Hillary 'TOO BIG TO JAIL'?!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"As Benghazi inquiry fades (ie, as the media continues to brush the fact that Hillary was exposed - through her own e-mails - to have LIED repeatedly about Benghazi and that she / her State Department abandoned Ambassador Stevens to die as he pleaded for his life / additional security), Clinton still faces legal questions (ie, an FBI Criminal Investigation) about her emails."

LINK: As Benghazi inquiry fades, Clinton still faces legal questions about emails

* Mis-handling of Highly Classified Information:
- 671 Counts: 671 E-mails containing highly Classified Information have been found that Hillary Clinton either Sent or Received via e-mail on her own personal, UN-Protected / In-Sufficiently Protected hard drive (un-authorized storage)
- Server containing Highly Classified Information found in a BATHROOM (un-secured facility in the care of people with NO Security Clearance)
- Gave this information to people without a Security Clearance (Lawyer)
- Illegal / Un-authorized / Improper destruction of Classified Information
* Perjury
* Obstruction of Justice

The Case being made FOR Hillary Clinton by her associates, friends, Liberals, and rumored back-channeled from the White House include a 2-Pronged Approach that includes:

1. Not Enough Evidence To Support A Conviction regarding the charge that Hillary intentionally, willfully sent / received Highly Classified Information. THIS 'defense' on Hillary requires 2 key elements.
....A. SHE IS TOO STUPID TO KNOW WHAT IS AND WHAT IS NOT CLASSIFIED. Hillary's lawyer would have to argue that Hillary is simply TOO STUPID to know what is and what is not classified. This would also SUPPORT the Criminal Charge that she did not take the training on handling classified information that is required by law (or argue she has a bad memory or was too stupid to comprehend the training). This argument would be hard to pull off, though, because some of the classified information in Hillary's e-mails include highly classified satellite imagery, and the e-mail even mentions the imagery comes from the classified satellite.
....B. YOU MUST IGNORE EVERY OTHER CRIME: Let's say we buy the fact that Hillary is TOO STUPID to know what is classified and what is not, to avoid criminal charges that all the other crimes would have to be ignored. Mishandling classified, improper storage of classified, improper destruction of classified, perjury, obstruction of justice, etc - they would ALL have to be ignored for her to fully escape Justice... In other words, the US Government would have to ABANDON the Rule of Law and REFUSE to ensure and affect JUSTICE.

2. SHOULD the decision be made to appropriately charge Hillary Clinton with her crimes, the argument is already being made (an ADMISSION of the long list of her crimes and the very good possibility that these charges could be pressed) that Hillary Clinton - due to her status as Ex-1st Lady / Ex-Senator / Ex-Secretary of State - is simply 'TOO BIG TO JAIL'. (I actually heard the argument that 'England would not place Prince Harry or the Queen in prison if they were found to have committed a crime....'.)

THIS argument is absolute BULL$H!T and can NOT be allowed for several reasons:

1. NO 'TWO AMERICAS': For decades we have heard the elitist, multi-millionaire self-appointed 'ruling' politicians, who are SUPPOSED to be 'SERVANTS of the People', tell us there are NOT '2 Americas'...while they have simultaneously giver themselves an automatic annual pay increase, given themselves a massive retirement plan for life, given themselves the best perks our money can buy, exempting themselves from the legislation they pass - putting themselves above the Rule of Law, violating both Rule of Law and Constitution, and while not telling the American people that WE do not have the RIGHT to know what is in the 'edicts' they oppose upon us against the majority will / opposition of the people.

THIS would be the ULTIMATE act of 'revolt' by the 'SERVANTS of the people' - OPENLY declaring themselves above the Rule of Law, that the laws that would have any one of us in jail already do NOT apply to the elitist, millionaire, self-appointed, self/party-serving political bourgeoisie.

