Hillary Schools Little Rand Paul

And everyone walks away unscathed...no accountability, responsibility from either side which signifies acceptance from the party doing the interrogating.

the fauxraging demands for "accountability" about 4 people, no matter how unfortunate the loss of those people, who were stationed in an area they knew was dangerous is very funny considering not one of the fauxraging types has ever demanded that dick cheney and george bush testify under oath, or even in the open, about how they allowed 9.11 to occur.

perhaps thousands of people ON U.S. SOIL, should have been worth seeking accountability for.

I'm not quite following you. You're saying that cheney and W allowed 9/11 to happen. Granted, I'll go along with you on Iraq. I never was in that hunt but a conspiracy of that magnitude just doesn't fly. For one, bush and cheney weren't smart enough, two, conspiracies never work. Hopefully, you did notice that I condemned both of these worthless parties.

Where are you getting that?

Unless you believe they were in on it, investigations and hearings are not necessary?

Does that mean you think Obama, Rice, and Clinton were in on the Benghazi attack?
Notice how the libs on here are circling the wagons around the Obama admin.
Such conduct is beneath contempt.

I noticed that they could care less about finding out the truth or even about the four men who paid for their hero's inept leadership with their lives. I guess as long as the campaign goes well they are fine with it. That's what Obama thinks, it's a shame that Hillary didn't have the guts to tell the truth but she never has. ~shrug~

Hillary has real mental issues here, What woman in her right mind would stay with a man who has cheated on her time after time after time? Of course she will lie, because she has lied to herself saying billy will not cheat again.

Not even close. Hillary doesn't care who Bill cheats with. She doesn't love him anyway. She might have been truly upset that she was publicly humiliated by the exposure of his cheating, but as for the cheating itself, she doesn't care. Bill and Hillary are together because they keep one another's secrets. They rely on one another for political support. Hillary loves power and Bill put her in a position to get that kind of power. That's why she stays with him.
What an ignorant, disrespectful twirp he is...

I wanted her to say "young man, mind your betters".

she looked at him like he was from mars when he asked about weapons going from libya to turkey.

and then pointed out that he was totally uninformed about anything having to do with benghazi.

what an idiot he is.

Somebody should tell him to comb his hair. It looks like a rat's nest.



Just sayin'
I thought it was the other way around.. Rand Paul put Hillary in her place.. as a liar and totally responsible for the deaths of 4 Americans. Liberals never assume any responsibility for anything.. zero- none.. They never do anything wrong.. everything their Kings and Queens rule on, is right and fine by the Zombie herd. They are pathetic sheep in the form of Germans who walked lockstep to Adolf Hitlers tune of slaughtering innocents. We can all see how the Holocaust happened simply by watching today's leftist Zombies.
"I think ultimately with your leaving that you accept the culpability for the worst tragedy since 9/11"

- Rand Paul

What an enormous douchebag.
It's all too common for people to "see" things through the tint of their own biases, so it's perfectly natural for different people to see the same event and perceive it in a vastly different way.

So for practical purposes, what the far right or the far left "see" in this isn't very important in terms of where it leads us. What will motivate any response is how the middle reacts to it.
It's all too common for people to "see" things through the tint of their own biases, so it's perfectly natural for different people to see the same event and perceive it in a vastly different way.

So for practical purposes, what the far right or the far left "see" in this isn't very important in terms of where it leads us. What will motivate any response is how the middle reacts to it.

That is exactly what the right wing spin doctors want simple minds to think....

because it takes away from the ARB http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/202446.pdf

Which so far no one with any credibility and in any position of authority (GOP Congress?) has refuted the findings of the ARB

so you are carrying water while imagining you built that bucket :clap2:
It's all too common for people to "see" things through the tint of their own biases, so it's perfectly natural for different people to see the same event and perceive it in a vastly different way.

So for practical purposes, what the far right or the far left "see" in this isn't very important in terms of where it leads us. What will motivate any response is how the middle reacts to it.

That is exactly what the right wing spin doctors want simple minds to think....

because it takes away from the ARB http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/202446.pdf

Which so far no one with any credibility and in any position of authority (GOP Congress?) has refuted the findings of the ARB

so you are carrying water while imagining you built that bucket :clap2:

I'm not carrying a bucket for anyone. I'm just telling you what the political reality is.
It's all too common for people to "see" things through the tint of their own biases, so it's perfectly natural for different people to see the same event and perceive it in a vastly different way.

