Hillary was never a good candidate. Why did the Democrats pick her?

Did you mix vodka with your peyote this morning? Fine President?????? that's one of your all time dumbass postings.

Hillary has been in the White House for years. She fully understands what it entails. She also has worked with Congress and will have a Democratic Senate
Like Obama she will understand Republucans will go into hissy fit mode and try to stonewall anything she does. But she will rule through executive action and Republicans will fume

you are delusional. there is no way the dems will take the senate, and the hildebeast's changes get smaller every time she opens her mouth.

BTW, "rule through executive action" is illegal. This is not a dictatorship, you fricken moron.

The Republicans have to defend 24 seats, Dems only 10
having Trump lead your ticket will not help

Sure it will. but enjoy your delusions while you can. The American people are fed up with you lying corrupt democrats and your lying corrupt candidate.

Do you plan on voting for someone who doesn't lie and isn't corrupt?

My only criteria is voting against Hillary Clinton.

Same question for you. Do you plan on voting for someone who doesn't lie and isn't corrupt? If so, who?
Turns out she was good enough….

If you take the politics out of it, all Republicans said nice stuff about her competence and how well she works with both sides! I don't even listen to their BS because they're doing it for the camera! Behind the scenes Hillary's well liked believe it or not! It just weak-arse "no nothings" that have to go out there and perform acting as she's evil incarnate! Idiots! :banana: :beer:

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