2. If it is established that the Rule of Law does NOT apply - an abolishment of the concept of 'equal justice' - to Hillary BEFORE the election. Just imagine what that would mean going forward.
- It will have been definitively established that the Laws ONLY apply to average citizens, and a certain level will have been defined that once someone reaches a certain status they are then deemed 'above the law'
- If Hillary (or any other politician) is deemed 'UN-TOUCHABLE' - incapable of being held accountable for their actions, imagine the consequences if they should be elected President. Currently there is already no more 'Checks and Balances' (Eric Holder protected from multiple Felony Perjury charges, the current President not held accountable for misdeeds / violations of both Constitution and Law), but this would open up a whole new level above that. If a 'President-to-be can not be charged with her numerous crimes, to include mis-handling of classified / perjury / obstruction of Justice, there would be no risk / worry of consequences for the President (Hillary, God forbid.)

No one - NO ONE - in this country, not even among the self-appointed 'rulers' (no longer 'Servants') of this country is 'TOO BIG TO JAIL'!
Who's going to do it? Who's going to take her to jail though? Answer? NOBODY.

She's an elite, you know? Like nobility. Duh. She is protected by the establishment.

If the police won't arrest her, and the Judiciary won't issue a warrant, and the only ones that know she is guilty and care are the people, the only way to get justice is by revolting. Sorry buddy, you are out of luck. The American people's asses are too fat and too comfortable with bread and circuses to do any serious revolting. Once the TV and food stamps were invented, any thought of revolt went out the winder.

Before the French Revolution, everyone KNEW the rulers and their minions were corrupt, but who was going to do anything about it? The people in charge? Fat chance. They were directly benefiting from the corruption.

By the same token, why would any judge or these police screw up a good thing? If she, or the establishment Republican candidate gets elected, they KNOW they will have a good thing going.

They aren't about to put her in jail. So don't hold your breath. There isn't any government bureaucrat ready to upset the apple cart, EVER.
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"As Benghazi inquiry fades (ie, as the media continues to brush the fact that Hillary was exposed - through her own e-mails - to have LIED repeatedly about Benghazi and that she / her State Department abandoned Ambassador Stevens to die as he pleaded for his life / additional security), Clinton still faces legal questions (ie, an FBI Criminal Investigation) about her emails."

LINK: As Benghazi inquiry fades, Clinton still faces legal questions about emails

* Mis-handling of Highly Classified Information:
- 671 Counts: 671 E-mails containing highly Classified Information have been found that Hillary Clinton either Sent or Received via e-mail on her own personal, UN-Protected / In-Sufficiently Protected hard drive (un-authorized storage)
- Server containing Highly Classified Information found in a BATHROOM (un-secured facility in the care of people with NO Security Clearance)
- Gave this information to people without a Security Clearance (Lawyer)
- Illegal / Un-authorized / Improper destruction of Classified Information
* Perjury
* Obstruction of Justice

The Case being made FOR Hillary Clinton by her associates, friends, Liberals, and rumored back-channeled from the White House include a 2-Pronged Approach that includes:

1. Not Enough Evidence To Support A Conviction regarding the charge that Hillary intentionally, willfully sent / received Highly Classified Information. THIS 'defense' on Hillary requires 2 key elements.
....A. SHE IS TOO STUPID TO KNOW WHAT IS AND WHAT IS NOT CLASSIFIED. Hillary's lawyer would have to argue that Hillary is simply TOO STUPID to know what is and what is not classified. This would also SUPPORT the Criminal Charge that she did not take the training on handling classified information that is required by law (or argue she has a bad memory or was too stupid to comprehend the training). This argument would be hard to pull off, though, because some of the classified information in Hillary's e-mails include highly classified satellite imagery, and the e-mail even mentions the imagery comes from the classified satellite.
....B. YOU MUST IGNORE EVERY OTHER CRIME: Let's say we buy the fact that Hillary is TOO STUPID to know what is classified and what is not, to avoid criminal charges that all the other crimes would have to be ignored. Mishandling classified, improper storage of classified, improper destruction of classified, perjury, obstruction of justice, etc - they would ALL have to be ignored for her to fully escape Justice... In other words, the US Government would have to ABANDON the Rule of Law and REFUSE to ensure and affect JUSTICE.

2. SHOULD the decision be made to appropriately charge Hillary Clinton with her crimes, the argument is already being made (an ADMISSION of the long list of her crimes and the very good possibility that these charges could be pressed) that Hillary Clinton - due to her status as Ex-1st Lady / Ex-Senator / Ex-Secretary of State - is simply 'TOO BIG TO JAIL'. (I actually heard the argument that 'England would not place Prince Harry or the Queen in prison if they were found to have committed a crime....'.)

