Hillary was never a good candidate. Why did the Democrats pick her?



She's a Cinton

She's a woman

She's one of the Liberal 'Illuminata'

It's 'her turn'

They couldn't find anyone else more criminal
Hillary will follow the same agenda as Obama only more moderate

Republicans will become more fractured and irate as they finger point over blame for the 2016 and complain that Republicans accomplished nothing in their agenda while they held Congress
But she will rule through executive action and Republicans will fume
Yeah, law abiding people tend to do that when elected officials use their position to abuse their power.
It's not an abuse of power, it is acting within the scope of executive authority

Bull puckey. She sold her office to the highest bidder on multiple occasions. She is nothing more than a slut, whoring herself out to whoever will pay her the most.
Support for Hillary is all based on cynicism and Machiavellian calculation. e.

Once again Blackrook is busy telling us how he knows what every voter is thinking.

I will vote for Clinton rather than Trump because
a) she is more qualified and
b) she is not a Konspiracy nut like Trump
c) she has a much more even temperment- a more presidential temperment than Trump.
They rode her sidesaddle in 08, then threw her out to the alley without even as much as a reach around when the "clean, articulate black man" came along. So, what do they do? Lol. They go back out to the alley and trot this same ol bag out that they abused 8 years ago.

Hillary came in close second in 2008 and would have made a fine president

We will soon find out

Did you mix vodka with your peyote this morning? Fine President?????? that's one of your all time dumbass postings.

Hillary has been in the White House for years. She fully understands what it entails. She also has worked with Congress and will have a Democratic Senate
Like Obama she will understand Republucans will go into hissy fit mode and try to stonewall anything she does. But she will rule through executive action and Republicans will fume

So have all of the White House janitors. FFS, putting lots of miles on an airplane doesn't make you a good Sec of State, nor does living in the WH make you POTUS material. Wake the fuck up.

Name a good secretary of state.

George Marshall is arguably the best we have ever had. Followed closely by Jefferson and Adams.
They rode her sidesaddle in 08, then threw her out to the alley without even as much as a reach around when the "clean, articulate black man" came along. So, what do they do? Lol. They go back out to the alley and trot this same ol bag out that they abused 8 years ago.

Hillary came in close second in 2008 and would have made a fine president

We will soon find out

Did you mix vodka with your peyote this morning? Fine President?????? that's one of your all time dumbass postings.

Hillary has been in the White House for years. She fully understands what it entails. She also has worked with Congress and will have a Democratic Senate
Like Obama she will understand Republucans will go into hissy fit mode and try to stonewall anything she does. But she will rule through executive action and Republicans will fume

So have all of the White House janitors. FFS, putting lots of miles on an airplane doesn't make you a good Sec of State, nor does living in the WH make you POTUS material. Wake the fuck up.

Name a good secretary of state.
George P. Shultz
But she will rule through executive action and Republicans will fume
Yeah, law abiding people tend to do that when elected officials use their position to abuse their power.
It's not an abuse of power, it is acting within the scope of executive authority

Bull puckey. She sold her office to the highest bidder on multiple occasions. She is nothing more than a slut, whoring herself out to whoever will pay her the most.

Interesting adjectivism. Got any left to describe Donald Rump?

This oughta be good.
But she will rule through executive action and Republicans will fume
Yeah, law abiding people tend to do that when elected officials use their position to abuse their power.
It's not an abuse of power, it is acting within the scope of executive authority

Bull puckey. She sold her office to the highest bidder on multiple occasions. She is nothing more than a slut, whoring herself out to whoever will pay her the most.

Interesting adjectivism. Got any left to describe Donald Rump?

This oughta be good.

Plenty. He has made a mint off of the American Taxpayer by engineering sweetheart deals that exempt him and his companies from property taxes. Deals that no regular person could ever hope to get. Trump is a master of working the system. To date though he has not sold his soul, and this country out, to make a buck as hillary has done on multiple occasions.
Hillary was never a good candidate. Why did the Democrats pick her?

I think it wasn't that they picked her, it's that they all just gave up and let her take the nomination without putting up a fight.

And by allowing Hillary to take the nomination, they almost certainly have lost the White House for four years, and maybe even eight.

Why did not a single decent Democratic politician rise up to oppose her?

I'm not talking about Bernie Sanders, who is a leftist extremist who would never stand a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected in the general.

Why didn't a moderate Democrat, a governor perhaps of a western or mid-western state, or a southern state, run for President?

Was it impossible to build a party consensus around a moderate, reasonable candidate in the face of the screaming juggernaut that is Hillary?

Did she just buy everyone off? Did she just scare everyone away? Did she just take it by fear and force?

