Hillary would have been a great president

Except she never said that

That is why you didn’t present the actual quote
/----/ Yes she did. You must be 9 years old and too young to remember.
    • Hillary Clinton ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Usually True

      Hillary, of course, famously went on the Today Show and claimed that a “vast right-wing conspiracy” — a phrase that was probably cooked up by Democratic consultants — was behind allegations that her husband had been messing around with a young White House intern named Monica Lewinsky. Sure, Hillary had known about Gennifer Flowers and Paula Jones, and scores of others, but the wisest woman to ever have deigned to trod among us argued that the very idea that her husband would have an affair was driven by a “mean-spirited” imagination and her conservative adversaries (among them, apparently, her husband’s attorney general, Janet Reno).
      It was all true, of course.
      As the Washington Post’s David Maraniss noted in 1998, it was modus operandi for the Clintons to deflect accusations by blaming them on a “reckless conspiracy launched by desperate opponents.”
      Again in 2015, Hillary told reporters.
Show us the exact quote

The video posted by Fingerboy says nothing of the kind
She says “Conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for President”

Prove me wrong
/-----/ Rightwinger, Denial is not a river in Egypt:

Flashback: Hillary Clinton Threatened Bill's Accusers in 1998

https://www.alipac.us › f9 › flashback-hillary-clinton-threatened-bill�s-accusers-1998-a-332233
The Today Show interview with Matt Lauer on January 27, 1998 is famous for Hillary's claim that a "vast right-wing conspiracy" was behind the allegations of an affair between her husband President Clinton and White House intern Monica Lewinsky. (Transcript source.)
Hitlary would have been our LAST "president", she would have consolidated power and become the first DESPOT. I will never understand what motivates even the dumbest fucking sheep in our country to support this criminally insane power hungry hag.

The sociopaths that own the democrook party being the neo-bolshevik mafia it is, want desperately to control this country like the CCP, Khmer Rouge, Nazis, Ba'athists or something worse. They can't do it with a potato however.


They couldn't even do it with that meat puppet faggot messiah they created because he is an incompetent effeminate stuttering piece of snake shit, although they came close. They had to cheat like all hell to stuff ballot boxes with bullshit mail in ballots and lock out any opposition from stopping them. The did manage to get a potato "elected". This was after their inane idea to let queen antifa's pathetic minions to destroy cities and terrorizing the entire world because of a cold.


Hitlary on the other hand would have been the final nail. There has never been a human being on this earth so motivated to rule over the masses and exterminate them when they get out of line. Pol Pot wiped out 25% of his own people and he was a fuckin cub scout to what that hag wants to become.

It disappoints me to hear otherwise. She was a great First Lady and Senator. She was totally cheated out of the presidency. What do you think?
No.She sucked at everything she did. Face it. She carpetbagged her way into the Senate using her husbands name. She FAILED with HillaryCare. Obama beat her. Trump beat her. MONICA beat her. Why not face it. Nobody likes the cackling bitch.
It disappoints me to hear otherwise. She was a great First Lady and Senator. She was totally cheated out of the presidency. What do you think?
She wasn't cheated out of it because all the repigs said there was no fraud when trump won. It happened immediately trump was beaten.
How coincidental?
I think she is a frumpy, crazy old wino-bat who's primary interest in the presidency was to make the history books.

The expectation that she would have continued the policies of "fundamental change" of the United States was secondary to her.
So Billy you got Trump who's sole interest in the Presidency was to see his wealth increase

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