THIS argument is absolute BULL$H!T and can NOT be allowed for several reasons:

1. NO 'TWO AMERICAS': For decades we have heard the elitist, multi-millionaire self-appointed 'ruling' politicians, who are SUPPOSED to be 'SERVANTS of the People', tell us there are NOT '2 Americas'...while they have simultaneously giver themselves an automatic annual pay increase, given themselves a massive retirement plan for life, given themselves the best perks our money can buy, exempting themselves from the legislation they pass - putting themselves above the Rule of Law, violating both Rule of Law and Constitution, and while not telling the American people that WE do not have the RIGHT to know what is in the 'edicts' they oppose upon us against the majority will / opposition of the people.

THIS would be the ULTIMATE act of 'revolt' by the 'SERVANTS of the people' - OPENLY declaring themselves above the Rule of Law, that the laws that would have any one of us in jail already do NOT apply to the elitist, millionaire, self-appointed, self/party-serving political bourgeoisie.

2. If it is established that the Rule of Law does NOT apply - an abolishment of the concept of 'equal justice' - to Hillary BEFORE the election. Just imagine what that would mean going forward.
- It will have been definitively established that the Laws ONLY apply to average citizens, and a certain level will have been defined that once someone reaches a certain status they are then deemed 'above the law'
- If Hillary (or any other politician) is deemed 'UN-TOUCHABLE' - incapable of being held accountable for their actions, imagine the consequences if they should be elected President. Currently there is already no more 'Checks and Balances' (Eric Holder protected from multiple Felony Perjury charges, the current President not held accountable for misdeeds / violations of both Constitution and Law), but this would open up a whole new level above that. If a 'President-to-be can not be charged with her numerous crimes, to include mis-handling of classified / perjury / obstruction of Justice, there would be no risk / worry of consequences for the President (Hillary, God forbid.)

No one - NO ONE - in this country, not even among the self-appointed 'rulers' (no longer 'Servants') of this country is 'TOO BIG TO JAIL'!

Your litany of high crimes and misdemeanors committed by Hillary is a balloon puffed up with hot air by Republican swiftboat-style apparatchiks that's going to pop well before the election. The spectacle will turn into another plus for her. You robots never learn. You're programmed to parrot all the bullshit spewed by Fox and the R attack machine. This time you've really screwed the pooch. The obviously phony and wasteful "investigations" are being recognized by the American people for what they are. Your punishment is going to be your worst nightmare - another Clinton in the White House. Dems who want somebody besides her are especially pissed at you bozos.
P.S. "Too Big To Jail" is why Cheney and Bush aren't doing hard time in Leavenworth for War Crimes.
Who's going to do it? Who's going to take her to jail though? Answer? NOBODY..

Time for the American people to REVOLT if this happens. This is one of those 'Turning points' where there is no coming back from. People either lie down and ACCEPT the fact that we are nothing but sheep being riled by a corrupt elitist 'royalty' that will impose it's will on the country while doing whatever they want or they fight back and NOT let this go down.

I don't know about all the other vets out there, but I actually MEANT it when I swore my oath to protect the nation, Constitution, and Rule of Law from enemies both foreign AND DOMESTIC...and that is NOT an oath that has an expiration date.
"As Benghazi inquiry fades (ie, as the media continues to brush the fact that Hillary was exposed - through her own e-mails - to have LIED repeatedly about Benghazi and that she / her State Department abandoned Ambassador Stevens to die as he pleaded for his life / additional security), Clinton still faces legal questions (ie, an FBI Criminal Investigation) about her emails."

