Hillary: We have got to do something about gun violence in America

“We have got to do something about gun violence in America,” Clinton said to the media Wednesday at a press conference in Moneta, Va. “I will take it on. There are many people who face it and know it, but then turn away because it’s hard. It’s a very political, difficult issue in America, but I believe we are smart enough, we are compassionate enough, to figure out how to balance the legitimate Second Amendment rights with preventive measures and control measures so that whatever motivated this murderer, who eventually took his own life, we will not see more deaths — needless, senseless deaths.
Obama, Hillary Clinton Speak Out on Gun Violence After Virginia TV Shootings
Good to see Hillary isn't above using the blood of innocents to push her mindless agenda.

Tell us: what "preventive measures" would have stopped this crime?
Sure, you're smart enough and compassionate enough, to figure it out. Right?
Universal Background checks! Assault Weapons bans! Waiting periods!
Never mind none of them would have prevented this. In fact nothing would have prevented this. But libs dont let reality stand in the way of their fantasies.
We need universal background checks, waiting periods, and gun buy backs.

Tell us how any of that would have stopped this guy.

He wants them to have worked, so he concludes they would have
“We have got to do something about gun violence in America,” Clinton said to the media Wednesday at a press conference in Moneta, Va. “I will take it on. There are many people who face it and know it, but then turn away because it’s hard. It’s a very political, difficult issue in America, but I believe we are smart enough, we are compassionate enough, to figure out how to balance the legitimate Second Amendment rights with preventive measures and control measures so that whatever motivated this murderer, who eventually took his own life, we will not see more deaths — needless, senseless deaths.
Obama, Hillary Clinton Speak Out on Gun Violence After Virginia TV Shootings
Good to see Hillary isn't above using the blood of innocents to push her mindless agenda.

Tell us: what "preventive measures" would have stopped this crime?
Sure, you're smart enough and compassionate enough, to figure it out. Right?
Universal Background checks! Assault Weapons bans! Waiting periods!
Never mind none of them would have prevented this. In fact nothing would have prevented this. But libs dont let reality stand in the way of their fantasies.
We need universal background checks, waiting periods, and gun buy backs.
How would any of these prevented this crime?
See, the problem you lunatic gun nuts have with incidents like this is cherrypicking individual incidents. When countries do the 3 things I've listed, homicide is reduced, but violence never goes away, that's impossible, however, the facts don't lie.

But morons like you are in fact using this incident to deprive others of their rights, therefor it is correct to use this incident to prove you wrong.
How many intruders or owould be attackers were shot or even scared away by guns last year vs kids accidentally shot?

Maybe its the media but I hear more of the latter anymore. Get me some stats please.

That is your best bet. Otherwise gun rights sounds like a lofty libersl college ideal base on a 240 yesr old war.
The figures for accidental gun deaths with children isn't out yet but 2013….under the age of 14…about 72…..
All accidental gun deaths in 2013… 505
All gun murders (including children) … 8,454
crimes stopped by law abiding citizens using guns… on average 2 million a year.
Even if that 2 million is off by 2 orders of magnitude...
20,000 crimes stopped compared to 9000 deaths.

And you know that the lowest number from all the studies is 764,000 times a year….and even the study of all gun research by the obama CDC in 2013, for 10 million dollars found a study that put the number at 500,000 as the lowest, and 3 million at the highest…and you can bet they were looking for the lowest number possible.

The largest study arrived at 108k. All your numbers are old, crime is down over 30% since those were done. 764k is like 500k in today's numbers.

Hey moron, crime is down because gun ownership is up, idiot.
We see the Democrat memo has been circulated. that is the Third snake democrat saying EXACTLY word for word about GUN violence.

you see they won't talk about the black skinned homosexual Democrat voting shooter who went and killed his WHITE co-workers

don't you people get tired of them playing games with your lives?
precisely..they get their morning email with the talking points they are supposed to push in forums for that day...
Obama, Hillary Clinton Speak Out on Gun Violence After Virginia TV Shootings
Good to see Hillary isn't above using the blood of innocents to push her mindless agenda.

Tell us: what "preventive measures" would have stopped this crime?
Sure, you're smart enough and compassionate enough, to figure it out. Right?
Universal Background checks! Assault Weapons bans! Waiting periods!
Never mind none of them would have prevented this. In fact nothing would have prevented this. But libs dont let reality stand in the way of their fantasies.
We need universal background checks, waiting periods, and gun buy backs.
How would any of these prevented this crime?
See, the problem you lunatic gun nuts have with incidents like this is cherrypicking individual incidents. When countries do the 3 things I've listed, homicide is reduced, but violence never goes away, that's impossible, however, the facts don't lie.

But morons like you are in fact using this incident to deprive others of their rights, therefor it is correct to use this incident to prove you wrong.

He also doesn't have a grasp of cause and effect
look at the demographics of crime..it isn't a gun problem, it's a negroes with guns problem
I have some more information which I am sure will appeal to your bigotry.

