Hillary wins the popular vote

12icer wrote this for another thread, will go nicely here, Squaw Pussy!

I ran every state, and Trump had a 500,000 or so lead, IN THE STATES, Why do you think liberals wanted to include DC in a separate ECD, instead of in Delaware, or Virginia? DC was 92% Clinton, and puts her well over the 500,000 lead trump had in the states. Sorry but If you take the final totals in each ECD DC is what puts her over in the Pop vote. That is why the EC is the center of the election. Thing is the people of this country are really divided into two classes Indoctrinated idiots who hang on every word the liberal news outlets pump out, and say other CREDIBLE NEWS outlets are NOT acceptable because they do not parallel and parrot the party narrative, Then there are the rest of us who follow every line interview and word all candidates and their inquisitors spit out THEN check their historical positions and utterings. When a news source constantly edits, and sound-bytes a persons words to discredit them they ARE committing FRAUD, and that is NOT protected by the second amendment. Almost all of the liberal media has done this extensively this election cycle, but the American People that pay the damn bills for all of the shit that has been dragged out of the liberal bag in the last eight years are much more intelligent than the liberal egotist think we are. That is why Trump got elected, and that is why we will watch him do what he said, OR call for his YOUR FIRED minute, and try pence for a while, then we will call down the list till someone gets US back to working 8 to 10 a day for a wage in a job that gets US ahead, and gives OUR families a better chance. NOT gives worthless layabouts a full time living that is better than what we have. Going to Obama himself, "You didn't get that by yourself" Maybe not, but the SOB living from cradle to grave on welfare, and making 6 or 7 more like him sure as hell didn't help me. Have a nice day racist liberal Nazis you were outed for what you are in this cycle, next one hopefully you will be gone.
A vote cast for Trump was a vote against Hillary.

A vote NOT xast at all was an intentional choice made to NOT vote for Hillary.

MILLIONS of Americans chose not to vote, chose NOT to support Hillary Clinton.

Hillary MAY have won the Popular vote..
OF THOSE WHO VOTED. Combine the millions of Americans who did not vote for her and those who chose not to vote at all, thereby rejecting her (BOTH candidates) and she came no where near winning the majority of the American people over.


...but whatever helps them get by.


You seem to have your numbers transposed.

Your stupid Twitter sourced blog sucks.

She will probably win PV by about 2 million when the near 5 million more votes get counted.

So after 121 million votes and the difference is 630,000 the last 5 million votes will spilt 1.4 million in favor of Clinton? What do you base that theory on?

I doubt the 5 million figure.

Doubt it all you want.

Just in CA there are still over 4.3 million unprocessed votes: http://elections.cdn.sos.ca.gov/stat...ots-report.pdf

Washington is still waiting on another 700,000: November 8, 2016 General Election - Voter Turnout

There are votes in NY as well yet to be counted and in a smattering of places across the US.

So after 121 million votes and the difference is 630,000 the last 5 million votes will spilt 1.4 million in favor of Clinton? What do you base that theory on?

I doubt the 5 million figure.

Doubt it all you want.

Just in CA there are still over 4.3 million unprocessed votes: http://elections.cdn.sos.ca.gov/stat...ots-report.pdf

Washington is still waiting on another 700,000: November 8, 2016 General Election - Voter Turnout

There are votes in NY as well yet to be counted and in a smattering of places across the US.

and it will all end up proving what, exactly?
A vote cast for Trump was a vote against Hillary.

A vote NOT xast at all was an intentional choice made to NOT vote for Hillary.

MILLIONS of Americans chose not to vote, chose NOT to support Hillary Clinton.

Hillary MAY have won the Popular vote..
OF THOSE WHO VOTED. Combine the millions of Americans who did not vote for her and those who chose not to vote at all, thereby rejecting her (BOTH candidates) and she came no where near winning the majority of the American people over.

...but whatever helps them get by.

Should America count the non-voters in its elections?

So after 121 million votes and the difference is 630,000 the last 5 million votes will spilt 1.4 million in favor of Clinton? What do you base that theory on?

I doubt the 5 million figure.

Doubt it all you want.

Just in CA there are still over 4.3 million unprocessed votes: http://elections.cdn.sos.ca.gov/stat...ots-report.pdf

Washington is still waiting on another 700,000: November 8, 2016 General Election - Voter Turnout

There are votes in NY as well yet to be counted and in a smattering of places across the US.

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review
www.capoliticalreview.com › poll-13-of-...
Jun 3, 2015 - Thanks to a new poll, we now know that approximately 13% of illegal aliens vote. Since they are already criminals, stealing ID's or using phony .

So after 121 million votes and the difference is 630,000 the last 5 million votes will spilt 1.4 million in favor of Clinton? What do you base that theory on?

It's painful to watch you idiots display your stupidity.

Clinton’s Popular Vote Victory Keeps Growing

So asking a question of where you get information is stupidity?

At least I didn't declare the Republican Party dead. I least I didn't claim Clinton to win by a landslide. At least I am not an idiot using an election to riot. At least I'm not destroying others property in a hissy fit because I didn't get my way. At least I'm not making up stories because I'm butt hurt over the election.

The next four years you are already convinced you are screwed and I guarantee that with your attitude, no matter how much better it gets you will be screwed because you are a liberal nutter that believe your way is the only way.

