post.

Yes...I would agree with having the Mafia in charge rather than the bunch of self serving low life criminals that currently run the government.

I love the Ten Reasons and they deserve to be posted for all to enjoy (Jake needs them explained to him and I don't have the patience...sorry).

Reason Number 10: The Mafia has a sense of honor. If they say that they will do something, they stick to it. Nobody in the government has a clue what a sense of honor is. If they say that they will do something, you can count on it only if you’re getting screwed.

Reason Number 9: The Mafia code of conduct is simple and clear, and unfettered by legal doublespeak and millions of regulations.

Reason Number 8: When competing Mafia families go to war, they don’t kill hundreds of thousands of civilians as “collateral damage.” War is the health of the state, but for the Mafia, it’s bad for business.

Reason Number 7: Instead of conducting the war on drugs and the American people, the Mafia is perfectly happy to peacefully provide high-quality products to those who desire them.

Reason Number 6: When you buy protection from the Mafia, you get protection. The Mafia has a good track record for limiting violent crime in the areas that they protect. When you buy protection from the state, you can dial 911 and die.

Reason Number 5: The Mafia’s protection is much less expensive than the state’s. The Mafia wants ten or fifteen percent of your profits, while the various levels of government will try to snatch at least 40 to 50 percent of your profits.

Reason Number 4: Unlike the state, the Mafia wants your business to succeed. They know that ruining your business means that you can’t pay for protection. The Mafia imposes almost no regulatory overhead, nor do they require that you waste your time filling out zillions of self-incriminating tax forms.

Reason Number 3: The Mafia won’t keep you from having a gun to protect yourself and your property. The state prefers that you be disarmed. The Mafia will gladly sell you the means to protect yourself and they won’t bother with a Brady check, either.

Reason Number 2: The state wants to regulate what you do in your bedroom. The Mafia not only does not want to regulate what you do in your bedroom, they will gladly sell you whatever you need to enhance your enjoyment.

And the number one reason why the Mafia should replace the state:

Members of the Mafia have a great sense of style, dress far better than government bureaucrats, and are much easier on the eyes.

So there you have it. The next time that somebody argues that anarchy results in an increase in organized crime, smile sweetly and tell that person it would be a real improvement over the state.
10 days before the election, FBI Director Comey revealed he had opened a new probe about Hillary's emails. The fear was these emails, if classified, could have fallen in the hands of the Russians

Yesterday, Comey revealed Trump was under investigation since July for interaction with the Russians

At the time of the election, it was TRUMP who was under investigation and nobody was told
What? No proof again?
I have noticed that the meme has become that just having an investigation is so bad that Trump should basically just resign and commit Seppuku. The hate is palpable.
Hillary is a failed politician. It's time she retired and stayed out of politics. and any 'clinton' should be disqualified from office, as should any 'bush'.
Hillary is a failed politician. It's time she retired and stayed out of politics. and any 'clinton' should be disqualified from office, as should any 'bush'.

The Clinton Unit. That phrase means different things to interns.
I guess this means that Comey is in Putin's pocket too, eh? Follow the money and all that jazz. Lol.

Where there is smoke there is also usually a Democrat blowing hot air out of his ass.
Great to hear from you, LK, but I am really busy now. I am raking leaves. Got to run!
10 days before the election, FBI Director Comey revealed he had opened a new probe about Hillary's emails. The fear was these emails, if classified, could have fallen in the hands of the Russians

Yesterday, Comey revealed Trump was under investigation since July for interaction with the Russians

At the time of the election, it was TRUMP who was under investigation and nobody was told
What? No proof again?
I have noticed that the meme has become that just having an investigation is so bad that Trump should basically just resign and commit Seppuku. The hate is palpable.
But Trump is going to have to go through an investigation which he will lie and ignore

Trump will only make matters worse
10 days before the election, FBI Director Comey revealed he had opened a new probe about Hillary's emails. The fear was these emails, if classified, could have fallen in the hands of the Russians

Yesterday, Comey revealed Trump was under investigation since July for interaction with the Russians

At the time of the election, it was TRUMP who was under investigation and nobody was told
What? No proof again?
I have noticed that the meme has become that just having an investigation is so bad that Trump should basically just resign and commit Seppuku. The hate is palpable.
But Trump is going to have to go through an investigation which he will lie and ignore

Trump will only make matters worse
Did you hear that on CNN?
10 days before the election, FBI Director Comey revealed he had opened a new probe about Hillary's emails. The fear was these emails, if classified, could have fallen in the hands of the Russians

Yesterday, Comey revealed Trump was under investigation since July for interaction with the Russians

At the time of the election, it was TRUMP who was under investigation and nobody was told
What? No proof again?
I have noticed that the meme has become that just having an investigation is so bad that Trump should basically just resign and commit Seppuku. The hate is palpable.
But Trump is going to have to go through an investigation which he will lie and ignore