The guy was gay, too.

being against crime is "bigotry"?
I don't know why, but I keep forgetting how stupid bigots are. But you just reminded me.

go ahead and expand that...anyone can call people names.
How is being against crime "bigotry"?
Universal Background checks! Assault Weapons bans! Waiting periods!
Never mind none of them would have prevented this. In fact nothing would have prevented this. But libs dont let reality stand in the way of their fantasies.
We need universal background checks, waiting periods, and gun buy backs.
How would any of these prevented this crime?
See, the problem you lunatic gun nuts have with incidents like this is cherrypicking individual incidents. When countries do the 3 things I've listed, homicide is reduced, but violence never goes away, that's impossible, however, the facts don't lie.
So... you admit you cannot describe how the things you want would have prevented this crime.
Thank you for playing.
Stricter background checks could have recognized this mans instability.. Then again, you can never completely stop gun violence, and people already have guns in mass numbers..

No, they would not have. He saw no mental health professional, no one complained to officials of any instability, there was nothing to raise any red flag. Face it, you are just wrong.
“We have got to do something about gun violence in America,” Clinton said to the media Wednesday at a press conference in Moneta, Va. “I will take it on. There are many people who face it and know it, but then turn away because it’s hard. It’s a very political, difficult issue in America, but I believe we are smart enough, we are compassionate enough, to figure out how to balance the legitimate Second Amendment rights with preventive measures and control measures so that whatever motivated this murderer, who eventually took his own life, we will not see more deaths — needless, senseless deaths.
Obama, Hillary Clinton Speak Out on Gun Violence After Virginia TV Shootings
Good to see Hillary isn't above using the blood of innocents to push her mindless agenda.

Tell us: what "preventive measures" would have stopped this crime?
Sure, you're smart enough and compassionate enough, to figure it out. Right?
Universal Background checks! Assault Weapons bans! Waiting periods!
Never mind none of them would have prevented this. In fact nothing would have prevented this. But libs dont let reality stand in the way of their fantasies.
We need universal background checks, waiting periods, and gun buy backs.
How would any of these prevented this crime?
See, the problem you lunatic gun nuts have with incidents like this is cherrypicking individual incidents. When countries do the 3 things I've listed, homicide is reduced, but violence never goes away, that's impossible, however, the facts don't lie.

switzerland has mandatory gun ownership laws (for eligible people).Look at their murder rate.....spin that.
The tards were all upset yesterday that Obama had not spoken about the shooting in Virginia. Of course, they only waited five minutes to start whining about Obama not rushing to the nearest microphone. I pointed out he did not rush to the microphone when black people were killed, and so they once again were setting a hypocritical bar.

They thought this absence of Obama before the bodies were cold proved Obama was a hypocrite because he had spoken about some black deaths.

Well, let this topic be a reminder to be careful what you wish for, retards.

Good job contributing nothing of substance to this thread retard.
It's what a non-substantive thread deserves.

Doubling down on nonsense I see.
Universal Background checks! Assault Weapons bans! Waiting periods!
Never mind none of them would have prevented this. In fact nothing would have prevented this. But libs dont let reality stand in the way of their fantasies.
We need universal background checks, waiting periods, and gun buy backs.
How would any of these prevented this crime?
See, the problem you lunatic gun nuts have with incidents like this is cherrypicking individual incidents. When countries do the 3 things I've listed, homicide is reduced, but violence never goes away, that's impossible, however, the facts don't lie.

And those countries that you praise…in Europe in particular…murdered 12 million unarmed citizens. Those numbers when added to their gun murder total far exceed anything in the United States. Which is why we have the 2nd Amendment.
Hahahaha what the fuck? Europe is not one particular county, are you attempting to imply the actions of nazi Germany are representative of the modern countries in Europe?

nazi germany....their favorite fallback position to change the subject when they get exposed
look at the demographics of crime..it isn't a gun problem, it's a negroes with guns problem
I have some more information which I am sure will appeal to your bigotry.

The guy was gay, too.

being against crime is "bigotry"?
I don't know why, but I keep forgetting how stupid bigots are. But you just reminded me.

go ahead and expand that...anyone can call people names.
How is being against crime "bigotry"?

Black people commit more crimes proportionally, so talking about crimes is bigotry because you're implying you are afraid of black people
Lets face it....we cherish our guns more than we cherish our safety

With 300 million guns out there, there is not much we can do. We love our guns and have grown up looking at guns as a solution to our problems. Our heroes all used guns to shoot up the bad guys and save the day. We have our gun fantasies about facing down a bad guy and blowing him away

So, in order to maintain our fantasies we are willing to put up with 30,000 gun deaths a year. We are willing to have a murder rate four or five times that of other industrialized countries. We are willing to watch a news reporter assasinated on live TV, watch as a racist slaughters nine people praying.....shit, we even did nothing when twenty first graders were slaughtered

This is America and this is the life we have chosen
Lets face it....we cherish our guns more than we cherish our safety

