Hillary Schools Little Rand Paul

Uh uh uh is what I heard on the REAL questions. Unlike Libya being blamed LOL I wish she would just say "Look, we fucked up. We learned our mistakes, and it will not happen again. I resign" and be done with it.

Reagan never resigned after Lebanon, nor did anyone associated with his administration. That debacle cost 241 American lives, but you think Clinton should resign over four people being killed. Interesting. Of course, this is just more politicization of a bad situation.

yes, but it's president obama we're talking about and the nutters still can't cope with the fact that he won one term, much less two.

Honestly, they are gnashing their teeth because they see the writing on the wall. The Republican Party is in so much trouble because they let the far right take control of the wheel. While they want the moderates to leave, evidenced by constant talk of starting their own "conservative party", they are also beginning to realize that they just don't have the numbers and never will. They are going to become irrelevant. Maybe when that time comes, they will be more welcoming to those with less radical ideas, but somehow I doubt it.

To understand how much trouble they are in, all one must do is look at this past election. They were running against a Black President under whose watch unemployment rates have remained much too high, and where spending is completely out of control which has led us to deficits that are much more than can be sustained, and yet they lost the election. How could this be? They blame it on everyone receiving handouts, but we know that is not why they lost the election. The reason they lost the election is that they are so out of touch with average Americans that they are seen as buffoons.
Better summary: Rand Paul said a lot of stupid shit.

I'm not surprised you think so.

are all republicans bad? really? you can pretend that's what it is. but is anyone saying that about rubio? mccain? any of the other republicans who asked questions?

i don't think so. try again.

but kevin, here's a hint.. ANY thinking person should acknowledge he sounded and looked ridiculous.

No, you're all piling onto Rand because he was essentially the "loudest," for lack of a better term, and you can make fun of his hair or "Aqua Buddha" or any other number of irrelevant things. But do any of you agree with anything McCain or Rubio said? Doubt it. You're too busy complaining that Republicans didn't want any accountability regarding Bush and 9/11, while proving your own hypocrisy by avoiding any accountability for Hillary or Obama on Benghazi.

Here's a hint, when you say "ANY thinking "person" should believe something you prove your own ignorance and agenda. Thinking people can disagree on anything and everything, and do so for honest reasons.
Do you even know what the phrase means?

After describing her “failure of leadership” resulting in the terrorist attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya, he said, “had I been president at the time, and had I found that you did not read the cables from Benghazi — you did not read the cables from Ambassador Stevens, I would have relieved you of your post.”
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=tH0CDErX1rg"]Rand Paul Grills Sec. of State Clinton on Benghazi: I Would Have Relieved You Of Your Post - YouTube[/ame]

Rand Paul to Clinton: ?I would have relieved you of your duty? - BizPac Review
All Hillary did was prove that they where hiding information from the people. She did not get over on anyone. No questions where answered and she stonewalled just like the rest of her like do. And for people like you to support that it speaks volumes for the direction of this country. 4 people are dead because of her fuckups, and you perfectly fine letting her off the hook.
I'm reading a lot of posts that encouraging people to interpret the exchange the way THEY would like it to be interpreted.

Nothing to really get worked up about there.

What I do find interesting is that when Americans are attacked SOME people pull together and SOME people try to use it as a wedge.

I'm not carrying a bucket for anyone. I'm just telling you what the political reality is.

political reality is all about talking points....no matter what one side or the other decides to say, no matter the facts or the truth of it all...

political reality does not equal the facts or the truth...it's what ideologues have decided to throw into your bucket

I believe that political reality for many is a lot more than talking points. (1): I think it is people gathering the available information from a variety of sources, weighing it against their own priorities, and then making a decision.

Yes, there are many who are just going to swallow whatever their favorite leader(s) dole out. By definition, the middle doesn't fall into one of those groups. Staying in the middle means they have resisted the hyper-partisan appeals and weigh individual issues by their own individual criteria.

That's the silent majority. They provide our nation with it's accelerator and it's brake. And they don't carry the bucket for anyone and they don't just swallow a statement of "fact" without checking under the hood.

(1): this is where you err...

the ARB is what the silent majority would go with if they weren't so ignorant and stupid. You live in a dream world if you think the American public gets it right in the end...as Obama and every other politician likes to say.

The founding fathers and framers knew a bit about human nature so they stayed away from direct democracy and gave us a representative republican form of government


Rand was showboating, the new kid on the block to be contended with, the up and comer. His look-at-me questions were so obvious it was painful. One word sums up his participation, turkey.