Too bad you are ignorant and stupid enough to take yourself seriously.

Now go have someone change your diaper because you are crapping stupid posts.
A vote cast for Trump was a vote against Hillary.

A vote NOT xast at all was an intentional choice made to NOT vote for Hillary.

MILLIONS of Americans chose not to vote, chose NOT to support Hillary Clinton.

Hillary MAY have won the Popular vote..
OF THOSE WHO VOTED. Combine the millions of Americans who did not vote for her and those who chose not to vote at all, thereby rejecting her (BOTH candidates) and she came no where near winning the majority of the American people over.

...but whatever helps them get by.

Should America count the non-voters in its elections?
Of course not, but it makes libs'claim they won the popular vote hollow. The majority of Americans did NOT want her.
So after 121 million votes and the difference is 630,000 the last 5 million votes will spilt 1.4 million in favor of Clinton? What do you base that theory on?

It's painful to watch you idiots display your stupidity.

Clinton’s Popular Vote Victory Keeps Growing

It's even harder seeing yours

Founding Fathers Distrusted Popular Vote to Pick President

True - because they wanted to protect against the population picking an idiot. Well, now we know better. Trump won the EC and Hillary won the PV.

No matter WHO won this time, they picked an idiot.

and, until the laws are changed, EV wins over PV

Duh, thank you Captain Obvious.

Lol! More liberal crybaby butt hurt! Lol!

Must be tough, to think on Tuesday, you expected a liberal landslide for President, you expected to retake the Senate, reduce the lead in the House and have a Supreme Court go 4-3 liberal. Instead, lost the Presidency, lost the Senate, lost numbers in the House, lost the Supreme Court. Man your party failed you!

So after 121 million votes and the difference is 630,000 the last 5 million votes will spilt 1.4 million in favor of Clinton? What do you base that theory on?

It's painful to watch you idiots display your stupidity.

Clinton’s Popular Vote Victory Keeps Growing

It's even harder seeing yours

Founding Fathers Distrusted Popular Vote to Pick President

True - because they wanted to protect against the population picking an idiot. Well, now we know better. Trump won the EC and Hillary won the PV.

Well we didn't pick the idiot, Trump won. You lost big time, you must be crying all the time.
What Trump said in 2012 after Obama won:

  • "The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy."
  • "We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!"
  • “Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice! The world is laughing at us.”
  • "This election is a total sham and a travesty. We are not a democracy!"
  • "Our country is now in serious and unprecedented trouble...like never before."
  • "Our nation is a once great nation divided!"
When Trump thought Romney initially won the popular vote but lost the EC, Trump said:

He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!”
More votes equals a loss … revolution!”

Donald Trump 2012 Election Tweetstorm Resurfaces

So after 121 million votes and the difference is 630,000 the last 5 million votes will spilt 1.4 million in favor of Clinton? What do you base that theory on?

I doubt the 5 million figure.

Doubt it all you want.

Just in CA there are still over 4.3 million unprocessed votes: http://elections.cdn.sos.ca.gov/stat...ots-report.pdf

Washington is still waiting on another 700,000: November 8, 2016 General Election - Voter Turnout

There are votes in NY as well yet to be counted and in a smattering of places across the US.

and it will all end up proving what, exactly?

That the Presidency, the Senate, the House, the Governorships and the Supreme Court are in Republican control and the Democrats failed to produce the six million more votes that Obama got during his election.

In fact the black vote went from 7% for Romney to 13% for Trump.
A vote cast for Trump was a vote against Hillary.

A vote NOT xast at all was an intentional choice made to NOT vote for Hillary.

MILLIONS of Americans chose not to vote, chose NOT to support Hillary Clinton.

Hillary MAY have won the Popular vote..
OF THOSE WHO VOTED. Combine the millions of Americans who did not vote for her and those who chose not to vote at all, thereby rejecting her (BOTH candidates) and she came no where near winning the majority of the American people over.

...but whatever helps them get by.

Should America count the non-voters in its elections?

I think that government should count the intent of all citizens. That way no one is left out! We could have a group like in Florida in 2000 that can determine intent. Those Democrats are good at that.
What Trump said in 2012 after Obama won:

  • "The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy."
  • "We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!"
  • “Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice! The world is laughing at us.”
  • "This election is a total sham and a travesty. We are not a democracy!"
  • "Our country is now in serious and unprecedented trouble...like never before."
  • "Our nation is a once great nation divided!"
When Trump thought Romney initially won the popular vote but lost the EC, Trump said:

He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!”
More votes equals a loss … revolution!”

Donald Trump 2012 Election Tweetstorm Resurfaces

and if democrats had paid attention to him, Hillary might be President-Elect

For crying out loud man -- this is SPECULATION. NO news org tally has that margin at 1.8Mill..

Call up 2016 presidential election results - Bing

That's the AP reporting !!!!!

Updated --- ONE minute ago. With the diff being 0.5% and 127Mill votes cast --- That's only 550,000 or so.

Whoever is stoking this fire -- is lying with statistics. Most likely by using the LOWER vote total using the 4.5 to 5% LESS total when you chuck out all those 3rd party votes against BOTH candidates like Stein, McMullin, and Johnson. She wasn't just running against Trump..

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