Hillary says.........WTF?

10 days before the election, FBI Director Comey revealed he had opened a new probe about Hillary's emails. The fear was these emails, if classified, could have fallen in the hands of the Russians

Yesterday, Comey revealed Trump was under investigation since July for interaction with the Russians

At the time of the election, it was TRUMP who was under investigation and nobody was told
Obviously Obama didn't want to appear biased. Now that he's gone he's just an innocent bystander.....sort of the way he ran his administration.....he was totally innocent and not responsible for the acts of those he placed in power all over the government. Thus, he is not responsible for the illegal acts they are doing.
That is what BO's beloved follows accept...can't fix stupid.

If Trump or any R did the same, they would be roasted by the Left.
10 days before the election, FBI Director Comey revealed he had opened a new probe about Hillary's emails. The fear was these emails, if classified, could have fallen in the hands of the Russians

Yesterday, Comey revealed Trump was under investigation since July for interaction with the Russians

At the time of the election, it was TRUMP who was under investigation and nobody was told
So then, you agree that Big Ears surveilled Trump. Right?
Comey said no president can order wire taps, so, nope, Obama, did not surveil Trump. Thus Trump lied, knowingly.

Trump's campaign and his associates have been subject to FBI surveilling for nine months now.
I watched about an hour and a half last night before passing out. Shiff is a douche, innit? Asking questions that he knew couldn't be answered and bumbling one up so bad he just had to drop it. And the Dems were sending out emails begging for cash. Bread and circuses.

That was your take-away?

An hour and a half in? Yep. We need to fire everyone in congress.
That's funny.

Everyone in there was aware they were playing to a crowd. That isn't funny. It's revolting.

Every one in there knew this is serious.
Even the Gowdy types knew it.
10 days before the election, FBI Director Comey revealed he had opened a new probe about Hillary's emails. The fear was these emails, if classified, could have fallen in the hands of the Russians

Yesterday, Comey revealed Trump was under investigation since July for interaction with the Russians

At the time of the election, it was TRUMP who was under investigation and nobody was told
So then, you agree that Big Ears surveilled Trump. Right?

Comey said the exact opposite.
10 days before the election, FBI Director Comey revealed he had opened a new probe about Hillary's emails. The fear was these emails, if classified, could have fallen in the hands of the Russians

Yesterday, Comey revealed Trump was under investigation since July for interaction with the Russians

At the time of the election, it was TRUMP who was under investigation and nobody was told
So then, you agree that Big Ears surveilled Trump. Right?
Nope.....Obama knew nothing.....he knew nothing. Same thing with everything that went on in his administration.
I watched about an hour and a half last night before passing out. Shiff is a douche, innit? Asking questions that he knew couldn't be answered and bumbling one up so bad he just had to drop it. And the Dems were sending out emails begging for cash. Bread and circuses.

That was your take-away?

An hour and a half in? Yep. We need to fire everyone in congress.
That's funny.

Everyone in there was aware they were playing to a crowd. That isn't funny. It's revolting.
It was very clear they were just getting in their statements/opinions/arguments in the form of questions they knew Comey couldn't answer. But that seems to be the way most hearings work. At least the ones I've seen. Give a pol a camera and watch out!
It was interesting to hear Schiff spin his tale about the collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. He knows how to tell a story, you gotta give him that.
I cannot, no matter how hard I try to be fair minded, watch Trey Gowdy without my skin crawling. He is such a mean, paranoid freak.
Comey said Trump deliberately deceived and that an investigation of the Russians and Trump associates continues.

Bad day for Trump yesterday.

It is going to get far worse for him.
Bad day for fake news.

Is it simply "fake news" when the directors of the FBI and the NSA testify to Trump's lies and possible collusion?

You need a new line. That one became obsolete yesterday.
I've been telling you guys for ever that your government and media manipulate your perceptions.

However, go on believing you have your own thoughts and a free system of government.
10 days before the election, FBI Director Comey revealed he had opened a new probe about Hillary's emails. The fear was these emails, if classified, could have fallen in the hands of the Russians

Yesterday, Comey revealed Trump was under investigation since July for interaction with the Russians

At the time of the election, it was TRUMP who was under investigation and nobody was told
Obviously Obama didn't want to appear biased. Now that he's gone he's just an innocent bystander.....sort of the way he ran his administration.....he was totally innocent and not responsible for the acts of those he placed in power all over the government. Thus, he is not responsible for the illegal acts they are doing.
He got all his briefings from CNN.
Not unlike Trump getting his from Fox and Breitbart.
Comey felt compelled to announce the existence of unrelated emails which put Hillary under the cloud of "under FBI investigation"

Meanwhile, it was Trump who was actually under investigation for a far worse crime than having a private server.....colluding with the Russians

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Democrats blast FBI director after probe revelation

The revelation drew the ire of Clinton supporters who called out an apparent double-standard and a breach of bureau norms that caused their nominee's surprising defeat.

Clinton's former press secretary, Brian Fallon, bitterly noted that "Comey at least waited until after the election to confirm there was an investigation related to Trump's campaign."

"In Hillary Clinton's case, the FBI confirmed the fact of an investigation into her emails during the heart of the campaign, creating a damaging cloud even though the probe never produced charges of any kind," Fallon said in an email Monday. "It is fair to ask why Jim Comey confirmed one investigation prior to the election, but not the other."
Comey said Trump deliberately deceived and that an investigation of the Russians and Trump associates continues.

Bad day for Trump yesterday.

It is going to get far worse for him.
Bad day for fake news.

Is it simply "fake news" when the directors of the FBI and the NSA testify to Trump's lies and possible collusion?

You need a new line. That one became obsolete yesterday.

How do you get possible collusion from testimony that no evidence of collusion exists?
Comey felt compelled to announce the existence of unrelated emails which put Hillary under the cloud of "under FBI investigation"

Meanwhile, it was Trump who was actually under investigation for a far worse crime than having a private server.....colluding with the Russians

Hillary was under investigation and there is still more evidence to prosecute her than trump. Not surprising since they said there is none
Comey felt compelled to announce the existence of unrelated emails which put Hillary under the cloud of "under FBI investigation"

Meanwhile, it was Trump who was actually under investigation for a far worse crime than having a private server.....colluding with the Russians
Russian businesses and bankers or the Kremlin?
Didn't he also state that was classified and he just was OKd to say it publically?
Maybe that was something else?
These liars remind me of Don Adams in Get Smart: "Missed him by this much!"
10 days before the election, FBI Director Comey revealed he had opened a new probe about Hillary's emails. The fear was these emails, if classified, could have fallen in the hands of the Russians

Yesterday, Comey revealed Trump was under investigation since July for interaction with the Russians

At the time of the election, it was TRUMP who was under investigation and nobody was told


Donald Teump himself is under investigation ? Did y'all pay attention to anything at all yesterday or you just watch Rachael Maddow to grab some talking points?
Comey said Trump deliberately deceived and that an investigation of the Russians and Trump associates continues.

Bad day for Trump yesterday.

It is going to get far worse for him.
Bad day for fake news.

Is it simply "fake news" when the directors of the FBI and the NSA testify to Trump's lies and possible collusion?

You need a new line. That one became obsolete yesterday.

How do you get possible collusion from testimony that no evidence of collusion exists?
That is not what Comey said, and you know it.
The trumpensteens reek with desperation and fear, as they well should.

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