:eusa_hand: Paul Rand is NOT an up and comer in America, except as a leader of the fringe within the GOP...as was Demint

4. The Board found that intelligence provided no immediate, specific tactical warning of the September 11 attacks. Known gaps existed in the intelligence community’s understanding of extremist militias in Libya and the potential threat they posed to U.S. interests, although some threats were known to exist.

Terrorist networks are difficult to monitor, and the Board emphasizes the conclusion of previous accountability review boards that vulnerable missions cannot rely on receiving specific warning intelligence. Similarly, the lack of specific threat intelligence does not imply a lessening of probability of a terrorist attack. The Board found that there was a tendency on the part of policy, security and other U.S. government officials to rely heavily on the probability of warning intelligence and on the absence of specific threat information.

The result was possibly to overlook the usefulness of taking a hard look at accumulated, sometimes circumstantial information, and instead to fail to appreciate threats and understand trends, particularly based on increased violence and the targeting of foreign diplomats and international organizations in Benghazi. The latter information failed to come into clear relief against a backdrop of the lack of effective governance, widespread and growing political violence and instability and the ready availability of weapons in eastern Libya.

There were U.S. assessments that provided situational awareness on the persistent, general threat to U.S. and Western interests in eastern Libya, including Benghazi. Board members, however, were struck by the lack of discussion focused specifically on Benghazi.

Benghazi’s threat environment had been generally deteriorating since the “gelatina” bomb was thrown over the SMC fence on April 6, but was not judged to have reached a critical point before September 11. The July 7 elections, about
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which there had been some trepidation regarding the security situation, passed with less violence than expected and were followed by Ramadan, when incidents are usually lower.

Before September 11, a patchwork of militias in Benghazi had assumed many, if not all, of the security functions normally associated with central government organs, as the government had little authority or reach in Benghazi. There seemed to be no attempt, however, to link formally the many anti-Western incidents in Benghazi, the general declarations of threat in U.S. assessments and a proliferation of violence-prone and little understood militias, the lack of any central authority and a general perception of a deteriorating security environment to any more specific and timely analysis of the threat to U.S. government facilities.

Board members found that there was little understanding of militias in Benghazi and the threat they posed to U.S. interests. One prime factor behind this knowledge gap was that eastern Libya is home to many militias, which are constantly dissolving, splitting apart and reforming. Furthermore, many individuals are associated with more than one militia. Understanding of February 17, in particular, was further limited by the fact that it is an umbrella organization, made up of many different militias with differing ideologies, some of which are extremist in nature.

The Board determined there were no warnings from Libyan interlocutors.


5. The Board found that certain senior State Department officials within two bureaus in critical positions of authority and responsibility in Washington demonstrated a lack of proactive leadership and management ability appropriate for the State Department’s senior ranks in their responses to security concerns posed by Special Mission Benghazi, given the deteriorating threat environment and the lack of reliable host government protection.

However, the Board did not find that any individual U.S. Government employee engaged in misconduct or willfully ignored his or her responsibilities, and, therefore did not find reasonable cause to believe that an individual breached his or her duty so as to be the subject of a recommendation for disciplinary action.
It is obvious contextual statements never enter your brain.
"what does it matter" was referring to what went wrong; either it was about the movie or something else.She wants to get to the job of preventing it from happening again.
Try not being such a political hack job.

What an ignorant, disrespectful twirp he is...

I wanted her to say "young man, mind your betters".

she looked at him like he was from mars when he asked about weapons going from libya to turkey.

and then pointed out that he was totally uninformed about anything having to do with benghazi.

what an idiot he is.
she also said it doesn't really matter how 4 Americans were killed.
(1): this is where you err...

the ARB is what the silent majority would go with if they weren't so ignorant and stupid. You live in a dream world if you think the American public gets it right in the end...as Obama and every other politician likes to say.

The founding fathers and framers knew a bit about human nature so they stayed away from direct democracy and gave us a representative republican form of government

I've skimmed the report you keep pushing and it appears to be a pretty good assessment.
I'm sorry that you find yourself saddled with so many ignorant and stupid people.
It is obvious contextual statements never enter your brain.
"what does it matter" was referring to what went wrong; either it was about the movie or something else.She wants to get to the job of preventing it from happening again.
Try not being such a political hack job.

What an ignorant, disrespectful twirp he is...

I wanted her to say "young man, mind your betters".

she looked at him like he was from mars when he asked about weapons going from libya to turkey.

and then pointed out that he was totally uninformed about anything having to do with benghazi.

what an idiot he is.
she also said it doesn't really matter how 4 Americans were killed.

good luck banging your head against the wall on this one.

when people are purposefully fed deceptive and deceitful messages...you have to remember who the audience was and how they are actually viewed by the people who disseminate the message
What an ignorant, disrespectful twirp he is...