LINK: As Benghazi inquiry fades, Clinton still faces legal questions about emails

* Mis-handling of Highly Classified Information:
- 671 Counts: 671 E-mails containing highly Classified Information have been found that Hillary Clinton either Sent or Received via e-mail on her own personal, UN-Protected / In-Sufficiently Protected hard drive (un-authorized storage)
- Server containing Highly Classified Information found in a BATHROOM (un-secured facility in the care of people with NO Security Clearance)
- Gave this information to people without a Security Clearance (Lawyer)
- Illegal / Un-authorized / Improper destruction of Classified Information
* Perjury
* Obstruction of Justice

The Case being made FOR Hillary Clinton by her associates, friends, Liberals, and rumored back-channeled from the White House include a 2-Pronged Approach that includes:

1. Not Enough Evidence To Support A Conviction regarding the charge that Hillary intentionally, willfully sent / received Highly Classified Information. THIS 'defense' on Hillary requires 2 key elements.
....A. SHE IS TOO STUPID TO KNOW WHAT IS AND WHAT IS NOT CLASSIFIED. Hillary's lawyer would have to argue that Hillary is simply TOO STUPID to know what is and what is not classified. This would also SUPPORT the Criminal Charge that she did not take the training on handling classified information that is required by law (or argue she has a bad memory or was too stupid to comprehend the training). This argument would be hard to pull off, though, because some of the classified information in Hillary's e-mails include highly classified satellite imagery, and the e-mail even mentions the imagery comes from the classified satellite.
....B. YOU MUST IGNORE EVERY OTHER CRIME: Let's say we buy the fact that Hillary is TOO STUPID to know what is classified and what is not, to avoid criminal charges that all the other crimes would have to be ignored. Mishandling classified, improper storage of classified, improper destruction of classified, perjury, obstruction of justice, etc - they would ALL have to be ignored for her to fully escape Justice... In other words, the US Government would have to ABANDON the Rule of Law and REFUSE to ensure and affect JUSTICE.

2. SHOULD the decision be made to appropriately charge Hillary Clinton with her crimes, the argument is already being made (an ADMISSION of the long list of her crimes and the very good possibility that these charges could be pressed) that Hillary Clinton - due to her status as Ex-1st Lady / Ex-Senator / Ex-Secretary of State - is simply 'TOO BIG TO JAIL'. (I actually heard the argument that 'England would not place Prince Harry or the Queen in prison if they were found to have committed a crime....'.)

THIS argument is absolute BULL$H!T and can NOT be allowed for several reasons:

1. NO 'TWO AMERICAS': For decades we have heard the elitist, multi-millionaire self-appointed 'ruling' politicians, who are SUPPOSED to be 'SERVANTS of the People', tell us there are NOT '2 Americas'...while they have simultaneously giver themselves an automatic annual pay increase, given themselves a massive retirement plan for life, given themselves the best perks our money can buy, exempting themselves from the legislation they pass - putting themselves above the Rule of Law, violating both Rule of Law and Constitution, and while not telling the American people that WE do not have the RIGHT to know what is in the 'edicts' they oppose upon us against the majority will / opposition of the people.

THIS would be the ULTIMATE act of 'revolt' by the 'SERVANTS of the people' - OPENLY declaring themselves above the Rule of Law, that the laws that would have any one of us in jail already do NOT apply to the elitist, millionaire, self-appointed, self/party-serving political bourgeoisie.

2. If it is established that the Rule of Law does NOT apply - an abolishment of the concept of 'equal justice' - to Hillary BEFORE the election. Just imagine what that would mean going forward.
- It will have been definitively established that the Laws ONLY apply to average citizens, and a certain level will have been defined that once someone reaches a certain status they are then deemed 'above the law'
- If Hillary (or any other politician) is deemed 'UN-TOUCHABLE' - incapable of being held accountable for their actions, imagine the consequences if they should be elected President. Currently there is already no more 'Checks and Balances' (Eric Holder protected from multiple Felony Perjury charges, the current President not held accountable for misdeeds / violations of both Constitution and Law), but this would open up a whole new level above that. If a 'President-to-be can not be charged with her numerous crimes, to include mis-handling of classified / perjury / obstruction of Justice, there would be no risk / worry of consequences for the President (Hillary, God forbid.)

No one - NO ONE - in this country, not even among the self-appointed 'rulers' (no longer 'Servants') of this country is 'TOO BIG TO JAIL'!

P.S. "Too Big To Jail" is why Cheney and Bush aren't doing hard time in Leavenworth for War Crimes.

