Hillary vows to shut down all media outlets that she does not like

The only thing that was transferred was domain IP addresses...

She said "breitbart has no right to exist".

She should get used to this thing called freedom of speech. Just because she profits from lies doesn't mean the truth should be outlawed. What a moron.

And also, a homophobe.
We all better get used to the government persecuting any organization that opposes it's agenda.
You will find Trump, no better.....

One more thing, ICANN is no foreign element, it's operational base is California...

Pretty sure the UN is foreign... and also pretty sure they have gone crazy with radical feminist sexist bullshit. The type that opposes freedom of speech as a core value, as feelings are more important than truth.
The UN is in NYC, so it's not a foreign entity also..
You're a special kind of stupid, ya know it?
Thanks, that is what I've always contemplated about bripat, that guy is always in a shitty mood.......
One more thing, ICANN is no foreign element, it's operational base is California...

Pretty sure the UN is foreign... and also pretty sure they have gone crazy with radical feminist sexist bullshit. The type that opposes freedom of speech as a core value, as feelings are more important than truth.
The UN is in NYC, so it's not a foreign entity also..
You're a special kind of stupid, ya know it?
Thanks, that is what I've always contemplated about bripat, that guy is always in a shitty mood.......

Pretty sure that he is just pissed about morons marketing away the pinnacle of western values: freedom of speech, without hesitation. You know, like we all should be... It took millenniums to achieve.
One more thing, ICANN is no foreign element, it's operational base is California...

Pretty sure the UN is foreign... and also pretty sure they have gone crazy with radical feminist sexist bullshit. The type that opposes freedom of speech as a core value, as feelings are more important than truth.
The UN is in NYC, so it's not a foreign entity also..

Actually that's a building they use sometimes. They are in Brussles, and plan on trying to gain National Status, even though they have no nation to claim. They are in the process of implementing their plans for the Americas. No borders, other nations buying our land, free roaming and Muslum run businesses, and terror as the norm.
One more thing, ICANN is no foreign element, it's operational base is California...

Pretty sure the UN is foreign... and also pretty sure they have gone crazy with radical feminist sexist bullshit. The type that opposes freedom of speech as a core value, as feelings are more important than truth.
The UN is in NYC, so it's not a foreign entity also..

Actually that's a building they use sometimes. They are in Brussles, and plan on trying to gain National Status, even though they have no nation to claim. They are in the process of implementing their plans for the Americas. No borders, other nations buying our land, free roaming and Muslum run businesses, and terror as the norm.
You mean it's wrong for a foreign country to buy land in the USA?
The only thing that was transferred was domain IP addresses...

She said "breitbart has no right to exist".

She should get used to this thing called freedom of speech. Just because she profits from lies doesn't mean the truth should be outlawed. What a moron.

And also, a homophobe.

"No right to exist" thats her new slogan, so many things she could apply that too
That damn Fox news is partially owned by a Muslim..yet the right likes that station...........
Terror in this nation should only be done by non-Muslims like in our history...
:puke3: Clinton is satan incarnated. What a piece of work!

As human beings go she's a nasty vindictive liar, not someone you would want as an enemy. Stalin comes to mind.
Nahhhhh, she's not Satan, but Trump is the Antichrist...he meets every criteria of being anti Christ! You all are being deluded in to thinking he's your savior of all ills....!!! :eek:
:puke3: Clinton is satan incarnated. What a piece of work!

As human beings go she's a nasty vindictive liar, not someone you would want as an enemy. Stalin comes to mind.
Nahhhhh, she's not Satan, but Trump is the Antichrist...he meets every criteria of being anti Christ! You all are being deluded in to thinking he's your savior of all ills....!!! :eek:
From the point of view of establishment douche bags, he is the anti-christ.
:puke3: Clinton is satan incarnated. What a piece of work!

As human beings go she's a nasty vindictive liar, not someone you would want as an enemy. Stalin comes to mind.
Nahhhhh, she's not Satan, but Trump is the Antichrist...he meets every criteria of being anti Christ! You all are being deluded in to thinking he's your savior of all ills....!!! :eek:
From the point of view of establishment douche bags, he is the anti-christ.

Imagine, they might have to get a real job like the rest of us! Once Trump is elected that is.
the Useless Nuisance is due for an overhaul

And now you have a glimps of why Obama gave the internet away to the UN government. We have too much of a love affair with free speech, and it needs to end.
But asshole if that happens what guarantee is there that you will be able to voice your opinions here.

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), under contract with the U.S. Department of Commerce, operates the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) which enables the operation of the internet domain name system (DNS). These include responsibility for the coordination of the DNS root, IP addressing and other internet protocol resources.

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), an agency within the Commerce Department, said in March 2014 that it planned to let its contract with ICANN expire on Sept. 30, 2015, passing the oversight of the functions to a global governance model. NTIA made it clear that it would not accept a plan from internet stakeholders that would replace its role by that of a government-led or intergovernmental organization or would in any way compromise the openness of the internet.

U.S. says transfer of internet governance will go ahead on Oct. 1

Then what was the reasoning behind the transfer?
it's phony, it's a fake email....cant any of you discern the truth anymore? Don't any of you at least try to discern the truth?
Actually Hillary said it, more than once.

CNN won't show her saying it though. CNN the Clinton News Network for CRIPPLES
it's phony, it's a fake email....cant any of you discern the truth anymore? Don't any of you at least try to discern the truth?
Actually Hillary said it, more than once.

CNN won't show her saying it though. CNN the Clinton News Network for CRIPPLES

Then you should have no problem showing a clip of Hillary saying it....From Fox or the Daily Caller, or Briebart or the Drudge report or Red State, or the Daily Mail, or WND, or CNS, or TownHall, or any of the other right wing media outlets...
it's phony, it's a fake email....cant any of you discern the truth anymore? Don't any of you at least try to discern the truth?
Actually Hillary said it, more than once.

CNN won't show her saying it though. CNN the Clinton News Network for CRIPPLES

Then you should have no problem showing a clip of Hillary saying it....From Fox or the Daily Caller, or Briebart or the Drudge report or Red State, or the Daily Mail, or WND, or CNS, or TownHall, or any of the other right wing media outlets...
God you are stupid, the entire World knows this, chiefly because they are not part of the US Liberal controlled media. Hillary Campaign Vows To Destroy Opposition Website

There is your link little kid, if you want more you can Google them for yourself, that is if you really wanted to know the truth, which you do not evidentially.

Go suck on your pacifier.

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