I do not see why the Democrats allowed this to happen, and now we will have Trump as President, because the Democrats did not give us a reasonable alternative to Trump.
She's a great candidate. The same GOP base that thinks Obama was born in Kenya, his mother a porn star, who believes George W. was a great president, that there are WMD's in Iraq, that the Bush Tax cuts "worked", that believes the earth is thousands of years old, Noah was true history and we were shimmered into being from dirt, believes the 30 years of bullshit attacks on Mrs. Clinton.
But she will rule through executive action and Republicans will fume
Yeah, law abiding people tend to do that when elected officials use their position to abuse their power.
It's not an abuse of power, it is acting within the scope of executive authority

Bull puckey. She sold her office to the highest bidder on multiple occasions. She is nothing more than a slut, whoring herself out to whoever will pay her the most.

Interesting adjectivism. Got any left to describe Donald Rump?

This oughta be good.

Plenty. He has made a mint off of the American Taxpayer by engineering sweetheart deals that exempt him and his companies from property taxes. Deals that no regular person could ever hope to get. Trump is a master of working the system. To date though he has not sold his soul, and this country out, to make a buck as hillary has done on multiple occasions.

Guess the adjectives that fit are "one-time use". Pity. See? Never blow your whole wad at once.

"Has not sold his soul" rated the Funny. But you're not wrong -- you can't sell what you never had.
But she will rule through executive action and Republicans will fume
Yeah, law abiding people tend to do that when elected officials use their position to abuse their power.
It's not an abuse of power, it is acting within the scope of executive authority

Bull puckey. She sold her office to the highest bidder on multiple occasions. She is nothing more than a slut, whoring herself out to whoever will pay her the most.

Interesting adjectivism. Got any left to describe Donald Rump?

This oughta be good.

Plenty. He has made a mint off of the American Taxpayer by engineering sweetheart deals that exempt him and his companies from property taxes. Deals that no regular person could ever hope to get. Trump is a master of working the system. To date though he has not sold his soul, and this country out, to make a buck as hillary has done on multiple occasions.

In the last 40 years there has only been 2 candidates that have refused to release their income tax returns. They are none other than Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. So if they're both sooooo truthful and honest, and haven't sold anyone out as you state,--they sure as hell are trying to HIDE something now. I doubt that Mrs. Coking would agree with you on the character of Donald Trump--LOL
Officials Question Donald Trump’s Use of Tax Loopholes
Donald Trump's eminent domain love nearly cost a widow her house | David Boaz

So do you want to give any specifics on how Hillary Clinton sold this country out? I would love to hear that one.

Yeah, law abiding people tend to do that when elected officials use their position to abuse their power.
It's not an abuse of power, it is acting within the scope of executive authority

Bull puckey. She sold her office to the highest bidder on multiple occasions. She is nothing more than a slut, whoring herself out to whoever will pay her the most.

Interesting adjectivism. Got any left to describe Donald Rump?

This oughta be good.

Plenty. He has made a mint off of the American Taxpayer by engineering sweetheart deals that exempt him and his companies from property taxes. Deals that no regular person could ever hope to get. Trump is a master of working the system. To date though he has not sold his soul, and this country out, to make a buck as hillary has done on multiple occasions.

In the last 40 years there has only been 2 candidates that have refused to release their income tax returns. They are none other than Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders.

AGAIN --- Bullshit. You posted the same lame shit before, I proved you wrong, and here you are doing it all over again.

In the last 40 years, there's only TWO candidates that have REFUSED to release their income tax returns, they are none other than Bernie Sanders & Donald Trump, and there's a reason for that.


Where'd I get this then?

And what's this from the year before?

Busted for the same thing --- TWICE.
It's not an abuse of power, it is acting within the scope of executive authority

Bull puckey. She sold her office to the highest bidder on multiple occasions. She is nothing more than a slut, whoring herself out to whoever will pay her the most.

Interesting adjectivism. Got any left to describe Donald Rump?

This oughta be good.

Plenty. He has made a mint off of the American Taxpayer by engineering sweetheart deals that exempt him and his companies from property taxes. Deals that no regular person could ever hope to get. Trump is a master of working the system. To date though he has not sold his soul, and this country out, to make a buck as hillary has done on multiple occasions.

In the last 40 years there has only been 2 candidates that have refused to release their income tax returns. They are none other than Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders.

AGAIN --- Bullshit. You posted the same lame shit before, I proved you wrong, and here you are doing it all over again.

In the last 40 years, there's only TWO candidates that have REFUSED to release their income tax returns, they are none other than Bernie Sanders & Donald Trump, and there's a reason for that.


Where'd I get this then?

And what's this from the year before?

Busted for the same thing --- TWICE.

