Hillary Spent So Much Time Lying She Goes Into A Coughing Fit

Her health sucks. I looked online and discovered this isn't the first time she's had one of these:

Republicans just realized today they won't get a shot at the white house again until 2024. She's going to be our Margaret Thatcher or Angela Merkel.

You're obviously delusional.

You really can pick em.

She's mean
She's ughly
She can't tell the truth
And she can't cut the mustard.
When's she gonna fall and get a concussion or something?

You can tell she knocked it out of the park based on your weak pathetic thread and reply.

I think Democrats might take back the Senate too.

You guys are giving her lots of air time. Maybe you should stop taking advice from Karl Rove.

On the contrary.....the only thing that she proved is that she's not a complete idiot. But obviously she's cold-hearted.....because she's responsible for somebody's death, and you can tell by the silly smirk on her face, that kept popping up, she could care less.

At least she didn't break into that obnoxious cackle she always does when she's nervous. She's had years to prepare for this.....and she went in with the belief that this is what's gonna give her the White House. Not her policies or her ability to relate to the voters.....but the way she is propped up and supported at every turn. Why have any more debates. She's already won. That is the theme in all of this. Thank you for giving Hillary this platform so she can appear presidential.

Focus on which Republican wants to be the sacrificial lamb.

And in the presidential debate you will see the Americans will choose hillary on the issues.

Middle class vs. Trickle down? She wins
Her health sucks. I looked online and discovered this isn't the first time she's had one of these:

Republicans just realized today they won't get a shot at the white house again until 2024. She's going to be our Margaret Thatcher or Angela Merkel.

You're obviously delusional.

You really can pick em.

She's mean
She's ughly
She can't tell the truth
And she can't cut the mustard.
When's she gonna fall and get a concussion or something?

You can tell she knocked it out of the park based on your weak pathetic thread and reply.

I think Democrats might take back the Senate too.

You guys are giving her lots of air time. Maybe you should stop taking advice from Karl Rove.

On the contrary.....the only thing that she proved is that she's not a complete idiot. But obviously she's cold-hearted.....because she's responsible for somebody's death, and you can tell by the silly smirk on her face, that kept popping up, she could care less.

At least she didn't break into that obnoxious cackle she always does when she's nervous. She's had years to prepare for this.....and she went in with the belief that this is what's gonna give her the White House. Not her policies or her ability to relate to the voters.....but the way she is propped up and supported at every turn. Why have any more debates. She's already won. That is the theme in all of this. Thank you for giving Hillary this platform so she can appear presidential.

Focus on which Republican wants to be the sacrificial lamb.

And in the presidential debate you will see the Americans will choose hillary on the issues.

Middle class vs. Trickle down? She wins

If they look at the issues.....she doesn't have an ice-cube's chance in Hell.

Just remember them:

Same-sex marriage
Riots in Ferguson and Baltimore with more to come
Gun confiscation
Flooding our borders with illegals
Bringing in millions of refugees from 3rd world countries
Income redistribution
Forcing the Middle-class to foot the bill for everyone else in the world
Selling out to foreign contributors to the Clinton Foundation
Pay for play
No accountability in government because everything we do will be hidden from the public
Glowbull Warming taxes
National Security isn't important enough for her to be involved in personally......leave it to others to deal with

The only thing Hillary has going for her is what Obama had going for him......she's a woman........but don't you dare pick on her or she'll cry.
I'm still waiting for Fox News to mention the coughing fit.......it was big news.....and they censored it.

It's like it never happened.
Wow! After 11 hours she coughed? Breaking news.
I think it was more than a cough.....

Thank God she didn't take a drink of water......oh......she did.

and a cough drop......what a trooper.
Fox still won't mention the coughing attack that I saw with my own eyes and Drudge has headlining their site. By later today you guys will be saying there's no proof it ever happen.....
Fox still won't mention the coughing attack that I saw with my own eyes and Drudge has headlining their site. By later today you guys will be saying there's no proof it ever happen.....
I hope she takes a long walk on a short pier.

However . . .

She didn't have any attack, her throat got dried out and/or she swallowed wrong. That's why she was coughing. Non issue is just that.
She should have taken swallowing lessons from Professora Lewinski while she had the chance.
She looks bad and she looks beat. No wonder she only agreed to one round. She barely lived through this one.
She could have avoided the whole damned thing if she just had been honest.

Nobody can blame her for an attack. They can blame her for pulling security, but that's not unforgivable. The coverup is the real crime here.

And the millions she took from foreigners to sell us out.......
What did she lie about and what was the lie?
Benghazi hearing backfires for Republicans

We begin today's roundup with The New York Times explaining how yesterday's Benghazi hearing only served to embarrass Republicans:

The pointless grilling of Mrs. Clinton, who fielded a barrage of questions that have long been answered and settled, served only to embarrass the Republican lawmakers who have spent millions of dollars on a political crusade. In recent days, some prominent Republicans have even admitted as much.
If there was any notion that the Select Committee on Benghazi might be on to something, it was quickly dispelled. In a flailing performance, the committee’s chairman, Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, made it evident that he and his colleagues have squandered more than $4.6 million and countless hours poring over State Department records and Mrs. Clinton’s email. They produced no damning evidence, elicited no confessions and didn’t succeed in getting an angry reaction from Mrs. Clinton.
It's funny, the same people that defend Hillary and her lies also defended Obama and his lies are the same ones that shouted the mantra "Bush lied, people died". I guess lying is only bad when the opposing party does it.
She looks bad and she looks beat. No wonder she only agreed to one round. She barely lived through this one.
She could have avoided the whole damned thing if she just had been honest.

Nobody can blame her for an attack. They can blame her for pulling security, but that's not unforgivable. The coverup is the real crime here.

And the millions she took from foreigners to sell us out.......
What did she lie about and what was the lie?

She told the American people the attack was the result of the video, she told her family and other world leaders the truth.

She said she was never subpoenaed to turn over emails. “The committee has issued several subpoenas, but I have not sought to make them public,” said Rep. Trey Gowdy, chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi. “I would not make this one public now, but after Secretary Clinton falsely claimed the committee did not subpoena her, I have no choice in order to correct the inaccuracy.”

A six-page subpoena was issued directly to Mrs. Clinton and served to her attorney on March 4, 2015. It demanded all email sent to and from the private account she used as secretary of state between Jan. 1, 2011, and Dec. 31, 2012, and included detailed instructions for how the email files should be indexed and delivered to the committee.

Hillary Clinton caught in lie: Benghazi committee contradicts claim of no subpoena - Washington Times

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