Trump will only make matters worse
We've seen it before, when Hillary was investigated.
10 days before the election, FBI Director Comey revealed he had opened a new probe about Hillary's emails. The fear was these emails, if classified, could have fallen in the hands of the Russians

Yesterday, Comey revealed Trump was under investigation since July for interaction with the Russians

At the time of the election, it was TRUMP who was under investigation and nobody was told
What? No proof again?
I have noticed that the meme has become that just having an investigation is so bad that Trump should basically just resign and commit Seppuku. The hate is palpable.
But Trump is going to have to go through an investigation which he will lie and ignore

Trump will only make matters worse
We've seen it before, when Hillary was investigated.
How did that turn out?
10 days before the election, FBI Director Comey revealed he had opened a new probe about Hillary's emails. The fear was these emails, if classified, could have fallen in the hands of the Russians

Yesterday, Comey revealed Trump was under investigation since July for interaction with the Russians

At the time of the election, it was TRUMP who was under investigation and nobody was told
What? No proof again?
I have noticed that the meme has become that just having an investigation is so bad that Trump should basically just resign and commit Seppuku. The hate is palpable.
But Trump is going to have to go through an investigation which he will lie and ignore

Trump will only make matters worse
We've seen it before, when Hillary was investigated.
How did that turn out?
How did that turn out? Looks to me like it caused her to lose the election. LOL! Of course Trump isn't running for anything, so there you have it.
What? No proof again?
I have noticed that the meme has become that just having an investigation is so bad that Trump should basically just resign and commit Seppuku. The hate is palpable.
But Trump is going to have to go through an investigation which he will lie and ignore

Trump will only make matters worse
We've seen it before, when Hillary was investigated.
How did that turn out?
How did that turn out? Looks to me like it caused her to lose the election. LOL! Of course Trump isn't running for anything, so there you have it.
He may run impeachment before election
10 days before the election, FBI Director Comey revealed he had opened a new probe about Hillary's emails. The fear was these emails, if classified, could have fallen in the hands of the Russians

Yesterday, Comey revealed Trump was under investigation since July for interaction with the Russians

At the time of the election, it was TRUMP who was under investigation and nobody was told
But who ordered the alleged investigation?

The same person who ordered surveillance on Trump and The Mexican President. The same person who asked for Surveillance on Flynn and The Russian Ambassador. The same person who conducted surveillance on Trump and Taiwan, and Australia, and the same person who leaked Trump's tax returns.

Hilarious watching Dems use these so called hearings as fund raising.

I have a suggestion for them. Why don't they stop their funding of FAKE NEWS, and quite paying for an Army of Internet Trolls to ruin Social Media sites like this.

2nd suggestion is how about they get to work and actually do something for the country.
The same person who ordered surveillance on Trump and The Mexican President.

You are way off in the weeds.

It wasn't Obama, it was Valerie Jarret, his handler/puppetmaster. :FIREdevil:

Obama's not lying, it wasn't him that ordered surveillance.
I have noticed that the meme has become that just having an investigation is so bad that Trump should basically just resign and commit Seppuku. The hate is palpable.
But Trump is going to have to go through an investigation which he will lie and ignore

Trump will only make matters worse
We've seen it before, when Hillary was investigated.
How did that turn out?
How did that turn out? Looks to me like it caused her to lose the election. LOL! Of course Trump isn't running for anything, so there you have it.
He may run impeachment before election
Wishful thinking on the part of an Un-American obstructionist.
10 days before the election, FBI Director Comey revealed he had opened a new probe about Hillary's emails. The fear was these emails, if classified, could have fallen in the hands of the Russians

Yesterday, Comey revealed Trump was under investigation since July for interaction with the Russians

At the time of the election, it was TRUMP who was under investigation and nobody was told
But who ordered the alleged investigation?

The same person who ordered surveillance on Trump and The Mexican President. The same person who asked for Surveillance on Flynn and The Russian Ambassador. The same person who conducted surveillance on Trump and Taiwan, and Australia, and the same person who leaked Trump's tax returns.

Hilarious watching Dems use these so called hearings as fund raising.

I have a suggestion for them. Why don't they stop their funding of FAKE NEWS, and quite paying for an Army of Internet Trolls to ruin Social Media sites like this.

2nd suggestion is how about they get to work and actually do something for the country.
The same person who ordered surveillance on Trump and The Mexican President.

You are way off in the weeds.

It wasn't Obama, it was Valerie Jarret, his handler/puppetmaster. :FIREdevil:

Obama's not lying, it wasn't him that ordered surveillance.

No one ordered surveillance.

Comey said so very clearly.

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