You call her a whoring slut. Unless you've got a different definition of what I have regarding what is a slut--prove it. Sold out her office, (what office)? to what higher bidder. What was the transaction. Until you can answer these questions with links, then where in the f...k is Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders income tax returns?

Bull puckey. She sold her office to the highest bidder on multiple occasions. She is nothing more than a slut, whoring herself out to whoever will pay her the most.

Interesting adjectivism. Got any left to describe Donald Rump?

This oughta be good.

Plenty. He has made a mint off of the American Taxpayer by engineering sweetheart deals that exempt him and his companies from property taxes. Deals that no regular person could ever hope to get. Trump is a master of working the system. To date though he has not sold his soul, and this country out, to make a buck as hillary has done on multiple occasions.

In the last 40 years there has only been 2 candidates that have refused to release their income tax returns. They are none other than Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders.

AGAIN --- Bullshit. You posted the same lame shit before, I proved you wrong, and here you are doing it all over again.

In the last 40 years, there's only TWO candidates that have REFUSED to release their income tax returns, they are none other than Bernie Sanders & Donald Trump, and there's a reason for that.


Where'd I get this then?

And what's this from the year before?

Busted for the same thing --- TWICE.

You call her a whoring slut. Unless you've got a different definition of what I have regarding what is a slut--prove it. Sold out her office, (what office)? to what higher bidder. What was the transaction. Until you can answer these questions with links, then where in the f...k is Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders income tax returns?

Are you fucking drunk??

I posted no such "whoring slut" I don't even USE words like that.

What I DID post was links to Bernie's tax returns --- which I've done three times now to bust your bullshit.

What the fuck is wrong with you?
Yeah, law abiding people tend to do that when elected officials use their position to abuse their power.
It's not an abuse of power, it is acting within the scope of executive authority

Bull puckey. She sold her office to the highest bidder on multiple occasions. She is nothing more than a slut, whoring herself out to whoever will pay her the most.

Interesting adjectivism. Got any left to describe Donald Rump?

This oughta be good.

Plenty. He has made a mint off of the American Taxpayer by engineering sweetheart deals that exempt him and his companies from property taxes. Deals that no regular person could ever hope to get. Trump is a master of working the system. To date though he has not sold his soul, and this country out, to make a buck as hillary has done on multiple occasions.

In the last 40 years there has only been 2 candidates that have refused to release their income tax returns. They are none other than Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. So if they're both sooooo truthful and honest, and haven't sold anyone out as you state,--they sure as hell are trying to HIDE something now. I doubt that Mrs. Coking would agree with you on the character of Donald Trump--LOL
Officials Question Donald Trump’s Use of Tax Loopholes
Donald Trump's eminent domain love nearly cost a widow her house | David Boaz

So do you want to give any specifics on how Hillary Clinton sold this country out? I would love to hear that one.


Trump is a asshole as I stated. Do you not know how to read? I stated quite clearly that ALL of the candidates suck. We KNOW that hillary sold the interests of the USA out to a Russian mining group FOR MONEY. She is a proven traitorous scumbag. Trump is merely a scumbag.
Yeah, law abiding people tend to do that when elected officials use their position to abuse their power.
It's not an abuse of power, it is acting within the scope of executive authority

Bull puckey. She sold her office to the highest bidder on multiple occasions. She is nothing more than a slut, whoring herself out to whoever will pay her the most.

Interesting adjectivism. Got any left to describe Donald Rump?

This oughta be good.

Plenty. He has made a mint off of the American Taxpayer by engineering sweetheart deals that exempt him and his companies from property taxes. Deals that no regular person could ever hope to get. Trump is a master of working the system. To date though he has not sold his soul, and this country out, to make a buck as hillary has done on multiple occasions.

Guess the adjectives that fit are "one-time use". Pity. See? Never blow your whole wad at once.

"Has not sold his soul" rated the Funny. But you're not wrong -- you can't sell what you never had.

I think you'd have to have a soul to make that transaction.
They rode her sidesaddle in 08, then threw her out to the alley without even as much as a reach around when the "clean, articulate black man" came along. So, what do they do? Lol. They go back out to the alley and trot this same ol bag out that they abused 8 years ago.

Hillary came in close second in 2008 and would have made a fine president

We will soon find out

There is nothing fine about scandals, private email servers, her lack of judgment in benghazi, whitewater, and the list of degeneracy, depravity goes on forever.

You forgot Vince Foster...Trump still brings him up
Typical rightwing conspiracy theories they mistake for fact

There is a long list of dead people who have tried to out the Clintons. I posted the list in another thread. Foster just walked off into a remote section of woods and shot himself--------------sure he did. An Ron Brown shot himself in the top of the head as his plane was crashing---------------sure he did.

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