So for practical purposes, what the far right or the far left "see" in this isn't very important in terms of where it leads us. What will motivate any response is how the middle reacts to it.

That is exactly what the right wing spin doctors want simple minds to think....

because it takes away from the ARB http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/202446.pdf

Which so far no one with any credibility and in any position of authority (GOP Congress?) has refuted the findings of the ARB

so you are carrying water while imagining you built that bucket :clap2:

I'm not carrying a bucket for anyone. I'm just telling you what the political reality is.

political reality is all about talking points....no matter what one side or the other decides to say, no matter the facts or the truth of it all...

political reality does not equal the facts or the truth...it's what ideologues have decided to throw into your bucket
That is exactly what the right wing spin doctors want simple minds to think....

because it takes away from the ARB http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/202446.pdf

Which so far no one with any credibility and in any position of authority (GOP Congress?) has refuted the findings of the ARB

so you are carrying water while imagining you built that bucket :clap2:

I'm not carrying a bucket for anyone. I'm just telling you what the political reality is.

political reality is all about talking points....no matter what one side or the other decides to say, no matter the facts or the truth of it all...

political reality does not equal the facts or the truth...it's what ideologues have decided to throw into your bucket

I believe that political reality for many is a lot more than talking points. I think it is people gathering the available information from a variety of sources, weighing it against their own priorities, and then making a decision.

Yes, there are many who are just going to swallow whatever their favorite leader(s) dole out. By definition, the middle doesn't fall into one of those groups. Staying in the middle means they have resisted the hyper-partisan appeals and weigh individual issues by their own individual criteria.

That's the silent majority. They provide our nation with it's accelerator and it's brake. And they don't carry the bucket for anyone and they don't just swallow a statement of "fact" without checking under the hood.
Rand was showboating, the new kid on the block to be contended with, the up and comer. His look-at-me questions were so obvious it was painful. One word sums up his participation, turkey.
Did the op say, mind your betters?

No wonder these Politicians figure they can lie to the American people..People like you who just worship the ground they walk on

If Hillary can't stand the heat she should get the hell out of politics..She shouldn't of ever been put in as Sec. of State to begin with

I completely agree. Considering her claim to success and political power is merely marriage, you would think people would question how qualified she actually is to be in political office. Evidence seems to show she isn't. But that seems to be true with counltess politicians in both parties.
Rand was showboating, the new kid on the block to be contended with, the up and comer. His look-at-me questions were so obvious it was painful. One word sums up his participation, turkey.
Yeah he made a total ass of himself, his MO of course.
Uh uh uh is what I heard on the REAL questions. Unlike Libya being blamed LOL I wish she would just say "Look, we fucked up. We learned our mistakes, and it will not happen again. I resign" and be done with it.

Reagan never resigned after Lebanon, nor did anyone associated with his administration. That debacle cost 241 American lives, but you think Clinton should resign over four people being killed. Interesting. Of course, this is just more politicization of a bad situation.
This thread is easily summarized.

Rand Paul is a Republican, therefore bad. Hillary Clinton is a Democrat, therefore good. Rand says things I don't like about Hillary, Rand must be destroyed.

And they call Ron Paul supporters "bots." :rolleyes:

Better summary: Rand Paul said a lot of stupid shit.

I'm not surprised you think so.

are all republicans bad? really? you can pretend that's what it is. but is anyone saying that about rubio? mccain? any of the other republicans who asked questions?

i don't think so. try again.

but kevin, here's a hint.. ANY thinking person should acknowledge he sounded and looked ridiculous.
Uh uh uh is what I heard on the REAL questions. Unlike Libya being blamed LOL I wish she would just say "Look, we fucked up. We learned our mistakes, and it will not happen again. I resign" and be done with it.

Reagan never resigned after Lebanon, nor did anyone associated with his administration. That debacle cost 241 American lives, but you think Clinton should resign over four people being killed. Interesting. Of course, this is just more politicization of a bad situation.

yes, but it's president obama we're talking about and the nutters still can't cope with the fact that he won one term, much less two.

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