With 300 million guns out there, there is not much we can do. We love our guns and have grown up looking at guns as a solution to our problems. Our heroes all used guns to shoot up the bad guys and save the day. We have our gun fantasies about facing down a bad guy and blowing him away

So, in order to maintain our fantasies we are willing to put up with 30,000 gun deaths a year. We are willing to have a murder rate four or five times that of other industrialized countries. We are willing to watch a news reporter assasinated on live TV, watch as a racist slaughters nine people praying.....shit, we even did nothing when twenty first graders were slaughtered

This is America and this is the life we have chosen

Yes, Comrade Big Guy, we want guns because we don't care about being safe. Thank you for that significant contribution to the discussion
Lets face it....we cherish our guns more than we cherish our safety

With 300 million guns out there, there is not much we can do. We love our guns and have grown up looking at guns as a solution to our problems. Our heroes all used guns to shoot up the bad guys and save the day. We have our gun fantasies about facing down a bad guy and blowing him away

So, in order to maintain our fantasies we are willing to put up with 30,000 gun deaths a year. We are willing to have a murder rate four or five times that of other industrialized countries. We are willing to watch a news reporter assasinated on live TV, watch as a racist slaughters nine people praying.....shit, we even did nothing when twenty first graders were slaughtered

This is America and this is the life we have chosen

Actually moron, guns = safety.
“We have got to do something about gun violence in America,” Clinton said to the media Wednesday at a press conference in Moneta, Va. “I will take it on. There are many people who face it and know it, but then turn away because it’s hard. It’s a very political, difficult issue in America, but I believe we are smart enough, we are compassionate enough, to figure out how to balance the legitimate Second Amendment rights with preventive measures and control measures so that whatever motivated this murderer, who eventually took his own life, we will not see more deaths — needless, senseless deaths.
Obama, Hillary Clinton Speak Out on Gun Violence After Virginia TV Shootings
Good to see Hillary isn't above using the blood of innocents to push her mindless agenda.

Tell us: what "preventive measures" would have stopped this crime?
Surely, you're smart enough and compassionate enough, to figure it out. Right?

Stop it? Probably not

We are a second amendment nation. We have 300 million guns ready for you to resolve any grievance or conflict you may have. We are also a nation raised in a gun culture. Cowboys shooting it out in the street. Gangsters spraying machine guns.

Pissed at your boss? Heres a gun
Had it with your wife? Heres a gun
Guy cut you off in traffic? Heres a gun
Want to kill a bunch of first graders? Heres an AR-15

We need to admit that we prefer being an armed society than a safe society. People getting killed is a price we willingly pay

want to kill children in waco..here's a gun..want to kill weavers son and wife...here's a gun...
Lets face it....we cherish our guns more than we cherish our safety

With 300 million guns out there, there is not much we can do. We love our guns and have grown up looking at guns as a solution to our problems. Our heroes all used guns to shoot up the bad guys and save the day. We have our gun fantasies about facing down a bad guy and blowing him away

So, in order to maintain our fantasies we are willing to put up with 30,000 gun deaths a year. We are willing to have a murder rate four or five times that of other industrialized countries. We are willing to watch a news reporter assasinated on live TV, watch as a racist slaughters nine people praying.....shit, we even did nothing when twenty first graders were slaughtered

This is America and this is the life we have chosen

Yes, Comrade Big Guy, we want guns because we don't care about being safe. Thank you for that significant contribution to the discussion

30,000 gun deaths a year is not keeping us safe

The rest of the civilized world shudders at our murder rate, massacres and assasinations

We just lookat the numbers and smirk
“We have got to do something about gun violence in America,” Clinton said to the media Wednesday at a press conference in Moneta, Va. “I will take it on. There are many people who face it and know it, but then turn away because it’s hard. It’s a very political, difficult issue in America, but I believe we are smart enough, we are compassionate enough, to figure out how to balance the legitimate Second Amendment rights with preventive measures and control measures so that whatever motivated this murderer, who eventually took his own life, we will not see more deaths — needless, senseless deaths.
Obama, Hillary Clinton Speak Out on Gun Violence After Virginia TV Shootings
Good to see Hillary isn't above using the blood of innocents to push her mindless agenda.

Tell us: what "preventive measures" would have stopped this crime?
Surely, you're smart enough and compassionate enough, to figure it out. Right?

Stop it? Probably not

We are a second amendment nation. We have 300 million guns ready for you to resolve any grievance or conflict you may have. We are also a nation raised in a gun culture. Cowboys shooting it out in the street. Gangsters spraying machine guns.

Pissed at your boss? Heres a gun
Had it with your wife? Heres a gun
Guy cut you off in traffic? Heres a gun
Want to kill a bunch of first graders? Heres an AR-15

We need to admit that we prefer being an armed society than a safe society. People getting killed is a price we willingly pay

want to kill children in waco..here's a gun..want to kill weavers son and wife...here's a gun...

Why do you defend a pedophile murderer like David Koresh?
You are a sick fuck

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