Agreed. Cheney and Bush were too Big to Jail as well too. And the fact that you two bozos can't agree that Bush, Cheney, Hillary, Obama, Bill, et. al. are ALL Criminals, is the reason why the next guy who holds the POTUS office, (who will probably have an R after his name, and will be a criminal as well,) is why the American people can't stand together against the criminal elite that manipulate this corrupted system.

Because they manipulate us all by two very effective tactics that almost all of us fall for;

Divide and rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bread and circuses - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Your litany of high crimes and misdemeanors committed by Hillary is a balloon puffed up with hot air by Republican swiftboat-style apparatchiks that's going to pop well before the election.

ACTUALLY it's NOT! It is the same information that WOULD have been taught to Hillary had she ever taken the MANDATORY (by law) training on how to handle classified information. ANYONE who has ever had to handle classified information has been dumbfounded since this began wondering WHY Hillary Clinton has not had her Security Clearance permanently revoked and why she has not already been arrested because they KNOW the laws pertaining to the storage, handling, and destruction of classified information...unlike YOU - who has proven by that very comment - that you have no idea what the hell you are talking about.

You might be right about the fact that the elitist corrupt government will never allow charges to be files against Hillary - the same way Atty General Eric Holder was protected from prosecution of 3 Felony counts of Perjury - but you will NEVER be right in declaring there is nothing illegal about what she did.
Agreed. Cheney and Bush were too Big to Jail as well too.

Great, here comes the vomitus 'B...b....b....but BUSH' bull$h!te' in an attempt to change the subject. in doing so, though, you bring up the EXPOSED LIE about Bush - when the Democrats took over the house and Senate they held dozens of internal committee hearings, went over thousands of pages of documents, wasted hundreds of hours, and spent millions of dollars investigating Bush.....

And what did they get MB? C'mon, you can say it, though you don't want to -- Atty General Eric Holder and the Democrats walked away from all that, pressured to justify their 'witch hunt', with THE ARREST OF SCOOTER LIBBY...for perjury that had NOTHING to do with Bush!

UNLIKE with the Liberal 'Witch Hunt' it has been PROVEN - using Hillary's own e-mails - that not only did she and Obama LIE about Benghazi but Hillary broke numerous laws regarding the storage/handling/destruction of classified.

Like Eric Holder, himself, who was protected by Obama from being charged / jailed for 3 Felony counts of Perjury, Hillary may never have one single charge filed against her; however, the Obama administration - Obama and Hillary - have repeatedly demonstrated how there is a big difference between breaking the law and an indictment being filed.

.....but please, CONTINUE with your Liberal 'Bush' Meltdown....\

"b...b...b...b...BUT BUSH!" :crybaby:
You actually need evidence of a crime to put someone in jail

Conspiracy theories do not count
Fatty Fatty Hillary no more.
Can't get through the jail house door
So she did it on the floor
Licked it up and did some more. :smile:
You actually need evidence of a crime to put someone in jail. Conspiracy theories do not count

That evidence has already been produced.

Un-Authorized Storage of classified Information:
- On a personal server NOT encrypted to required legal standards
- This server was being kept in the BATHROOM of an legally UN-authorized / UN-Qualified low-tech IT company whose employees did NOT have the legally required security clearances to store or handle the classified information found on the server.
- ANY information on a classified server, no matter if personal pictures of your dog, is deemed 'classified' because they are on that server - Hillary's (attempted) destruction of ANYTHING on that server (to include all the e-mails she tried to destroy and which the FBI have recovered) is a crime, specifically the un-authorized destruction of classified information, which is required to be destroyed in very specific legal methods which she failed to use.
- NOT taking the training on how to properly handle classified information - legally required training, which we now know she never took - is a crime.

As I said, anyone who has ever had a job in which they have ever had to handle classified information has had to learn these things and adhere to them - they are fully aware how the things that have been presented / proven so far is a CRIME. There is no grey area, there is no debate. The laws pertaining to the legal handling, storage, and destruction of classified information is CLEAR! She has violated these and has thus broken the law.

