Hillary was never a good candidate. Why did the Democrats pick her?

Hillary is the best qualified candidate by far and will win the election easily

That is why she was picked
Who picked her? Wall Street? The Arab League? The Mafia?
She wasn't "picked." She figured she was the Queen Apparent and bucked the line.
We had these things we like to call primaries and Hillary won by a large margin

That is how she was picked
Primaries? Caucuses? Hell she had hundreds of Super Delegates before the 1st vote was cast. When Bernie would beat her in a primary she would get the most delegates. WTF kind of Chicago shenanigans is that?
Sanders could win California by a 99 - 1 margin and still neither he nor the other candidate - whose name seems to be fading from memory - will be The Democrat Party Candidate.

It's highly probably it will be the pseudo-Native American, wisely wearing the "Indian" name of "Fauxahontas". OK, still possible it might be Kerry but less and less likely to be Biden. Unless, of course George Soros wakes up with a sore ass on convention day.
Hillary was never a good candidate. Why did the Democrats pick her?

I think it wasn't that they picked her, it's that they all just gave up and let her take the nomination without putting up a fight.

And by allowing Hillary to take the nomination, they almost certainly have lost the White House for four years, and maybe even eight.

Why did not a single decent Democratic politician rise up to oppose her?

I'm not talking about Bernie Sanders, who is a leftist extremist who would never stand a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected in the general.

Why didn't a moderate Democrat, a governor perhaps of a western or mid-western state, or a southern state, run for President?

Was it impossible to build a party consensus around a moderate, reasonable candidate in the face of the screaming juggernaut that is Hillary?

Did she just buy everyone off? Did she just scare everyone away? Did she just take it by fear and force?

I do not see why the Democrats allowed this to happen, and now we will have Trump as President, because the Democrats did not give us a reasonable alternative to Trump.

Corruption. Simple corruption.
The first thing they did during the first week of clinton's first term as President....they accessed FBI files on all of the people they needed leverage on.........and those files are still paying off today...
Typical of most on the right: they’re given a straight, truthful, and factual answer to a question and elect instead to ignore it and blindly adhere to their ridiculous lies and fallacies.
They rode her sidesaddle in 08, then threw her out to the alley without even as much as a reach around when the "clean, articulate black man" came along. So, what do they do? Lol. They go back out to the alley and trot this same ol bag out that they abused 8 years ago.

Hillary came in close second in 2008 and would have made a fine president

We will soon find out

There is nothing fine about scandals, private email servers, her lack of judgment in benghazi, whitewater, and the list of degeneracy, depravity goes on forever.

You forgot Vince Foster...Trump still brings him up
Typical rightwing conspiracy theories they mistake for fact
What's truly funny is there simply ARE no good candidates. They all suck. What's amazing is anyone dare make the claim that their candidate is somehow better than the other other. Delusion is thy middle name.
They rode her sidesaddle in 08, then threw her out to the alley without even as much as a reach around when the "clean, articulate black man" came along. So, what do they do? Lol. They go back out to the alley and trot this same ol bag out that they abused 8 years ago.

Hillary came in close second in 2008 and would have made a fine president

We will soon find out

Did you mix vodka with your peyote this morning? Fine President?????? that's one of your all time dumbass postings.

Hillary has been in the White House for years. She fully understands what it entails. She also has worked with Congress and will have a Democratic Senate
Like Obama she will understand Republucans will go into hissy fit mode and try to stonewall anything she does. But she will rule through executive action and Republicans will fume
They rode her sidesaddle in 08, then threw her out to the alley without even as much as a reach around when the "clean, articulate black man" came along. So, what do they do? Lol. They go back out to the alley and trot this same ol bag out that they abused 8 years ago.

Hillary came in close second in 2008 and would have made a fine president

We will soon find out

Did you mix vodka with your peyote this morning? Fine President?????? that's one of your all time dumbass postings.

Hillary has been in the White House for years. She fully understands what it entails. She also has worked with Congress and will have a Democratic Senate
Like Obama she will understand Republucans will go into hissy fit mode and try to stonewall anything she does. But she will rule through executive action and Republicans will fume

So have all of the White House janitors. FFS, putting lots of miles on an airplane doesn't make you a good Sec of State, nor does living in the WH make you POTUS material. Wake the fuck up.
They rode her sidesaddle in 08, then threw her out to the alley without even as much as a reach around when the "clean, articulate black man" came along. So, what do they do? Lol. They go back out to the alley and trot this same ol bag out that they abused 8 years ago.