I wanted her to say "young man, mind your betters".

she looked at him like he was from mars when he asked about weapons going from libya to turkey.

and then pointed out that he was totally uninformed about anything having to do with benghazi.

what an idiot he is.
she also said it doesn't really matter how 4 Americans were killed.

The proper context is everything. That wasn't her total statement, I think that she was sincere in her grief and feeling towards the families of those 4 people. Here's exactly what she said:
"We had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or because of guys out for a walk one night and decided to go kill some Americans? At this point what difference does it make, Senator?" Clinton asked Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., when asked why the administration initially gave an inaccurate version of the events that took place."

WTF. You speak of context. Do you realize that her statement "or because of guys out for a walk one night and decided to go kill some Americans?" implies that there was no premeditation, no planning, just a couple of Libyan psychpaths out for a stroll. That is just too grotesque a statement not to be shocking. That the attack was planned is beyond doubt at this point. Demonstrating accountability isn't anything she will ever be accused of. What a low life.
she also said it doesn't really matter how 4 Americans were killed.

The proper context is everything. That wasn't her total statement, I think that she was sincere in her grief and feeling towards the families of those 4 people. Here's exactly what she said:
"We had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or because of guys out for a walk one night and decided to go kill some Americans? At this point what difference does it make, Senator?" Clinton asked Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., when asked why the administration initially gave an inaccurate version of the events that took place."

WTF. You speak of context. Do you realize that her statement "or because of guys out for a walk one night and decided to go kill some Americans?" implies that there was no premeditation, no planning, just a couple of Libyan psychpaths out for a stroll. That is just too grotesque a statement not to be shocking. That the attack was planned is beyond doubt at this point. Demonstrating accountability isn't anything she will ever be accused of. What a low life.

that isn't what she said at all.

not even close.

aren't there enough things in the world for you to be angry about without making them up??
The proper context is everything. That wasn't her total statement, I think that she was sincere in her grief and feeling towards the families of those 4 people. Here's exactly what she said:
"We had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or because of guys out for a walk one night and decided to go kill some Americans? At this point what difference does it make, Senator?" Clinton asked Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., when asked why the administration initially gave an inaccurate version of the events that took place."

WTF. You speak of context. Do you realize that her statement "or because of guys out for a walk one night and decided to go kill some Americans?" implies that there was no premeditation, no planning, just a couple of Libyan psychpaths out for a stroll. That is just too grotesque a statement not to be shocking. That the attack was planned is beyond doubt at this point. Demonstrating accountability isn't anything she will ever be accused of. What a low life.

that isn't what she said at all.

not even close.

aren't there enough things in the world for you to be angry about without making them up??

The statement was provided by Pheonixops, which he claims was accurate. He seems to be on your side of the argument. Go figure.
WTF. You speak of context. Do you realize that her statement "or because of guys out for a walk one night and decided to go kill some Americans?" implies that there was no premeditation, no planning, just a couple of Libyan psychpaths out for a stroll. That is just too grotesque a statement not to be shocking. That the attack was planned is beyond doubt at this point. Demonstrating accountability isn't anything she will ever be accused of. What a low life.

that isn't what she said at all.

not even close.

aren't there enough things in the world for you to be angry about without making them up??

The statement was provided by Pheonixops, which he claims was accurate. He seems to be on your side of the argument. Go figure.

no... not the words... what they meant....

and she wasn't making ANY observation about causation... that was the point.

perhaps you might want to consider working on your comprehension skills?

unless, of course, you're putting forth an intentionally fallacious argument.....

oh wait...
"Mind your betters"? So what your saying is he can disrespect her all he wants since she isnt anyones better.

what we had here Was paul with his chance to take down an icon of politics of today's world.
that's it. He wanted to look tough.

Actually he was very soft spoken. Hilary was the roudy one.

Hillary was articulate and intelligent, grace under fire. She was exemplary in defending herself against the petty jabs taken at her. Her minor show of exasperation with Ron Johnson was strategically placed and well calculated.
that isn't what she said at all.

not even close.

aren't there enough things in the world for you to be angry about without making them up??

The statement was provided by Pheonixops, which he claims was accurate. He seems to be on your side of the argument. Go figure.

no... not the words... what they meant....

and she wasn't making ANY observation about causation... that was the point.

perhaps you might want to consider working on your comprehension skills?

unless, of course, you're putting forth an intentionally fallacious argument.....

oh wait...

You must be great at interpreting intentions. Words are so passe. :razz:

Sadly, her statement was crass - she sought to diminish the fact the act was planned and that actions could have been taken to keep Americans out of harm's way.

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