Attempting to claim she did not is either pure ignorance or the feigning of ignorance in an attempt to make a ridiculous defense for Hillary. Quite frankly, it proves you have never had to deal with classified, don't know what you're talking about, and makes you look foolish.
Why would they jail her, she had a great week and looking very positively toward the future.
You actually need evidence of a crime to put someone in jail. Conspiracy theories do not count

That evidence has already been produced.

Un-Authorized Storage of classified Information:
- On a personal server NOT encrypted to required legal standards
- This server was being kept in the BATHROOM of an legally UN-authorized / UN-Qualified low-tech IT company whose employees did NOT have the legally required security clearances to store or handle the classified information found on the server.
- ANY information on a classified server, no matter if personal pictures of your dog, is deemed 'classified' because they are on that server - Hillary's (attempted) destruction of ANYTHING on that server (to include all the e-mails she tried to destroy and which the FBI have recovered) is a crime, specifically the un-authorized destruction of classified information, which is required to be destroyed in very specific legal methods which she failed to use.
- NOT taking the training on how to properly handle classified information - legally required training, which we now know she never took - is a crime.

As I said, anyone who has ever had a job in which they have ever had to handle classified information has had to learn these things and adhere to them - they are fully aware how the things that have been presented / proven so far is a CRIME. There is no grey area, there is no debate. The laws pertaining to the legal handling, storage, and destruction of classified information is CLEAR! She has violated these and has thus broken the law.

Attempting to claim she did not is either pure ignorance or the feigning of ignorance in an attempt to make a ridiculous defense for Hillary. Quite frankly, it proves you have never had to deal with classified, don't know what you're talking about, and makes you look foolish.

Republicans need to do one thing

Bring in the head of security in the State Department and ask........Did you inform Secretary Clinton that she was not authorized to use a private server?

If the answer was yes, Republicans would have prosecuted by now. Unfortunately, Secretary Clinton was told she had the option to use her private server. Any "crime" would be on her agency
probable cause
arrest warrant
court date

You actually need evidence of a crime to put someone in jail. Conspiracy theories do not count

That evidence has already been produced.

Un-Authorized Storage of classified Information:
- On a personal server NOT encrypted to required legal standards
- This server was being kept in the BATHROOM of an legally UN-authorized / UN-Qualified low-tech IT company whose employees did NOT have the legally required security clearances to store or handle the classified information found on the server.
- ANY information on a classified server, no matter if personal pictures of your dog, is deemed 'classified' because they are on that server - Hillary's (attempted) destruction of ANYTHING on that server (to include all the e-mails she tried to destroy and which the FBI have recovered) is a crime, specifically the un-authorized destruction of classified information, which is required to be destroyed in very specific legal methods which she failed to use.
- NOT taking the training on how to properly handle classified information - legally required training, which we now know she never took - is a crime.

As I said, anyone who has ever had a job in which they have ever had to handle classified information has had to learn these things and adhere to them - they are fully aware how the things that have been presented / proven so far is a CRIME. There is no grey area, there is no debate. The laws pertaining to the legal handling, storage, and destruction of classified information is CLEAR! She has violated these and has thus broken the law.

Attempting to claim she did not is either pure ignorance or the feigning of ignorance in an attempt to make a ridiculous defense for Hillary. Quite frankly, it proves you have never had to deal with classified, don't know what you're talking about, and makes you look foolish.
I see how it works.

Invent a bunch fo imaginary "crimes", and then when the person is not indicted for any of these hallucinations, cry cover-up.
Republicans need to do one thing - Bring in the head of security in the State Department and ask........Did you inform Secretary Clinton that she was not authorized to use a private server? If the answer was yes, Republicans would have prosecuted by now.

There are a WHOLE LOT wrong with your ridiculous statements above:

You completely IGNORE, again and intentionally - the FACT that she BROKE THE LAW. The fact that you may have 'approval' to have your own personal server does NOT waive any of the personal responsibility to obey ALL laws regarding the handling, storage, and destruction of classified information.

What's so hard for Liberals to understand about this?
probable cause
arrest warrant
court date

No Shi'ite. The FBI is in the middle of the 1st step, yet Liberals are declaring Hillary to be innocent because there hasn't been an indictment yet.

BTW, an 'indictment' is a formal accusation that a person has performed some sort of criminal misconduct. An indictment comes BEFORE an arrest...

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