Hillary came in close second in 2008 and would have made a fine president

We will soon find out

Did you mix vodka with your peyote this morning? Fine President?????? that's one of your all time dumbass postings.

Hillary has been in the White House for years. She fully understands what it entails. She also has worked with Congress and will have a Democratic Senate
Like Obama she will understand Republucans will go into hissy fit mode and try to stonewall anything she does. But she will rule through executive action and Republicans will fume

So have all of the White House janitors. FFS, putting lots of miles on an airplane doesn't make you a good Sec of State, nor does living in the WH make you POTUS material. Wake the fuck up.
I think Hillary will be a good president <content>

Westwall is still on permaban and his posts will not be responded to
Hillary was never a good candidate. Why did the Democrats pick her?

I think it wasn't that they picked her, it's that they all just gave up and let her take the nomination without putting up a fight.

And by allowing Hillary to take the nomination, they almost certainly have lost the White House for four years, and maybe even eight.

Why did not a single decent Democratic politician rise up to oppose her?

I'm not talking about Bernie Sanders, who is a leftist extremist who would never stand a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected in the general.

Why didn't a moderate Democrat, a governor perhaps of a western or mid-western state, or a southern state, run for President?

Was it impossible to build a party consensus around a moderate, reasonable candidate in the face of the screaming juggernaut that is Hillary?

Did she just buy everyone off? Did she just scare everyone away? Did she just take it by fear and force?

I do not see why the Democrats allowed this to happen, and now we will have Trump as President, because the Democrats did not give us a reasonable alternative to Trump.
because they sure they can win .hillary or anybody .

Republicans' 2016 math problem, explained in two charts - ...
ترجمه این صفحه۵ خرداد ۱۳۹۴ ه‍.ش. - And that's why Dan Balz's column over the weekend, which details the difficultdemographic realities facing the Republican Party in 2016 (and ...
Republicans have a major demographic problem. And it's ...
۲ اردیبهشت ۱۳۹۳ ه‍.ش. - It's no secret that Republicans have a demographic problem when it comes to national elections. In 2012, roughly nine in every ten people who ...
The GOP demographic problem - Springfield News-Leader
۲۳ دی ۱۳۹۴ ه‍.ش. - Many Republicans continue to use ethnicity and immigration as a wedge issue to
But she will rule through executive action and Republicans will fume
Yeah, law abiding people tend to do that when elected officials use their position to abuse their power.
It's not an abuse of power, it is acting within the scope of executive authority
It's circumventing the Constitution. There are guidelines on EOs and he has violated those guidelines numerous times.

Evidently not
Republicans will treat Hillary as Obama part II

They will pout, whine that Hillary is doing her job and try to obstruct as much as they can

Lucky for Hillary, Trump will result in Republucans losing the Senate and dare I say?

< dare...dare>

The House
They rode her sidesaddle in 08, then threw her out to the alley without even as much as a reach around when the "clean, articulate black man" came along. So, what do they do? Lol. They go back out to the alley and trot this same ol bag out that they abused 8 years ago.

Hillary came in close second in 2008 and would have made a fine president

We will soon find out

Did you mix vodka with your peyote this morning? Fine President?????? that's one of your all time dumbass postings.

Hillary has been in the White House for years. She fully understands what it entails. She also has worked with Congress and will have a Democratic Senate
Like Obama she will understand Republucans will go into hissy fit mode and try to stonewall anything she does. But she will rule through executive action and Republicans will fume

So have all of the White House janitors. FFS, putting lots of miles on an airplane doesn't make you a good Sec of State, nor does living in the WH make you POTUS material. Wake the fuck up.

Name a good secretary of state.
What amazes me in this thread is the dem attempts to exonerate Hillary because "Powell did it too and Condi did it too".

So lets see, dems. If you commit a crime and get away with it, that allows me to commit the same crime with no fear of prosecution?

That's what you people are doing with Trump's serial adultery and abuse of women.

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